Abavubuka mwenyigire mu bulimi - Kabaka awadde amagezi:
8th December, 2014
By Dickson Kulumba ne Paddy Bukenya
Kabaka ng’awuubira ku bantu be ku mbuga y’eggombolola y’e Buwama mu ssaza ly’e Mawokota e Mpigi ku Lwomukaaga ku mikolo gy’Abavubuka mu Buganda.
KABAKA Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II alagidde abavubuka okwongera okwegatta
beenyigire mu bulimi nga balima ebirime eby’ettunzi okusobola okwekulaakulanya.
Omutanda ng’ali ku mikolo gy’abavubuka mu Buganda ku mbuga y’eggombolola y’e Buwama mu ssaza lya Mawokota mu disitulikiti y’e Mpigi ku Lwomukaaga, yawadde abavubuka amagezi okukozesa ebifo ku masaza ne ku magombolola okukolerako emirimu egy’enjawulo egy’enkulaakulana
n’asiima abatandiseewo emirimu ne bayambako n’abalala okwebeezaawo.
Ente Omubaka Kenneth Kiyingi Bbosa (Mawokota South) gye yatonedde
“Omwaka guno tujjukiziddwa ensonga y’ebyobulamu. Abavubuka tusaanye okwekuuma nga tuli balamu, okwekebeza buli mwaka kubanga si kirungi okugenda mu ddwaaliro nga tumaze okugonda ate omuvubuka alina okulya obulungi.”
Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yakunze abavubuka okukozesa emikisa Kabaka gy’abatee
reddewo; mu by’obulimi beekwate BUCADEF n’okuyingira Ssuubiryo Zambogo SACCO.
Omulamwa gwabadde; Omuvubuka omulamu ate nga mukozi ye nnamuziga w’enku
laakulana mu Buganda, era wano Minisita w’abavubuka e Mmengo, Henry Ssekabembe, we yategeerezza nga bammemba ba Ssuubiryo Zambogo SACCO bwe batuuse ku 1,500 nga kati balinawo n’obukadde 285.
Abamu ku Baamasaza ku mukolo gw’Abavubuka mu Buganda e Mawokota ku Lwomukaaga.
Omukolo gwetabyeko; ssentebe w’abavubuka mu Buganda, Richard Kabanda, Kayima David Ssekyeru, Katikkiro eyawummula Dan Mulika, sipiika wa Buganda Nelson Kawalya n’omumyuka we Ahmed Lwasa, Minisita Amelia Kyambadde, Omubaka Kenneth Kiyingi Bbosa (Mawokota South) ssaako baminisita b’e Mmengo, abakulu b’ebika n’Abaamasaza.
Abayimbi; Mathias Walukagga ne Fred Ssebbale be baasanyusiza abantu ba Kabaka.
The first bank in The Ganda Kingdom:
By Henry Lubega
Posted Sunday,1 st March, 2015
Before 1906, there was no banking institution in Uganda until November of the same year when the national Bank of India opened its first branch in Entebbe, and four years later it opened the first bank in Kampala, although it was later taken up to become Grindlys Bank.
The National Bank of India was followed by Standard Bank of South Africa Limited when on September 19, 1912, it opened its first branch in Kampala. And a few years later it opened another branch in Jinja.
Barclays followed in 1927 when it opened two branches in Kampala and Jinja. In 1954 three more banks; Bank of Baroda, Bank of India and The Nedelandsche Handel-Maatschappij M.V (Netherlands Trading Society) opened in Uganda.
According to Saben’s commercial directory and handbook of Uganda, as early as 1949 the banking system had been established in Uganda but did not control much of the financial liquidity that was in circulation across the board in the country.
“Much of the money was controlled in the bazaars and other channels which were predominantly controlled by people of the Asian origin. These people played a key role in the buying of cotton.
However, areas where banks were non-existent, merchants in those areas played the part of the banks. This was through taking drafts in exchange for cash or physical items in exchange for hard cash,” Saben wrote.
By 1950, it was realised that to bring more Africans into the business there was need to provide them with credit. Unfortunately, the commercial banks at the time would not extend credit to Africans because of the nature of their securities.
Under Ordinance number 20 of 1950 the Uganda Credit and Saving Bank was created purposely to extend credit facilities to Africans with the aim of furthering agriculture, commercial building and co-operative society purposes.
On October 2, 1950, the bank was opened and by 1961 it had spread to places like Arua, Fort Portal, Jinja, Soroti, Gulu, Masaka and Mbale, taking only African deposits.
Building Society
Two years later, the first Building Society in Uganda was opened as a subsidiary of a Kenyan owned firm Savings and Loans Society Limited.
More financial institutions continued to open up in Uganda with Lombard Bank from Kenya, in partnership with Uganda Development Corporation, opening the Lombank Uganda Limited in 1958. It was this bank which first introduced the hire purchase system of shopping in Uganda.
It was not until 1966 that through an act of Parliament that Bank of Uganda was created. Prior to this, issues to do with money were handled by the East African currency board which had its head offices in Kenya.
African Traditional Revenue and Taxation:
Money in dollar bills seized from a home of the Commissioner General of the Tanzania Revenue Authority is pictured down: Over 20 bags of it:
Oluguudo Lwa Kabaka Njagala, Mubweenyi
bw'enju ya Kisingiri ewa Musolooza.
Ssentebe - 256 712845736 Kla
Muwanika -256
712 810415 Kla
Email Links:
Kikirikisi-Mmese etera okuzimba mu kitooke.
Nkerebwe nkulu esima nga eggalira
Olukiiko lwa Buganda lwanjudde embalirira ya buwumbi 7
The Kabaka of Buganda launches a book on Ssekabaka Muteesa II struggles:
Posted Friday, 27 May, 2016
By the Monitor, Uganda
Kabaka Mutebi (centre) with Mr Patrick Makumbi (right) and Dr Colin Sentongo (left) at the book launch at Bulange in Mengo, Kampala.
Kampala in the State Kingdom of Buganda:
Kabaka Ronald Mutebi on Wednesday, 25th May 2016, launched a book about the struggles of his late father and former Buganda king, Edward Muteesa II, touching on Uganda’s history before and after independence.
The book titled The Brave King, revisits the stories of Muteesa’s exiling, first between 1953 and 1955, and again from 1966 to 1969 when he died in London. The author, Mr Patrick Makumbi, drew from the documents preserved by his father, 99-year-old Thomas Makumbi, who was an official at Mengo, Buganda’s power capital.
“I was very happy to write the preface to this book,” Kabaka Mutebi said, adding: “It will help the readers understand what Kabaka Muteesa went through in those days.”
When Mutesa was exiled in 1953, the older Makumbi, the father of the author, led a team of six Buganda officials to negotiate with the British about the king’s return to Buganda, which was secured in 1955. The other members of the team were Mr Apollo Kironde, Mr Matayo Mugwanya, Mr Amos Sempa, Mr Eridadi Mulira and Mr Ernest Kalibbala.
Kabaka Mutebi, while officiating at the function, called on more people to document what they saw during those days, saying “it is a good thing” that some of those who witnessed or participated in the events are still alive. Muteesa himself wrote about the period in question in his autobiography, The Desecration of my Kingdom, and Kabaka Mutebi’s endorsement of Mr Makumbi’s new book will be seen as an extension of the kingdom’s bid to manage the narrative.
Mr Apollo Makubuya, Buganda’s third deputy Katikkiro, at the launch held at Bulange-Mengo said there have been attempts to misrepresent history by “those who do not like us”.
Accusations and counter accusations of betrayal between Buganda Kingdom and Obote are rooted in a rather happy start, when Buganda’s party Kabaka Yekka (KY) teamed up with Obote’s Uganda People’s Congress to defeat the Democratic Party and form government at independence in 1962.
But the two centres of power soon quarrelled violently and were involved in what many have regarded as a critical turning point in Uganda’s history. The army, on Obote’s orders, stormed Muteesa’s palace on May 24, 1966, killing multitudes and forcing the king-president into exile.
Mr Makubuya said his grandfather was among those killed during the attack, an occasion the kingdom commemorates yearly on May 24. He said in addition to explaining how Buganda and Muteesa suffered during that period, Mr Makumbi’s book will clarify a number of other issues, including how colonialism thwarted Buganda’s development efforts.
He said Buganda stiffly resisted colonialism and the demands of colonial governor Andrew Cohen in particular, to the extent of winning a court case in London against the exiling of Muteesa. In all its efforts, Mr Makubuya said, Buganda was consistently seeking autonomy, and that the kingdom can “never” lose sight of this objective.
Mr Makumbi, the author, said his father could not attend the launch due to old age.
The publication of the book was financed by Dr Colin Sentongo, who said at the launch that KY, which ceased to exist in the 1960s, is the only political party he has ever belonged to.
The fathers of Mr Makumbi and Dr Sentongo met with Muteesa as students at Kings College Budo, from where, Mr Sentongo said, the three men forged a life-long friendship. It is probably much for this reason that Kabaka Mutebi warmed up to Mr Sentongo and Mr Makumbi at the launch.
Fiscal Budget y'Ensi Buganda ebiro bino:
Posted 7th July, 2014
By Dickson Kulumba
Omuwanika wa Buganda, Eve Nagawa Mukasa
Omukyala Eve asomye embalirira y’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda eya 2014/2015 nga ya buwumbi 7 (7,411,638,600/-) .
Embalirira eno eri wansi w’omulamwa 'Okwolesebwa n’Ebigendererwa' egendereddwamu okutumbula enkulaakulana okuli; okumaliriza Amasiro g’e Kasubi ne Wamala, Masengere, okulongoosa Ennyanja ya Kabaka, okussawo etterekero ly’ebyedda, okukulaakulanya ettaka ly’e Kigo ne Makindye 'State Lodge', okuzimba olubiri lw’omulangira Juma Katebe, okuzimba olubiri lwa Namasole, okuddaabiriza embuga z’Amasaza wamu n’okuzimba eddwaliro ly’abakyala.
Nagawa yagambye nti ensimbi zino zisuubirwa okuva mu Buganda Land Board, Amasomero, Minisitule ez’enjawulo, mu bupangisa, amakampuni g’Obwakabaka, ebitongole ebigaba obuyambi n’obuwumbi buna okuva mu Gavumenti eya wakati.
Ng’ayogera mu lukiiko luno, Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yasabye abantu okutambulira ku kiragiro kya Kabaka eky’abantu okujjumbiro ebifo by’obulambuzi era n'ategeza nti pulojekiti zonna Obwakabaka ze butandiseeko ssi zaakukoma mu kkubo, zirina okumalirizibwa n’olwekyo enkola y’okunoonya Ettoffaali ekyagenda mu maaso kubanga Kabaka ayitibwa mufumbya Gganda n'antabalirira batyabi- ensimbi zikyetaagisa.
Olukiiko luno lwetabiddwamu abakiise bangi ddala ne baminisita ba Kabaka nga lwakubiriziddwa, Sipiika Nelson Kawalya eyagambye nti embalirira eno abakiise basaanye okugenda n’ekiwandiiko kino, bwe banakomawo mu lukiiko luno basobole okugiyisa.
On the ground. President Museveni addresses residents of Sekanyonyi-Lusanja in Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso District, yesterday. PHOTO BY EPHRAIM KASOZI.
In Summary
It is alleged that the school head, Mr John Fred Kazibwe, is fronting associations purporting to be under the foundation of Mengo Senior School to grab the land measuring 1.013 acres on Block 10 plot 50 in Senkatuuka Zone, Balintuma Road.
Sitting at the National Records and Archives Centre in Kampala, the Commission is inquiring into the law, processes and procedures in land acquisition, land administration, and management in the country.
17 October, 2018By Ephraim Kasozi and Jalira Namyalo
Wakiso. Emotions ran high yesterday as President Museveni toured a 75-acre land where hundreds of families were violently evicted and property worth millions of Shillings destroyed in Sekanyonyi-Lusanja Village, Kasangati Town Council, in Wakiso District.
Angry residents reported to the President that last week, businessman Medard Kiconco, who claims to own the land, with the help of armed policemen and gangs, violently evicted them from the land where they have lived for decades and destroyed their household property.
Hundreds of people struggled to show the President the injuries they sustained during the Friday morning incident and cried for help to be allowed to repossess their land.
The residents led by Mr Fred Kanyike, said a total of 350 homes were demolished by armed men during the violent exercise before their land was fenced off. They added that 250 other homesteads also face the same fate.
Police involved Mr Kanyike told the President that the armed men, housed in a nearby warehouse, were commanded by police from Kasangati Police Station.
Mr Joseph Kawooya, another resident, told the President that the eviction exercise followed a meeting convened by officials purporting to come from Operation Wealth Creation headed by President’s young brother, Gen Salim Saleh. “We have been troubled, tortured because of corrupt government officials, including the police and local council leaders,” Mr Kawooya said.
The President, flanked by the land probe team led by Justice Catherine Bamugemereire and ministers Rosemary Seninde (State for Education) and Persis Namuganza (State for Lands) halted any further eviction and demolitions. He said government, through its agencies, would investigate the matter to bring the culprits to book.
“No one should carry out any further demolition and those behind it will be prosecuted,” Mr Museveni said, adding that the property lost in destruction will be compensated by government.
“I hereby direct the Office of the Prime Minister to buy tents for the victims of this eviction to stay in, buy them food as government works out compensation for the loss of property as we look out for those behind the demolition,” the President said.
Justice Bamugemereire said the eviction was executed amid ongoing investigations and in defiance of temporary orders issued by the land probe committee stopping any activities on the disputed land.
“We stopped any action on this land but the holders went ahead and lied to the police. We got surprised that Kiconco hoodwinked the police to destroy peoples’ property without notice,” Ms Bamugemereire said.
She appealed to the President to engage the Chief Justice to issue new directions stopping magistrates and registrars from issuing eviction warrants.
Headteacher accused of grabbing land
Accusations. Meanwhile, the land inquiry will today hear evidence into a complaint in which the head teacher of Mengo Senior School is accused of grabbing a prime piece of land in Nakulabye, Rubaga Division in Kampala.
It is alleged that the school head, Mr John Fred Kazibwe, is fronting associations purporting to be under the foundation of Mengo Senior School to grab the land measuring 1.013 acres on Block 10 plot 50 in Senkatuuka Zone, Balintuma Road.
Sitting at the National Records and Archives Centre in Kampala, the Commission is inquiring into the law, processes and procedures in land acquisition, land administration, and management in the country.
Akakiiko tekakyalina ssente za kulwanyisa kibbattaka - Bamugemereirwe
By Muwanga Kakooza
Added 17th October 2018
AKULIRA akakiiko akabuuliriza ku mivuyo gy’ettaka, Catharine Bamugemereire agambye nti akakiiko ke tekalina ssente zimala kumalawo kibbattaka n’okugoba abasenze okukudde ejjembe mu ggwanga.
Omulamuzi Bamugereirwe ne Robert Ssebunnya
Bino yabyogeredde mu Kampala akakiiko bwe kaabadde kakola emirimu gyako. Era nga kyadiridde okugobwa kw’abantu 200 ku ttaka mu Farm zooni e Lusanja ku lw’e Gayaza.
Bamugemereire, ng’ayogerera ku ttivi yagambye nti abamu ku batuuze beemulugunyizza nti akakiiko tekabayambye.Kyokka n’agamba nti ensimbi ezibawebwa tezibamala kuddukanya mirimu gyabwe.
N’agamba nti kyannaku nti gavumenti tennawaayo ssente zimala kakiiko kukola mirimu gyako nti abamu ku bakozi b’abakakiiko bamaze emyezi ena tebasasulwa musaala.
’Waliwo okugoba abantu ku ttaka okugenda maaso n’okumenyamenya amayumba gaabwe mu ngeri ey’ekyeyonoonere. Abantu bababadde batuyita naye nga tetulina ssente zimala kukola mirimu’’ bwe yagambye.
Wabula Bamugemereirwe yagambye nti waliwo essuubi akakiiko kajja kufuna ssente wiiki eno. Kyokka omuwendo gw'ensimbi ze beetaaga tegwayogeddwa.
Akakiiko kassibwawo Pulezidenti Museveni mu December 8, 2016 era ne katandika emirimu nga May 9.
Tewali Muganda yenna atakimanyi nti akakiiko kano tekasobola kubuuka mateeka agatekebwa mu Ssemateeka wa Uganda agawa abantu bonna mu Uganda obwananyini ku ttaka lyamawanga agalina ettaka mu Uganda!
Ensonga yobutaba nasente nga ziweddewo eziddukanya akakiiko kano, Presidenti ne banne abamuwa amagezi bagimanyi. Ate oba nabagenyi abakyalira Buganda, abazunga mu 1890/62 nabo ebyokutereza ettaka lya Buganda ne Uganda byabalema.
ABANYARWANDA ababeera mu Uganda basabye Kabaka asiime abawe ettaka Ssekabaka Muteesa II lyeyali abawadde e Kibuye mu Kampala kyokka ensonga zaalyo ne zigootaana mu katyabaga ka 1966 nga baagala balizimbeko ekizimbe ekinaakolanga ekijjukizo wakati w’enkolagana y’Abaganda n’Abanyarwanda.
Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yasabye abanyarwanda okusigala nga bawereeza Kabaka waabwe nga tebalina kutya kwonna. Wano ng'akutte mu ngalo za Ssentebe w'ekibiina ekitaba Abanyarwanda mu Uganda, Donati Kananura (Ow'okubiri okuva ku kkono). Ku kkono mu maaso ye John Mutenda ate Ow'okusatu okuva ku ddyo mu maaso ye Peter Clever Mutuluuza- Ssentebe wa disitulikiti y'e Mpigi. Bazze e Mmengo nga September19,2018
Okusaba kuno bakukoze ku Lwokusatu September 19, 2018 bwebabadde bakyalidde Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga e Bulange- Mmengo nebategeza nti ettaka lino, Muteesa II yaliwa mukwano gwe Rutayigwa eyali akulembera Rwanda.
Emu ku nsonga etuleese e Mmengo kwe kulondoola ku nsonga y’ettaka lino kubanga singa lituweebwa twagala okuliteekako ekizimbe ekinakola emirimu egy’enjawulo okuli ne ofiisi zaffe. Ensonga eno twaginyonyola Kabaka bwetwagenda mu Lubiri e Banda mu 2005 ate mu 2007, munnaffe Higiro Ssemajjege eyaliko Omumyuka wa Sipiika w’olukiiko nawandiika ebbaluwa ng’ejjukiza ku nsonga eno,” Donati Kananura nga ye ssentebe w’ekibiina ekitabaganya Abanyarwanda ababeera mu Uganda bwe yategeezezza.
Katikkiro Mayiga ng'aliko byagamba ssentebe w'ekibiina ekitabaganya Abanyarwanda mu Uganda, Donati Kananura eyakulembedde banne okujja e Mmengo okwongera okulaga obujjumbize bwabwe ku nsonga za Buganda.
Mu ngeri y’emu, bano abeegattira mu kibiina ekiyitibwa Uganda Banyarwanda Cultural Development Association (Umubano) basabye Kabaka asiime alonde omu ku bannaabwe nga wano banokoddeyo Peter Clever Mutuluuza nga mu kiseera kino ye ssentebe wa LC5 Mpigi okudda mu kifo kya Ssemajjege kuba bukya afa mu December 2013, tebaddangamu kufuna muweereza yenna mu Bwakabaka.
Mu kwanukula, Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yasoose kubeebaza olw’okwenyigira mu mirimu gy’Obwakabaka ate n’okussa mu Kabaka ekitiibwa n'ategeeza nti kyakulabirako kirungi kubanga Kabaka wa Buganda
Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yasabye abanyarwanda okusigala nga bawereeza Kabaka waabwe nga tebalina kutya kwonna. Wano ng'akutte mu ngalo za Ssentebe w'ekibiina ekitaba Abanyarwanda mu Uganda, Donati Kananura (Ow'okubiri okuva ku kkono). Ku kkono mu maaso ye John Mutenda ate Ow'okusatu okuva ku ddyo mu maaso ye Peter Clever Mutuluuza- Ssentebe wa disitulikiti y'e Mpigi. Bazze e Mmengo nga September19,2018
Abanyarwanda bamaze ebbanga mu Uganda nga baasooka kusenga kuno ku mulembe gwa Ssekabaka Chwa II, ne beeyongera ku mulembe gwa Ssekabaka Muteesa II nga kwe baafunira ettaka eryo lye basaba okubaddizibwa e Kibuye mu Kampala. Wadde abamu baddayo e Rwanda, bangi baasigala kuno.
In the country of Buganda, the 1900 Agreement for a Land Act specifies only three ways a citizen of Buganda can occupy another’s land:
The country of Buganda 1900 in red colour under the Protectorate of the British Empire
27 August, 2018
By Peter Mulira
Mr Peter Mulira
In Summary
Kibanja concept.To explain properly the concept of a kibanja within the context of the above situations, one has to go back in history by way of introduction. Prior to 1900, ownership of land in Buganda was through ekyalo or ebyalo in plural, which were vested in the Kabaka. A single kyalo could have as many as five villages, which were administered by chiefs on the Kabaka’s behalf.
One of the most contested issues underlying land disputes is the concept of a kibanja, which was introduced in Buganda land system in 1928.
Since 1975, people have been moving on registered land without regard to the rights of registered proprietors. This trend was exacerbated by wars, which displaced people from their homes forcing them to seek safe havens. In most cases, such people try to exercise rights which the law does not recognise.
Under the Land Act, there are only three ways in which a person can be a lawful occupant of another person’s land, namely a person occupying land by virtue of the repealed Busuulu and Envujjo Law of 1928, a person who entered the land with the consent of the registered owner or a person who had occupied land as a customary tenant, but whose tenancy was not disclosed by the registered owner at the time of acquiring a certificate of title.
To explain properly the concept of a kibanja within the context of the above situations, one has to go back in history by way of introduction. Prior to 1900, ownership of land in Buganda was through ekyalo or ebyalo in plural, which were vested in the Kabaka. A single kyalo could have as many as five villages, which were administered by chiefs on the Kabaka’s behalf. Individuals could occupy portions of these villages through the ancient customary rights of obusenze and obwesenze.
Alongside the Kabaka’s system, was the clan system in which ownership of ebyalo or clan land, was vested in clan heads. In 1900, the system of ownership in freehold evidenced through title deeds was introduced. People had to apply to the lukiiko (parliament) to have their ownership verified under the above system although clan land was excluded from the process. This led to clan land being wrongly included in other people’s certificates. Although the customary system made individuals virtual owners of the customary interest, the new system made them tenants of the mailo owner.
A common grievance brought the so-called peasants into the company of the clan leaders to mount opposition to the mailo land system and in 1926, the colonial secretary had to make some hard decisions on a petition submitted to him by a section of Abataka community.
In October 1926, the Governor addressed a special sitting of the lukiko to communicate the colonial secretary’s decisions. After observing that in 1924 a commission was appointed to investigate whether the distribution of land by the lukiko was in conformity with the terms of the 1900 Agreement and the ancient tribal customs the secretary made the following decisions: The allocation of land by the lukiko was not made in a manner calculated to inspire confidence.
A more strict supervision of the native government in land matters and the respective rights of landlords and tenants was necessary. The native government should take measures to protect burial grounds. The allocations made by the lukiko were final and would not be interfered with.
The result of the secretary of state’s decisions was the Busuulu and Envujjo Law of 1928, which balanced the rights of landowners and their tenants. In particular, the law introduced the idea of a kibanja, which is of two types: A domestic kibanja in which the holder obtained an interest in land and an economic kibanja where the interest was limited to crops grown on an extra acre
A domestic kibanja could be inherited by an heir with the wife having a right of occupancy during her lifetime. A kibanja holder could not be evicted without a court order.
Mukamyuufu ye District ye Rwakai- Buganda, Masaka erina omwaalo gwe Lukunyu kunyanja Nalubaale. Olugendo okuva Entebbe International Airport nga Ssabasajja abukidde mukanyonyi kitwala eddakiika 30, km 120:
By Musasi wa Bukedde, Pascal Lutabi
Added 3rd August 2018
Olubiri lwa Ssekabaka Muteesa I, olwazimbibwa ku mwalo gwe Lukunyu ku kizinga ky’e Nangooma mu ssaza ly’e Kakuuto mu Disitulikiti y’e Kyotera, lufuuliddwa ssomero ly’abayizi ba Pulayimale, oluvannyuma lw’abatuuze ku kizinga ekyo okubeera nga balinako essomero eriri ku musingi gwa Gavumenti limu lyokka.
Olubiri lwa Ssekabaka Muteesa I lwe yazimba ku kizinga ky’e Lukunyu abaana mwe basomera.
Ssentebe w’ekizinga ky’e Lukunyu, Joseph Ssemwogerere agamba nti ng’Obuganda bujagulizaako Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi -2 okuweza emyaka 25, baasazeewo okubbulamu essomero lye batadde mu lubiri lwa Ssekabaka Muteesa I lwe yabalekera erinnya lye ng’akabonero ak’okumujjukira awamu n’okusiima Obuganda by’ebakoledde.
Essomero liyitibwa Muteesa -1 Nursery and Primary School. Mu ngeri y’emu essomero erimu eriri mu ggombolola y’e Nangooma basazeewo kutandikawo ssomero eryo lisobole okutumbula ebyenjigiriza mu kitundu kyabwe.
Ssentebe Ssemwogerere agamba nti ebyenjigiriza mu ggombolola yaabwe, bikyabakaluubiriza olw’ebbula ly’abasomesa abalungi, ng’abaliyo si batendeke.
Ssemwogerere yagasseeko nti olugendo okuva ku mwalo gw’e Lukunyu okugenda ku ssomero erimu lye balina erye Nangooma luwanvu nnyo.
Abatuuze basabye obukulembeze bwa disitulikiti ey’e Kyotera, okubadduukirira n’obuyambi nga entebe ezituulwako ne kaabuyonjo, basobole okutumbula ebyenjigiriza mu ssomero lyabwe eppya eryabbuddwaamu Ssekabaka Muteesa.
Robinah Ssentongo Nakasirye omubaka omukazi ow’ekitundu mu Palamenti, ng’ayogerako ne Bukedde yasabye Gavumenti okuteeka mu nkola ekisuubizo ky’okwongera ku bakozi ba gavumenti emisaala naddala abakola mu bizinga nga bino.
Enyanja Nalubaale okuva Kampala okutuuka e Mwanza si ze mailo 70 oba 80? Wano e Lukunyu, Buganda kumpi ne Bukakata miles 20 wabalemye okulongoosa. NALUBAALE mumugabire aba Tanganyika!
Mbawa gabwerere nti singa mwe abazadde mwawandiikira Amazon oba Microsoft oba Putin kukizibu kyammwe singa ekizibu kyammwe kyakolebwaako dda? Anyway kasita mwebaka kutulo kubabakuuma obutilibiri nga Katonda bweyandibakuumye wano e Buganda!
Oba government ya NRM yamugana obutagendayo Ebizinga ebitekemu Kyabazinga ya ba awebwa omusolo gwaffe okubiddukanya?
Olwo muzzukulu wa Muteesa bwanakyala mubizinga anakuba weema za ba Scout?
Kino kitalo! Mwakatugamba mwe Bukedde nti Ssabasajja mumativu kukusoma kwa baana wano e Buganda.
Map ya Buganda nga bwetekwa okulabika ku map yensi zonna.
Some reasons why the present Buganda Land Board must not administer the land mass territory of the State of Buganda:
By Advocate Sam Mayanja, New Vision, Uganda
Added 4th May 2018
The chunks of land given away were neither surveyed nor did they have any known tenancy category in the Kiganda culture.
Mr Sam Mayanja
Once upon a time, there was a public body which went by the name, the Buganda Land Board. This body was set up under Chapter X11 of the 1962 Constitution to manage public land in Buganda. This public body had its roots in the 1900 Agreement (Uganda/Buganda Agreement) under which various chunks of land of varying sizes were grabbed from natives and given away to various individuals, chieftains and religious groups. The chunks of land given away were neither surveyed nor did they have any known tenancy category in the Kiganda culture. The colonial authorities eventually regularised this land grabbing and in 1908 enacted a legislation known as The Land Law of June 15, 1908. This law created two tenancies. Under Section 2 thereof, a tenancy known as Mailo was created. The section specifically stated to hold land in a manner described in that section “will be known as holding Mailo, and land of this description will be called Mailo”. Section 5 created a second tenancy which was described as that land which a chieftainship shall hold for the time he shall hold the chieftainship. It stipulated that he shall be entitled to take all the profits from that land, but when he leaves that chieftainship, the successor chief will take over the land. In the words of Section 5(c) “to hold land in this manner, will be called to hold official mailo.” The actual demarcation of both the mailoand the official mailo tenancies was not done until five years later when the Buganda Agreement (Allotment and Survey) Law of 1913 was enacted.
Since the mailo was under the control of individuals, or bodies to which it was allocated, it was necessary to put in place a statutory public body to manage the official mailo and herein lay the origin of the Buganda Land Board. The chieftainships holding official mailo were diverse, covering saza chiefs, gombolola chiefs, land held under chieftainships of the Katikiro, Omulamuzi, Omuwanika and others described in the 1900 Agreement and elsewhere in the subsequent laws as official mailo. Indeed even the chunk of land allocated to the Kabaka under the 1900 Agreement was converted to official mailo under Section 2(b) of the June 15, 1908 Land Law. The Buganda Land Board under whose authority the administration of the officialmailo was placed was a statutory body of the Uganda Protectorate. It should be noted that at the conclusion of 1900 Agreement, the Uganda Protectorate consisted of only one province and that was the Buganda Kingdom. The 1900 Agreement in Article 3 envisaged “other Provinces” which were in future to be added to the Province of Buganda Kingdom and indeed when the final demarcations of the Uganda Protectorate were made, three other provinces namely; the Western Province, the Eastern and the Northern provinces had all been created and the four formed the Uganda Protectorate which eventually emerged into the current independent Republic of Uganda.
When the Uganda Protectorate gained Independence, the Constitution of the newly independent State of Uganda, so fit to dedicate the whole chapter on the administration of Public Land. This was Chapter XII and under Article 118, Public Land in Uganda was to be administered by three sets of bodies. The areas of Uganda which were administered underfedero units, public land was under Land Boards, while those under districts; public land was administered by District Land Boards. The rest of Uganda, Land was administered by the Uganda Land Commission. The Buganda Land Board was under Article 118(3) recognised as the body administering public land in the Buganda Kingdom. It should be clarified that the public land in Buganda under the Buganda Land Board went under the nomenclature of official mailo. All the Statutory bodies administering public land in Uganda namely; Uganda Land Commission, Federal Land Boards and District Land Boards, were Constitutionally subject to the scrutiny of the Auditor General and, therefore, accountable to the public.
The wind of change which blew across the political terrain of the country swept away the 1962 Constitution and a new Constitution known as the 1967 Republic Constitution was promulgated. Like the 1962 Constitution, the 1967 one, also dedicated a whole Chapter on the administration of public land. This was Chapter XII and Article 108 under that chapter specifically set out the Land Commission of Uganda as the body to administer all the public land in Uganda. For clarity, Article 108 (5) specified the various land entities vested in the Land Commission. These included every official estate held by a corporation sole by virtue of the provisions of the official estate Act and any land which immediately before the commencement of the 1967 Republican Constitution was vested in the land board of a kingdom or a district. Thus, the public land which had under the 1962 Constitution been administered by the various Land Boards of federal units or districts were transferred to one single public body namely; The Land Commission of Uganda.
Thus, the official mailo under the Buganda Land Board was never confiscated; it was simply under the constitutional order of the day transferred to a public body under which the administration of all public land in Uganda was consolidated.
The duplicity of giving different names to public land depending on its location in Uganda, for example, Buganda Kingdom where it had been called official mailo was streamlined with all other public land in the country under one body namely; The Uganda Land Commission.
It was public land being managed by Buganda Land Board whose administration was transferred to the Uganda Land Commission. The 1967 Constitution like the one of 1962 created the position of an Auditor General for Uganda to which all public offices and institutions had to submit for scrutiny and were, therefore, subject to public accountability.
For avoidance of doubt, the 1967 Constitution, created Article 126 for the continuance in force of the system of mailo to emphasise the difference from the public land which had been called official and which by the constitution had been streamlined by being moved from the Buganda Land Board to the Uganda Land Commission.
The current Buganda Land Board is not a successor in title to the Buganda Land Board of the 1962 Constitution. It is not a statutory body and has no mandate to administer any public land by whatever name called. Its legal status going by its instrument of registration is that of a private limited liability company with one (1) shareholder. It has no accountability to the public and no queries can be raised by a public body on how the company is run.It cannot legally claim ownership of public property by virtue of the Traditional Rulers (Restitution of Assets and Properties) Act 1993.
That Act having been enacted before the coming into force of the 1995 Constitution, must be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions which may be necessary to bring it into conformity with the constitution.
The 1995 Constitution cannot be construed to resituate public assets to institutions by whatever name called which never owned them in the first place, from whom they have never been confiscated and by whom no official public accountability is exacted by the Constitution. Public assets can only be managed by individuals or body of individuals or corporations which can be scrutinised by the Auditor General and, therefore, accountable to the Public.
The Constitution has vested the administration of public land in the Uganda Land Commission, District Land Boards, or Regional Land Boards and all these public bodies are scrutinisable by the Auditor General and, therefore, accountable to the public. Under the 1967 Constitution, when all public land had been put under the Land Commission, any monies accruing from the Land so vested under the commission had to be paid to such authority as Parliament may prescribe. This mandate now falls to the three bodies indicated above which are constitutionally recognised to administer public land in Uganda. Buganda Land Board being a private limited company has no obligation to account for any monies or benefit derived from the Land under its administration.
It is in this scheme of things that it is imperative for Buganda Land Board Limited to return the land it is illegally holding and profiteering from unjustly. Public Assets cannot be in the hands of a private limited company.
The handlers of the Buganda Kingdom, must be humble and realise the Constitutional mistake of holding onto Land Titles and assuming proprietorship where no law obtains conferring ownership of public land to a cultural institution. This is the decent way to do it and this action shall go a long way in restoring respectability of the cultural leadership.
The ball is squarely in the hands of the sole shareholder of the Buganda Land Board Company Limited who has the unique historical opportunity to redeem the tremendous goodwill which surrounded the return of traditional/cultural rulers to the Uganda political scene, but which, if left with no action taken, shall surely disappear into oblivion.
Kampala Associated Advocates.
Enjogera nga eno eyogeramu ebituufu kubizibu bye ttaka wano e Buganda. Obanga waliwo enkayana eyamanyi mubibanja ne mailo land ate olwo ensalo za Buganda ne Provinces endala ezakola Uganda enkayana zensalo zino zo zinakoma wa?
M7 and his political party has no guts to bite the bullet as Dr Obote did to use the political referendum of the like of Ndaiga in 1960s to legitimise ownership of traditional African lands. What of the many African tribal settlers that have now happily settled on the soil of the State of Buganda!
Mr Khalid Lubega comments:
It is painful to have to spell out to a learned friend the basics of Buganda Kingdom as a legal entity. The essence of Buganda Kingdom is the control and management of landed estates. The winds of change sought to destroy the Kingdom by declaring the management extinct and transferring the “official mailo” to new management. It is false reasoning, for using double standards, to argue that while the Buganda Kingdom which was abolished could be resurrected, but the “official mailo” that was merely transferred to public bodies cannot be restituted by similar winds of change. It is also false reasoning to acknowledge that the “official mailo” was at one time owned by the Buganda Kingdom and managed by a Buganda Land Board, and then assert conclusively that the “official mailo” was never confiscated from Buganda Kingdom. If the argument is that it was irreversibly integrated into public assets, it only delineates the fact that “official mailo” had at one time a distinct existence from other public lands. Such reasoning indicates failure to distinguish that an asset can be a public asset in Buganda Kingdom and not generally to the Uganda public. Finally, on what legal basis would one deny Buganda Kingdom the right to set up an arrangement to manage the restituted “official mailo” other than on apparent desire to gain access and loot the “official mailo” as has happened to other public lands?
Ebyabadde mu nsisinkano ya Museveni ne Mayiga kubyaffe by'ensi Buganda:
By Dickson Kulumba
Added 16th March 2018
KU Lwokusatu Pulezidenti Museveni yasisinkanye Katikkiro wa Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga mu maka g’Obwapulezidenti e Ntebe okwogera ku nsonga y’Ebyaffe, Gavumenti bye yeetema okuddiza Obwakabaka mu ndagaano eyateekebwako omukono Museveni ne Kabaka Mutebi nga August 1, 2013.
Olukiiko olwateereddwaawo lukulirwa Ssaabawolereza wa Gavumenti William Byaruhanga, baminisita owebyensimbi Matia Kasaija, ow’ensonga z’omunda Gen. Jeje Odongo, owa Gavumenti ezeebitundu Tom Butime, ow'ettaka n’amayumba Betty Amoding, Col. Charles
Okello Engola minisita omubeezi ow'ebyokwerinda nga bano beetabye mu nsisinkano eno. Bano baakuddamu okusisinkana n’Olukiiko Kabaka lwe yateekawo okukola ku nsonga z’Ebyaffe olukulirwa omumyuka owookusatu owa Katikkiro Apollo Nelson Makubuya, Ssaabawolereza wa Buganda Daudi Mpanga, Amb. William Matovu nga ye minisita w’enkuluze, n’Omulangira David Wasajja nga March 27, 2018.
Mu kugenda e Ntebe, Mayiga yabadde n’Omulangira Wasajja, Amb.Matovu, minisita w’ettaka e Mmengo Ying. Martin Sseremba Kasekende, Bashir Kizito ne Denis Bugaya abakozi ba Buganda Land Baord ne bongera okutegeeza Gavumenti ku bukulu bw’okukomyawo Ebyaffe ebikyasigadde.
Minisita w’ebyamawulire era Omwogezi w’Obwakabaka, Noah Kiyimba yategeezezza nti, okuva endagaano eno lwe yateekebwako omukono ebyapa 280 bye byakaweebwayo kyokka wakyabulayo ebirala bingi n’okuliwa kw’ettaka okuli Poloti 52 ku Kampala Road awali King Fahad Plaza, Muteesa House mu kibuga London e Bungereza.
Ensisinkano eno eddiridde ensisinkano eyaliwo wakati wa Katikkiro wa Uganda, Ruhakana Rugunda ne Katikkiro wa Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga nga January 31, 2018.
Kibi nyo okwesulamu akalogojo okuwona amabanja. Kubanga era abaana nabazzukulu wano e Buganda, lazima, balina okusasula amabanja ga bazadde nebajjajja. Ggwe ate oba ne Bungereza naguno gujjwa akyasasula America okuyamba Bungereza mu Ssematalo owokubiri kakati emyaka 73 bukya Ssematalo akoma!
Lwaki Buganda tesooka kumanyisibwa omusimbi gwelina okusasula kumabanja gensi Uganda. Ensi Buganda erina omukago ne Uganda mukulya amabanja amayitirivu agasuka mpozzi mu dollars billion 6. Kyelaga kyoka nga ebyabuganda bingi bitekeddwawo nga akakalu kensi ya Uganda, mukulya amabanja gensi nyingi nyo ddala.
Central Governmenti ya Uganda esazizzaamu ekyapa kya Minisita Kibuule ekiriko enkaayana:
By Dickson Kulumba
Added 14th February 2018
GAVUMENTI esazizzaamu ekyapa Minisita Ronald Kibuule ky'agamba nti kweyagulira ettaka ly’e Kigaya- Ggolomolo e Buikwe mu Kyaggwe kubanga mu kukifuna teyayita mu makubo matuufu.
Minisita Kibuule
Minisitule y’ebyettaka yeyasazzewo bweti olunaku lw’eggulo oluvanyuma lw’okuwuliriza okusaba okwatwalibwayo ekitongole ky’ebyettaka mu Buganda (Buganda Land Board) ng’ettaka lino bweriri ery’Obwanamasole n’olwekyo nga tewali muntu akkirizibwa kubeerako na kyapa.
Joseph Kibande nga y’akulira okuwandiisa ebyapa mu Minisitule eno yategezezza nti bekenenyeza amateeka n’ebiwandiiko byonna ebikwata ku ttaka lino nebakizuula nti lya Bwakabaka bwebatyo nebasalawo okusazaamu ekyapa kya Kibuule.
“Okusinzira ku biwandiiko byetwekenenyeza ebyakolebwa mu 1923 ng’ekyapa ky’ettaka lino kya Bwakabaka, ekyapa Minisita Kibuule kyeyali afunye ku ttaka lino nekisazibwamu. Mu ngeri y’emu abalala bonna abalina ebyapa ku ttaka lino, balina okubikomyawo kubanga babirina mu bukyamu,” Kibande bweyategezezza oluvanyuma lw’ensisinkano y’enjuuyi zombie eyabadde ku kitebe kya minisitule eno.
Kibuule nga ye Minisita Omubeezi ow’amazzi era Omukiise wa Mukono North, ku ttaka ly’Obwanamasole lino, yali yafunako ekyapa ekiweza yiika 85 lyegula ku Musa Kateregga ng’ono agamba nti ettaka eryo lyamuweebwa Namasole Sarah Natoolo.
Bannamateeka b’enjuuyi zombi okwabadde Deo Kalikumutima (BLB)ne Ambrose Tebyasa babadde mu nsisinkano eno era ng’okusalawo kuno kwasanyusizza abatuuze abali ku ttaka lino, Minisita Kibuule babadde agobaganya nga bagamba anti amazima gatuukiddwako.
Kino okutuukibwako, wabaddewo enteseganya eziwerako ku nsonga z’ettaka lino ng’okwasembayo kwabaddeyo ku lwa January 31,2018 buli luuyi nerusabibwa okuleeta ebiwandiiko ebituufu ebiraga nti lwe lunanyinni ttaka lino era okusinzira ku mwogezi wa BLB Denis Bugaya, Minisitule yagenze okumaliriza okwekenenya ng’Obwakabaka bwebulina ekyapa ekituufu.
Kiruma nyo ddala. Tetwajja nakintu kunsi era tetusobola kutwala kintu kyonna nga tuva munsi eno. Ettaka lino ndirinako empalana yobwa bajjajja bange Abaganda anti nange lirindya!
Ne Obote eyakwata ettaka lyonna erya Buganda nalyeddiza lyamulya dda!
The Government of Uganda is loosing millions of dollars in royalities from the increased gold mining in the country:
January 8, 2018
Written by Josephine Namuloki
Uganda lost more than Shs 10 billion in royalties from undeclared gold trade last year.
According to the auditor general's report for 2016 – 2017 financial year, only 16kgs in gold exports wereauthorised while Uganda Revenue Authority records showed that more than 8,000kgs were actually exported.
Gold mining in Karamoja
Miningregulations require that minerals obtained under a mineral right or under a mineral dealer’s license may only be exported under an export permit granted by the Commissioner at the Directorate of Geological Surveys and Mines (DGSM) in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral development. However, according to the auditor general's report, figures obtained from URA revealed a number of anomalies.
“The DGSM issued Gold export permits for only 16.281 kilograms compared to records from URA, which indicated that 8,691 kilograms of gold valued at USD 339.09 million were exported from Uganda in the financial year 2016/17,” the report says.
The country, the report concludes, lost revenue of between USD 3.39m to USD 16.95m (Shs 12 billion to Shs 60 billion) in royalties from the undeclared gold imports and exports, depending on the rates applicable:1 percent for imported and 5 percent for locally mined gold.
Another anomaly noted was that the gold exports of an unidentified exporter were supported by export permits from the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry instead of DGSM, which was contrary to the Mining Act, 2003. Moreover, there was no evidence of payment of royalties on the exported gold.
Although, according to the report, DGSM admitted that that the exporter did not make declaration of gold exports to them, claiming that it had a tax waiver from the Ministry of Finance, there was no evidence of such a tax waiver.
The report notes that not only the government but also landowners are missing out on mining royalties. Land owners were not paid the prescribed 3% of the royalties, amounting to more than Shs 300 million last year.
“The practice denies the landowners the revenues arising from use of their land, which potentially can affect the relationship between mineral rights holders and landowners,” the report concludes.
The auditor general advised relevant authorities to investigate the discrepancies in order to recover the lost royalties.
Very unfortunate indeed that one sees the once proud Karamojong mothers and their children begging miserably on the high streets of Kampala. They seem to have lost their great province of Karamoja that was awash with gold under ground and with very many heads of cattle on the famous Rift Valley grasslands of East Africa.
In Uganda, the Land case against the Kabaka of Buganda has stalled over lack of judges:
In a December 15 letter to the petitioner, Mr Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka (pictured), Principal Judge Yorokamu Bamwine directed the management of Civil Division of the High Court to halt the case until the government appoints new judges. FILE PHOTO
By Ephraim Kasozi
4th January, 2018
Buganda State, Kampala: A subject who sued Kabaka Ronald Mutebi challenging the compulsory registration of people living on the king’s land will have to wait longer to get justice due to shortage of judges.
In a December 15 letter to the petitioner, Mr Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka, Principal Judge Yorokamu Bamwine directed the management of Civil Division of the High Court to halt the case until the government appoints new judges.
“For now, I have no judge to re-allocate the case to,” wrote Justice Bamwine, adding that Justice Basaza Wasswa indicated to him about her inability to continue handling the case.
“Please be patient with us as the waiting may not be long and the delay has in any event been occasioned by your request to most judges to recuse themselves,” Justice Bamwine stated.
The letter follows a series of correspondences with Mr Kiwanuka in regard to having the case heard and determined on November 6, last year.
He asked the principal judge to allocate the application for temporary injunction which was partially handled by Justice Basaza before she was transferred to Execution and Bailiffs Division.
Mr Kiwanuka contends that the land in question was returned to the Kabaka by the central government and therefore it is public and collectively owned by subjects.
Mr Kiwanuka contends that the Kabaka is only holding the land in trust for his subjects but is not their landlord. Meanwhile, in a December 19 letter, Mr Kiwanuka petitioned Chief Justice Bart Katureebe and the chairperson of the Judicial Service Commission, Justice Benjamin Kabiito, accusing the principal judge of disregarding his plea.
Mr Kiwanuka asked the Chief Justice to intervene so that the matter is allocated to a judge. However, recently, Justice Kabiito said his commission would recruit about 250 judicial officers to the lower Bench (registrars, chief magistrates and magistrates) this year.
He also said the commission, sent a list of 22 names to President Museveni from which to appoint 16 judges.
Namasole ayanukudde Ensi Buganda ku ttaka Koko-Kigaya Minister wa M7, Mr Kibuule lya kakasa mumateeka nga lirye:
By Henry Nsubuga
Added 21st October 2017
Namasole Sarah Natoolo ayanukudde munnamateeka w’ekitongole kya Buganda Land Board (BLB), Denis Buyaga nti ettaka minisita omubeezi ow’amazzi Ronald Kibuule kwe yafuna ekyapa lya Bwannamasole era be balivunaanyizibwako ku lw’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda.
Minisita Kibuule. Ku ddyo ye Namasole Sarah Natoolo
Natoolo 96, yategeezezza bannamawulire mu lubiri lwe e Lukuli - Lusaka mu Munisipaali y’e Makindye nti lino ettaka lirye lya bwannannyini era lyamuweebwa Evelyne Kulabako, maama wa Ssekabaka Daudi Chwa.
“Ettaka lino lisangibwa Koko- Kigaya mu ggombolola y’e Najja mu disitulikiti y’e Buikwe nga liwezaako mayiro ezisukka mu ssatu nga baalimpa mu 1938 nga sinnafuuka Namasole.
N’olwekyo ettaka eryo lyange ng’omuntu so ssi nga Namasole,” Natoolo bwe yannyonnyodde.
Wabula yeesammudde ebigambibwa nti ye yaguza Minisita Kibuule yiika 85, zaagobako abantu.
Yategeezezza nti lyatundibwa Musa Kateregga, gwe yali alitaddeko okulikuuma oluvannyuma lw’okukozesa olukujjukujju n’alifunako ekyapa okuva mu ofiisi y’eby’ettaka e Mukono.
Buyaga ng’ali mu lukiiko lw’abamawulire wiiki ewedde yategeezza ng’ekyapa Kibuule ky’alina ku ttaka ly’e Kigaya bwe kiri ekifu ng’ettaka lino lya Bwannalinnya era aba BLB be balivunaanyizibwako nga tebamumanyi era tebamuwangako kyapa.
Samuel Muyanja, avunaanyizibwa ku nzirukanya y’ebintu bya Namasole Natoolo e Kyaggwe yagambye nti Kateregga oluvannyuma lw’okukuuma ettaka lino ebbanga eddene, yakozesa olukujukujju n’alifunako ekyapa.
“Bwe twategeera nti Kateregga afunye ekyapa mu bukyamu twasalawo okumutwala mu kkooti ng’ensonga zaali tezinnaggwa ne batandika okusenda. Bwe twababuuza eyali abasindise ne bagamba nti Kibuule ng’ono ye yagula ku Kateregga.
Muyanja yagambye nti baatuuza olukiiko ku ttaka ne Minisita Kibuule mwe yali n’abalaga empapula zonna ze yagulirako nga n’ekyapa yakikyusa dda okuva mu mannya ga Kateregga n’akizza mu gage.
Yagambye nti tebakkaanya kwe kuddayo ne beebuuza ku munnamateeka waabwe n’abategeeza nga Kibuule bw’atalina musango gye bali kuba eyamuguza ekyapa kyali mu mannya ge.
“Yatugamba nti Kibuule mu mateeka aba ayitibwa “Bonafide purchaser by value” ng’era yatuwa amagezi okuvunaana Kateregga eyamuguza ng’era emisango gigenda mu maaso,” bwe yannyonnyodde.
Yagambye nti bwe baategeera ebyo abasenze abali ku ttaka Kibuule ly’alinako ekyapa ne babategeeza bakolagane naye kuba baali tebakyayinza kubamalira nsonga zaabwe.
Natolo yagambye nti Obwannamasole, bulina ettaka mayiro 20 ku kyalo Busagazi mu disitulikiti y’e Buikwe (Kyaggwe bbuloka 377 poloti 6) nga lino si lye lyogerwako.
Yagambye nti ettaka lino Namasole takkirizibwa kulitunda okuggyako okulifunako obusuulu okuva mu basenze ababa baliriko obumuyamba okwebezaawo n’abantu be kuba talina mpeera gy’afuna nga Nnamasole.
Ate Muyanja yalaze ebbaluwa gye yagambye nti yawandiikibwa minisita w’eby’obuwangwa n’ennono e Mengo Yusuf Ggaganga ku bw’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda ng’eragira ab’ekitongole ky’ettaka e Mukono okukolera Kateregga ekyapa kya yiika 400 ku ttaka ly’e Busagazi nti Namasole Natolo ye yazimuwa ekitali kituufu.
Ebbaluwa eno eyawandiikibwa nga May 22, 2016 eri omuwandiisi w’ebyapa ku disitulikiti y’e Mukono ng’amugamba nti yali afunye endagaano eyali ekoleddwa Namasole Natolo ng’awa Kateregga yiika 400 ku ttaka ly’e Busagazi.
Yamuwa olukusa olumuwa ekyapa nti yali talina kwemulugunya kwonna ku ndagaano eyali emuweereddwa Kateregga.
Minisita Kibuule mu lukiiko lw’amawulire lwe yatuuza wiiki ewedde yategeeza nga bwe yakebera ebikwata ku ttaka lino mu ofiisi y’ettaka e Mukono n’asanga nga waliyo ekyapa ekyali mu mannya ga Musa Kateregga.
Kibuule yategeeza nti ye teyali mukyamu okugula ettaka lino kuba amakubo gonna agayitibwamu okugula ettaka yagakozesa.
Ku ttaka ly’e limu, nga October 8, Dickson Wasswa yafa olw’emirerembe egiryekusaako ng’abatuuze baategeeza nti ono okufa kwe kwava ku kutulugunyizibwa abaserikale.
How KK deal soured the State of Buganda land affairs:
Demolished. Cars parked at the entrance of Member of Parliament-elect for Kyadondo East Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine’s One love beach in Busabala that was demolished early this year. PHOTO BY MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI.
In Summary
Original sin. Many critics of Kyapa Mungalo, the Buganda Kingdom mass land titling campaign launched in April point to the experience of a company called KK Land and Property Management as “evidence” that even the current programme will come to nothing. Othman Semakula inquires into the days gone by and reveals who is KK and how its activities have affected Buganda Land Board programmes.
By Othman Semakula26 September, 2017
To understand the current Kyapa Mungalo contestations you need to go back to 2006 when Buganda Land Board (BLB), through KK Land and Property Management, first attempted to register all tenants on Kabaka’s land. In 2006 BLB issued a directive that required all bonafide tenants on Kabaka’s land to pay Shs82,000 to KK. Mr Levi Zimbe, the then BLB secretary, said the money would facilitate the registration, mapping and verification of the status of all tenants on Kabaka’s land.
Ms Jalia Namuddu, who lives in London, and owns a piece of land in Namasuba, Para Zone in Wakiso District, was one of the tenants who responded to the call, paying Shs82,000 through her mother, Ms Mary Mutyaba, the administrator of her estate.
However, according to Ms Mutyaba, who also owns a piece of land in Namasuba, Lufuka Zone in Wakiso District, the registration exercise was abruptly cancelled and no explanation was offered. Apart from paying to register her daughter’s land, Ms Mutyaba had also paid a similar amount to register her plot in Namasuba, Lufuka Zone.
“We just heard that the exercise had been cancelled. Up to now they [BLB] have never told me what happened with the money I paid,” she says. On two previous occasions, she says, she has paid money to BLB or its agents for work that is never done or only done half way.
In 2010 Ms Mutyaba paid Shs109,000 for her land to be surveyed, only to be asked for Shs500,000 in 2015 for the same purpose under what was dubbed the Massive Survey campaign. “No work was ever done at least according to my understanding,” Ms Mutyaba says as she digs through a stash of receipts from Eggwanika lya Buganda (Buganda Treasury). “Are they [BLB] going to include this money [Shs109,000 and Shs500,000] when I eventually go to get my daughter’s [Namuddu] ekyapa [title] and my own?” she wonders. “I want to get ekyapa [title] for both my land and my daughter’s but I would not want to get trapped in similar circumstances [of wondering what happened] after I have paid my money.”
Ms Mutyaba, according to assessments seen by Daily Monitor, will have to pay about Shs4.5 millions to secure lease title for her half acre piece of land, and about Shs2.78m for her daughter’s 25 decimals plot. “It is good. If it allows me to secure my land then why would I refuse to participate?” Ms Mutyaba says of Kyapa Mungalo, a Kingdom campaign to issue lease titles to tenants on Kabaka’s land. Ms Mutyaba’s story is not an isolated case. It is a story retold by other tenants, especially those living on Kabaka’s land in in Nansana, Salaama, Namasuba and Busabala. Ms Jamia Nabatanzi stays at the lower side of Kabowa. Her plot sits between Kabowa and Nyanama in Wakiso District.
However, just like Ms Mutyaba, she wonders why she has previously had to pay money to BLB or its agents for work that is never done. “One time I paid [Shs82,000] for my land to be registered and verified but more than 10 years down the road no registration has been done, nor have I received a refund,” she says. Such are some of the concerns that threaten to stand in the successful implementation of the six-month Kyapa Mungalo campaign that was launched in April by Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga.
Enter Buganda Land Board Buganda Land Board is a private company wholly owned by the institution of the Kabaka. It was incorporated in 1994 to administer Buganda Kingdom properties such as Bulange, the Lubiri, Butikkiro and Kabaka’s official 350 square miles of land. The properties had been confiscated by the central government after the 1966 crisis but were returned following the Traditional Rulers (Restitution of Assets and Properties) Act. With the return of the properties, according to Mr Dennis Bugaya, the legal manager and spokesperson of BLB, the Mengo government saw it fit to register a company (BLB) that would administer Buganda properties and Kabaka’s land since the 1962 constitutionally recognised Buganda Land Board had been rendered null and void with the abolition of cultural institutions.
“Yes there have been some mistakes but as BLB we have a duty to know who lives on Kabaka’s land and how we can assist bonafide occupants to secure their ownership,” he says. “The land we administer [350 square miles and other properties] was constitutionally returned to the Kabaka. It is private property. Some of the people who oppose our programmes are ignorant. They use politics to distort an otherwise good campaign (Kyapa Mungalo). We are not forcing anyone to get a title. So why do they (critics) oppose us?” he wonders.
Mr Bugaya concedes that there were some issues with KK’s operations, but “BLB reached out to all those who had KK receipts with a view of working on them.” “We asked them to come. Some came and others perhaps did not,” he says. Hajj Abdul Nadduli, the minister without portfolio, was until 2014 a Board member of BLB and a strong backer of Buganda Kingdom programmes.
Hajj Nadduli, however, has come out strongly to oppose Kyapa Mungalo, which BLB says seeks to streamline the status of tenants on Kabaka’s land. “Those people (BLB) are making mistakes and they expect us to support them,” Hajj Nadduli says. “You cannot make me support wrong things because I was a member of Buganda Land Board.” “I met my son (Kyewalabye) Male [BLB executive secretary] at a hospital in Kampala and told him they were making mistakes. We fought hard to bring BLB where it is but a few people are now using it for selfish interests at the risk of damaging the institution of the Kabaka. They have forgotten about us,” Hajj Nadduli says.
He, however, does not single out the specific mistakes he says BLB is making. Hajji Nadduli accuses “some people at BLB and Mengo”, although he does not name any, of making the Kabaka appear as if he is the one ordering the eviction of people from his (Kabaka) land. “This is dangerous and it will come with a cost. Go and tell Male and his group to go slow. By the time he was in school I was fighting for Mengo. I know what I am talking about,” Hajj Nadduli says. Asked to respond to Hajj Nadduli’s concerns, Mr Male referred this reporter to Mr Bugaya, the legal manager and spokesperson of BLB. Mr Bugaya says those opposing the Kyapa Mungalo campaign either do so out of ignorance or “want to use politics to distort” an otherwise good campaign.
Lands Minister Beti Amongi, Housing state minister Chris Baryomunsi and former presidential spokesperson Joseph Tamale Mirundi have also in the past voiced opposition against Kyapa Mungalo. A number of places, including Luweero, Nakaseke in Buganda, and Apaa and Amuru in Acholi have seen big waves of evictions in the recent past, and the violence that have coloured them, especially the recent incidents in Apaa, serve as a reminder of the time bomb that Ugandans sit on due to land-related issues. In Busabala, Wakiso District, an eviction by BLB at a section of recently elected Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi’s beach resort was a source of widespread controversy. Mr Kyagulanyi accused some BLB officials of dishonesty. Lands minister Amongi, who has previously been quoted as saying the Kyapa Mungalo campaign has no legal basis, says: “I will officially address the matter in a press conference.”
KK, BLB fighting The issue of KK has on several occasions been mentioned by those who criticise BLB and Mengo’s initiatives. However, our findings indicate that the relationship between KK and BLB are irreparably damaged. In 2006, according to Mr Bugaya, BLB contracted KK to pilot the registration and verification of all tenants on Kabaka’s land in parts of Makindye Ssabagabo and Wakiso District. The contract was, however, canceled in 2008 because KK had breached terms of the agreement, Mr Bugaya says.
“They [KK] went beyond agreed boundaries. They had started approaching people in areas that were outside the pilot scheme,” he says. The pilot scheme, he adds, included Namasuba, Busabaala, Salaama and Nansana, among others. However, Mr Bugaya says, after the contract was cancelled, KK withheld documents and refused to hand over details of the people who had paid, thus making it difficult to identify those that had been approached. “Mistakes had been made but we wanted to finish up with all people that had been approached. We asked those with receipts to come to us,” Mr Bugaya says. Asked why BLB never sued KK for illegally holding on to the documents since yet had been hired to do to a job on their behalf, Mr Bugaya says: “We had a bigger problem (people who had paid money) to handle. KK was secondary.” “Actually they (KK)sued us [BLB] but they later withdrew the case. I think they had realised their mistake,” he adds.
Mr John Kalungi-Kabuye, who is listed as the secretary and a director in KK, however, dismisses Mr Bugaya’s claims and challenges him to quote the case file number that was withdrawn. “All the three claims [approaching people outside agreed boundaries, withholding documents and suing BLB] are false and misleading. They are not supported or substantiated by any facts. If we breached the agreement, how come they did not sue us and can they quote the case number of the suit we withdrew,” Mr Kalungi-Kabuye says.
A search conducted at the Commercial Court in Kampala and the Mengo Magistrates Court returned no known case between BLB and KK. “We do not have their publicity machinery [BLB]. I think we vindicated ourselves by staying silent and left the burden of proof on them and as you can see, they are not doing well on that front because they are peddling lies,” Mr Kalungi-Kabuye adds.
Mr Kalungi-Kabuye, who now works in Nairobi, Kenya, says KK “conceived a transformational and visionary idea that was presented to the Kabaka and given a go ahead.” The programme, he says, “sought to do something good for the Kabaka, his subjects and for sustainable urbanisation of Uganda”; however, it was fought by people he declines to mention. “BLB being clueless is the reason why they are in the endless cycle of registering and re-registering tenants. One day you will have the whole story,” Mr Kalungi-Kabuye says in reference to our request to tell us what happened, before declining any further discussion into the matter. KK was incorporated in 2004 under the chairmanship of John Leonard KataleKabuye, who held 60 per cent shareholding.
The other KK directors are John Kalungi-Kabuye, Deus Kawooya Kasule, Alloys Sebunya Kabuye, Nicholas Kabuye and Allan Kabuye, with each holding 5 per cent shareholding, according to details obtained from Uganda Registration Services Bureau. Mr John Leonard Katale-Kabuye, who has since died (2014), was the sole signatory to the two accounts held in Dfcu Bank and Allied Bank International, which has since been closed by Bank of Uganda. The company, at least according to a search across Kampala, has no known physical location and its former headquarters at Talemwa Towers on Kabakanjagala Road in Mengo are currently occupied by Nkumba University.
It is estimated that KK had approached more than 8,000 tenants, meaning that they could have collected more than Shs656m. According to Mr Bugaya, despite the ongoing contestations, the Kyapa Mungalo campaign had by June 18 facilitated the issuing of more than 300 lease titles out of 26,000 targeted tenants. More than 12,000 title deeds, he says, are in the pipeline.
In Uganda, President Museveni has cancelled his radio talk shows so that he can travel abroad:
September 8, 2017
Written by URN
President Yoweri Museveni has suspended his planned radio talk shows to discuss the proposed constitutional amendment to enable government acquire land for development projects when the need arises.
As part of the countrywide radio talk shows aimed at popularising the now controversial proposal, Museveni appeared on Voice of Kigezi in Kabale on Monday September 4 followed by Radio West in Mbarara on September 5.
On September 6, the president was on Voice of Tooro in Fort Portal before he moved to Hoima for where he appeared on Spice FM on September 7.
President Museveni (R) during one of the talk shows
The bill seeks to amend Article 26 of the Constitution to provide for the compulsory acquisition of land for government projects. Article 26 provides for the right of persons to own property and how it can be acquired by the government after compensation. But the government argues that the provision has slowed down the implementation of key projects resulting from compensation disputes.
The proposed amendment has attracted wide condemnation from the public, including religious leaders and civil society organisations among others.
The president was due to appear on Point FM in Mubende later today and Radio Buddu in Masaka tomorrow, September 9 to engage the listeners on the bill.
Since Monday, Museveni's advance team has been at Radio Buddu to secure the venue. State House operatives also registered all staff at the radio and took their contacts. State House media team also installed cameras to record the talk show.
The radio management made some changes in the studio located along Elgin Street in Masaka by installing new microphones. The talk shows have however been called off.
Hajj Umar Ssekasamba, the Radio Buddu programmes manager, says they received a phone call from State House suspending the planned talk show. He explains that State House told them that Museveni had got an emergency which requires him to travel abroad for an International conference.
He however says State House told them that once he returns from abroad, he will inform them of the day he will come for the talk show.
Don Wanyama, the senior presidential press secretary wrote on his Facebook explaining that the planned talk-shows have been cancelled "because the president's schedule has changed".
"Great thanks to the public that has been following President Museveni's land education campaign through radio. We had a great show for Bunyoro sub-region this evening on Spice FM and a host of other radios.
A lot of the lies that had been peddled about government's land policies and proposed constitutional amendments are being exposed. However to our people in Mubende (Point FM), Masaka (Radio Buddu), Kampala and Jinja (Baba FM) who were anticipating to hear from the president on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday respectively, be notified that the shows have been postponed because the president's schedule has changed. New dates will be communicated…"
The President of Uganda on one of the Uganda radios, begging his poplar mandate, to give him land so that he can put up his ambitious development projects.
Ahead of this suspended show, Uganda Commissions Commission (UCC) had ordered all radio stations in greater Masaka region to loop Radio Buddu signals and broadcast Museveni's talk show.
Some of the radio stations ordered to loop Radio Buddu signals are Buladde FM, Radio Equator, Kalangala Community Radio, Ssesse FM, Masaka FM, Mbabule FM, Impact FM and Word of LIFE Radio among others.
But the UCC order had angered some of the radio managers. Kassim Mugerwa, one of the managers at Buladde FM says the UCC order was unfair given the fact they had not been given money to broadcast President Museveni's talk show.
He says at 7pm, the planned time for the talk show, is prime time for Radio Buladde because sponsors that facilitate broadcasting of the English Premier League would be affected since during the talk show, no commercials are allowed.
Mugerwa says he would rather that State House buys this airtime for the president since they need money to cater for their operations. David Ssekayinga, the manager of Kalangala Community Radio says the order is unfair to other players since State House had already chosen Radio Buddu to host the president.
He says giving away two hours free of charge is such a big loss for a rural based radio station which survives on local funds.
Interesting that these commercial radios are feeling the pain of providing NRM government with free services. Most of the landlords M7 is begging for cheap land to put up his projects do not see it as such. If I have to give you land you must be able to give me another land in exchange my dear! Full stop. There is no free lunch in this world.
The Kingdom of Buganda has offered settlers on its Public land a 49 year lease. The Minister of Portfolio in the Central Government that has no land is not happy:
May 8, 2017
Buganda kingdom’s ongoing campaign to persuade people on its land to take out 49-year leases has got another critic in Al-Haji Abdul Nadduli, the minister without portfolio.
While officiating at Friday’s launch of Centenary bank’s Cente home loan, which aims to extend credit to customers to build houses in Wobulenzi, Luweero, Nadduli described the campaign code-named Ekyaapa mu ngalo (A land title in your hands) as poisoned and urged people in Buganda not to embrace it.
“We want to commend this new arrangement by our Katikkiro, but it is unfortunate that it is poisoned. If he removes that poison, it will be good. How? The 1900 Buganda agreement doesn’t give us a time period for ownership of land,” the minister said. “I would like to ask the Katikkiro to revoke the issue of years. I want to also ask President Museveni not to back this Buganda’s new arrangement.”
Minister without portfolio Abdul Nadduli
Nadduli’s remarks come on the coat-tails of the May 3 launch of the Justice Catherine Bamugemereire-led commission of inquiry into land matters by the minister for lands, Betty Amongi. In her speech, Amongi queried the campaign run by the kingdom’s land board.
Under the campaign, the kingdom aims to give tenants on its land lease offers of 49 years. There are fears, however, that the campaign may fuel mass evictions.
Amongi asked Bamugemereire’s commission to inquire into the campaign. The Buganda Land Board (BLB)-led campaign targets those occupying the kingdom land without official documents. Since its launch, the campaign has drawn praise and criticism.
The campaign’s critics say it may trigger mass land evictions from land owned by the Kabaka of Buganda or the kingdom, while the praise singers argue that the titles will help tenants get loans from banks.
Nadduli, who argued that the kingdom’s campaign is in bad faith, demanded that the 49-year lease offer is revoked since it is tantamount to changing the Buganda agreement of 1900.
“When you are a landlord and own a title, you can own that land until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Still, if you are a kibanja holder and pay busuulu [ground rent], you are entitled to full ownership without being limited to a number of years… That is why our grandparents were buried on this land and the graves are still there,” he said.
According to Nadduli, offering a specific occupancy time-frame will also put the kibanja holders at risk if they decide to take up a loan since the bank can take the property after the 49 years.
However, David Kiwalabye Male, the Buganda Land Board managing director, appealed to the masses to turn a deaf ear to people speaking ill of the campaign. He said most critics have already secured their titles. Kiwalabye added that the board plans to sensitize and win over those yet to appreciate the value of owning a land title.
Well then Mr Ganda Minister in a Central Government that you belong, that is land less, what is your alternative when many Ganda citizens are selling their landownnership rights left, right and centre whether their lands have a land title or not? And these landed Ganda settlers are selling their ancestral lands to buyers who already have their own native lands to fall on!
There are indeed many Very Rich People that are sitting on the Buganda Sovereign land and they are all busy renewing their leases under the dodgy Buganda Land Board:
30 April, 2017
By the Redpepper Reporters in Uganda
It has emerged that, whereas radio talk shows critics have been demonizing Kabaka’s ongoing mass titling campaign, many responsible citizens have complied by working with Buganda Land Board (BLB) to regularize their status on Kabaka’s land. Not only have they had BLB files opened in their names and their land surveyed/registered but have also paid up and acquired lease titles on Kabaka’s land they occupy.
Katikkiro Peter Mayiga says in the last two weeks alone, over 500 individual tenants and institutions have enthusiastically responded to the voluntary campaign by commencing their lease acquisition processes at the various BLB branches.
Away from those rushing to regularize for the first time, our investigations have revealed that there are many well empowered prominent citizens and institutions which have for long been operating on Kabaka’s land under similar lease terms.
These include First Lady Janet Museveni whose posh Buziga home at Kyamula village sits on land she leased (49 years) from BLB. Her only son Muhoozi Kainerugaba (aka MK) is another prominent tenant with a home on Kabaka’s land leased under similar terms by BLB.
The big man President Museveni is another compliant Kabaka tenant who is understood to have recently initiated a leasing process through eminent real estate dealer and agent Abu Mukasa in the areas of Ziranumbu Hill overlooking the Kigo Victoria Serena. The land housing Victoria Serena itself is being held by the Aga Khan Group on terms of a lease previously granted by the Kabaka. Serena is a multi-billion investment and owners found it prudent to take out a lease similar to what BLB is currently dangling at over 130,000 surveyed/registered tenants on Kabaka’s land.
On Thursday Mayiga told Buganda MPs that the campaign will initially last 6 months but will eventually be expanded to cover all willing tenants on Kabaka’s land. Mayiga explained that the voluntary offer is 49 years (and can’t be in perpetuity) because, like the Catholic Church and other institutions meant to last forever, Buganda kingdom can’t engage in outright sale of land.
He urged MPs to explain to their people that institutions like Buganda can only give leases because the same land must remain for posterity. “Like the Catholic Church, Buganda will be here even after 200 years and its land must remain. What happens if the lease expires, your children will be free to renew it and nobody will dispossess them,” Mayiga explained to MPs.
He added it’s for the same reasons that even Uganda Land Commission (ULC), managing all government land, only gives lease offers as opposed to outright sale converting the offer into free hold. “The Uganda Police in Nsambya operates on Catholic Church land and it’s on lease terms,” Mayiga said. He arrayed fears the idea was to gradually disempower tenants on Kabakas’ land.
On the contrary, he said, lease acquisition will make life better and even those desiring to transfer or sale their interest in the leased land will be free to do so the way one can freely sell his/her Kibanja. Other speakers explained that besides being conclusive evidence of ownership, the lease titles will expedite access to financial services in banks and other institutions for tenants seeking to use their land to finance other productive economic activities.
Apart from the Museveni family, whose Kabaka leasehold isn’t a secret, there are many other powerful citizens benefiting from Kabaka’s lease offers. The house of late Gen Aronda Nyakayirima in Buziga/Bunga is also on Kabaka’s land leased by BLB. The Aronda family has ably lived on this property without any encumbrances and will be free to renew their lease on expiry.
Our investigations show that even Sudhir Ruparelia’s Speke Resort Munyonyo (over 20 acres) is on Kabaka’s land under lease terms by BLB. His current financial woes notwithstanding, BLB hasn’t made any eviction threats against Sudhir since his lease tenure is still ongoing. This is the type of security the ongoing mass titling campaign seeks to bestow on all tenants on Kabaka’s land.
Gen David Sejusa is another comfortable tenant enjoying a lease on Kabaka’s land via the vast piece of land he owns at Kaazi. Sometime back, when the going got tough, the maverick General freely sold part of his land to other people without any interference from BLB.
Gen Ivan Koreta is another enthusiastic Kabaka tenant as his posh home in Konge Makindye Division operates on a lease granted by BLB. The other is Gen Kasirye Gwanga whose Makindye Kizungu home survived being grabbed by Kenyan claimants because his BLB paper work as Kabaka’s tenant was in order. It were the BLB lawyers, testifying that his was a valid lease that saved Gwanga homelessness.
There is also Prisons boss Johnson Byabashaija whose 20 acre residence and farm in Kigo operates on BLB’s 49 year lease. Notwithstanding recent disagreements resulting from breach of agreed terms, singer Bobi Wine’s One Love Beach is also on BLB lease. Yet that isn’t all.
Ps Wilson Bugembe’s Nansana Church is a lease from BLB just like all Gen Jim Muhwezi’s Kampala homes with exception of the Bugolobi one. Ex-VP Gilbert Bukenya is among the 500 tenants who have so far taken advantage of the heavily subsidized offer BLB has offered in the ongoing mass titling campaign. Our investigations show he is processing lease acquisition through his wife Margaret Bukenya. The land is in Nansana area.
Still talking about proxy spouses, veteran commentator Tamale Mirundi is another beneficiary. Through his wife, the man from Kalisizo maintains a tenancy regulation file with BLB regarding the leased land on which his Zana-Entebbe road home sits. Justice GW Kanyeihamba also last week came out and confessed being a satisfied Kabaka tenant as his vast Buziga home sits on land leased by BLB. The prolific professor was full of praises for the lease system by Mengo.
Most of the KCCA installations in Kampala operate on 49 year old leases acquired from BLB including all the primary schools run by KCCA. The newly built multi-billion Kiruddu hospital along Salaama Road in Munyonyo is also operating on Kabaka’s lease.
The entire Orthodox Church complex in Namungoona is on BLB lease that was renewed recently covering church properties in Kampala, Mukono and Kyabakadde. The Catholic and Anglican Churches also just renewed leases covering their parishes in Kazinga, Makindye, Buziga, Mutundwe, Nabulagala, Kasubi, Kabowa, Najjanankumbi, Kiziba, Gangu and Kyebando among other places. They have also secured leases for their parishes at Masanafu, Kasubi, Lungujja, Ndejje, Kazo and other places.
The SDA church also runs it’s parishes on Kabaka’s land e.g. Bukejje, Masanafu, Kitala etc. The Catholic Church’s Bukalango and Munyonyo martyr’s shrines are all on BLB leases. There are many big private investments currently being implemented on land leased by BLB and they are in millions of dollars.
Examples include; the $30m Mirembe Villas estate in Kigo, National Housing’s Estates in Namungoona (harboring many corporates and expatriates) and Pearl Apartments in Lubowa. Through condominium titles, the Pearl model has proved you can create other interests on land leased by BLB.
Telecom companies like UTL also operate their masts on land leased from Mengo. The central government recently renewed its BLB leases for Nabweru and Kasangati courts.
Internal Security Organization (ISO) also operates one of their interrogation facilities in Nabweru from a building constructed under BLB lease. Government has found it hard to avoid BLB because most of the land in Greater Kampala Metropolitan area is Kabaka’s.
The Makindye Military police is a BLB lease-just like the Officers Mess. The same applies to all district headquarters in Buganda, Prisons like Sentema and NWSC water treatment plant in Gaba. Our investigations also show that failure to properly regularize their lease documents with BLB recently put FUFA bosses in trouble after their potential funders raised queries which the Kabaka, acting as the lessor, had to clarify for them since that Njeru/Buikwe stadium land is his.
There was anxiety funding would be cancelled but the land lord intervened ratifying the FUFA lease. Giant petrol station companies like Shell and Total are also operating leases with BLB including for their Kibuye, Katwe, Namasuba, Nagalama and Nakulabye stations.
Makerere University is another Kabaka tenant example being the MISR lease that was recently concluded after protracted negotiations.
The Tamale Mirundi's house
The Bwebajja hotel on Entebbe Rd is soon to be auctioned over bank debts
J&M Airport Road Hotel at Bwebajja, Wakiso District. FILE PHOTO
All the said plots of land up for sale measure approximately 31 acres.
UGANDA, Kampala.
The property of M/s J&M Airport Road Hotels in Bwebajja, Wakiso District have been advertised for sale to recover debts for a financial institution.
On Monday, Quickway Auctioneers and Court Bailiffs advertised the sale of the hotel complex which fronts Entebbe Road lying approximately 17Kms from Kampala by August 5 this year.
“Duly instructed by M/s MMAKS Advocates on behalf of their client, a leading financial institution, the mortgagee, we shall sell by public auction/private treaty the properties described unless M/s J&M Airport Road Hotel/apartments and Leisure Centre Limited, the borrower thereof pay to us all the monies owing under the mortgage and the legal fees and costs incurred before the date of sale,” reads, in part, the notice of sale.
According to the notice, the property to be sold include 12 plots of land on block 383 at Kitende, Wakiso District, registered in the name of Goodra Behakanira.
Another four plots on the same block registered in the name of Joseph and Goodra Behakanira and two other plots in the name of Joseph Behakanira are also up for sale. All the said plots of land are measuring approximately 30.502 acres.
“The properties are fully developed with modern hotel facilities including swimming pool, sauna, expensive gardens, health clubs and restaurants,” reads the notice informing the public that the property can be viewed on appointment through the bailiffs’ offices.
“All occupants are hereby directed to vacate the premises before the date of sale to avoid forceful evictions,” the notice warns. Impeccable sources indicated that Barclays Bank Uganda was the financier. When contacted yesterday, Ms Robinah Mukasa Kamuntu, the communications manager of the bank confirmed but declined to comment on the matter saying it was a subject of court proceedings.
CHOGM fame J&M Airport Road Hotel became famous when it was lined up to host delegates for the 2007 Commonwealth meeting. Government extended Shs2.6 billion to its proprietor Joseph Behakanira (now deceased) to spruce up the hotel just two days to the November 2007 summit, money he was supposed to refund. In 2004, during the construction of the hotel, some sections of it collapsed killing at least eight people.
The FDC turned NRM lady politician, M/s Beti Kamya, is congratulating herself for evicting NRM small-time retailers that are resident in Kampala as city squatters:
By Spear Team
1st March 2017
M/s Betty Taryomwe Kamya at parliament explaining herself
Hell broke loose in Parliament today when NRM MPs turned against Museveni’s new catch and Kampala Minister Beti Olive Namisango Kamya for what they termed as “her reckless arbitrary and high handed way of doing things” which will further dampen their party in Kampala.
“We know you were planted in our Government by our enemies to spoil it since it has always been your mission”, NRM MPs one by one stood up to openly tell Kamya off in today’s Parliament Plenary Sitting.
Parliament was deliberating on the brutal and bloody manner in which Nakivubo Park Yard Market Vendors were evicted by goons hired by one Ham and the Minister to greedily take over 1.5 acres of land on which the market was located.
The MPS were led by the Rubaga North MP Hon Kasibante Moses who put up a spirited fight tabling document after document to support his case as he was supported by other Honorable Members.
In her response the 60 years old Taryomwe Beti told Parliament that she doesn’t take President Museveni’s campaign of “Kisanja Hakuna Mchezo” literally and vowed to leave no stone upturned in ensuring that there is no “Mchezo in Kampala”. She explained that Nakivubo Park Yard is an illegal market which past leaders had failed to deal with. “You must praise me for effecting what Government has been trying to do without success for the last 20 years,” Beti added.
When tasked to explain her swift move against the vendors before the lapse of the 30 days ultimatum she had earlier issued, Betty said that she and Ham had gathered intelligence that Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago was about to obtain a Court Order to stop Ham from taking over the land. “We therefore moved to preempt the Court Order,” Beti naively told Parliament much to the irritation of MPs from both sides of the House.
Meanwhile, Parliament has tasked Beti Kamya to bring to Parliament a list of all vendors affected by the unfair eviction.
Parliament’s Director of Communications Mr. Chris Obore on the issue said:
“Evicting citizens should never be the job of government. Citizens can only be relocated by government. This should be done in a planned way. Government should never side with the rich and powerful against less privileged citizens.
This brutality at Park Yard market is reminiscent of railway evictions. Leaders should care. Government has a duty to every citizen. Beautifying Kampala at the expense of the dignity and livelihoods of other citizens is poor understanding of good governance”, he said
The Buganda Land Board officials with their Dubious Activities are Jeopardizing the Kingdom and the leadership of the Kabaka of Buganda: The Ganda Clan Leader of the African Wild dogs has stated:
By Investigative Uganda Journalists
November 15, 2016
The Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi. Inset is Daudi Maragala, Embwa Clan Leader
Gomba, Uganda: The Kingdom of Buganda and the personality of Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II are risking their ancient public repute and trust to the suspicious operations of Buganda Land Board, a clan leader has warned.
Prince Daudi Maragala Ssalongo, the prime minister of ‘Embwa’ (Dog), one of the 56 clans of the kingdom, accuses the Royal Institution’s estates managers, the Buganda Land Board (BLB) of widespread dishonesty in the executions of their assigned duties.
Gomba, Uganda: The Kingdom of Buganda and the personality of Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II are risking their ancient public repute and trust to the suspicious operations of Buganda Land Board, a clan leader has warned.
Prince Daudi Maragala Ssalongo, the prime minister of ‘Embwa’ (Dog), one of the 56 clans of the kingdom, accuses the Royal Institution’s estates managers, the Buganda Land Board (BLB) of widespread dishonesty in the executions of their assigned duties.
According to him, the ‘treacherous’ activities of Buganda Land Board officials are literally endangering the allegiance of the Kingdom as an institution and the Kabaka amongst his subjects and faithfuls.
The board which is trusted to manage land and other properties that were returned to the Kingdom is currently surveying land and registering all tenants occupying it across the Kingdom, in a process that is said to aim at legalizing tenancy.
But Maragala accuses the board of surpassing the well-intentioned plan of helping tenants acquire titles over their land into oppressing them by forcefully grabbing some of people’s land in different parts on the Kingdom.
“As a clan head and concerned individual, I have received complaints of people losing portions of their land to the board under guise of not effectively utilizing it, I find it irregular” he told the Investigator in an interview on Thursday.
He says the inconsistency has also affected some of the Kingdom’s lower leadership structures like the Sub counties, citing Maddu in Ggomba district whose 20 acres administrative piece of land was recently reduced to only five acres and the rest leased off to a private investor.
“They are hiding under the excuse of leasing out the unused land to potential developers; which in a sense is unacceptable and disheartening many people, who would have instead been helped to put the land to proper use. We acknowledge the Kabaka as a custodian of our land to whom we have been loyal, but the activities of his agents seem to be working against this relationship,” he argued.
He noted that to his disappointment, the board has on several occasions wrongfully claimed authority over lands owned by religious institutions under the freehold tenure, hence resulting into unbearable clashes.
“Some board staffs are overambitious for money, forgetting that our heritage was not built with money,” he added, urging that the board reconsiders its way of doing work.
The warning come a few weeks after Vincent Mayega, the Buddu county chief also publicly expressed discomfort of the suspicious operations of Buganda Land Board in his area of jurisdiction, warning its staff of the likely public upraise against them.
Notably, on several accessions since the return of Buganda Land titles in 2014, people have often asked president Museveni to reign over Buganda which they accused of setting unfriendly conditions to tenants.
But during the recent Buganda parliamentary sitting, the Kingdom premier Charles Peter Mayiga downplayed the people’s fears of being evicted from Kabaka’s land, explaining that registration intended to harmonize terms between the tenants and the landlord.
The warning follows reports that majority (70%) of tenants on the Kabaka’s estates have not yet secured registration certificates from BLB, which are charged at fees between Ushs 200,000 and 500,000 in rural and urban areas respectively.
Citizens of Uganda, Reject State-organised land grabbing from the indigenous peoples through amending the recent 1995 NRM Constitution:
10th November, 2016
Sent off by the Daily Monitor newspaper
Grabbing with Impunity A significant portion of my 2016 presidential campaign underscored the need for immediate actions to halt the land-grabbing scourge. Land grabbing, here refers to large-scale land acquisitions, mainly, by foreign agribusiness invest ors, or the extraction industry—that are often preceded by grabbing of the land by government (including local government), the military, government/ military officials, and even clan elites. These grabs are possible when land law is confused or complex; when legal literacy (understanding of legal rights, protections, benefits) of the population is low; and when land administration structures and processes are weak. On the other hand, small scale land grabbing can occur in many other forms: through borrowing, encroachment over time, and marriage and wife inheritance, etc. For the purposes of this discussion, the focus is on state-linked land grabbing referred to above. Land grabbing and the attendant displacement of large numbers of people, often using very brutal means, is developing into a serious national security problem. Two recent developments are of special concern: 1) The embattled “Minister” Amongi’s very deceitful and confusing announcements regarding changing the land law in Uganda; and 2) the current pressure reported by Uganda’s media to ‘accelerate land registration’, particularly in the Northern region where land use is governed by customary law. The key questions that must be addressed first are why? Why now? ‘Why is changing land law being pitched by the Museveni regime as a quick fix to prevent land grabbing and resolve land disputes?
Why the rush? There has been a creeping economic crisis for quite some time. Escalating consumption, on the one hand, and declining production, on the other, have been the main drivers of the crisis. Uganda’s debt, both domestic and foreign, has been rising very fast. While some of the borrowing has been for infrastructural projects, there is massive overpricing due to corruption and to create slash funds. Huge amounts of money have been spent on securing the survival of the regime, rather than investing in the public goods. Colossal amounts are spent on rigging elections, massive security networks and paramilitary organisations, the burgeoning patronage network (including funding legions of sycophants), opulent spending in State House etc. In order to keep a lid on inflation, the Central Bank escalated the lending rates of the banks, curtailing borrowing for business and investments.
This further suppressed production and, correspondingly, the tax revenue available to the government. Additionally, the commodity prices of most of our exports (coffee, tea, cotton, etc) have also been falling, reducing our country’s foreign earnings and correspondingly the revenue for government. Anticipated Oil revenues greatly encouraged the reckless spending and policies. It was believed that once the oil started flowing, all the holes that would have been dug in the economy would be quickly filled, securing a return to normalcy. This didn’t happen. This is the genesis of the very tight corner in which the Museveni regime finds itself. Commercial agriculture and the extractive industry are considered to offer the regime a flicker of hope of surviving the, now explosive, economic crisis.
The status of northern region Northern Uganda is considered a potential breadbasket for the country, and its competitive advantage also relies on natural resources such as minerals and petroleum. It is estimated that 30-50 per cent of the richest mineral and petroleum deposits are found in the northern region. Nevertheless, people living in Acholi account for half of all Ugandans living in poverty; and yet they comprise 24 per cent of the overall population of the country. Their primary economic activity is subsistence agriculture and very few have access to alternative forms of capital.
It would seem that according to the regime, in order for the north to pull itself out of poverty and contribute to higher shares of government revenues, exports, energy, and food needs for the rest of the country, the north must be transformed and be placed under the control of foreign investors via senior government officials. The regime believes that the key to accelerating transformation is access to land and land markets by controlling the law that creates the markets for acquisition, buying, selling, leasing and taxation. The biggest barrier to the regime carrying out a massive land-grab from the people in the north is that approximately 90 per cent of the land is secured by customary tenure and associated law. Only 1 per cent of the land is actually registered as free hold in urban areas. In short, the only thing preventing the rape of Northern lands is the 1995 Constitution, which bestows radical title and ultimate ownership of land with the people of Uganda. This includes the right to hold a piece of land according to customary law.
The role of beleaguered Minister Amongi in legalising State-based land grabbing: A Pawn of the State? Given the importance of acquiring northern Ugandan lands for purposes of extracting every Shilling out of it, it is not a coincidence that the regime named Betty Amongi, from the northern region and member of the Opposition (UPC), the “Minister of Lands”.
On August 1, 2016 on behalf of the regime, Ms Amongi released a statement that government intended to propose an amendment to the law that would remove the requirement for compensation prior to acquisition of land for public works. These proposed amendments were announced despite having admitted in 2013 that government has not handled compulsory acquisition responsibly: “the Central Government has not, in the past, exercised this power responsibly and in the public interest.’ In addition, this same land policy document indicates that the regime is without sufficient capacity to meet compensation requirements, meaning they simply cannot afford to pay people for their land. The Ugandan public, civil society, religious leaders, and members of all political parties, reacted immediately to these proposals and quickly ascertained that they were nothing but one big land grab. To-date, land allocations have taken place within incomprehensible or non-existent processes and procedures.
Elderly women strip naked in protest against grabbing of their land in Amuru District last year.
Dr Besigye says the biggest barrier to massive land-grab from the people in the north is that about 90 per cent of the land is secured by customary tenure and associated laws. PHOTO BY STEPHEN OKELLO
To make matters worse for herself, Ms Amongi on August 26, 2016 called a press conference announcing three primary responses to the outcry of the public. First, the Ministry of Lands is suspending giving out land titles on public land for three months; the exception being the areas where Mr Museveni determined is needed for national purposes. Second, she announced the creation of two subcommittees: the first is to address land evictions (to create a ‘policy framework’) and conduct civic education regarding tenancy with a specific focus on Buganda; and the second is to create a government land registry for the purposes of surveying the land and demarcation.
And finally, she announced that they will be making an amendment to Article 26 of the 1995 Constitution to add a third clause related to compensation. Article 26 of the 1995 Constitution states that “no person shall be compulsorily deprived of property or any interest in or right over property of any description except where the following conditions are satisfied—(1) the taking of possession or acquisition is necessary for public use or in the interest of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; and (2) the compulsory taking of possession or acquisition of property is made under a law which makes provision for (i)prompt payment of fair and adequate compensation, prior to the taking of possession or acquisition of the property.” As ascertained above, Ms Amongi’s statements indicated that the changes to the law would allow the regime to take land prior to compensation. In the worst-case scenario, as has happened in Nigeria, those who have had their lands taken may never be compensated.
These proposed changes are currently unconstitutional, which explains why Ms Amongi now intends to add a vaguely worded clause to the Constitution which would allow a government land appraiser to ‘deposit’ money on account should there be a dispute over the amount to be compensated, pending a resolution of the courts. According to Ms Amongi, this ‘deposit’ would satisfy condition (2): “prior adequate compensation”. In short, Ms Amongi fully intends to invoke different portions of the out-dated and undemocratic Land Acquisitions Act, which was created in 1965. She intends to do this despite a recent Supreme Court decision – Uganda National Roads Authority Vs. Irumba Asumani & Peter Mageleh, (Supreme Court Constitutional Appeal No.2 of 2014), which determined that the Land Acquisition Act (Cap 226) is unconstitutional as it provided for the compulsory acquisition of property before the payment of compensation of the owner. The Supreme Court determined that the act of the National Roads Authority was inconsistent with Article 26 Clause 2.
Minister Amongi’s announcements have changed nothing. Some purposeless committees will be set up, Museveni will still get to take whatever land he wants, and fundamental protections enshrined in the current Constitution will be stripped away. In fact, Amongi’s proposed amendments will only serve to make land grabbing constitutional. Take for example the disputed lands of Apaa, in Amuru District. Museveni at any time can and will identify that area for a new sugar factory and grab the land in the name of ‘national interest’. The people of Apaa will certainly rise up and challenge these offensive violations of their rights. We know that government is broke. If the regime has its way, the following scenario is imminently possible: an appraiser will deposit, lets say, one million shillings in the court’s “bank account”, expecting a trial to ensue. But where will the people of Apaa find the money to pay for lawyers to represent them in court? In the end, land will still be grabbed by the regime and the people of Apaa will be completely dispossessed.
To add insult to injury, Amongi stated that the public misunderstood her previous announcements. I disagree. Our citizens do understand land. Ugandans are a proud and resilient people. Many are impoverished, but being impoverished does not mean being ‘ignorant.’ Amongi holds our citizens in contempt. These recent statements were a disgrace and can have disastrous consequences. Violent evictions by the police and Ugandan People’s Defence Force will increase and hundreds if not thousands more land defenders will languish in jail, particularly in the northern region. If she continues going down this same path she may become a traitor to her constituency, to northern Uganda, and the country at large. She’s best advised to resign before the situation deteriorates further. Our land is our security. It is our most valuable asset. If we are not vigilant, much of Uganda’s land could very well end up under the control of a privileged few. In 2016, Karamoja remains the poorest region in the country.
Acholiland is recovering from decades of war. It is estimated that the northern region would need to attain economic growth rates of 11 per cent per year for 25 years (2040) to achieve parity with the rest of the country. In order to meaningfully address poverty in this part of the country, investors must be attracted and investments must be made in commercialising agriculture. However, the critical first step is to block any changes to the Constitution that will make it easier for the state to grab land. Any such changes will only serve to make already impoverished people more vulnerable and may lead to a class of people that are completely landless. wewInstead, we must first take immediate and measured steps to address land grabbing and find ways to address the impunity of government officials and security organs. Investment and national development must not happen by extinguishing people’s constitutionally protected rights to their traditional land.
This is why I have consistently called for the following: 1. Citizens of Uganda, regardless of political party, tribe or religion must reject outright the proposed amendment to Article 26 of the 1995 Constitution. 2. Moratorium on State-based land grabbing in northern Uganda and across the country:
The African Bank in Kampala wants all lands in Buganda titled so that it can be mortgaged into its financial portfolio:
Written by Zurah Nakabugo
Created: 31 October 2016
At least 70 per cent of people currently occupying land belonging to the Kabaka of Buganda have not yet registered with the Buganda Land Board as bibanja holders (tenants by occupancy), kingdom officials have disclosed.
In an interview with The Observer on October 24, the public relations officer for Buganda Land Board, Dennis Bugaya, said the lack of land titles is delaying development in Buganda and the whole country.
“Out of over one million people on Kabaka’s land, only 300,000 have registered as bibanja holders, and only 10,000 people registered to get leasehold land titles,” he said.
Bugaya added that the people on Kabaka’s land with leases have lease titles whose tenure ranges between five and 99 years.
“For undeveloped land, we lease it for five years. But when it’s developed, we lease it between 49 and 99 years to encourage development on land,” he said.
Bugaya spoke to The Observer to contextualise comments made by the chief executive officer of Buganda Land Board (BLB), David Kiwalabye Male, during the launch of the ‘Funa Ekyapa loan’ campaign in Kampala early this month.
Buganda Land Board chief executive officer, David Kiwalabye Male (L), and the Bank of Africa managing director, Arthur Isiko, signed a memorandum of understanding on Funa Ekyapa loan.
Buganda Land Board was set up by Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II to manage land and properties returned to the kingdom under the Traditional Rulers (Restitution of Assets and Properties) Act of 1993. The land in question comprises 350 square miles spread all over Buganda kingdom.
Kiwalabye said most Ugandans have access to land but without land titles, which does not guarantee security of tenure.
“Land is not about saying awo wange (that place is mine). Land [ownership] is via documentation,” he said.
The Funa Ekyapa campaign, which Buganda Land Board is carrying out in conjunction with Bank of Africa Uganda, aims to register and issue titles to tenants on the Kabaka’s land who possess sale agreements.
Kiwalabye explained that most people in Buganda, especially bibanja holders, are poor because they have sold untitled land, yet with a land title, the value of the land would have increased by up to 100 times.
“If they had land titles, they would be getting mortgages for more development. People without land titles sell their land very cheaply and end up moving out of town,” he said.
Commenting on reports that the campaign is about getting people evicted, Kiwalabye said:
“People interested in short-term gains are creating a situation that we are evicting people. It’s not true. Those who are interested in the long-term gains of this country must ensure that these people are settled.”
When people are not sure of security of tenancy on land, Kiwalabye said, they can’t invest in long term development projects. He added that through the campaign, those who confirm ownership of their land are to get clearance letters that would enable them to access loans in Bank of Africa.
The head of retail banking at Bank of Africa, Steven Cwinya-Ai, said that in the past, kibanja holders were prone to land disputes due to undefined boundaries and the high cost of surveying services. This often stands in the way of access to credit, Cwinya-Ai said.
“Through the partnership, we shall give affordable financing to our customers holding bibanja to secure ownership of the land by acquiring titles,” he said.
Cwinya-Ai said customers will pay the loan in installments that fit individuals’ cash flows. The loans will be accessible in all Bank of Africa branches within the Buganda Land Board region.
The loan repayment period is two years for both individuals and institutions. According to Bank of Africa managing director Arthur Isiko, with the acquired leasehold titles as collateral, customers will be able to access even larger loan amounts to grow their business and meet personal financial needs. zurah@observer.ug
One understands much of the territorial land out of the control of Mengo or Kabaka's land Estates, is already loaned out in many financial institutions of this country. Where is the new virgin land to mortgage for heaven's sake Mr Arthur Isiko?
Bazzukulu ba Ssekabaka Chwa bayombera ettaka lya Buganda okutudde ne Makerere n’ebitebe bya Gavumenti nga bweriri eryabwe:
Bya Alice Namutebi
Added 25th September 2016
Abazzukulu ba Ssekabaka Chwa ow' Ensi Buganda
BAZZUKULU ba Ssekabaka Daudi Chwa II baagala obuse 20 n'obuwumbi 300 okuva eri Gavumenti mu ttaka lya jjajjaabwe Ssekabaka Chwa II eritannabaddizibwa n'okutuusa leero.
Abazzukulu nga bakulembeddwaamu Omulangira Kalemera Kimera, mutabani w'Omulangira Kagolo Kimera eyali mutabani wa Daudi Chwa II, bagamba nti okusinziira ku ndagaano ya 1900 Ssekabaka Chwa yaweebwa yiika z'ettaka 160,000 nga zino teziri ku ttaka lya Buganda oba mayiro 9000 nga kati kutuddeko abantu abasoba mu bukadde 10.
Ettaka lino liri mu bitundu eby’enjawulo omuli Wakiso, Mpigi, Butambala, Gomba, Mukono, Masaka, Mubende, Mityana, Nakasongola ne Kampala mu bitundu eby’enjawulo nga kuno kwe kuli ne yunivasite y’e Makerere.
Bagamba nti balina obujulizi obukakasa nti ettaka lino lya Ssekabaka Daudi Chwa II.
Yagambye nti mu 1939 Chwa we yakisiza omukono, yali talina muntu yenna gw’awadde lukusa kukyusa byapa bye era n'abaana be yalina ne batafa ku bya kukyusa ttaka kulizza mu mannya gaabwe yadde okulitunda.
Kalemera yannyonnyodde nti Obwakabaka bwe bwawerebwa mu 1966, ebintu byonna omuli n'ettaka lya Chwa byakwasibwa akakiiko k’eggwanga ak’ebyettaka aka Uganda Land Commission era wano we waava obuzibu n'emivuyo gyonna gye baliko kubanga abantu abalina ebigendererwa byabwe baagenda baliguza abalala, ebyapa ebimu ne bikyusibwa awatali lukusa lwonna kuva mu baana ba Chwa.
Mu 2011 omulamuzi wa kkooti Enkulu, Moses Mukiibi yawa abaana ba Chwa okuli Omulangira David Alexander Ssimbwa, Nnaalinya Edith Nabweteme n'abazzukulu okuli Omulangira David Namugala Mawanda, Nnaalinnya Dorothy Nassolo, Nnaalinnya Gladys Nandawula Kyakuse Lumaama, Moses Kimera Luswata ne Ssaava Iga Matovu obuyinza okuddukanya ebintu bya Chwa.
Obumu ku buvunaanyizibwa bwabwe mwalimu okugaba ebintu byonna ebyali ebya Ssekabaka Chwa eri abaana be n'abazzukulu nga muno ne Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi mw’ali kyokka abaana ba Chwa bonna baafa okugyako Omulangira J.B Muggale nga bonna tebaganyuddwa mu ndagaano ya Bazzukulu ba Ssekabaka Chwa basitudde enkundi ku ttaka okutudde Makerere n’ebitebe bya Gavumenti 1900 eyawa kitaabwe ettaka.
“Kati tetumanyi oba nga n'ettaka lya jjajjaffe Chwa baaliwa Bwakabaka kubanga ffe ng’abazzukulu tetufunanga kintu kyonna kuva mu gavumenti ya wakati era bakitaffe ne bassenga bonna bafudde baweddewo tebafunye mu ttaka lya kitaabwe.
Kalemera eyakulembeddemu banne ng’ayita mu looya we Ssenkeezi Ssali yazzeeyo mu kkooti y'ensonga z'amaka esangibwa ku Crusade House n’agisaba abantu abaaweebwa obuyinza basazibwemu, beerondemu abantu abalala kubanga emyaka etaano kati tewali kintu kya Chwa kye baali banunudde nga n'abamu bafudde.
Amyuka omuwandiisi wa kkooti eno, Justine Atukwasiza yabalagidde bakomewo nga October 11, 2016 lw’anaddamu okuwulira okusaba kwabwe.
Muhakanizi, a Treasury Secretary in the Ministray of Finance has accepted Central Government corruption as responsible to buying Ganda Properties around the city of Kampala:
Written by Alon Mwesigwa
Created: 20 July 2016
Keith Muhakanizi
Keith Muhakanizi, the secretary to the Treasury, has said the trouble that has befallen the real estate industry was because they had become vigilant on cracking down corrupt officials.
“That is one indicator that corruption has reduced,” said Muhakanizi at the release of money for this financial year’s first quarter recently.
Muhakanizi told reporters at the ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development that government officials would steal public money and spend it buying land and buildings.
The sector boomed for the decade to around 2012. Prices for residential houses peaked, commercial buildings sprouted from almost every direction of the city while malls dotted Kampala skyline. And the spending was also promising as the ‘middle-class’ Ugandans flocked these buildings to consume.
Things have changed, though ,after demand for property nose-dived. From the real estate dealers to shop owners, the frustration is visible.
At Acacia mall, shop owners have complained of people flocking the place only to take pictures, and not buy. Shops like electronics dealer LG and Sony have closed their outlets there. At Garden city, a couple of shops have closed. It is the same at Oasis mall where all but one shop at their food court have closed.
Today, home sellers now wait much longer to get a buyer. It is widely believed that three scandals put the last nail in the real estate sector’s coffin: at the Office of the Prime Minister, pension money at the ministry of Public Service and the roads money at the Uganda National Roads Authority.
A report on the corruption in the roads sector showed that be- tween 2008, when Unra was created, and 2014, at least Shs 4 trillion meant for road construction was swindled. Unra has since ushered in new management led by Allen Kagina.
At the ministry of Public Service, thousands of ghost claimants were created to swindle billions in pension money. And at OPM, billions meant for rehabilitation of war victims in northern Uganda ended in pockets of some officials in Kampala.
Kampala skyline at night
Meanwhile, Muhakanizi announced the release Shs 5.7 trillion for the three months to October 2016. This includes funds for Karuma, Isimba, clearing of some debts, and the recapitalisation of Bank of Uganda. Government departments and ministries will receive Shs 3.4 trillion of that money.
Of this, Shs 844.9bn (25 per cent) is to cater for wages. At least Shs 400bn has been provided for Unra to “ensure that there is no delay in implementation of projects”.
Kagina told reporters recently that the authority would not take on new roads this financial year. Also, Muhakanizi said accounting officers will be held accountable for the government assets that are stolen or destroyed.
“There have been no comprehensive records of government assets, and monitoring reports have indicated continued failure of votes to effectively operate and maintain public assets,” he said.
“Accounting officers must ensure that they maintain records of all government assets, including land titles...as a matter of urgency.”
Martin Luther Nsibirwa, Kiwana: Katikkiro wa Buganda eyazimba embuga z’amasaza zonna:
Sep 27, 2015
OLUVANNYUMA lw'emyaka 70 ng’afudde, erinnya lya Martin Luther Nsibirwa likyavuga mu Uganda yonna!
Kino kivudde ku kuba nti ebirungi bye yalekera ensi eno bikyalabwako ne kaakati. Nsibirwa yali Katikkiro wa Buganda emirundi ebiri.
Muky. Rhoda Kalema omu ku bawala ba Nsibirwa agamba nti kitaawe yali musajja ayagala ennyo enkulaakulana n'okukola ebintu ebisobola okutwala Obuganda mu maaso.
Yakola ebintu bingi na kati ebikyali eby'omugaso mu ntambuza y'emirimu mu Buganda ne Uganda. "Kitange yawaayo obulamu bwe okukolerera Obuganda okulaba nga bufuna ekisingawo ekyatuuka n'okumukubya essasi eryamuttirawo bwe yali ayingira mu Lutikko e Namirembe okusaba ku makya.
Muky. Rhoda Kalema
Yalondebwa ku Bwakatikkiro bwa Buganda ekisanja ekyasooka mu 1929 n’asaba okuwummula mu 1941 olw'okusika omugwa okwaliwo n'abamu ku bakungu nga bawakanya enteekateeka ze yalina ye ze yalaba nga zisobola okutwala Buganda mu maaso.
Omanyi mu kiseera ekyo, ng'onoobeera n'emirembe Omuganda nga tomukwatira ku Kabaka n'ettaka. Wabula Gavumenti y'amatwale mu kiseera kye kimu yali emaze okuzimba yunivasite y’e Makerere kyokka nga baagala okuzimba yunivasite y'amawanga g'obuvanjuba bwa Afrika (University of East Africa).
Ne balaba ng’esobola kuzimbibwa Makerere kyokka ng’ettendekero eryaliwo mu kiseera ekyo lyali wafunda ate ng'ettaka eririnaanyeewo lya bwannannyini.
Kitange yayagala nnyo eby'okusoma wadde nga ye teyasoma era yayaniriza n'okuwagira enteekateeka y'okugaziya Makerere.
Yafuba okuperereza bannyini ttaka eryali liriraanye Makerere mu nteekateeka y'okubaliyirira oba okubawaanyisaamu ettaka eddala.
Wabula bannyini ttaka n'abamu ku bakungu be yali aweereza nabo kino baakiraba bulala era nga bagamba nti yeekobaanye b'Abazungu okubba ettaka lyabwe ne bakisimbira ekkuuli. Kino kye kyamuviirako okuva ku Bwakatikkiro mu 1941.
Mu kiseera kino nnalina emyaka 12. Twali tusula mu Butikkiro era twakwatamu ebyaffe ne tudda e Kayunga eyali amaka gaffe olwo enteekateeka zonna ez'okuzimba yunivasite ne zisuulibwa mu kasero.
Wabula Ssekabaka Muteesa II bwe yalaba ng'ebintu tebitambula bulungi n'amuyita era mu kitabo kye ekya 'The discretion of my Kingdom', Ssekabaka Muteesa II agamba nti, ‘Bwe nnamuyita okudda ku Bwakatikkiro yasooka kugaana, wabula bwe namujjukiza nti yasuubiza okuyamba kitange, n’akkiriza okuddamu okuweereza.’
Twakomawo era nga July, 7, 1945 yatuuzibwa ku Bwakatikkiro omulundi ogwokubiri. Kyokka entebe yagimalako emyezi ebiri gyokka kubanga yattibwa nga September, 5, 1945.
Okusinziira ku kunoonyereza okwakolebwa poliisi ne kkooti, kyazuulibwa nti bannannyini ttaka be baapangisa omutemu eyamukuba essasi.
Olwakomawo, Abangereza ne bajaganya ng'akimezezza okw’enjala kubanga yali awagira enteekateeka zaabwe ez'okuzimba yunivasite e Makerere era zaatojjera buto.
Kigambibwa nti baamutta okumutangira okussa omukono ku kiwandiiko ky'okusengula abantu abaali ku ttaka okwali kugenda okuzimbibwa yunivasite.
Kye bataamanya nti yali amaze okussa ku kiwandiiko omukono kubanga Katikkiro ye yalina okussaako omukono.
Bbo abaamutta baali bawuliddeko nti enteekateeka z’okussaako omukono tezinnaggwa, kati ne balowooza nti bw’aba tataddeeko mukono tewali kijja kugenda mu maaso.
Yazaalibwa omwami Kiwana mu 1883, eyali omuvubi e Buwe mu kizinga ky'e Ssese n'omukyala Priscilla Bulyaba. Teyasoma kugenda wala wabula yatwalibwa mu maka ga Katikkiiro Sir. Apollo Kaggwa gye yayigira okuwandiika n'okusoma n'obukodyo bw'obukulembeze okuva mu bafuzi b'amatwale era nga yakula n'okulambikibwa omwami Temiteo Mulondo.
Obulamu bwe bwonna yabumala aweereza Buganda.
Oluvannyuma yawasa abakyala abalala basatu okuli; Erina Nankya, Nawume Kipanda ne Veronica Namuddu era yaleka abaana 25 nga ku bano kusigaddewo bana okuli; Eseza Kironde, Robina Sserwada, John Nsibirwa ne Rhoda Kalema, so nga abazakkulu bbo tobala!
Muky. Kalema agamba nti olw'okuba nti famire ya Nsibirwa esobodde okubeerawo okumala emyaka 70 ng'amaze okufa, bategese okusaba okwenjawulo okwebaza Katonda olw'emirimu gye yakolera Buganda n'okukuuma famire ye ng'ekyali wamu.
Okusaba kuno kwakubeerawo ku ssaawa 9:00 ez'olweggulo olwaleero (Ssande nga September 27, 2015) mu Lutikko e Namirembe ng'okusaba kwakukulemberwamu Omulabirizi w'e Mityana eyawummula, Rtd Rt. Rev. Wilson Mutebi era nga Katikkiro wa Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga y'agenda kubeera omugenyi omukulu.
This is the old and historical residence of the Kattikiro of Buganda
Kingdom State.
Posted Aug 14, 2015:
On Monday August 10, 2015, the Katikkiro of Buganda, Mr. Charles Peter Mayiga told members of the Buganda Lukiiko that the official residence of the Katikkiro, named Butikkiro, was finally in the hands of Buganda Kingdom, after its surrendered by the NRM government. “The residence is almost free for us to use, apart from a few of their items, which are to be removed by the end of this month of AugustUpsets”, said Mr. Mayiga. As members of the Lukiiko cheered, Mr. Mayiga surprised them with the announcement that he had been approached by Uganda Christian University Mukono about renting part of the Butikkiro land to their Kampala campus; and he had already approved their proposal. He explained that the kingdom does not need all the 5 or so acres on which Butikkiro sits, saying, “We can leave just enough area for the main house and rent the rest to get income for repairing the house”.
Minutes after the Lukiiko session, this reporter asked two members to comment on the Katikkiro’s surprise announcement about Butikkiro. The first member, who is a youth, excitedly said in Luganda, “I am disappointed that Mr. Mayiga continues with his tendency to always report to Lukiiko after making the decisions on matters that are vital to the Kingdom. He seems not to care that the Lukiiko has the mandate to discuss and approve various matters and projects in the kingdom.”
The other candidate, a confessed Christian, said that she would like to support Mr. Mayiga’s plans to get the kingdom income. However, she said that, this time, she was upset because: “In O-Levels I got to lean that white church leaders dealt with the Katikkiro’s in 1900 to steal hundreds of Buganda kingdom land. How can we now allow Christian leaders from western Uganda led by Ntagali, Musinguzi and Katabaazi, working through Senyonyi, to do a deal with Mengo and take even an inch of Butikkiro?” she asked.
The Uganda Christian University Kampala campus was initially located along Kabakanjagala Road, less than half of a mile from Butikkiro, at the royal Ntawetwa roundabout. It gave up the facilities to Nkumba University, for reasons that BugandaWatch could not immediately establish.
Butikkiro is one of thousands of Buganda Kingdom properties that were forcefully stolen by the Uganda government in 1966 and illegally occupied for decades. It was returned to the kingdom by the Uganda NRM government in 1993. Since then, it has been occupied by United States funded Joint Clinical Research Medical Centre under terms that Mengo has kept secret. It occupies nearly 5 acres, which were designed to allow space for spacious gardens, flower beds, offices, cultural facilities and large meetings related to the office of Katikkiro.”
Constructed around 1920, during the reign of Ssekabaka Daudi Chwa II, Butikkiro has been occupied Martin Luther Nsibirwa, Samwiri Wamala, Kawalya Kaggwa, Michael Kintu and Joash Nkangi during their terms as Katikkiro. Nkangi was its last occupant when the Uganda government forcibly grabbed Butikkiro in 1966.
The Waganda rich Palace Estate is for SALE!
Okusereka amasiro g’e Wamala kunaatera okuggwa
Kampala | May 05, 2014
Omulimu gw’okusereka Amasiro ge Wamala we gutuuse.
Bya Lilian Nalubega
ABASERESI ba Wabula-akayole n’abantu abalala bali mu keetalo ka kusereka amasiro ga Bassekabaka e Wamala nga mu kiseera kino bamalirizza okusereka essubi ku ludda lwago olwa kkono.
Wabula, abaseresi balaze obweraliikirivu olw’enkuba etonnya ennyo mu kiseera kino gye bagambye nti yandibalemesa okumaliriza okusereka mu bbanga lye babadde beewa.
“Tubadde tulowooza nti ekitundu ekisigaddewo tunaakimaliriza mu bbanga ery’emyezi esatu egiddako naye kirabika kiyinza okuba ekizibu enkuba etonnya etulemesa kubanga lw’etonnye tetukola okutuusa ng’omusana gwase bulungi essubi ne likala amazzi ate n’emiti ne giba nga tegiseerera” Wabulaakayole omukulu mu mulimu gw’okusereka Wamala, Joseph Musisi Bwakoodo bwe yagambye.
yayongeddeko nti ebbula ly’ebikozesebwa ebimu nalyo libatataaganyaamu bwe baba bakola emirimu gyabwe kyokka n’ategeeza nti mu kiseera kino Katikkiro aliko ensimbi ze yawaayo ng’ebikozesebwa bibaweebwa mu budde nga kino tekikyali kizibu kinene gye bali.
Katikkiro Mayiga gye buvuddeko yategeeza nti ebisigalidde okukolebwa ku Masiro ga Bassekabaka e Kasubi ne Wamala bitono ddala era n’alangirira ng’okubisondera ssente bwe kwaggwa nga 1,500,000,000/ ezaakung’aanyizibwa ku nkola eya ‘Kasubi Masiro ggwanga muggye’ Bbugwe n’endala ze zaasalibwawo okulaba nga zigabanyizibwa amasiro gombi gasobole okumalirizibwa obulungi.
Mu kiseera ssente z’okuzimba n’okumaliriza Bulange Plaza ze zisondebwa, eby’okusondera amasiro g’e Wamala ne Kasubi biwedde era tuleseewo akawumbi akamu n’ekitundu ezikyaliwo okulaba nga zimaliriza buli kimu,” Katikkiro Mayiga bwe yagambye.
Emmotoka za Buganda Obote (UPC) nazzo yazzibbira Uganda.
Emmotoka ya Kabaka gyeyakoleramu emikolo gya Uganda nga afuuse President.
Ani gwokyesiga wano e Buganda.
Embaga ya Kabaka Muteesa ne Catherine Damali Nakawombe 19,
November 1948 mu Mmotoka Olukiiko lwa Buganda gye yabawa nga ekirabo.
Kayihura tapes: new leaks to expose opposition figures:
At first, the public leaks of taped conversations between police chief Kale Kayihura and NRM youths were scripted as an attempt to stop Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi’s ‘bid’ for the presidency. But the latest tape, featuring Kayihura and deputy Lord Mayor Sulaiman Kidandala has stirred panic, and reshaped the narrative especially within the opposition ranks.
The leak, insiders say, illuminates one reality – that Kayihura has recorded most private conversations he has had with many people, including leading opposition figures. Insider sources say that among the 87 missing tapes, one has Kayihura and DP President General Norbert Mao talking.
Phone talk
Mao admits that he talks to Kayihura regularly on phone. He told us yesterday that he last sat down for a one-on-one with Kayihura two years ago. The only other recent meeting with Kayihura, Mao said, occurred when he and other opposition leaders met the police chief to express their displeasure with the way police was violently breaking up their political rallies. However, and as if with a tinge of fresh suspicion, Mao recalls that lately, an aide to the police chief has been pestering him for a meeting.
“Unless I was recorded through a third party but for me I have nothing to fear or hide,” Mao said. “I am an honest and straight person.”
Mao said he was not a “double dealer” like some opposition MPs and, therefore, would never trade any secrets or take any money from the police chief if the two met. He said Kayihura’s approach of recording his private conversations with people was crude and some people who would want to give police sensitive information might be deterred.
Yet in a society where some politicians wear different political shades depending on the time of the day or night, revelations that some opposition politicians have been cutting deals with government might not be surprising.
Kidandala, a DP member, has been until the leaks, one of the most trusted lieutenants of Erias Lukwago, the embattled Kampala lord mayor.
Together with Makindye Councillor Allan Ssewanyana, they have been Lukwago’s key strategists in his battle to assert his supremacy on City hall. Yet from the contents of the conversation with Kayihura, it is clear that Kidandala turned against Lukwago.
What comes out clearly from the Kidandala tape is that the deputy mayor thinks lowly of the man (Lukwago) who handpicked him for the job. On tape, Kidandala is heard telling Kayihura that Lukwago suffers from “arrivalism”- a feeling of self-importance. He also assures the police chief that he is willing to work with government to weaken Lukwago. At a press briefing last week, Kidandala confirmed that he had met Kayihura but insisted he did not ask for any money from him.
“The voices were doctored to suggest that I asked for money,” he said.
Lukwago said during a morning talk show on NBS TV on Monday that he was “shocked and frightened by Kidandala’s recording.
“I have talked to him about it and we are still talking…but why does Kayihura go behind my back…,” Lukwago wondered.
In a separate interview,
Wafula Oguttu, the leader of the Opposition in Parliament, said conversations between Kayihura and members of the opposition were disturbing but not surprising.
“We have always known that there are moles amongst us but Kidandala is just one member of the opposition and therefore does not represent all of us,” he said.
Oguttu claimed that they too had moles within the NRM, the only difference being that “we don’t record them while they are giving us vital information.”
Asuman Basalirwa, the president of Justice Forum (Jeema), said it would be unfair to use the recordings to demonize the opposition.
“For me I think each recording should be analsyed case by case and put into proper context,” he said.
Basalirwa said the recordings had brought the opposition in the crossfire between Kayihura and Mbabazi. They were diverting them from bigger-picture issues such as fighting abuse of public resources, personalisation of state resources and absence of the rule of law.
Police responds
At a recent press conference Police Spokesman Fred Enanga, attempted to explain the recordings.
Asked whether it was standard procedure for police to record people without their knowledge, he said, “When we are carrying out intelligence investigations, there is what we call investigative aids which involve things like recordings by having tapes, video and audio recordings because they facilitate investigations that we may need for future reference.
When you are handling such matters like politics, where a person keeps on shifting positions, for future reference, the recorded information helps us. When we have the recording, it doesn’t stop there. We have to go and refine it, investigate further and carry out extensive intelligence in processing the information so that we come up with something credible at the end…”
Public reation
The recordings have also sowed suspicion of the opposition within the general public. The feeling of betrayal was palpable on social media, minutes after Kidandala’s recording was made public.
“There are very few young politicians who have been able to shake off M7 tricks. Remember some of these are young men with little wealth and need money for survival and development. Kidandala’s case requires more investigation and analysis. We need to know why he took the money, why he has been in support of the lord mayor despite the bribe, how has he been behaving and deliberating during the strategy setting…” wrote one of his Facebook ‘friends’.
Another questioned: “What kind of opposition do we have in this country?”
Yet another compared Kidandala’s action to that of Judas Iscariot, who, according to the Bible, betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. So far the contents of three out of a reported 87 missing tapes have been made public, meaning there are 84 more to go. For opposition members who have recently met Kayihura, formally or informally, the anxiety has just started.
The Aga Khan, leader of the Nizari Ismailis Moslem sect
Nationalist Baganda youth leaders are up in arms about what they call the decision by Prince Shah Karim Al Husseini Aga Khan IV to join the cultural genocide campaign against the Baganda people. They say that the Aga Khan has conspired with or bribed officials in Buganda Kingdom institutions to build a hospital and other business structures on the grounds of the sacred official residence of the Kabaka (king) called Mengo Lubiri.
For over a week, members of Baganda nationalist youth movement, Ffe Buganda Nze Buganda (We are Buganda I am Buganda) have been posting warnings on Facebook that Buganda and Uganda Government officials were feverishly negotiating a deal to bring the Aga Khan and members of his Nizari Ismailis Moslem sect into one of Buganda’s most sacred cultural sites as business real-estate developers. Suspicions are that members of the NRM ruling class are also using the Aga Khan as a trojan horse to get shares of the Lubiri. Wasswa Willy Ndigeza, Godfrey Luyombya, Victoria Namuli and Nicodemus Malimbolimbo are leading the Baganda youth protest against the alleged plans by the Aga Khan and his followers.
On Friday last week, one of the Ffe Buganda Nze Buganda leaders, Wasswa Willy Ndigeza, told BugandaWatch by phone in Luganda, “We hear that the Aga Khan is himself a spiritual leader and king like our Kabaka and has big palaces in England and elsewhere. But to us, he is like any other businessman who is working with our other enemies to do cultural genocide against Baganda. We don’t think that his own officials can allow any foreign businessman to go and build a clinic or school in the compound of his palace. So why does he come through weak or greedy officials to buy and destroy our culture with his shops and billboards? I don’t know but it is now starting to look like the people who say that Indians in Uganda hate Baganda may be correct.”
It is common these days to hear traditional Baganda and youths in Kampala complaining that the Indians in Buganda have become central to the oppression of Baganda since they control nearly all business sectors but also discriminate against Baganda when hiring, because hiring a Munyankore helps a business to get contact in the Uganda tax authority (URA). There is also wide sentiments across traditional Baganda that the NRM government and its collaborators in Buganda institutions and elsewhere are following a long-term program of cultural genocide against Baganda. And that the burning of important cultural sites like Kasubi and other tomb sites, planting non-Baganda saboteurs in Mengo and isolating and misguiding Kabaka Mutebi is part of that genocide plan.
Research shows that the Asian community has historically been used as agents and collaborators of colonizing powers in Buganda and Uganda, starting in the early 1900’s when British colonialists used them to keep native Baganda from entering commercial business. Over 10–20 years the NRM government has allowed thousands of Indians, Pakistanis and Sri Lankans to partner with non-Baganda Ugandans, especially from Western Uganda, to frustrate Baganda businessmen and women. The NRM government frequently gives away urban and Baganda native lands to so-called Indian investors, many of whom then expel Baganda residents to Kampala streets.
One of the reasons why many Baganda jubilated when Idi Amin expelled Indians and other Asians from Uganda in 1972 was because the president he overthrew, Milton Obote, had also used many of them to frustrate Baganda ambitions to grow in business. When the NRM government came into power, Baganda dominated business in Buganda and owned over 75% of all land in Buganda (counting the 9,000 square miles of native lands). Now Baganda control a smaller percentage of Buganda land than that in the hands of outsiders, especially from Western Uganda and foreign countries. In 1999 the NRM government outright stole and gave away 9,000 square miles of Baganda native lands to its supporters, collaborators and foreigners through the infamous 1998 Land Act.
In 2009 there was a major violent disturbance in Buganda, the Kayunga troubles, after the NRM government restricted the Kabaka from visiting Bugerere County of Buganda. Baganda youths clashed with Uganda Police and, at the end, 40 Baganda had been executed by the Uganda security forces. Many properties were destroyed but Asian businesses were not targeted by the crowds because they did not see their owners as a real enemy. It may be too early to tell how a decision by a high-profile Indian like the Aga Khan to finance the destruction of a sacred Baganda site like Mengo Lubiri will affect whether Baganda look at Indians as enemies or not.
Aga Khan eyes Lubiri
Written by Sadab Kitatta Kaaya
Last Updated: 27 February 2015
Twekobe house in Lubiru, Mengo
Lubiri, a 260-acre piece of idle Buganda kingdom palace land at Mengo, has been earmarked for re-development.
Buganda Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga on Monday told the Lukiiko (kingdom’s parliament) that they had received two proposals for re-development from investors, that are still under scrutiny.
“It makes no sense for us to keep this piece of land. We have decided that it should be redeveloped but in a manner that is in conformity with our culture,” Mayiga said.
According to Mayiga’s speech, the kingdom is likely to retain about 20 acres on which the Twekobe (Kabaka’s official residence), Lubiri high school and Lubiri Nnabagereka primary school sit.
“The area on which those [three] institutions sit measures approximately 20 acres or less, and the rest is unutilized; that is why we are deciding to give away the rest of this land for re-development,” Mayiga said.
He did not name the potential investors but pledged that the process would open and transparent.
“There is no need for us to hide under the table when handling this process, because the Lubiri is for all Baganda,” Mayiga said.
Some members of the Lukiiko, however, seemed to distrust Mayiga’s word since he didn’t table the redevelopment project report this time round as he promised in October last year. During the first meeting of the 22nd session of the Lukiiko held on October 27, 2014, Mayiga promised to table, at the next sitting, a comprehensive report on the Lubiri redevelopment project.
This was captured under minute 6.1.
“When you look at the minutes of the previous sitting, the katikkiro was meant to give us the report about the plans to redevelop Lubiri, but there we go; he is instead repeating the same promise,” a Lukiiko member who declined to be named told The Observer.
Several insider sources at Bulange linked the project to the Aga Khan, who reportedly wants to build a hospital and a school. However, a representative of the Aga Khan who only identified himself as Karim denied that his boss has an eye on Lubiri.
“That’s not correct, at least I have not heard of anything related to that, but The Aga Khan will be here to attend the convocation ceremony of the Aga Khan University and a statement will be issued on Thursday,” Karim said.
Interviewed on Tuesday for a comment on the possibility of the Aga Khan investing in the redevelopment of Lubiri, Buganda kingdom spokesman, Denis Ssengendo Walusimbi said: “Apart from what the Katikkiro said in the Lukiiko, I don’t have any further information.”
He said, however, that the kingdom had instituted a committee to study the proposals. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) was last year said to be interested in constructing an airfield in Lubiri but the offer is understood to have been turned down by the kingdom.
The religious leader of the Ismaili cult, The Aga Khan will only have to pay $100( shs emitwalo 34) every year for the Nakawa land access of 60 acres for 99 years:
Written by Benon Herbert Oluka
Created: 23 December 2015
• Shs 340,000 per year for all 60 acres • Govt to guarantee Aga Khan’s foreign loan applications • Aga Khan needs an additional 40 acres in Nakawa • Govt exempts Aga Khan from paying taxes for project
On top of the 60 acres of prime land in Kampala to house a university teaching hospital, the Aga Khan Foundation will enjoy tax exemptions, government guarantees for foreign loan applications and – possibly – an additional 40 acres, details of a confidential agreement suggest.
The 21-page agreement, which the two parties signed on December 4, 2015 ahead of Prince Karim Aga Khan’s December 17, 2015 visit to launch the construction of the hospital, says the Aga Khan Foundation will pay ground rent of $100 (about Shs 330,000) per year for the 60 acres of land in the Kampala suburb of Nakawa.
“The ground rent of US One Hundred Dollars (US$100) per year shall be payable in full for the initial five (5) years upon the granting of the lease. Upon extension to the full term of ninety-nine (99) years, the ground rent herein reserved shall likewise be payable in advance for the entire term of the lease,” says the agreement, a copy of which The Observer has obtained.
This means that the Aga Khan Foundation will pay a total of $10,400 (about Shs 34.3 million) to use the land for the first 104 years of its lease ($500 for the first five years and $9,900 for the next 99 years).
“The government undertakes to waive payment of any premium for the lease or in any respect for the land,” says the agreement, which adds that the Aga Khan will pay administrative charges for the preparation of the lease and a certificate of title, nominal stamp duty, title charge, registration fee and bank charges.
His Highness the Aga Khan and President Yoweri Museveni lay a brick at the Nakawa site to symbolise the foundation stone-laying for the Aga Khan University hospital
The minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Daudi Migereko, signed on behalf of Uganda while the chairman of the National Committee Uganda, Anil Samsi, signed on behalf of the Aga Khan Foundation. Witnesses included the acting solicitor general, Christopher Gashirabake, for Uganda and the Aga Khan Development Network’s diplomatic representative in Uganda, Mahmood Ahmed.
In a telephone interview with The Observer yesterday, Migereko confirmed the contents of the agreement, explaining further that ordinary Ugandans stand to benefit immensely from the deal.
“They [the Aga Khan Foundation] will be offering subsidised services, not commercial services. But the important thing is that we shall be having the badly-needed specialised treatment that we have been looking for in India, South Africa, Nairobi [Kenya] and so on,” he said.
The ministry of Health estimates that Uganda spends at least Shs 380 billion annually to send top government officials abroad for medical treatment, with the Aga Khan hospital in Nairobi recently becoming a sort of referral facility for many cases from Kampala.
Speaking at the land grant ceremony in Kampala, the chancellor of Aga Khan University, Prince Karim Aga Khan, said they are working on the concept of an integrated regional health system that will be supported by e-medicine and that e-medicine will be supported by international relationships.
“Essentially we are trying to build a network of tertiary care hospitals, teaching hospitals throughout eastern Africa. We are trying to add to that network of teaching hospitals, medical units which are partly educational system but which will become referral institutions to our major network institutions and our hope is that over the years we will have a system covering East Africa where an individual needing care will be able to enter the system at any point and receive the appropriate health care, whether it be in Uganda or in Kenya or in Tanzania or even further afield,” he said.
According to the Aga Khan, who is the head of the Ismailia Community, his health network will in the decades ahead concentrate on dealing with non-communicable diseases which confront modern society, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, as well as mental and neurological illness and cancer.
Construction of the hospital is expected to start “not later than July 2017,” according to the agreement. The Aga Khan Foundation will use the prior period for “planning and design” of the hospital, expected to cost $100 million (about Shs 330 billion) and be operational in 2020.
The entire project will be undertaken in phases, says the agreement, with related facilities to be constructed later earmarked “for the provision of education, research and ancillary functions and operations” as may be determined by the Aga Khan Foundation.
Prince Karim said he believes that building a university research hospital of global quality will help arrest the massive brain drain affecting Uganda’s medical sector.
“Uganda has doctors and nurses who are successful in their professions but who are not in Uganda,” he said. “It is my hope that by building the Aga Khan University hospital here in Uganda, the wonderful doctors and nurses who are Ugandans, who are working outside Uganda, will come back and work here in an institution which not only will welcome them but give them the best professional conditions in which they can work.”
According to the agreement, the government has pledged to exempt some agencies within the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) which are involved in the construction of the Nakawa project from paying taxes.
“The government acknowledges and confirms that the not-for-profit social development agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network are exempt from the payment of all taxes direct and indirect, fees, duties and imposts in accordance with the Accords and Protocols of the Cooperation for Development in Clause 2 hereof and the Statutory Instruments that have been issued by the government of Uganda published in the Official Gazette,” notes the agreement.
Additionally, in accordance with the standing rules on land allocation within the city, which require the government to offer an initial five years that can be extended upon fulfilment of initial development requirements, the five-year lease to the Aga Khan is supposed to automatically turn into a perpetually- renewable 99-year lease.
However, unlike other land deals, the government has given a special waiver to the Aga Khan Foundation if it fails within the first five year to meet the terms of the “development covenant” that the two parties agreed upon.
“In the event that the Development Covenant has not been fulfilled by the expiry of the initial five (5) year term, it shall be extended for such further period as may reasonably be necessary (having regard to the full context and international best practice),” says the agreement.
Ironically, the government used the five-year rule during negotiations with OpecPrime Properties, which it had initially given 160 acres of the Naguru-Nakawa land, to reclaim the 60 acres and give them to the Aga Khan Foundation.
On October 15, 2007, the government and OpecPrime Properties signed a public-private partnership (PPP), which authorised the company to construct 1,700 housing units on the Naguru-Nakawa land. However, eight years later, the project is yet to take shape despite the 2013 formal construction launch graced by President Museveni.
Speaking at the land grant ceremony for the Aga Khan hospital project’s initiation on December 17, the director of OpecPrime Properties, Prince Hassan Kimbugwe, said they had surrendered part of the land so the Aga Khan Foundation could construct one of the items on their original master plan.
“For us to develop the area, we had a master plan. We were thinking of either building a mega shopping mall, government offices or university. So, when the Aga Khan group approached us, we had no objection,” he said.
According to the agreement, all funding for the project will be sourced by the Aga Khan Foundation. However, the government has made a commitment to guarantee the Aga Khan Foundation’s application for funds from foreign sources, including loans.
“The Aga Khan Foundation confirms that it will be using its privately-arranged and/or procured finances and, therefore, the Aga Khan Foundation shall assume all the financial, technical and operational obligations and risks in the design, financing, building and operation of the project.”
However, the government, through the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, agrees that it will provide letters in support of the project and other education and research initiatives in Kampala to international funding agencies and institutions to facilitate grants, soft loans and concessional funding for the project,” says the agreement.
On the project land, a clause in the agreement says “a total of one hundred acres of land is estimated to be required” for the construction of the university teaching hospital and the other associated facilities. However, with the government having provided only 60 acres, questions abound about whether the Aga Khan will want another 40 acres for his project. Yesterday, Migereko told The Observer it will not be necessary.
“We could only raise 60 acres [so] they will go upstairs. There must be optimal utilisation of space and buildings can go up. We can go in for high density, high rise buildings even for a hospital so 60 acres for the time being can be adequate,” said the outgoing Butembe County MP.
Correspondences between Migereko and the Uganda Land Commission also indicate that the government fast-tracked the deal, which President Museveni told guests at the launch had stalled for at least two years.
On December 7, 2015, Migereko wrote to the Chairman of the Uganda Land Commission, Baguma Isoke, asking him to urgently convene his commissioners and formally change ownership of the 60 acres of prime land in Kampala.
Migereko’s two-page letter said the government had re-possessed about a third of the 160 acres of land that it had initially offered to Opec Prime Properties for development of an estate, and would now offer it to the Aga Khan Foundation for construction of a university teaching hospital.
Writing with just 10 days to the handover ceremony that Prince Karim Aga Khan was flying in for, Migereko urged Isoke to summon his nine-member commission to fast-track the process of granting leasehold to the new owners.
“This is therefore to draw your attention to the above developments and request that you urgently convene the Commission and consider this application without further delay,” Migereko wrote to Baguma.
“I highly trust that you understand and appreciate the importance and urgency this case presents,” he added.
Deal: The Aga Khan welcomes President Museveni to the Nakawa site of the Aga Khan University Hospital Kampala
Indeed, by the time the Aga Khan arrived, President Museveni was waiting with the lease and certificate of title in hand. During the land grant ceremony at Nakawa, the Aga Khan lavished praise on President Museveni as “a man of action — he likes results!”
“I want to thank the president for making this site available. Because when all is said and done, the institutions also depend on their location. And this location is one of the best locations we could have asked for in this wonderful city of Kampala,” said Prince Karim.
In his letter to ULC, Migereko said the government reclaimed the land after engaging in negotiations with OpecPrime Properties to surrender the land on which Uganda Land Commission had granted them leasehold of 99 years.
“These negotiations were concluded and the owners’ copy was surrendered together with a duly executed Deed of Surrender in favour of Government,” Migereko wrote. “The Deed of Surrender was registered and the Certificate of Title formerly comprised in Leasehold Register Volume 4248 Folio 14 in the names of OpecPrime
Properties was cancelled and no longer exists.”
Asked about the terms of the negotiations with OpecPrime Properties, Migereko declined to comment, only saying, “They were asked to indicate what they had spent and we are waiting for them to indicate.”
He then referred The Observer to OpecPrime Properties, who were not available for comment by the time we went to press. Contents of the Uganda-Aga Khan deal also indicate that the government could have thrown the former Nakawa housing estate tenants under the bus, putting their opportunities of getting flats under the Opec deal in doubt.
In the agreement, the government says there is no dispute over the land but, in the same vein, promises to insulate the Aga Khan Foundation from any disputes over the land, should they eventually arise.
“The government confirms that the site is free from any aliens or encumbrances and that there are no rates, taxes, assessments, duties and charges unpaid or outstanding in respect of the previous owners/lessees of the land to date,” says the agreement.
“Should there be any outstanding matters, the Government shall promptly settle such matters and dues and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Aga Khan Foundation from any losses or damages incurred as a result of any claim and/or litigation relating to the land,” it adds.
However, Prince Kimbugwe told those in attendance at the land grant ceremony that they intend to meet their end of the bargain with the tenants. He said, “I would like to assure the former 2,000 tenants who we promised housing units that they are to get apartments at the Naguru Housing Estate.”
This article is a product of The Watchdog, a centre for investigative journalism at The Observer.
Ow’e Kasokoso akubiddwa essasi mu kwekalakaasa
Kampala | May 01, 2014
Poliisi ng’etwala omu ku beekalakaasi.
Bya Lawrence Kitatta , Faith Nakanwagi ne Madinah Nalwanga
OMUNTU omu akubiddwa essasi poliisi bw’ezinze ekyalo Kasokoso okukwata abantu abagambibwa nti baakuba ssentebe wa Gombolola y’e Kira, Mamerito Mugerwa bwe yali agenzeeyo okuyingira mu nsonga z’ettaka mu kitundu ekyo.
Ekikwekweto kino poliisi yakitandise ku ssaawa ssatu ez’ekiro ku Lwokubiri n’etandika okufeffetta buli wamu ng’enoonya abatuuze okuli Haji Musa Ssekigudde, kansala David Ssekiziyivu, ne Daudi Mugalya ssentebe w’ekyalo kino.
Bino byaddiridde kkooti okufulumya ekibaluwa kibakuntumye ng’eragira abantu bano bakwatibwe batwalibwe mu kkooti bavunaanwe omusango ogw’okukuba Mugerwa n’okwokya mmotoka ya Kira Town Council.
Abeekalakaasi nga bakasukira poliisi amayinja.
Wabula poliisi olwakutte Musa Ssekigudde, ku ssaawa nga ssatu ez’ekiro ku Lwokubiri, olutalo ne lutandika abantu ne bagirumba nga bakasuka amayinja kwe kubaanukula n’amasasi mu bbanga n’okukuba omukka ogubalagala.
Olutalo lwagendedde ddala mu maaso okukeesa obudde , era we bwakeeredde nga poliisi ekutte abantu mukaaga beerumiriza nti bakira be bagikasukira amayinja nti era mu kavuvungano kano waliwo omuserikale w’eggye lya UPDF nga mutuuze mu kitundu eyakubiddwa ejjinja ku mutwe n’afuna ebisago.
Ku Lwokusatu ku makya, omutuuze ayitibwa Peter Iga eyabadde mu nju ye ng’awuliriza ebigenda mu maaso, essasi lyayise mu bbaati ne limukuba omukono era baamutadde ku kabangali ya poliisi ng’avaamu omusaayi mungi.
Sekiziyivu (ku kkono) ne Jude Kaboggoza (owookubiri ku kkono)
nga bava ku kkooti.
Ku ddyo ye Hajji Musa Ssekigudde naye yakwatiddwa ku
Oluvannyuma David Ssekiziyivu ne munne Jude Kaboggoza abaasoose okudduka oluvannyuma beereese bokka ne beewaayo mu mikono gya poliisi eyabakutte n’ebatwala mu kkooti e Nakawa gye bagguliddwaako ogwokujeemera ebiragiro bya kkooti.
Mu kiseera kye kimu baavunaaniddwa okukuba Mamerito Mugerwa n’okwokya mmotoka ya gavumenti. Omulamuzi Slyvia Nabaggala yabasomedde emisango oluvannyuma n’abasindika ku limanda e Luzira nga baakudda nga May 19, 2014.
Bino byonna biddiridde enkaayana eziriwo ku ttaka wakati w’abatuuze n’eb’ekitongole kya UGANDA NATIONAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION n’abatuuze b’e Kasokoso nga buli ludda lukaaya nti ettaka lino lyalyo era ensonga zino zaakwasibwa palamenti ezinoonyerezeeko.
Visiting the burial site for Kabaka Mwanga’s mother
The main house at the site
. It is in this house that Namasole Abisagi, Mwanga’s mother and her successor are burried. The current Namasole, Manjeri Lunkuse Bagalayaze, who is 87 years old, is also to be buried here.
PHOTO by Abubaker Lubowa
By Patrick Wabuteya
Posted Saturday, July 12 2014
Hidden in Sekati, along the Namere-Kiteezi route, one kilometre off Gayaza Road at Mpererwe is this forgotten yet richly historical cultural ground, the Bagalayaze Heritage Site. It dates back to as early as 1816, when the palace was constructed. Originally occupying about 640 acres of land, the palace now sits on only three acres, as much of the land has been donated to churches, mosques, schools and a local hospital, by the queen mothers (Namasoles).
Bagalayaze is the name that the then Namasole Abisagi Nakatya, the mother of one of Buganda’s greatest kings, Ssekabaka Basamula Ekere Mwanga II, who ordered the massacre of the Uganda Martyrs, acquired after she helped her husband, Kabaka Mutesa I, to write the letter inviting the missionaries to Buganda, according to Ritah Nalubula, the palace caretaker.
At this place, one can be treated to cultural Buganda dances like Nankasa, Bakisiimba and Muwogola on request. Traditional foods are also prepared including luwombo and interested visitors can be taught how to prepare them, as well as make crafts out of banana fibre and bark cloth. The place does not receive many visitors nowadays. On average, they get about 30 visitors a month, most of whom are school children.
Accessing the main house
There are two entrances to the palace grounds. The main entrance, buja bukula, is neatly designed with a dome-shaped, grass thatched roof, supported by reeds and wooden posts. It is used by the Namasole (queen mother) and others living in the area. According to Ritah Nalubula, the palace caretaker, the entrance cannot be used by women and girls who are on their periods. These, instead, use the other entrance called kiryango kibi, which looks more of a gaping hole in the fence, as they are considered unclean to use the main entrance. Kiryango kibi is also the entrance through which the dead are brought into the palace.
Fact file
Who is Namasole? In Buganda, the widow of a deceased King (Kabaka) who gives birth to the throne’s successor is called a Namasole. In the picture above is the current Namasole, Manjeri Lunkuse Bagalayaze, who is 87 years old.
Place of abode. Namasole does not share a palace with the prevailing king, because both have the same powers.
Title. According to Buganda tradition, a Namasole is addressed as ‘Ssebo’ (sir) and its her who marries, but is not married.
The palace compound
The palace compound is kept neat by Mzee Jim Baker Lubowa, who is also the in charge of the medicinal tree species which include the moringa tree, the fig tree (omutuba), whose bark is used to make bark cloth and other tree species like the kinuula ngombe, mulilira and amalwa g’empungu’, which are used to make dyes and treat diseases like diabetes. The herbal garden nearby also has a range of herbs like the “male and female” aloe vera species, the famous kitafeeli, bombo (mormudia foetida), mululuza (vermonia amygdacina), as well as other medicinal plants like the kiwankulata, for dysentery.
The compound also has an open hut-like structure with a dilapidated roof, a sign of neglect, which Ritah Nalubula, the palace caretaker, says used to be the “conference centre” of the Namasole, where she held meetings with her subjects.
Ahead of it is a brick-walled house with iron sheets (see main picture on the left), unlike the previous structures that have grass -thatched roofs. “This was Abisagi’s house, and it is where she was laid to rest,” says the caretaker. The house was originally a mud and wattle structure, but was renovated to a brick structure because termites had started to destroy it. It contains four rooms; three bedrooms and a living room. Still women and girls who are in their periods, are also forbidden from entering into this house as well as those wearing trousers and short skirts.
Inside the main house
The floor is covered with mats, a welcome sign in Kiganda culture and two baskets lie in the centre, where visitors may put their offerings in form of money as a sign of respect for the deceased Namasoles. On one of the walls, all of which are covered in bark cloth, is a framed photograph of Kabaka Daudi Chwa, Mwanga’s son, with his grandmother, Namasole Abisagi.
Behind the bark cloth-covered walls is the ekibira (forest), where the three bedrooms, with the first two rooms having the tombs of Namasole Abisagi, Mwanga’s mother, who passed on in 1886, and her successor, Namasole Tezitendwa Juliana Bagalayaze, who passed on in 1932.
The third room is kept for the current Namasole, Manjeri Lunkuse Bagalayaze, who is currently 87. No visitor or male worker is allowed into the ekibira.
Ritah Nalubula, the palace caretaker, also shows us the knife, which Namasole Abisagi used for her daily activities.
Enkolagana edobonkanye wakati wa Kabaka wa Buganda ne Kamuswaga afuga Kooki.
Oct 04, 2014
AGAFA e Kooki si malungi! Kamuswaga Ssansa Kabumbuli yeekolobodde n’atiisatiisa nti singa Mmengo mu nnaku 30 zokka teemuddize bintu bye, bajja kulaba akamufaamu!
Mu bintu eby’ekoloboza Kamuswaga mwe muli ebyapa by’ettaka by’agamba nti biri mu ebyo 214 gavumenti ya Museveni bye yaddizza Mmengo.
Ekirala Kamuswaga ayagala entebe ye ey’Obwakamuswaga ezzibweyo mangu mu Lukiiko lwa Buganda mu Bulange e Mmengo.Agamba nti kuva dda nga Kamuswaga alina entebe ey’Obwakamuswaga mu Lukiiko olukulu olwa Buganda.
Olumu Kamuswaga Kabumbuli yakolerawo ddala n’akatiisa bwe yabajjisa obwaguga bw’entebe, n’agiweereza e Mmengo nga Mulwanyammuli Ssemwogerere ye Katikkiro, n’amulagira agiyingize mu kisenge ky’Olukiiko mu kifo ekyo entebe eyo mwe yabeeranga.
Ssemwogerere yassaawo akakiiko nga kaliko ab’e Mmengo wamu n’abantu ba Kamuswaga kanoonyereze ku kya Kamuswaga okubeera n’entebe eyenjawulo (oba okubeera ne Nnamulondo) mu Lukiiko lw’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda.
Akakiiko ako kaazuula nti Kamuswaga ye w’essaza lya Kabaka ery’e Kooki eririna obukulu obwenjawulo okuva lyo bwe liri ery’endagaano. Kyokka mu Lukiiko lwa Buganda, Kamuswaga talinaamu Nnamulondo kubanga temuyinza kubaamu Nnamulondo bbiri, eya Kabaka ate n’eya Kamuswaga.
Ate akabi nga bwe katabula musombi ne gavumenti eya wakati ye yakasombye bw’etannyonnyodde Kamuswaga nti ebyapa by’ettaka bye yaddizza Mmengo byonna by’e Mmengo.
Ab’e Mmengo bagamba nti ebyapa ebyo byonna biwandiikiddwaako nti bya Bwakabaka bwa Buganda, tekuli kiwandiikiddwaako Kamuswaga.
Sso nno n’olulala ebintu bya Kamuswaga byali bireese akasandali nga Kabumbuli agenda okutikkirwa. Ebyobuwangwa bya Kamuswaga byali bisabwa Mmengo nga kisuubirwa nti Buganda bwe yaddizibwa ebyayo n’ebya Kamuswaga mwe byagendera. Kyazuulwa luvannyuma nti Gavumenti y’ebirina yeesirikidde.
Wo ayi Mzee Zedde nga alabye ennaku! Teebereza ebintu ebyannyagibwa obunyagibwa bwe bituuse okutabula abo ababinyagibwako ng’abamu batuuse n’okuddira ebitali byabwe ne babiyita ebyabwe.
Ye Kamalabyonna wa Buganda C.P. Mayiga oli ku ki? Naawe olinze okulaba akanaava mu Kabumbuli? Lwaki tossaawo kakiiko akaliko Abakooki ab’amaanyi nga bapolofeesa Gordon Wavamunno, ba Peter Mulira, Kaggo Mugumbule n’abalala batuule bazuule amazima ku ebyo ebikaayanirwa?
Kooki receives foreign support
Posted Friday, January 30 2015
The Kamuswaga says some Japanese and Arabian investors have agreed to support the chiefdom in coffee production, among other projects
The Kooki traditional leader, Kamuswaga Apollo Ssansa Kabumbuli II, has partnered with Arabian and Japanese investors to set up agriculture and education projects in the chiefdom.
In an interview with Daily Monitor at his palace in Rakai District last Sunday, the Kamuswaga said the the chiefdom had identified overseas friends who were willing to contribute to the development of the area.
Late last year, the chiefdom head said he led a delegation of officials to business and trade enhancement symposiums in the United Arab Emirates and Japan where they met people interested in supporting the production of coffee, fruits, bananas and other crops.
The Kamuswaga said the Buddhist community in Japan offered to construct four modern schools to teach different practical skills in the chiefdom.
“As a cultural leader, I am proud to have made the contacts and I believe they will deliver positive results,” he told journalists.
He said the chiefdom faces a high number of school dropouts who survive on subsistence agriculture.
The Kamuswaga said the projects will take off as soon as land for their location has been identified and surveyors were working on the project.
‘Abakungu ba Gavumenti e Lyantonde enguzi bagirya kyere’
Dec 22, 2014
ABATUUZE mu tawuni y’e Lyantonde baloopye abakungu ba Gavumenti abalya enguzi mu lwatu ne bavumaganyisa Gavumenti ne Pulezidenti Yoweri Museveni.
Baakung'aanidde ku kitebe kya disitulikiti e Lyantonde mu nteekateeka eyatuumiddwa ‘Balaza’ (Gavumenti mw’etalaagira ebitundu okukuhhaanya ebirowoozo n’ebiruma abantu) ne baloopera Minisita akola guno na guli mu ofiisi ya Katikkiro, Polof. Tarsis Kabwegyere, ng’enguzi bw’emaamidde Lyantonde era bwe wataba kya maanyi kikolebwa, pulogulaamu za Gavumenti zonna mu kitundu kino zoolekedde okufa ettoge.
Abantu beemulugunyizza ku basawo ababaguza eddagala mu ddwaaliro lya gavumenti n’okulumya abakazi abembuto nga baagala basooke babawe ssente okubakolako sso nga ne ku nnaku ezimu ng’eza wiikendi, abasawo tebakola.
Minisita n’abatuuze baakunyizza akulira ebyenguudo, Ying. Joseph Kiwanuka olw’okukola obubi enguudo ng’ezimu akolokota bukolokosi nga yeekwasa nti ensimbi ntono. Baawadde ekyokulabirako ky’oluguudo lw’e Buyanja - Kyewanula, olubi ennyo.
Baasabye Polof. Kabwegyere waakiri abakungu abasinga bagobwe n’abalala bakwatibwe ssente baziseseme kubanga babbi ab’ebbaluwa era babadde mmo mu kuvumaganyisa Gavumenti.
Abamu ku be baanokoddeyo mwe muli ne ssentebe wa disitulikiti, Fred Muhangi, gwe balumiriza okusirika obusirisi ng’ensimbi z’omuwi w’omusolo zibbibwa emisana ttuku. Wabula baasiimye Omubaka omukazi owa Lyantonde, Grace Namara Rutemba olw’okubagulira ‘ambyulensi’.
Ssentebe Muhangi ne RDC Ssaalongo Sulaiman Tuguragara Matojo beeyamye okulondoola n’okukola ku byayogeddwaako.
Minisita Kabwegyere yalabudde abakozi ba gavumenti abagufudde omugano okubba ensimbi n’okulya enguzi n’agumya ne bassentebe b’ebyalo ku bugaali bwabwe nti bagenda kubufuna. Wabula yasabye abatuuze obutalindanga Gavumenti kulondoola nsimbi n’abajjukiza nti obwo buvunaanyizibwa bwabwe era tewali alina kubatiisatiisa.
Bugwe w'olubiri lwa Kabaka e Bugerere agudde.
Bbugwe w''Olubiri lwa Kabaka e Bugerere ng''ali ku ttaka
BBUGWE w’olubiri lwa Kabaka olw’e Bugerere kibuyaga amusudde ku ttaka.
Olubiri luno lwazimbibwa okwetoolola Twekobe ya Kabaka mw’asula ng'azze mu ssaza ly’e Bugerere.
Mu kiseera kino bbugwe eyakolebwa mu mmuli n’empagi bbiri ku ttaka era Twekobe eri mu bbanga. Ng'oggyeko bbugwe okugwa ennyumba ya Kabaka yetooloddwa nsiko.
Omwami ow’essaza lya Kabaka ery’e Bugerere, James Ssempiga yagambye nti enteekateeka zikolebwa okusobola okuzzaawo bbugwe ku lubiri.
Yagambye nti ekizibu ekiri e Bugerere mu kiseera kino abasalamala basaze emiti okujula okugimalawo. Kino kye kivuddeko kibuyaga okutawaanya abantu b’e Bugerere.
Mugerere Ssempiga ayagala gavumenti ekome ku bantu abasala emiti kuba awatali kikolebwa ekitundu ky’e Bugerere kyolekedde okufuuka eddungu.
Getting land title is still difficult - The Church of Uganda regrets.
Posted Saturday, April 11 2015
Kampala.Buganda State, Uganda.
The National Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace has said attaining a land title is still a mystery to majority Ugandans.
In its report released on Thursday, the commission stated that of the 637 respondents interviewed in the districts of Bushenyi, Gulu, Hoima, Kibaale, Luweero, Moroto, Nebbi, Soroti, Tororo and Wakiso, 76.1 per cent of land owners did not have land titles despite different government initiatives aimed at titling the country’s 241,550.7 square kilometres of land.
Under the Land Information Systems (LIS) established in 2003, the government has been opening zonal offices across the country, mapping the land and encouraging people to register their land to get digitalised titles.
In the report titled “Access to Land, Usage and Food Security, 54 per cent of the respondents do not believe the government is doing enough to help them acquire land titles.
“For the few who had title deeds and had gone through the process, about 48 per cent and 38 per cent of them rated the processes “very difficult” and “difficult” respectively,” the report says.
The difficulties were attributed to high costs of attaining a land title, corruption, bureaucracy, ignorance about the need for a title and self-satisfaction with the customary land ownership system.
Ministry of Lands spokesperson Dennis Obbo could not be reached for a comment as his known telephone was unavailable by press time.
The report also pokes holes in different government agricultural policies such as Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture, Poverty Eradication Action Plan, National Agricultural Research Systems, National Agricultural Advisory Services and the Uganda national land policy as defective in fulfilling their intended purposes.
Mr John Baptist Kauta, the secretary of Episcopal Conference in Uganda, on Thursday warned that owing to the high population growth and the rate at which investors are acquiring land, many Ugandans will be landless in future.
However, participants at the conference challenged Mr Kauta on why the church, which owns large chunks of land in the country, keeps evicting people.
“…what people need to know is that they (Church) are tenants and not owners,” Mr Kauta responded. (This comment seems to be the best the church of Uganda has ever made about African lands) Uganda Episcopal Conference Parliamentary Liaison officer Fredrick Semwanga supported the church. “The Church does charity but has its rights to own land and to sue trespassers,” he said.
This Long Historical Country of Buganda is now waking up to start registering all bibanja(bebabanja) land owners since 1900. Is it so?
Written by Sadab Kitatta Kaaya
Last Updated: 29 May 2015
Buganda Kingdom’s efforts to take control of its land which is in the hands of various local governments has been hampered by the indifference of district officials.
About a year ago, the central government returned 213 titles to Buganda Kingdom. However, Buganda is yet to take possession of these properties because district land boards are reluctant to hand over to the Buganda Land Board (BLB), records of transactions made on the land before it was handed back to Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi in April 2014.
“The district land boards have not been co-operative because they know that they gave away a lot of land illegally,” Buganda Land Board acting chief executive officer, Bashir Juma Kizito, said on Tuesday, while briefing journalists about the planned mass registration of bibanja holders (tenants) on Kabaka’s land. The exercise, which kicks off on June 1, aims to streamline land ownership in Buganda.
Kizito said: “Because they want to cover up their fraud, they have refused to give us records of the transactions, and some DLBs like Masaka are already engaged in forgeries and backdating the titles.”
Kizito added that Luweero and Mpigi are reported to have similar problems. Consequently, Buganda Land Board has embarked on an exercise to survey land comprised in the 213 land titles that the government returned to the kingdom.
“The exercise has already started in Kyaggwe (Mukono and Buikwe), Ssese (Kalangala islands) and Busiro (parts of Wakiso), and is geared at having all the kingdom land in all the counties surveyed by the end of the 2015/16 financial year,” Kizito said.
Buganda Land Board’s mandate covers more than 600 square miles of land in Buganda with an estimated occupancy of more than one million tenants. Guided by the kingdom’s land management policy and the national land policy, BLB is embarking on the identification of bibanja owners on the land largely to encourage them to regularize their tenancy.
The exercise is to be launched in Mukono and Buikwe districts (Kyaggwe) before rolling out to other parts of the kingdom.
“The objective is to provide an opportunity for bibanja holders to document their ownership, and to provide for planning and guided land utilization,” Kizito explained.
To register, bibanja holders will be required to present documented proof of ownership such as sale agreements, wills or donation deeds. This will be in addition to three passport photos, a sketch map of their respective kibanja and Shs 100,000.
To give away Forest land to a country of Uganda, a country that has no land, is very confusing!
Written by Simon Musasizi
Last Updated: 25 March 2014
The scene at Bukasa police station on Monday last week painted a vivid picture of the extent of forest land grabbing in Uganda.
Located on Kirinya road in Wakiso district, just behind Bweyogerere, the police station was playing host to a heated negotiation between trespassers on government land and government officials. In another place and another time, the encroachers would be hiding from the police; but here was a group of ‘illegal’ occupants arguing with victims of their actions.
They were engaging officials from NEK Consults Ltd, a company commissioned by Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (UETCL) to establish a 132kV power transmission line to serve Mukono, Iganga and Luzira industrial parks.
The transmission line is meant to pass through a fairly extensive swamp neighbouring a contentious piece of land belonging to the National Forestry Authority (NFA), which the locals have forcefully occupied.
Bricks and sand
“We are not yet into the swamp, but some of us are planning to use it for making bricks and extracting sand. So, how are you planning to compensate us,” one of the residents asked in Luganda.
Now, under normal circumstances, a wetland is supposed to belong to the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) or, since it is part of a forest reserve, NFA should have been in charge. But instead, a government project was negotiating with trespassers over a wetland. These encroachers, according Panos Eastern Africa’s technical advisor on natural resources, Hassan Muloopa, first trickled in in a simple way –by engaging in stone quarrying. They were ignored, seen as poor people honestly trying to eke out a living.
However, after they sold the stones and got money, they began putting up permanent structures. And today, they are fully entrenched as owners of land that was formerly part of Namanve central forest reserve.
The encroachers have organised themselves into associations to defend ‘their’ land. According to Sowedi Ssemakadde, the speaker of Bukasa People’s Development Association, their group alone has 417 people occupying 73 acres of the forest reserve land.
“We are the people who were chased from Naguru estates,” Ssemakadde told The Observer, adding: “We were given this land by Minister Maria Mutagamba in 2010.”
Interestingly, Ssemakadde acknowledges that this land is for NFA, but hastens to add: “It is no longer theirs because it was given to us by government.”
“NFA land is too big. It stretches from Kito to Namataba, Kirinya, Bukasa up to Namanve. For Kito, Namataba and Kirinya, the president gave it out to the veterans. Ours in Bukasa was given to us by the minister,” he says.
Asked for documentation to that effect, Ssemakadde is quick to say: “They are safely kept at home”.
The only documentation that he moved with that day is an interim order from Justice Wilson Masalu Musene of Nakawa court, prohibiting NFA from evicting the encroachers, in a case where his association sued NFA.
With the court backing, the encroachers have quickly put up more permanent structures everywhere. They are now slowly moving into the swamp, with activities such as sand excavation already underway.
Forest land grabbing is on the rise in Uganda – because of the exploding human population and activities such as agricultural development, where vast lands are cleared without conservation considerations, large-scale peri-urban housing projects development, fuel wood generation, uncontrolled forest harvesting including poaching for logs and poles, and urbanisation.
The destruction of Namanve forest reserve started with the de-gazetting of part of the forest for the establishment of Namanve industrial park. This, according to Panos’s Hassan Muloopa, was against the purpose for this forest reserve was established, as a strategic resource for Kampala city.
“This forest reserve came as a result of a survey... that found out that we would continue using wood for a long time,” Muloopa says.
Official records show that Namanve Central forest reserve was gazetted in 1932, covering 2,300 hectares. It was recommended that Namanve forest reserve be established to cater for Kampala’s demand for fuel. But with death of this forest reserve, Kampala continues to grapple with overwhelming demand for fuel for cooking.
The 2009/10 national household survey shows that 95 per cent of the households still use firewood and charcoal as the main source of energy for cooking. Even in Kampala, where the majority have access to hydropower, 75 per cent of households mainly use charcoal for cooking. This has created a booming charcoal business, which is devouring Uganda’s forest cover.
According to a World Forestry day report released by Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (Acode) recently, Uganda loses 90,000 hectares of its forest cover every year due to activities such as charcoal burning and forest land giveaways. If this continues, it is feared that Uganda could lose all its forests by 2050.
Muloopa says that previously, each town had land gazetted for a peri-urban wood plantation in anticipation of future growing demand for fuel. However, most – if not all – of these peri-urban forests have been given away.
Mbarara central reserve, for example, lost 168 hectares that was degazetted in 2007 for urban development. Today, Ankole sub-region is one of the highly-deforested sub-regions, with almost all the rolling hills cleared of their forests and water bodies such as River Rwizi carrying dirty water.
Tooro sub-region is also gradually following in the same footsteps. Fort Portal central forest reserve, meant to serve this green and quiet town, was given away to a private developer who instead changed its use to a dairy farm.
The 2001 Uganda Forestry Policy provides for establishment of urban forests because of their significance not only in reducing energy costs, but acting as windbreakers, and reducing air pollution by actively removing pollutants.
“In future, people may demand rejuvenation of these forest reserves. Presently, there is one man who thinks for us; he doesn’t listen to anyone including his wife, not even the technical staff. Once that powerful person goes, city mayors and people will demand peri-urban wood plantations,” Muloopa says.
“It is a very bad precedent that whoever changes the land use of a forest reserve should be left. It is fueling encroachment.”
According to fuelling on forest reserves is happening at two levels: first, is where politically-connected groups, for example veterans, illegally enter a forest –like what happened in Namanve and what is happening in Bugoma central forest reserve. The other is where government deliberately uses its powers to allocate forest land to private developers.
A 2012 study on land grabbing in Uganda carried out by the National Association of Professional Environmentalists (Nape), says that the government, keen to attract investment, has allowed foreign companies to move onto large areas of land for a range of projects, including the development of a large-scale oil palm plantations, carbon offset tree plantations and, following the recent discovery of oil, for drilling.
“Forests have been cleared to make way for the plantations and wetlands have been drained, damaging the rich natural biodiversity…Governments and private companies are both keen to gain access to fertile land at a low cost,” the report reads.
Oil palm growing on Bugala island in Kalangala district, for example, claimed 10,000 hectares of natural forest. Because large areas of forest have been cleared to make way for oil palm plantations, there is pressure on the remaining forest resources, which traditionally provide wood for building materials, boat-making, food and importantly, fuel for the local population.
An environmental impact study had earlier indicated that the project would not have significant climate or hydrological impacts on the island, but that it was likely to reduce forest cover, resulting in a loss of endemic species, and that it would reduce windbreaks, increase siltation in Lake Victoria, increase logging, and reduce the potential for ecotourism.
Previously, government gave out Butamira to Madhvani family’s Kakira sugar works, and recently, it attempted to degazette part of Mabira forest for use by Mehta’s Lugazi sugar factory. “The issue of government consultation and consensus building is still wanting,” says Care Uganda’s Technical Manager Annet Kandole Balewa.
“For all the forest land that has been given away, has there been consensus with the different players in the sector?”
At the answer to that question lies the heart of the problem.
This Observer feature was sourced with support from Panos Eastern Africa
"Uganda Peoples Defence Army are Land Grabbers in Africa and they are plotting my downfall."
Nantaba the Minister of Lands reports:
The Lands state minister M/s Aidah Nantaba.
By Fred Muzaale
Posted Wednesday, July 8 2015
Lands state minister Aidah Nantaba has said some wealthy people, including high-ranking Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) officers, involved in illegal land evictions across the country are plotting her political downfall in next year’s elections. Without giving names, the minister claimed the generals are plotting to sponsor her political opponents in the forthcoming parliamentary elections. “Because I have frustrated their plan of grabbing your land, they have now resolved to do whatever they can so that I don’t return to Parliament. They have already started dishing out money to whoever wants to stand against me, but I am not shaken,” Ms Nantaba, who is also the Kayunga Woman MP, said. She added: “Despite the suffering I am going through including attaching my salary, I will not relent, but what I need is your support.” The minister was speaking during a consultative meeting in Kitimbwa Trading Centre, Wabwoko Sub-county, Kayunga District, at the weekend. When contacted, UPDF spokesperson Paddy Ankunda said he was not aware of any UPDF officer involved in acts of land grabbing in Kayunga. “But if it is true any general is involved in such acts, it’s unacceptable because these officers should follow the law in acquiring land. However, they have a right to own land,” Col Ankunda said. He also urged the minister to produce a report over the matter.
Ms Nantaba, who has been in Parliament for only one term, rose to fame recently after being appointed minister, a position she has used to champion the fight against illegal land evictions in central region. However, this came at a cost with several land lords suing her for alleged illegal cancellation of their land titles and giving out their land to tenants. Early this year, the High Court in Kampala attached her salary over a Shs23.7 million debt. The money arose out of court costs awarded to Mr Abbey Kiberu last November by Judge Alphonse Owiny-Dollo. This followed Mr Kiberu’s successful petition to quash Ms Nantaba’s orders to give away his 38-acre piece of land in Wasozi Kitende Village, Wakiso District, to another family.
Abanene mu Kampala babbye ettaka lya Buganda nga Obukulembeze bwa Buganda butunula butunuzi:
Enkola eyo siyamagezi okukuuma ettaka ly'ensi:
Dec 21, 2015
Kattikiro wa Buganda ebiro bino, ebya 2016 (mukifananyi wakati)
ESSOMERO lya Nabagereka Primary, School bwe lyamenyebwa nga 23 January 2015 mu ngeri ey'ekibbattaka, waaliwo okwennyamira mu bantu naddala abalumirirwa ebyenjigiriza.
Okwemulugunya kwali ku ngeri KCCA n'aba Buganda Land Board gye beekobaana n'omugagga John Bosco Muwonge, nnannyini kkampuni ya Boost Investments ne bamenya essomero lino ery'ebyafaayo!
Omubaka Theodore Sekikubo (Lwemiyaga) yabagawo ekiteeso eky'amangu n'akyanjula mu Palamenti nga 4 February 2015 n'asaba wassibwewo akakiiko akenjawulo okunoonyereza ku kutundibwa kw'ettaka ly'essomero lya Nabagereka wamu n'ettaka ly'amasomero ga KCCA mu Kampala. Nga 19 March 2015, Sipiika Rebecca Kadaga yassaawo akakiiko k'ababaka mukaaga nga kakulirwa Robert Ndugwa Migadde. Katuulako Mathias Mpuuga, Ezati Kassiano Wadri, Wilfred Niwagaba, Patrick Mulindwa ne Olivia Kwagala Kabaale.
Ababaka baanokolayo amasomero 17 okuli: Nabagereka Primay School, Nakasero Primay School, Buganda Road, Bat Valley, Kasubi Family/Nakyekoledde, Nakivubo Primay school, Nakivubo Blue Primary School Shimon Demonstration, Namungoona Kigoobe Primary School, East Kololo, Kololo Senior Secondary, Old Kampala, Senior Secondary School, City High School, Nateete Muslim, Kyambogo University ne Makerere University.
Bino wammanga akakiiko bye kaazudde n’okusaba bikolebweko:
Palamenti yasazeewo Jennifer Musisi, eyali ssentebe w'akakiiko k'ebyettaka mu ggwanga Jehoash Mayanja Nkangi n'ekitongole kya Buganda eky’ebyettaka banoonyerezebweko olw'okwenyigira mu by'okusengulwa kw'essomero lya Nabagereka Primary School n'okutundiba kw'ettaka ly'essomero lino.
Lipoota yalaze nti okutwalibwa kw'ettaka lya Nabagereka, abakulembeze ba KCC nga bakulirwa Musisi wamu n'abaakakiiko ka Uganda Land Commission nga bakulirwa Mayanja Nkangi baali wakati mu mivuyo egyo. Musisi awatali kwebuuza ku Minisitule y'ebyenjigiriza ne Ssaabawolereza wa Gavumenti yawa kkampuni ya Boost Investments obuyinza okusengula essomero lya Nabagereka okuva ku Plot 1049. Mu nteteekateeka ey'okusengula essomero lino, KCCA yakkiriziganya ne Boost Investments okugiwa obukuumi ng'emenya ebizimbe by'essomero lino eryali lisomeramu abaana aba UPE 1,443.
Lipoota yalaze nti Dayirekita wa KCCA avunaanyizibwa ku kuteekerateekera ekibuga, Moses Atwine yawandiikira aba Boost Investments ebbaluwa nga 8 May 2014 ng'abawa olukusa okupima ettaka ly'essomero n'okulisibako ssehhenge.
Ababaka mu lipoota yaabwe baanenyeza KCCA okulagajjalira obuvunaanyizibwa bwabwe.
Okunoonyereza kwazudde ng'ettaka essomero lya Nabagereka kwe lyali lyali kya liizi eyali tennaggwaako. Ne liizi aba Buganda Land Board gye baawa Boost Investments nkyamu mu mateeka . Akakiiko kaasembye Ssaabawolereza wa gavumenti anunule ettaka lya Nabagereka eriri ku ttaka Block 12, Plot 1049 oba okulaba nti essomero liriyirirwa mu bujjuvu.
Akakiiko kasalidde Minisita Bakkabulindi omusango okuwandika ebbaluwa eri akakiiko k'ebyettaka n'akkiriza omugagga Sudhir Ruparelia, nnannyini essomero erya Kampala Parents School okuweebwa liizi ku ttaka ly'essomero lya Kololo SS.
Ababaka era baagusalidde eyali ssentebe w'akakiiko k'ebyettaka mu ggwanga, Mayanja Nkangi olw'okuwa Sudhir liizi ku ttaka lya Kololo SS nga tagoberedde mitendera.
Ensonga za Kololo SS zaatandika mu March wa 2013, Sudhir bwe yassaayo okusaba kwe mu kakiiko k'ebyettaka ng'ayagala okuweebwa ettaka ly'ekisaawe kya Kololo SS erisangibwa ku Plot 8-12 Sandler Way e Naguru.
Nga 2 September, 2013 Minisita omubeezi ow'ebyemizannyo Charles Bakkabulindi yawandiikira akakiiko k'ebyettaka ng'agamba nti bo ng'aba Minisitule tebakirinaamu buzibu Sudhir okuweebwa liizi ku ttaka eryo!
Kyokka kino Bakkabulindi yakikola nga teyeebuzizza ku mukama we Capt. Jesca Alupo oba omuwandiisi ow'enkakakkalira owa Minisitule eno Dr. Rose Nassali Lukwago.
Minisita Alupo bwe yalabikako mu kakiiko, yawakanya ekyakolebwa Bakkabulindi n'annyonnyola nti nga Minisitule baali tebayinza kukkiriza kuwaayo ttaka lya ssomero. Ababaka baavumiridde Sudhir olw'obutasooka kusaba abakulira essomero lya Kololo SS ettaka wabula n'abayita ebbali n'alisaba mu kakiiko k'ebyettaka ng'akolagana ne Bakkabulindi.
Abaakakiiko k'ebyettaka mu lutuula lwabwe nga 6 September 2013 baawa Sudhir liizi ku ttaka lino ya myaka 99 kyokka nga tebasoose (abakakiiko k'ebyettaka) kwebuuza ku ba Kololo SS, abaali bannannyini ttaka okuva mu 1954. Nga 4 December 2013, omuwandisii ow'enkalakkalira owa Minisitule y'ebyenjigiriza yawandiikira akakiiko k'ebyettaka ng'awakanya okugabira Sudhir ettaka lya Kololo SS ng'agamba nti lyagabibwa mu bumenyi bw'amateeka
Akulira olukiiko oluddukanya Kololo SS, Dr. Nkata bwe yalabikako mu kakiiko ka Palamenti yategeeza nti emyaka mingi, babadde bakkiriza amasomero agalinaanye Kololo SS okweyambisa ekisaawe kyabwe wabula nga tebamannyi nti ekisa kye bakola kiyinza okubafiiriza ettaka lyabwe
Ababaka baalumirizza nti Minisita Bakkabulindi okugaana okwebuuza ku mukama we yakikola mu bugenderevu ng'alina ky'agoba.
Wabula bwe yabadde mu Palamenti, Bakkabulindi yeewozezzaako nti talina musango gwe yazza okudda mu bbaluwa eyali emuwandiikiddwa yinvesita! Ababaka baasembye nti Ssaabawolereza wa gavumenti wamu Ssaababalirizi wa gavumenti batuule balabe engeri gye banunula ettaka lya Kololo SS okuva ku Sudhir. Bakkabulindi ne Mayanja Nkangi banoonyerezebweko.
Ababaka baalagidde akakiiko k'ebyettaka mu ggwanga okukomya mbagirawo okugemulira ettaka ly'essomero lya Buganda Road Primary. Kyasaliddwawo nti Minisitule y'ebyenjigiriza, KCCA ne Ssaabawolereza wa Gavumenti bekkaanye endagaano eyakolebwa wakati wa kkampuni ya Jima Properties ey'omugagga Bulaimu Kibirige (BMK) n'essomero lya Buganda Road Primary okusobola okununula ettaka ly'essomero.
Ensonga z'ettaka lya Buganda Road Primary zaatandika mu 2004, KCC bwe yawa Jima Properties ettundutundu ku ttaka ly'essomero okuzimba wooteeri ey'okusuzaamu abagenyi ba CHOGM mu 2007. Nga 7 August, Jima Properties bassaayo okusaba kwabwe mu kaliiko k’ebyettaka mu Kampala nga baagala okuweebwa ettaka era liizi yaabwe yakakasibwa nga 11 August 2004.
Nga 21 September 2014 akakiiko k’ebyettaka mu Kampala kaawandiikira Jima Properties nga babalagira okusabula obukadde 100 eza liizi, obukadde 10 ez'obusuulu era ne babawa liizi ya myaka 99 ku ttaka eriri ku Plot 19, Bombo Road (ekisaawe kya Buganda Road).
Oluvannyuma nga KCC ewadde aba Jima Properties ettaka ly'essomero, abaakakiiko k'ebyettaka mu ggwanga baawakanya okugabibwa kw'ettaka lino nga bagamba nti obuvunaanyizibwa ku ttaka lino si bwa KCC wabula bwa Uganda Land Commission (ULC).
Aba Jima bassaayo okusaba kwabwe mu ULC era nga 17 July 2006 aba ULC batuula ettaka ne baliwa bupya aba Jima Properties wabula ne babalagira okusenda ekitundu eky'ekyengulu eky'ekisaawe basengule ggoolo z'omupiira, okuva mu Plot 21 okuzizza mu Plot 27.
Nga 11 october 2010 , aba Jima Properties baawandiikira ab'essomero lya Buganda Road Primary nga babategeeza nga bwe bateekateeka okupima ettaka baggulewo n'ensalo wabula nga 15 October 2010, Kaliisoliiso wa Gavumenti yawandiikira Poliisi y'e Wandegeya okuyimiriza enteekateeka za Jima Properties okutwala ettaka lino.
Okuva mu 2010 okutuuka mu May wa 2014 wabaddewo okusika omugiwa wakati w'essomero lya Buganda Road, Minisitule y'ebyettaka, Minisitule y'ebyenjigiriza, akakiiko k'ebyettaka mu ggwanga ne KCCA ku ttaka lino. Gye byaggweera nga kkampuni ya Jima esinze ebyapa by'ettaka erya Plot 27 mu bbanka ya DFCU ne beewolerako obuwumbi buna!
Ebirala ku ttaka ly’amasomero birinde.
A Magistrate in the former Luwero Triangle war zone has stormed out of court over land grabbing from the victims of war:
Posted Thursday, June 2 2016
LUWEERO- Tempers flared at Luweero Chief Magistrate’s Court on Monday when the magistrate prematurely stopped a court session after disagreements emerged between him and the complainant.
It all started after the complainant, through the State prosecutor, asked the presiding chief magistrate, Mr Charles Sserubuga, to allocate his case to another magistrate, citing bias. This seems to have annoyed Mr Sserubuga, who suspended the court session, accusing both the complainant and the State of trying to undermine his authority as chief magistrate.
“You cannot just stand up and tell me to allocate the case to another magistrate citing a letter from the inspector of courts for which I have no copy. I am in charge of this court,” Mr Sserubuga told the complainant as he moved out of the courtroom.
Mr Moses Kafeero, the main complainant in a land case Uganda Vs Micheal Kintu, claimed that the chief magistrate, who seemed to have lost his temper after a disagreement with both the complainant and State prosecutor, went ahead to rule that the individual he was accusing of trying to grab his family estate, is the rightful owner since he owns the land title, including letters of administration.
“We have lodged a complaint against Michael Kintu who claims to have a land title for the land we inherited from our father. It is unfair for the magistrate to openly tell Kintu to sell off the land before our case is disposed of at this very court simply because he has a land title,” Mr Kafeero told journalists outside the courtroom on Monday.
However, in an interview with the Daily Monitor, the chief magistrate explained that land matters in Luweero have taken a different dimension where particular individuals are benefiting from dubious land transactions.
“We are trying to fight a very unfortunate trend involving land matters in Luweero, which seems to be very complicated because particular individuals benefit from the mess outside the set land laws” Mr Sserubuga said.
Luweero Resident State Attorney Daisy Nabasitu said land matters in Luweero are very complicated but are handled in line with the existing land laws, especially when the complainants seeks legal redress.
Ensonga: Okukukuloopera Omulangira Mutebi ne Katikkirowe Mayiga
Ayi Ssabasajja,
Okuva Abazungu lwe baggya kuno ne batendeka bambega baabwe abaddugavu olukujjukujju lw’okufera baddugavu bannabwe, Obwakabaka bwa Buganda buzze buyiikirizibwa bakaggwensonyi abafere, nga balimba Abaganda. Okugenda okuwunzika nga bambi Omuganda ali mu kunyuunyuntibwa. Mu mwaka 2011, Abalangira n’Abambejja baakwata abapunta ba Buganda Land Board Nambooze ne Bashir Kizito nga bali mu kusalaasala poloti mu Masiro g’Ekasubi n’okuteekamu amakubo agatuuka ku poloti ezo. Okuva kw’olwo, Abalangira baamanya olukwe lw’okusaanyaawo Olulyo Olulangira n’eby’Obuwangwa byabwe. Ekyatumala enviiri ku mutwe, ye Mmengo okuvaayo mu lupapula lwa Bukedde owa nga march 21, 2011 ne balangirira nti baali baddizza kampuni ya Shell sente zeyasasula ng’egula ku Masiro g’Ekasubi. Buli eyali abuusabuusa eby’Abalangira nti ‘abali mu Bulange-Mengo baliyo kwekkusa nakugaggawala’ baakakasa. Nakaakano ekyo kye kikyaliwo. Olukujjukujju lungi lusalibwa basoble okufuna sente mububi ne mubulungi.
Tulabye olugezigezi lw’okugoba Abaganda ku ttaka nga basendebwa n’okusasuzibwa emitwalo enkaaga (600,000). Tulabye Buganda Land Board ng’ebigingirira ebyapa era nga yefuula nnannyini ttaka lya Buganda lyonna. Ayi Beene Ssaalongo, ebyo byonna okubaawo ng’Omulangira Muwenda Mutebi waali abiraba bulungi, era Katikkirowe Mayiga Peter Charles nga y’omu ku batigomya Abaganda. Tebaafuna na ku nsonyi nti Obuganda bw’abamanya oba nti bulizuula bye babukola. Kaakano Abaganda bali mu kubbinkana nabo okubalemesa okutunda okumalawo ebifo by’Obuwangwa n’Ennono yaabwe, era nabo bafiirawo okutundu buli ekitundika mungeri yonna esoboka nga tebalina nsonyi.
Ssabasajja kati bali mu kulamuza Lubiri lwa Ssekabaka Mwanga II olw’e Mmengo. Twabakwata nga baluguzizza Aga Kahn diiru netugiremesa. Kyokka era nga bwetumanyi nti batulumika bulumisi twebake batunde, ketwasiriikiriramu twagenda okuwulira nga bazeemu okulunoonyeza abaguzi!!! Mu bigambo bya bombi ebyafulumira mu mawulire ga new vision ne kamunye nga 30-11-2016 baagamba nti “baali bamaze entegeka ez’okutunza bamusigansimbi abagwira Olubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga II olw’e mengo ‘balukulaakulanye’ nga bazimbamu eddwaliro, amasomero n’eky’obulambuzi!” Situmanyi oba abakulu abo bamanyi bulungi amakulu g’ekigambo Lubiri. Olw’okuba magezi nnyo era bayivu byakitalo, kati baagala obuwangwa bwaffe bubeere nga bo bwebaagala okulowooza.
Ayi Ssabasajja, kino ani yali akirabye e Buganda, olubiri lwa Kabaka okulufuula ekivvulu ky’eby’obusuubuzi, obuseegu, obwenzi, obutamiivu n’obulabbayi ate ne lusigala nga luyitibwa lubiri lwa Kabaka?!!Okuggyako Obubuyabuya bwa bazungu nga bulinnye Enkandaggo, Ebyennono y’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda byatandika ddi okuggyibwamu sente eziyimirizawo obwa Kabaka ng’Obuganda weebuli buteredde??!!
Mukama waffe Ssabasajja Kabaka, Omulangira Muwenda Mutebi, Katikkirowe Mayiga n’olukiiko lwabwe (olwabakimbuyege) lwe bayita olwa Buganda, kuluno beyerulidde Obuganda era beefunyiridde ku ky’okusaanyaawo, okutyoboola n’okwegaggawaliza ku by’obuwangwa n’obwakabaka bwa Buganda.
Omulangira Mutebi ne Katikkiro Mayiga baasooka olubiri lw’e Mmengo ne baluguza Agakhan mu 2014 gwewamma Agakhan n’abasasula akafukunya ka sente!!! Ku mulundi guno, Abazzukulu baawandiikira Agakhan ne bamumanyisa nti, abaali bamuguzizza olubiri lw’e Mmengo babbi ba kondo abali bamuguzizza ekitali kyabwe era Abazzukulu ne bawa Agakhan amagezi ababbi abasabe senteze bazimuddize kubanga ku bo siwaali era siwali alina buyinza kutunda Lubiri lw’e Mmengo.
Ayi Beene Ssabasajja, olw’okubanga Agakhan Abazzukulu olubiri baalumulemesa, ate nga bali yali amaze okubasasula akafukunya ka sente; Aga Kahn yasigala abanja Omulangira Muwenda Mutebi ne Mayiga senteze. Olw’okubanga baali bamaze okuzissa mu mbuto zaabwe, beesanga nga ez’okuziddiza Agakhan sibazirina!!! Kati olukwe n’olukujjukujju lwe basaze okumukomyawo bamukwase omunyago gwabwe, kwe kukozesa bakimbuyege b’olukiiko lwabwe okuwa Agakhan ekifaananyi eky’obukuusa nti ku luno Obuganda bubakkirizza olubiri okulutunda nga beekwese mulunnabe lw’ekifaananyi ky’okulukulaakulanya!!!
Ayi Magulunnyondo, Omulangira Muwenda Mutebi wamu n’ekinywikye ekifuÅ‹amye mu Bulange baagunjawo ekigambo “kukulaakulanya” ekibayamba ennyo okwonoona, okutyoboola n’okusaanyaawo buli kya buwangwa na Nnono yaffe; ng’ekigendererwa kyabwe kukyefuniramu sente beegaggawaze era kati bagagga bavundu!!! Laba bwe bakkirizisa abalagajjavu b’okulowooza, nti Eby’obuwangwa n’Ennono, ffe abalyammere tusobola era tulina ebbeetu “okubikulaakulanya” kwannaleero!!! Wakati mu ddoboozi ly’okukulaakulanya, abaguzi b’ebyobuwangwa byaffe byonna bali mu kuttattana n’okwonoona Obuwangwa bwaffe bwonna nga babunoonyaamu okwegaggawaza n’okukkusa embuto zaabwe.
Mukama waffe Ssabasajja, Omulangira Muwenda Mutebi, Mayiga n’Abazigu abafuÅ‹amye mu Bulange, Obuganda bubakooye era bubeetamiddwa olw’obuzigu, obunyazi, obubbi, obukumpanya, obuluvu, omululu, obwonoonyi n’okwegaggawaza byebatadde ku by’Obuwangwa n’Ennono wamu n’Obwakabaka bwaffe. Kati tetukyasobola kugumiikiriza Bantu bwe batyo.
Wangaala Buganda otaasibwe ku bazigu b’Obuwangwa bwaffe.
Wangaala Ssabasajja Kabaka.
Jjunju Kamulali
Ssentebe w’Olukiiko lw’Abazzkulu ba Buganda
Abazzukulu ba buganda bawandikidde Ssabasajja nabakungu ebbaluwa kumirimu gyabwe:
Omutaka Kayiira Gaajuule Kasibante
Sebo Omutaka Kayiira,
Luno lwe Lukiiko lwa Bazzukulu b’Abataka abakulu b’Obusolya bw’Ebika bya Buganda, bazzukulubo. Ku mulundi guno tukuwandiikidde ebbaluwa eno okukujjukiza nti situyinza kwerabira kaweefube gwe muliko n’akakundi k’Abataka abamu, okusaanyaawo Obuganda era nga mwegaggawaliza mu kukola obusuubuzi nga mutunda Obuganda n’ebyabwo. Ekkobaane ly’akakundi k’Abataka k’okulira ne katikkiro Mayiga tulimanyi bulungi, era n’ebbaluwa Mayiga gye yakuwandiikira okuwugulaza Obuganda ng’akusaba otuuze olukiiko lw’Abataka abali mu kkobaane, nti mumuwagire ku ky’okutunda Olubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga olw’e Mmengo, nga mu kiyise kukulaakulanya kwa nnaleero!!
Olwa ka sukaali Mayiga ke yali akweseemu, bwe watuuza Olukiiko lw’akakundiko mwamuwagira nga mwekwasa okuwaayira Ssabasajja nti yali amaze okukisalawo ng’awagira ekikolobero kino!!! Kino mwakikola kimpowooze nyo nga mwewala Obuganda ne Bataka bannammwe abatali mu kkobaane ly’akakundiko okukimanya. Olw’obusembi bw’ekimpowooze bwe mwamuwa, awo Mayiga yali talaba nsonga emugaana kutunza Agakhan lubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga II olw’e Mmengo era wamma Agakhan mwe n’abasasula akafukunya ka sente!!!
Olw’okuba ssiwali asobola kukweka Bazzukulu nsonga yonna ekwata ku Buganda, ddiilu yammwe eno bwe twagimanya twasalawo okuwandiikira Agakhan nga tumulabula nti obusuubuzi bw’Olubiri lwaffe bye yalimu byali bya kifere, era nti yali asasudde bafere, ababbi era bakkondo. Twamuwa amagezi ayanguwe okubabanja senteze. Agakhan olwafuna ebbaluwa yaffe, yakwata nyonyi kujja kubuuza Museveni. Mwami Museveni yamuwa amagezi ga kuva mu ddiiru yammwe okuva bannanyini nsonga za Lubiri okubiyingiramu!!!
Olw’okubanga Agakhan yasigala ababanja akafukunya ka sente ze mwali mumaze okubuliza mu mbuto zammwe, kati musala olukujjukujju nga mukozesa bakimbuyege b’ekkobaane lyammwe be muyita Olukiiko lwa Buganda, Agakhan mumuwe ekifaananyi nti ku luno Obuganda bubakkirizza okutunda Olubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga II, olwo Agakhan akomewo mumukwase omunyago gwammwe era mumuwone okubabanja senteze!!!
Sebo Omutaka Kayiira, mu kimanye nti Obuganda bubalaba era olukujjukujju lwe muliko Abaganda balumanyi batereka buli kimu ku myoyo. N’olwekyo ssi tujja kubakkiriza Lubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga kulubuliza mu mbuto zammwe!!!
Wangaala Ssabasajja Kabaka.
Jjunju Kamulali
Ssabasajja Kabaka wa Buganda
Katikkiro Mayiga
Ab’Olulyo Olulangira
Abataka abakulu b’Obusolya
Obuganda bwonna
The Court of the Republic of Uganda has shown fear to summon the King of Buganda to attend to a territorial land dispute:
By Andante Okanya
Added 6th March 2017
The mornach was sued at the civil division of the High Court, querying compulsory registration and sh600,000 fee
The King of the State of Buganda
The Chief Magistrate of the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala, Agnes Alum, has rejected a bid by lawyer Male Mabirizi, to charge the Kabaka over purported fraudulent sale of Buganda land.
In a letter dated December 23, 2015, Alum responded to Mabirizi’s request to slap criminal charges on Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi.
Mabirizi is the man who sued the Kabaka at the civil division of the High Court, querying compulsory registration and sh600,000 fee payment for land registered in the Kabaka's name. The case is pending.
In a letter dated December 15, 2016, he alleged that the Kabaka committed criminal acts between 1993 and 2016. He wanted permission to institute criminal proceedings.
However, Mabirizi does not specify land in the purported fraud.
Alum cited Section 49 of the Anti-Corruption Act (ACA), saying Mabirizi must get endorsement from Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) or the Inspector General of Government (IGG).
“The case cannot therefore be registered in the Anti- Corruption Court because it lacks the necessary consent as required by law” Alum states.
Mabirizi had premised his request on Section 42(1) (c) of the Magistrate’s Court Act and Section 21 of ACA.
He claimed that Police declined to help him secure a state prosecution, despite several requests.
Mabirizi said he had lined up 100 witnesses, with an initial 25 ready to testify when trial commences.
He swore an affidavit, asserting Kabaka is the custodian of titles for land measuring 650 square miles.
Mabirizi alleges fraud within Kampala and central Uganda, saying the monarch breached the trusteeship created by Article 246(3)(a) of the Constitution.
He purports that the Kabaka contravened Section 7(1) of the Institution of Traditional or Cultural leaders Act, 2011, and “fraudulently sold, leased and transferred several portions of official Mailo Land, the property of the trust, to the detriment of the beneficiaries”.
Kabaka's lawyer Christopher Bwanika, has since described Mabirizi’s venture as insane.
Mabirizi explains
Last year on December 19, Mabirizi explained to New Vision that his efforts to formally document his complaint to Police were frustrated.
He said on four different occasions last year; July 25, August 3, November 30, and December 9, his visits to Central Police Station in Kampala, were fruitless.
Mabirizi said Police dismissed him, yet procedure requires you brief a policeman before a complaint is filed.
He observed Police seems more conversant with the Penal Code Act than ACA.
Mabirizi disagrees with Alum
In his reply dated January 27, 2017, Mabirizi expresses gratitude to Alum.
However, he disagrees with her interpretation of Section 29 of ACA. Mabirizi insists court can issue an arrest warrant.
“It is therefore clear that in private prosecution, the consent is only required after a person has appeared before court or a warrant is executed. I request that you apply the law and issue the summons,” Mabirizi states.
The Uganda Parliament is in committee with a Tanzanian-Asian who presently owns over 60 properties in Uganda, Mbale:
By Misairi Thembo Kahungu
1st December, 2019
While appearing before the sub-committee chaired by Mr Ibrahim Kasozi (Makindye East, FDC) on Friday, Mr Patel was put on oath after the MPs expressed misgivings with his responses over his involvement in expropriated properties, especially in Mbale Town. File photo
In Summary
Probe. Mr Patel is being investigated over dubious acquisition of properties, mostly buildings in eastern region.
Tanzanian-Asian Mr Paramal Patel, who claims to manage more than 60 properties of departed Asians in eastern Uganda, has been barred from travelling out of Uganda by a select sub-committee of Parliament.
Mr Patel will only regain his rights to travel abroad after the select sub-committee of the parliamentary Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Cosase) concludes inquiries into his ownership of the properties.
While appearing before the sub-committee chaired by Mr Ibrahim Kasozi (Makindye East, FDC) on Friday, Mr Patel was put on oath after the MPs expressed misgivings with his responses over his involvement in expropriated properties, especially in Mbale Town.
Mr Patel is one of private individuals being investigated over dubious acquisition of properties, mostly buildings, that should have reverted to the government after their former owners were either compensated by the Idi Amin regime in 1976 or they never returned to repossess them by 1993.
Mr Patel, who is waving powers of attorney that he claims were issued to him by owners who never returned, told the MPs that his only involvement was to repossess on their behalf, manage, collect rent and remit the money to Canada and United Kingdom.
“I have powers of attorney to manage the properties and I collect rent. My work is to remit the money to the owners wherever they are,” Mr Patel explained. But the MPs tasked him to produce evidence of remittances from the rent he collects from the more than 60 properties in the Elgon Sub-region and filed tax returns on those incomes. Mr Patel had no answers to these queries.
Mr Patel, who has been managing properties that belonged to Budaka Ginners, a company run by Asians before their expulsion in 1972, was deemed not convincing in his explanation, something that led to his detention.
He also failed to avail the committee with a company resolution by the directors of Budaka Ginners, which granted him powers to manage their properties.
“We have decided to hand Mr Patel to our CIDs (Crime Intelligence and Crime Investigations officers) of Parliament to record a statement so that police retrieve all evidence concerning the properties he has been owning illegally,” Mr Kasozi said.
“We have also ordered Mr Patel to deposit his passport with the committee so that he is not able to leave the country until we are done with these investigations. Some people who have issues in this country have been running away,” he added.
The Departed Asians Properties’ Custodian Board (DAPCB) executive Secretary, Mr George William Bizibu, invited all people who bought departed Asian properties from individuals other than the real owners to visit his office for verification of the information on the documents to avoid losing them if they were repossessed fraudulently.
Kabaka ali ku Namulondo bw’abulira mu kibira oba bw’aggya omukono mu ng’abo, tumutereka mu Lubirilwe olutongole olufuuka amasiroge, ng’ali n’obwakabakabwe bwonna.
Essasa lya Kabaka Mwanga omukulu w’ekika kinnannyini musiige w’essasa ereyo, yatundawo, wakati mu kuwakanyizibwa okungi era kati olubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga olw’e Mengo sirulina sasa lya muweesi waalwo.
Kati waliwo omutaka omu akukutira mu Buganda land Board ekozese obulyake n’obunyazi bwayo ku taka ly’Embiri, emuwe ekyapa ky’Ettaka ly’ekibanja ky’obusiige bw’Ekikakye, ng’ekigendererwakye kwe kufuna Naggagga, mbu akulaakulanyeewo.
Kati waliwo ekika ekimu ekyakajjala ku kibanja ky’omusiige waakyo ne kizimbako ofiisi y’ekika era kati bali mu kugezaako kuwamba buvunaanyizibwa ku kibanja kyonna babe nga be balagira ku kibanja kyonna. Bassebo bajjajjaffe, tubasaba omuze guno mugulekereyo dala kubanga gwa kigwenyufu buluvu, bulabbayi na bukumpanya
Omuze guno bajjajja temulina kalungi ke mugufunamu, okuggyako obuswavu n’ebikolimo ebibanafuya ne mulemwa okutuukiriza obuvunnanyizibwa bwammwe nga bajjajja b’Obuganda.
Kati mmwe bajjajja bwe mweyisa mu ngeri y’ekirabbayi n’ekivaabizi, olwo ffe bazzukulu bammwe tugenda kweyisa tutya?
Bajjaja, kabaka we Buganda bw’abulira mu kibira,ab’olulyo olulangira beebonaanya omulangira omulala anaalya Obuganda. Kabaka omubuze tumuwummuza mu lubirilwe wamu n’obwakabakabwe bwonna. Kye kiva kiba nti kabaka omulamu talaama, kubanga obwakabakabwe bwonna awummula nabwo.
Kabaka omuggya Obuganda oba abataka b’Obusolya bamuzimbira olubiri oba bamukubira ekibuge ekikye, ne bamuwa abasiige ababe wamu na buli kimu ekyetaagisa okuyimirizaawo obwakabaka. Buli Kabaka okumuwummuza mu lubirilwe n’obwakabakabwe bwonna era na buli kabaka omuggya okumukubira ekibuga ekikye, bwombi bulombolombo bukulu nyo nyo mu Bwakabaka bwa Buganda obutateekwa kusuulibwa wadde okugayaalirirwa.
Wakati mu Bujoozi bw’Omuzungu obungi ennyo bwe yatukolako, bwe yamala okuttira kabaka Mwanga II mu buwahahuse era bwe yakomyawo enjoleye ku Butaka, yaziyiza Obuganda Mwanga okumuganzika mu Lubirilwe olw’eMengo !!! yagamba, buli Kabaka okumukubira ekibuga ekikye n’okumuganzikamu, mbu, kwali kwonoona taka!!!
Obufuge engeri gye bwenkana obuddu, Obuganda bwawalirizibwa Kabaka Mwanga II okumuganzika mu Nyumba ya kitaawe Walugembe Muteesa I eyitibwa Muzibu-azaalampanga e Kasubi!!! Kino kitegeeza Kabaka Muteesa I ne Kabaka Mwanga II kubateeka wakati mu Buko obuyitirivu!!!
Eky’ennaku ennyingi ennyo, ekivve kino Obuganda bwakifuula kya kaganderere, kubanga Kabaka Chwa II mutabani wa Mwanga naye bwamuganzika mu muzibu-azaalampanga, so nga ne Kabaka Muteesa II naye omwo mwe yaganzikibwa !!!
Wakati mu kuddihana ekivve kino, olubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga olw’e Mengo mwalufuula olw’okujolongebwa n’okujoogebwanga, kubanga Kabaka Chwa II mwamutereka mu Lubiri lwa Kitaawe olw’e Mengo so nga ne Kabaka Muteesa II Mwamuteeka mu Lubiri lw’e Mengo naye n’alamulira omwo Obuganda.
Bajjajja, ebbaluwa eno tugibawandiikidde olw’okubazuukusa mutandike okutuukiriza obuvunaanyizibwa bwammwe obukulu ennyo ku bwakabaka bwaffe.
Kirabika ne ku Kabaka Mutebi II muli mu kulangajjabulangazzi, nga bwe muzze mukola, nga Kabaka Mutebi temulina lwe mulowooza kumuzimbira Lubiri lulwe era nga mweyinulidde naye okumuteeke mu lubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga II olw’eMengo!!! Bajjajja, leka tubajjukize amazima gano wansi ag’Ennono:-
Bakabaka be mwagotteka mu nyumba ya Kabaka Welugembe Muteesa I babanja Obuganda, naddala mmwe bajjajja, buli omu mumuganzike mu lubiri olulwe asobole okusigala ng’alamula obwakabakabwe, ng’abalala bwe bali.
Olubiri lw’e Mengo Lubiri lwa Kabaka Mwanga II mw’ateekwa okuganzikibwa era mwe mujja okumuganzika. N’olwekyo, ago ge Masiro ga Mwanga gennyini.
Olw’okubanga kabaka atudde ku Namulondo buli Masiro tagayingiramu nga kabaka, wabula ng’omulangira, mulabe oguvve ogunene ennyo gwe mukola bwe muzze nga muyingiza bakabaka mu Lubiri/Masiro ga Mwanga, ne mubasuzaamu wamu n’okubakozesezaamu emikolo!!! Mulabe obusobe obunene bwe buti Kabaka bwe mumuteekamu n’abulamuliramu Obuganda?!! Ye, Kabaka Mwanga II gwe mujooga okutuuka ku kino yabakolaki?
Olw’okubanga Kabaka mu Masiro abeeramu n’obwakabakabwe bwonna, abalangira n’abambejja abava mu ye, awo mu masiroge bwe buba obutaka bwabwe era awo wokka we basobola okwegazaanyiza.
Ekyo bwe kimala okubeera bwe kityo, abalangira n’abambejja ab’enda ya Mwanga II eb’enda ya Chwa II n’ab’Enda ya Muteesa II, wa we mwabateekerateekera batwalewo ng’ewaabwe era nga obutaka bwabwe??!! Bo abasiige baabwe obusiige bwabwe babukolerawa?
Bajjajja, eryanyi lye mwegerere ku lubiri lwa kabaka Mwanga II olw’e Mengo, ne mukaalakaala nga bwe mwagala, mbu “okulukulaakulanya, eryo eryanyi muliteeke ku kukubira Kabaka Mutebi ekibuga ekikye!
Bajjaja, ekigambo “Kukulaakulanya” kye muyimba nga mwogera kuby’obuwangwa bwaffe mukimanye nti obwo muba mwogera na kukola butaliimu na bubuze bwennyini. Ng’okukulaakulanya kwe muyimba kutegeeza “kumenyawo kikadde, okisikize ekipya eky’e Bulaaya” kati okukulaakulanya kwammwe kwe mutontoma kugya kutya mu buwangwa bwaffe? Kino kibaswaza nyo mu ffe bazzukulu bammwe!
Wangaala Buganda onunulwe mu Buddu
Awangaale Ssabsajja Kabaka.
The World Bank officials have applauded Uganda citizens on social media over their debate on heavy taxation in the country:
April 20, 2018
Written by URN
World Bank senior economist for Uganda Richard Ancrum Walker says he is impressed with the public debate around proposed new taxes, including that on social media usage.
Addressing journalists in Kampala, Walker said that for long, public debate in Uganda has been about expenditures and not revenue mobilization. Walker said he is happy that this time, there has been a lot of public debate on the administration of revenues, which is crucial for Uganda.
Government is proposing Shs 100/day on social media
In the tax proposals for the financial year 2018/19, government intends to introduce new taxes including among others, the Shs 100 daily tax on social media usage, one percent charge on every mobile money transaction and taxing of savings and credit cooperative organisations (Saccos), among others.
Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) also wants banks to furnish it with customer details as one way of generating revenues, although the president has since halted the move. Also on the cards is a proposal to tax each international call at Shs 330.
The new tax proposals especially the 'social media tax' have generated public uproar, with most voices opposing it as "double taxation" on grounds that such social media users already pay taxes on the airtime and data, as well as on the smartphones.
In FY 2016/17, URA collected Shs 13 trillion which is less than half of the national budget of Shs 29 trillion. In order to cover the deficit, the government has to borrow externally and domestically, as well as sourcing from development partners.
The implication is that the borrowing increases the debt burden, as more and more monies are used to repay the debt, including more borrowing. In the current budget, nearly Shs 3 trillion is for debt repayment.
Reacting to the World Bank stance, political economist Prof Julius Kiiza, of Makerere University, agrees that the increased focus and debate on different sources and nature of government revenues is healthy and encouraging.
According to Prof Kiiza, the debate should be deepened to include government's double standards of providing generous tax holidays for so-called investors, while, as he puts it, "squeezing the daylights out of ordinary businesses and citizens who are already struggling".
Prof Kiiza says even without proposing new revenue sources, the government is already losing so much in revenues to dubious investors who, in addition to benefiting from tax exemptions, also use offshore dealings to fleece the country of lots of money.
He says the debate on resource mobilisation must also focus on the citizens holding duty bearers accountable for every single coin they collect and spend.
Writing in The Daily Monitor recently, economist Dr Fred Muhumuza of Makerere University, the new tax proposals are symptomatic of so much chaos in the country and that it is hard to determine what will happen when the proposed taxes take effect.
Dr Muhumuza wondered what could be the real intention behind the new taxes like the "WhatsApp" tax considering that such users are already taxed for buying airtime and data. He thinks the tax is more to do with curtailing freedom of information and expression.
According to Muhumuza, using the Internet is more of a production than a consumptive venture, and should be promoted.
Well then if the World Bank has applauded the debate on heavy taxation on the citizens of this very indebted poor African country one is of the opinion that all the debts of this country must at once be written off for the second time. One understands that to finish to pay all these accumulated international and national debts, it is going to take this poor country about 74 years of real cash repayment.
Ebbago ku myaka gya Pulezidenti wa Uganda liyiseewo mu Parliament ya Uganda, litandike okutesebwako:
By Ahmed Mukiibi
Added 4th October 2017
Kadaga yajjukizza ababaka nti balina okwebuuza ku bantu kubanga ennyingo esooka eya Konsitityusoni egamba nti obuyinza buli mu bantu era be balina okusalawo engeri n’enkola gye balina okukulemberwa.
OMUBAKA Raphael Magyezi abuuse omuziziko ogwokubiri mu kaweefube we ow’okukyusa mu Konsityusoni okuggyawo ekkomo ery’emyaka 75 Pulezidenti kw’akoma okwesimbawo bw’ayanjizza ebbago ly’etteeka mu lutuula lwa Palamenti olubadde olw’ekimpoowooze.
Magyezi akiikirira Igara West kimutwalidde eddakiika emu n’ekitundu okwanja ebbago ly’etteeka, ‘THE CONSTITUTIONAL (AMMENDEMENT) (NO2) 2017 mu lutuula olutajjumbiddwa nga lwetabiddwaamu ababaka 120 bokka mu babaka 449.
Okwawukanako nga bwe gwali ku Lwokubiri n’Olwokusatu lwa wiiki ewedde Palamenti bwe yajjjula n’ebooga ng’ababaka naddala ab’oludda oluvuganya beesomye okulemesa ekiteeso kya Magyezi okuweebwa olukusa okuleeta ekiteeso kye, ku mulundi guno Palamenti tebaddeemu bbugumu kubanga ab’oludda oluvuganya baazize olutuula ate bannaabwe abalala 24 bakyali ku kibonerezo ekyabaweebwa Sipiika olw’okusiwuuka empisa mu lutuula olw’oku Lwokubiri oluwedde.
Essaawa zaabadde 9:34 ez’olweggulo, Magyezi n’ayanja ebbago n’asembebwa baminisita n’abamu ku babaka ba Palamentia aba NRM abaayimiridde ng’akabonero akalaga nti bamusembye okwanja ebbago ly’etteeka okukyusa mu Konsitityusoni
Nga bw’eri enkola ya Palamenti ng’ebbago ly’etteeka lyanjulwa omulundi ogusooka, n’ebbago lya Magyezi terikubaganyiziddwaako birowoozo, Sipiika Rebecca Kadaga n’alisindika mu kakiiko k’ebyamateeka akakulirwa omubaka Jacob Marksons Oboth akiikirira West Budama South okwekenneenyezebwa.
Kadaga yajjukizza ababaka nti balina okwebuuza ku bantu kubanga ennyingo esooka eya Konsitityusoni egamba nti obuyinza buli mu bantu era be balina okusalawo engeri n’enkola gye balina okukulemberwa.
Akakiiko k’ebyamateeka mu Palamenti katuulako ababaka 23 nga kuliko aba NRM 13, abatalina kibiina bali mukaaga okuli ne ssentebe Oboth-Oboth ate DP ne FDC balina ababaka babiri babiri. Katikkiro wa Uganda Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda yategeezezza nti kirungi nti ebbago lyanjuddwa n’agamba nti buli Munnayuganda alina omukisa okuwa ekirowoozo kye ku bbago lino.
Yagambye nti abantu abalina endowooza enz’enjawulo ku bbago lino basobola okuyita mu babaka baabwe oba okuleeta ebirowoozo byabwe mu kakiiko bijja kuwulirwa.
Omubaka Abasi Agaba (Kitagwenda) nga y’omu ku batuula ku kakiiko k’ebyamateeka yagambye nti akakiiko kagenda kutuula kayite abantu okuwa ebirowoozo byabwe ku bbago lino; Omubaka Ismail Alli Ogama (Lower Madi) yagambye nti agenda kwebuuza ku balonzi be era ebirowoozo bye banaamuwa ajja okubituusa mu Palamenti nga takyusizzaamu.
Akawaayiro ak’emyaka 35 omuntu ayagala okubeera Pulezidenti oba ssentebe wa LC5 gy’alina okuba ng’awezezza nako kagenda kukyusibwa gidde ku myaka 18.
Ebbago era lirimu ennyingo okukyusa mu Konsitityusoni okwongera ebbanga ku nnaku 10 omuntu atamatidde na bivudde mu kulonda kw’alina okutwala omusango mu kkooti n’okwongera kkooti ey’oku ntikko obudde bw’okuwulira omusango gw’ebyokulonda.
Kwegamba gwe omukozi oyagala gwe oba oddukanya company nga gwe nanyiniyo? Owange! Kituufu bajjajja abalugera. Olwemanyi manyi lukwasa embwa mu manyo.
Ebyokusaaga bide wali. Omukozi ate oddumira otya Mukamawo nti kyusa mu contract nkukolere ate nga contract elambika bulungi nti okaddiye lekerawo okukola? Abalaba akavuyo nga kano bewunya obujega bwa manager wa company!
Ssabanyala awambye embuga y’eggombolola e Bugerere mu Sazza lya Buganda:
By Saul Wokulira
Added 26th September 2016
Baker Kimeze, Ssabanyala e Bugerere.
ABANYALA bawambye embuga y’eggombolola y’omwami wa Kabaka e Bbaale, Bugerere.
Mmengo egenda mu kkooti okuyimiriza emikolo gino egamba nti lino jjoogo tebalina kumala gasaalimbira mu kifo kino.
Maj. (Rtd) Baker Kimeze ye Ssabanyala kyokka teyabaddewo naye ng’abantu abaawambye ekifo kino kwabaddeko abavubuka abaabadde babagalidde emiggo. Ekifo kyonna baakizingizizza nga tebakkiriza muntu kuyitawo.
Abalina amaka mu kitundu ekyo wadde abalimira mu bitundu ebyetooloddewo nga tebasala okuleka oyo gwe bakkirizza.
Embuga eriraanye olusozi Wabirumba mu kabuga k’e Bbaale Bugerere, eri ku ttaka lya Kabaka.
Abanyala bagamba nti eggombolola eyo yaabwe okuva lwe baakola endagaano wakati wa Buganda n’Abanyala.
Eggulo ku Ssande baakedde ku mbuga ne bagyefuga n’omwami wa Kabaka atwala ekifo ne bamufuumuula.
Ennyumba y'omumyuka baagyeddizza mwe basula, abamu bakira bakutte emiggo nga bakuuma, abalala baabadde balongoosa nga basaawa n’okuyonja ekifo nga bategeeza nti beetegekera mikolo ku Lwokutaano lwa wiiki eno September 30.
Baategeezezza nti okutandika n’olwaleero wagenda kubeerawo emikolo egy’enjawulo okuli okugema n’okujjanjaba abantu nga gikulirwa Kajwejweta (mukyala wa Ssabanyala).
Eria Paul Kiwanuka omumyuka wa Mugerere yategeezezza nti leero bakeera mu kkooti ewe ekiragiro bayimirize emikolo gino kubanga bw’obeera n’ennyumba yo omuntu OMUGENYI tayingira nga bw’ayagala alina kusooka kusaba lukusa.
Fred Sekatwe akulira enteekateeka z’abagenyi ewa Ssabanyala yategeezezza nti tewali mbeera yonna ya bumenyi bw’amateeka kubanga gye bakoze.
Yaweze nti balina okugenda mu maaso n’enteekateeka yonna okulaba ng’emikolo bagimaliriza ku Lwokutaano nga bwe baagitegese.
Aha! Mukulu Kiwanuka bameka abasabye olukusa okuva ku Ssekabaka Muteesa I, 1880, bayingire enyumba oba mu kaalo ka Buganda olukusa nelubaweebwa kyeere? Ye abagenyi abakyadde olutatadde bwebaayingira ekifuba munyumba Buganda, bajjajja edda babaloopa wani. Mwe nate Abazzukulu gyemugenda okukeera kumakya okuloopa?
Now an educated Mr Mulumba returns to the African street slums he used to walk as a child with a message of hope for the kids that are still very poor on these same streets.
Created: 10 August 2016
Groups of teenage boys in greasy clothes are lost in conversation. A number of them keep smoking and, sniffing into dirty, old mineral water bottles containing petrol.
Despite the heat from the glaring midday sun, younger children lay spread-eagled on abandoned iron sheets. A little girl cooking greens in a dirty container as her friends look on is one of the sad sights that welcome us to Kisenyi, one of the slums in Kampala. It may look sad and deplorable to an outsider, but for these children, this is home.
As our host, Mathias Mulumba points to an old, abandoned car which he says was one of his first homes when he came to the streets, a bunch of street children run to greet him referring to him as ‘uncle’.
Dressed in tracksuit bottoms, a colourful striped t-shirt and old sneakers, Mulumba easily blends in here. His friendly high-fives and fist-bumps from all angles clearly show that these people are family.
Mathias Mulumba (center) serving a meal to the street kids in Kisenyi
Many would be surprised to discover that Mulumba holds a bachelor of laws degree from Stanford University, Cape Town, South Africa. The 29-year-old former street child has, however, abandoned this vocation to focus on something closer to his heart: helping to rehabilitate street children in Kisenyi, a place whose corners and culverts he knows too well.
Since he returned from South Africa last year, he has taken in 10 children he picked from the streets and is paying for their education at no less than Budo Junior School.
Mulumba is one of the founders of Ubuntu Africa Foundation (UAF), a humanitarian organization based in South Africa. Ubuntu is Zulu for ‘humanity towards others’.
After spending four years working with Ubuntu in South Africa, Mulumba got so influenced by Ubuntu’s principles that he decided to shelve his degree to focus on a project targeting street children in Uganda.
“I know why many of these children are on the streets, because I was like them. These children will do anything just to get some food. I am not practicing law, because I feel I can do more for these children when I am closer to them,” he says while helping another young woman distribute plates of food to a group of hungry-looking children who gather the moment they hear the sound of clattering plates.
Khayelitsha, a slum in Cape Town where Mulumba first settled
Mulumba, who brings food for these children five times a week, is clearly a darling to the little ones and other idlers in Kisenyi. He sits to eat with them and in this way gets to talk to them about the dangers of drug abuse. Although many of them simply laugh off his efforts, he goes ahead to encourage them to join him in Lubaga and Kyengera, where he has built quarters for former street children.
His dialogue and diction consist of street slang such as chali, boyi and mwana, to make that valuable connection and to show his less-fortunate friends that he still is a son of the streets. This is probably because he spent more than seven years on the streets.
Mulumba testifies to having slept in the chaotic merchant market of Kisenyi and on the cold pavements of Kampala road, sniffed petrol and learned to steal for survival when he was just seven years old.
It has been an incredible journey for the soft-spoken, determined young Mulumba. At age seven, Mulumba lost both his parents and was taken in by an uncle in Nakawa where he lived until he ran away due to continuous beatings from his uncle that left him with a broken wrist.
He left his uncle’s home without notice, slept in the compounds just opposite Uganda Railway on Jinja road and became one of the street children trying to survive, cheating death for desperate years.
“It is the memories – drinking out of the same dirty channel people washed their clothes and bathed in, scavenging for food in garbage cans, sleeping under abandoned cars around garages – that have influenced my choice of study and my determination to go back and help,” Mulumba says.
In 2004, Mulumba and other street kids were picked off the streets by Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral in Lubaga and put in the Never Again Miracle Home. The same year, Mulumba resumed school at Kabusu primary school and then joined Old Kampala SS fully funded by Pastor Kayanja.
Mulumba (L) with collegues at Stanford University in Cape Town
While studying at Old Kampala, he was also working in the library at Miracle Centre Cathedral. Then in 2010, Mulumba met Somali trailer drivers in Ndeeba who sold him an idea of leaving Uganda for Europe for greener pastures, a thought he embraced.
Within three months, he was on a journey to Mombasa at the coast of Kenya where he spent another month before he was put on a vessel by the travel-planners on a journey that, however, ended up in Khayelitsha a slum in Western Cape Town in South Africa, and not Europe as he had been told.
“I moved with the Somalis as one of them up to Mombasa, and then as a sailor up to Cape Town,” he remembers.
Khayelitsha, South Africa’s second-largest black townships after Soweto, is renowned for its informal settlements, crime, homophobia, and violence, with a lack of sanitation and limited infrastructure; sceneries that brought back memories of life in Kampala for Mulumba.
And that’s where another battle for survival started, sleeping under bridges with native street kids and feeding off garbage skips for over a month, before he met a lady called Rosina Sandeswe, in a supermarket in Khayelitsha. Mulumba narrated his story to Sandeswe in a bid to find work. Luckily, the supermarket where Sandeswe was working wanted someone to vend newspapers on the streets.
Mulumba (L) with Mr and Mrs Sandeswa
Just like Kayanja back in 2004, the Sandeswe family took Mulumba in, clothed, fed and accommodated him, and later he requested to resume education. It was during his education time that he and other colleagues at Stanford University formed Ubuntu to help out with sanitation issues in Khayelitsha town. For now, he is willingly rooted in his past despite the degree in law.
“Since I returned last year, I have been mediating but I hope I can mentor more kids to leave the streets.”
He acknowledges that not every child will get off the streets, but he is determined to help them as best as he can.
“The NGOs, government and other Good Samaritans can only say ‘mission accomplished’ if there are no more children left to fend for themselves on the streets,” he says.
Mulumba says his crusade now is not only for street children, but also for those people who are unable to access basic needs such as sanitation, while calling upon those willing to share and help out one child at a time.
It is a pity that current fellow Africans now ruling the rich Tropical Continent have failed to correct this abnormality of the human race!
Ensi Buganda ebonabona ne ndagaano za Bazunga
Muteesa yatuuka mu Bungereza mu budde bwa butiti(Winter) 31 November 1953, era mukuva mu nyonyi omuduumizi w'Amagye ag'Ennyonyi ye yamuwa ekikooti okwebikkirira ku mpewo eyali emutitimya. Yali tannamanya mawulire ga kufa kwa mwannyina era Omuduumizi w'Amaggye ye yagatyenkula. Olwamala okumukulisa olugendo n'amubuuza oba mwannyina yamuleka mulwadde. Muteesa yabuuza mumbejja ki gwe yali ayogerako. Yamutegeeza nga Omumbejja Alice Zalwango bwe yali amaze okufa!
Nga wayisewo ennaku ntono Muteesa yagenda okulabaganamu n'Omukulu w'Amatwale, Mr Lyttelton. Mubingi bye baayogera, yagezaako nnyo okumusendasenda akkirize okulekulira Obwakabaka bwa Buganda kubanga tewaali ssuubi lyonna lya kuddayo mu nsi ye eya Buganda. Muteesa bino byonna yabigaana.
Yali nsobi Obwakabaka bwa Buganda okutta omukago ne Obote. Ensi Buganda yafuulibwa Republic of Uganda nokutuusa kakano emyaka 50:
Bya Musasi wa Bukedde nga anyumyamu ne yali
Kattikiro wa Buganda Mr Dan Muliika.
Posted 22nd May 2016
Mr Dan Muliika(2016)
AMAGYE ga Obote we gaalumbira Olubiri lwa Kabaka e Mmengo mu May wa 1966, eyaliko Katikkiro wa Buganda, Dan Muliika yali abeera wa jjaajjaawe Bakaluba eyalina amaka emabega w’enju Basiima.
Ssekabaka Muteesa (owookubiri ku ddyo) ku mukolo gw’abasikawutu 1962/63.
AMAGYE ga Obote we gaalumbira Olubiri lwa Kabaka e Mmengo mu May wa 1966, eyaliko Katikkiro wa Buganda, Dan Muliika yali abeera wa jjaajjaawe Bakaluba eyalina amaka emabega w’enju Basiima.
Anyumya bwe yawulira amasasi nga geesooza mu masanso g’emiti.
Omuzungu yateekawo okulonda kwa 1961 kyokka olw’okuba abantu ba Buganda baali tebamanyi ngeri gye bagenda kutambulamu mu nsi mpya, akalulu tebaakajjumbira, abantu 3 ku buli 100 bokka be baakeetabamu.
Awo we waava ekirowoozo ky’okukkirizisa Obote akolagane n’Obwakabaka era Abaganda bennyini be bamutwala ewa Kabaka Muteesa e Baamunaanika.
Yeefuula omugonvu era n’ategeeza nga byonna Buganda by’erafuubanira okuli ne Federo- abiwagira.
Bakkiriziganya okukola omukago kyokka Abaganda ne beekengera kwe kukola ekibiina kya Kabaka Yekka era kino kye kyegatta ne UPC mu mukago.
Kye bataamanya nti kyali kya kabi okukola omukago n’omuntu atalina buwangwa na nnono by’akkiririzaamu. Okulonda okulala kwategekebwa mu 1962, omukago gwa UPC/KY ne guwangula DP. Baagenda e Bungereza mu London Conference okutegeka endagaano ya 1962 (Ssemateeka).
Mwalimu akawaayiro ku masaza agaabula okuli Buyaga ne Bugangaizi nga Buganda ne Bunyoro bagakaaya- Yali nsobi Buganda okutta omukago ne Obote atakkiririza mu buwangwa - Dan Muliika nira, ne kikkiriziganyizibwako nti ensonga zaago ziritunulwamu oluvannyuma lw’emyaka ebiri nga tufunye obwetwaze.
Mwassibwamu akawaayiro akalala akagamba nti Pulezidenti bw’abeera tatadde mukono ku bivudde mu kalulu k’ekikungo ku nsonga eno, Katikkiro wa Uganda, asobola okuguteekako. Ekirungi ekyali mu ndagaano ya 1962 kyali nti twalina okuddamu okugitunuulira oluvannyuma lw’emyaka ena.
Mu kutambuza endagaano ya 1962, ebibiina byobufuzi byali bye bifuga abakulembeze okusinga abakulembeze okubyetikka.
Kale obukulembeze bwa UPC/KY ne butambuza emirimu, eggwanga ne likulaakulana okusinga n’ensi mu Buwalabu ezimu.
Akalulu k’ekikungu kaakubwa mu 1964, amasaza ago ne gasalawo okudda e Bunyoro, Kabaka Muteesa II teyassa mukono ku tteeka erigaggya e Buganda okudda e Bunyoro kyokka tewali yayomba kubanga Ssemateeka bwe yali agamba.
Wabula Obote yatandika okufi irwa obuwagizi mu UPC kye ng’abamu mu kibiina kye batandise okuwakanya obukulembeze bwe.
Ekyokubiri, Obote yatandika okuyingiramu obubbi e DR Congo era kino ne kireetera omubaka Daudi Ochieng ensonga zino okuzireeta mu Palamenti, Obote annyonnyole n’engeri Idi Amin eyali omuduumizi okusindikibwa e Congo.
Bali baagala okumanya Amin yeewaggula yekka okuyingira mu nsonga z’e Congo oba Obote yazirimu,naye avunaanibwe.
Obote ne Amin kwe kusala amagezi okuzikwata mu ngeri yaabwe mu February wa 1966 ng’aggyawo Ssemateeka okwewala ensonga zino.
Omusajja omu mu Lukiiko lwa Buganda, Kaggwa n’asinziira mu Lukiiko nti engeri Obote gy’aggyeewo Ssemateeka atugatta, aggye gavumenti ye ku ttaka lya Buganda kubanga avudde ku musingi eggwanga kwe lyatandikira.
Buganda yakola endagaano okuyingira mu Uganda era endagaano Buganda gye yakola n’Omungereza era ye yasaba Omungereza okugiddiza obwetwaze.
Mu byakkiriziganyizibwako waaliwo kkooti ey’okugendangamu okutawulula enkaayana eza bannamukago abakola Uganda ng’eno ye y’Obuvanjuba bwa Afrika.
Mu musango ogwali guvunaanwa Obote ne basajja be gwali gusobola okugenda mu kkooti eyo. Baggyawo Ssemateeka n’okuwera okugenda mu kkooti eyo kubanga tolina tteeka mw’oyinza kuwaabira.
Embeera yagenda eyonooneka, Obote ne basajja be abaakulemberwamu omuduumizi w’eggye Idi Amin gwe yali akuzizza amangu ago baasalawo okulumba Olubiri nga beekwasa nti mu Lubiri waliyo ebyokulwanyisa, nti Mmengo yali emugobye ku ttaka lya Buganda ate nti Muteesa II yagaana okussa omukono ku tteeka ly’akalulu k’ekikungu eryazzaayo amasaza agaabula- Buyaga ne Bugangaizi!
Twatandika okuwulira amasasi ag’amaanyi okuva ku ssaawa 11:00 ez’oku nkya ga May 24,1966 ne twebuuza wa gye gavugira. Okugenda okwetegereza nga gali ku Lubiri lwa Kabaka.
Ekiseera ekyo nali awo wansi w’enju gye bayita Basiima kubanga waliwo enju za jjajjange Bakaluba Musoke era twagawuliranga mu miti.
Baamenya omulyango Kaalaala ne bayingira okutandika okukola layini zaabwe, baayokya obusiisira obwalimu, ndowooza tebaali batendeke bulungi kubanga kye kyayamba ne Muteesa okubalaba okulwana ne kunyiinyittira.
Oluvannyuma lw’enjega eno, Obote yaggyawo Ssemateeka wa 1962 n’ateekawo eyiye ey’omu kamooli ng’eno yagiteeka mu busanduuko bwa babaka ba Palamenti.
Muno teyaggyawo Bwakabaka kyokka yatandika okutambula mu bitundu ebirala ng’agamba nti mbawonya Buganda ebatuddeko, baagala Federo ate mmwe temulina Federo, Federo ebeera na bagagga.
Abamu baasooka ne bamuwagira kyokka ate okwekyusa, abaamuwagira nabo yabeekyusizza era bonna ebisumuluzo nbe babimutwalira ng’amaze okubawera.
Naye tulowooza nti Omungereza yali atutegekedde embeera eno kubanga yali atadde omukono ku ndagaano ne Ssemateeka wa 1962, lwaki yakkiriza Obote okukola bwatyo? Naye oluvannyuma Abangereza baaneneηηana ne Obote n’abalemerera olwo ne batinzika ne Amin nga bamulaba ng’omunafunafu.
Okussa ekitiibwa mu Ssemateeka kyavaawo. Obuyinza bwava mu bantu ne budda mu bakulembeze nga bwasigala mu biwandiiko.
Buli mukulembeze azze addawo ng’aleeta Ssemateeka wuwe. Ebibiina byaggwaamu amaanyi, abakulembeze ne babeera nga be bali waggulu waabyo.
Obote bwe yalaba ng’obuwagizi bw’ekibiina kye bukendedde, yasalawo okuggyawo Ssemateeka w’ekibiina kino wakati mu kuvuganya okw’amaanyi okuva mu basajja be Grace Ibingira ne Kakonge.
Ebibiina okufuuka eby’abantu ssekinoomu kibiziηηamya. Y’ensonga lwaki olaba mutabani wa Obote ali mu ntalo ne banne nti ekibiina kyali kya kitaawe!
Ebyenfuna byakyuka, okugeza ebitundu byonna eby’eggwanga byalina ebibiina by’obwegassi. Bino byayamba okutumbula obulimi n’obulunzi ate nga biriko akatale naye eby’obufuzi ebibi byatta omulamwa gw’ebibiina bino okutuusa lwe byasaanyizibwawo.
Obote yafuula eggwanga eritalina nnono. Kati abantu balowooleza mu bubbi. Bwe bakulonda mu kifo ogenda kubbayo ky’obbye.
Last week I attended two important meetings aimed at stamping out the evil of corruption from our nation.
The first one, organised by the Inspectorate of Government, took place at Speke Resort Munyonyo. The other was the launch of a Water Loss Prevention Unit (Walopu) that took place at the conference hall of National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in Bugolobi.
And recently, Umeme, the company distributing electricity in Uganda, separately met us, MPs representing urban areas, to discuss ways of curbing rampant power theft in our areas.
National Water pipes to our homes are cut and stolen by the very communities the corporation is seeking to serve. Because water pipes are buried beneath, some people operate two supply lines. One line, an illegal one, doesn’t pass through the meter, and it is the main supply. The metered line is hardly used.
As a result, national water loses 36 per cent of the total water it pumps from its supply units. The acceptable loss worldwide is about 25 per cent, because some loss is due to other technical reasons such as old pipes bursting. Going by this figure, therefore, the amount of water stolen beyond acceptable limits is about 11 per cent.
Effectiveness of managers of this water corporation is not only measured against constant supply, but also against reduction of loss through theft and other technical reasons. Most challenging to NWSC is the fact that the policemen/women they are recruiting into this unit are not coming in with clean hands.
In fact, there is a lot of theft, both of electricity and water, in police barracks. But also, many of you dear readers know that traffic policemen are some of the most corrupt public officers. It was also noted that many of these illegal connections cannot be done without the help of NWSC staff.
At Munyonyo, Prof Augustus Nuwagaba suggested that to stamp out corruption, people must recognise that the property they are vandalising is actually Ugandan property and, therefore, theirs.
Our lack of patriotism – a feeling that I am a Ugandan and, therefore, with a responsibility to protect Ugandan property - is what is fuelling corruption, Nuwagaba suggested.
People don’t regard public property as theirs. That is how they end up vandalising and looting them. Of course there are other social issues such as unemployment and income inequality but, for me, the bigger issue is the foundation upon which our nation was built.
I think we were in a hurry to become a country and, therefore, attain independence; we ended up laying a shaky foundation. We are a country without a national language and a set of shared values. There are no things that we are collectively ashamed of.
There are things that we are instead ashamed of as tribes and not Ugandans. A Muganda, for example, doesn’t eat while walking, doesn’t greet people who are dining, doesn’t do this and that. I also learnt from the late Eriya Kategaya that a Munyankore man doesn’t turn on his word– he only turns in the bed. It is, therefore, not difficult to establish that those who have turned on their word are not Banyankore or they are not men.
I have never heard anyone say that “a Ugandan man doesn’t do this or that.” Forgive me, but I still think this marriage called Uganda was rushed; it needs to be reconstructed. We need to rebuild this marriage around the model of the United Arab Emirates. Publicly, our leaders profess to be republicans and pan-Africanists, yet they are more monarchist than Mengo.
A president helps his wife to win elections, appoints her a minister, effectively turning her into a queen. Then he secretly hands over leadership of the military to his son, who, therefore, becomes an heir. But the same man continues to attack monarchies!
I have seen people refusing to stand up when the national anthem is being played, yet when it is Ekitiibwa kya Buganda, they all rise. You saw the anger and tears when Kasubi tombs got burnt. I doubt if there would be any tears, for example, if terrorists were to burn the parliamentary buildings.
Let us return to our pre-independence kingdoms, consolidate them, then agree on the set of things that we want to surrender to ‘our colonial master’ at Entebbe.
In fact, that is why I am in love with the Buganda conference in New Jersey/New York. There is absolutely no pretence there. We all wear busuuti and kanzus, speak one language and sing only the Buganda anthem.
The US anthem is also sung because this conference is held in America. And I guess that is what Banyakigezi or Basoga do when they meet in America.
After years of acrimony, former Prime Minister Apolo Robin Nsibambi, in his new book, offers ideas on how Buganda’s unresolved demands can be met, without a fight.
In the book, National Integration in Uganda 1962-2013, Nsibambi suggests that democratising Buganda kingdom and yielding to its federalism demands could settle the stalemate.
“Why is the demand for federalism persistent in Buganda? It must be noted that although the kabaka’s government has a lot of influence...it lacks entrenched and significant sources of revenue which it had acquired under the quasi-independence constitution,” he says, adding that the demand for federalism is one of the unsettled issues in independent Uganda.
Although Nsibambi was initially not supportive of a special federal status for Buganda, since it could impede national integration, he has since changed his view after the demand for federalism has been ‘de-Bugandised’.
“This means that the proposed federal formula embraces other areas of Uganda,” he writes.
National integration
Nsibambi’s new book, launched last Friday at Sheraton hotel, expands the boundaries of knowledge on Uganda’s quest for national integration. He explores how national integration has been handled in the three regions of Buganda, Karamoja and the northern region.
But before delving into the integration narrative, Nsibambi defines what national integration presupposes. He defines it as a broad process which entails three major dimensions: (1) trans-ethnic integration, which refers to the problem of bringing together different ethnic and religious groups to form one territorial nationality; (2) territorial integration, which is concerned with the problem of establishing national central authority over subordinate units, and (3) social integration, which refers to the bridging of the elite-mass gap on the vertical plane.
In his view, Nsibambi, a political scientist, claims that failure of the state to provide adequate security and welfare and the unequal distribution of modernisation among the different ethnic groups, are the major causes of ethnicity in Africa. Nsibambi, who uses the case of Nigeria to explain his point, writes that when the state fails to provide adequate security and welfare to individuals, it forces them to rely on traditional and ethnic constituencies for support.
“For instance, the anti-Ibo sentiments which led thousands of Ibo to be killed in Nigeria created so much insecurity among them that they sought to secede from Nigeria,” Nsibambi writes. Surprisingly, Nsibambi does not relate this point to Uganda.
Unique case
In chapter three, Nsibambi discusses the process of integrating Buganda into Uganda. He shows attempts and emerging problems that have been encountered with respect to integration of an ethnicity he considers to be “a nation” in an independent Uganda. In his assessment, Nsibambi, after examining how different regimes since independence to date have dealt with the question of integrating Buganda in Uganda, thinks that Museveni scores highly. This is marked by the restoration of the kingdom in 1993.
Although Nsibambi acknowledges that the restoration of Buganda kingdom brought challenges like the return of the kingdom’s property among others, he says President Museveni has been magnanimous to sort out the problems which were causing major disagreements between kabaka’s government and the central government.
“As a result of those negotiations, on August 2, 2013, President Museveni agreed to make the following concessions to the kingdom of Buganda...return of administrative properties from county to sub-county, compensate the kingdom for Muteesa House in Britain,” he writes.
However, Nsibambi writes that Museveni’s efforts to integrate Buganda are frustrated by some opposition sympathisers.
“Some members of the opposition parties were not happy when the central government and the kabaka’s government restored a harmonious relationship between themselves,” he writes, mentioning the likes of Busiro East MP Medard Sseggona.
“Hon Medard Sseggona, a member of the Democratic Party, told a political rally at Masaka...that nobody in Buganda should be excited by President Museveni’s recent signing of the agreement to return Buganda’s property and to pay the money government owes to the kingdom in rent arrears for its properties,” he writes, but credits the current leadership at Mengo for not falling prey to opposition sentiments.
“The current Buganda team has set a reconciliatory tone with the central government,” he writes.
In chapters four and five, Nsibambi says the integration of Karamoja and northern Uganda into Uganda is crucial for the country’s harmony, unity and stability. He explores the different attempts that have been made to achieve that. Nsibambi also writes that a national language is important if Uganda is to achieve national integration.
“The absence of a national language in Uganda has meant that ethnic groups which cannot communicate with each other continue to harbour prejudices and entrenched stereotypes which they hold against each other,” he writes.
But the book has received mixed reviews. Some academics criticise the book for not exploring issues like nepotism and tribalism, which, if practised by politicians, can impede national integration.
“We needed to read from the Ugandan context how issues like inclusive politics and national development are being done. How many people in cabinet are from the west or north,” said Mwambutsya Ndebesa, a history lecturer at Makerere University.
Last Friday, Ndeebesa said that one could not discuss national integration without exploring how national resources and political power were shared.
“The East has never had a president, there are religions that feel discriminated, we have the Asian question; all these needed to be explored,” Ndebesa said.
Nsibambi wrote a book to keep the retirement check coming. He passes the blame to others and leaves out mismanagement of the economy that has left many out.
He fails to address buganda frustrations as to the allocation of resources and its demand for feredo. A man like him should be ashamed for failure to address the decay of Makerere University and Mulago hospital.
He does not address corruption and engineered poverty. Old brains failed him. He is a useless old man with a masters degree in political science but cannot analyze without bias.
kizito2014-10-01 05:37
The problem is Nsibambi who does not appreciate what he received from the buganda kingdom.
he attended Kings College Buddo got a first class education now he dances the yellow song!
Steven Nsubuga2014-10-01 07:12
Does anyone still listen to this old man? I saw the man one sunday at Namirembe and he looked very frail limping around with almost no one paying attention.
His government sponsored vehicle was waiting. Now after reading what he authored about our country, I cant fail but wonder how our country is really ruled by people with limping minds!
naboma2014-10-01 13:27
Although Nsibambi was initially not supportive of a special federal status for Buganda, since it could impede national integration, he has since changed his view after the demand for federalism has been ‘de-Bugandised’.
“This means that the proposed federal formula embraces other areas of Uganda,” he writes.
wrong! Nsibambi has now left government and feels Buganda can have federal. he has not changed his thinking on federal but he now realises that he needs Buganda more than museveni-what a hypocrite!!!
Juma Kato2014-10-01 13:29
I agree with Ndebesa. Nepotism, tribalism and discrimination based on religion are some of the main reasons why regime after regime have failed to achieve meaningful national integration.
In UPDF ,for example , there are no top Generals that are catholics. One must ask why this is so in country where catholics make 43% of the population.In UPDF, a Major from the west is more powerful than a Col.from the north.
It is always good to see an elder writing a book. But it is dissappointing to note that an elder still thinks he needs to play safe by avoiding the real truth.
Nsibambi ,of all people, knows that Museveni is a nepotistic tribalist. Prof. Nsibambi the political scientist knows that a tribalism and nationalism are two repelling opposites.
Essanyu lye nnafuna ku meefuga siririfuna - Joyce Mpanga
Oct 09, 2014
Joyce Mpanga ng’annyonnyola:
LEERO lwe tukuza ameefuga ga Uganda agaaliwo nga October 9 1962. Joyce Mpanga, omu ku bakazi abaasooka mu Palamenti ya Uganda era eyaliwo ku meefuga mu 1962 ategeezezza DICKSON KULUMBA olutalo lw’ameefuga bwe lwali.
EMIKOLO gy’okukwasibwa obwetwaze bwa Uganda(Oba okutondawo ensi empya Uganda) gyatandika ku lwa October 8,1962. Ffenna twagenda ku kisaawe e Kololo awaategekebwa omukolo. Eno twagendayo kawungeezi nga bwe tulindirira kubanga Duke (Omulangira wa Bungereza) eyatukwasa obwetwaze yasooka ku Bulange okukwasa Buganda obwetwaze ate akawungeezi ne balyoka bajja e Kololo.
Twagenda ku mukolo guno ne Miria Kalule oluvannyuma eyafumbirwa Obote, twagendera mu mmotoka Wogani, Miria ye yanvuga.
Ono mu kiseera ekyo yali muwandiisi w’omu ku bakungu mu kitongole ky’amasannyalaze ekya UEB.
Ekisaawe e Kololo kyategekebwa bulungi era nafuna omukisa gwa maanyi nti ameefuga we gatuukira nnali nkyasoma mu Amerika.
We nnaddira ng’ameefuga gabindabinda era ng’esigaddeyo ennaku ntono nnyo. Ekyampapya okudda kwagala kubaawo nga bendera ya Uganda ewanikibwa.
Nayanguwa okugenda okunoonya kaadi z’emikolo era eyaliko mmemba wa Legco, Minisita eyali azigaba Baraki K. Kirya yampa ez’emikolo gyonna. Nafuna kaadi zino kubanga nnali mukiise mu lukiiko lwa LEGCO. Nasalawo mmale emikolo gy’ameefuga ndyoke ng’ende e Gayaza ntandike okukola.
Nzijukira nga October 8,1962 akawungeezi twagenda ku kisaawe e Kololo awaali emikolo. Ogwo gwe mukolo gwe siryerabira. Twaliwo ng’abantu bonna abakulu batuuka, Kabaka, Obote, Gavana eyali omubaka wa Kkwiini wa Bungereza, oluvnanyuma ne Duke ne Duchess ow’e Kent abaali bazze okutukwasa ebyaffe.
Entegeka yali nnungi nnyo, bandi ya poliisi, ey’amagye n’amakomera nga bonna bali mu yunifoomu zaabwe be baakumba. Ebibinja eby’enjawulo eby’amawanga ag’enjawulo, abagoma n’abazinyi okuva mu Buganda, Busoga, Bunyoro, Acholi n’abalala, bonna baajaganya.
Abayindi n’ebivuga byabwe baaliwo nga batusanyusa nga bwe baali bategese.
Ng’obutikitiki bukoona, nga zigenda okuwera essaawa omukaaga ez’ekiro, nga bbandi z’amagye zikuba oluyimba lwa Bungereza oluyitibwa God Save the Queen, ng’eno bendera ya Bungereza eyitibwa Union Jack bw’ewanulwa ku mulabba mpolampola, bagiggyeeko ettaala.
Olwo Ettaala ne bagizza ku mulongooti ogwaliko bendera ya Uganda ne batandika okugiwanika mpolampola, bandi ne zikuba oluyimba lwa Uganda empya ttuku ku ssaawa mukaaga ez’ekkiro!
Olwo lwonna ng’emizira, okuleekaana, okufuwa eng’ombe ne firimbi nga ffenna tuyimiridde tufa essanyu! Nawulira essanyu n’amalala nti nange mbaddewo ku mukolo nga Uganda yeefuga.
Duke yakwasa Obote ebiwandiiko by’obuyinza, emizinga nga givuga, ebiriroriro nga bigenda mu bbanga.
Ffenna twali tumanyi era nga twesunga nti ebyaffe eby’omu maaso birungi, Uganda kati yeefuga.
Nga tujjudde essanyu ku nnaku ez’enjawulo ng’emikolo emirala gyonna nnagigendako; okuggulawo Palamenti, ekijjulo e Ntebe mu maka g’Obwapulezidenti ng’eno Gavana ye yakyaza abagenyi, amazina mu Lugogo Indoor Stadium n’endala mu Imperial Hotel.
Gyonna gyali gyakitiibwa, okwambala nga kuyitirivu. Uganda nga yeefuze nga buli wamu olaba ssanyu jjereere n’okujaganya. Ebimu ebyategekebwa nga fulooti( amakampuni ag’enjawulo, abantu nga bakola ebintu ebiringa amaato okulangirako ebintu bye bakola) nga tetubirabangako e Uganda.
Ebiseera ebyasooka byali birungi era nzijukira Kabaka Muteesa II ne Nadiope nga balayira ku ntebe y’Obwapulezidenti era mu Palementi naliyo. Uganda yatandika okutabuka mu bikolwa bisatu; e Nakulabye mu 1964 waaliwo abatuuze babiri abaali bayomba, poliisi n’amagye ne bakuba amasasi mu bantu, ekyava mu kino by’ebigambo okuyitingana nti baali bagenderera kutta Baganda.
Ekirala abayizi b’e Kisubi baafuna akabenje, emmotoka y’amagye bwe yabatomera ate ekizimba we kyabikira, y’ensonga y’amasaza agabula ng’akalulu k’ekikungo kasalawo amasaza gano okuva mu Buganda okudda e Bunyoro olwo enkolagana ya Muteesa II ne Obote n’etabanguka.
Obwakabaka bwa Buganda butunda Olubiri lwa Ssekabaka Mwanga II
Obote ne Ggwanga lye elye Lango balaga endowooza zabwe ku nsi ya Buganda:
On feudalism
“Without the foresight, drive and leadership of the UPC, the bulk of the people in Buganda would today still be opposed to the central authority covering the whole country. The achievement of our political independence had been delayed simply because of the difficulties encountered in the pursuit of unity and understanding. The preparation for independence with a central government has struck at the root problem of loyalty – and attempts to solve it have brought fear,”
Uganda Argus, April 4, 1962
“The past policy of feudalists that the masses were unable to govern themselves and had therefore to be ruled by certain categories of individuals due to no qualifications other than birth has been replaced by the principle that citizens should work together, sharing joys and tribulations on the basis of equality, believing in one government, one Parliament based on common leadership and one people.”
East Africa Journal October 1968
On possibility of Mutesa returning to Uganda
“There will be no discussions. Let no one think this government [UPC] is thinking of restoring Sir Edward Mutesa as the Kabaka… Sir Edward is no longer the Kabaka of Buganda.”
Uganda Argus, June 30, 1966
“If there is any Ugandan citizen, here or abroad who thinks Uganda will go back to the old days where the whole politics of the country were around individual patronage and personality [Sir Edward Mutesa II], that person can go on dreaming.”
Former president Milton Obote.
Uganda Argus, October 9, 1968
On abolition of kingdoms
“I tell you, we have not done wrong. The government wanted to abolish the era of servitude that the people had known for centuries and centuries. Those who wanted to remain slaves could stay backward.”
Uganda Argus, April 19, 1968
“The events of the last two years represent a frontal attack to remove feudalism from the face of Uganda and in the same process; a new vista opened the eyes of many to the advantages of the national unity.”
Uganda Argus, July 7, 1968
“The era of serfdom is gone; and young people of Uganda must be allowed to grow in an atmosphere of freedom and find themselves in adulthood in the role of participants in advancement of freedom and not in the role of serfs.”
Uganda Argus, January 11, 1971
On Mengo/UPC government conflict
“Mengo had wanted to take over the police in their own district so that there could not be a single Uganda policeman in Buganda. They also wanted various other services to be handed over to them. The government [UPC] had resisted their [Mengo] demand to decide on the subversion which Uganda would give Mengo. Then Uganda had a president [Mutesa] who did not know whether he was an elected president or a president by birth.”
Uganda Argus, June 10, 1968
On Kabaka Yekka
“If Kabaka Yekka decide to upset the government [of UPC] in the Parliament, the Kabaka alone would be held responsible. There are still people especially in Buganda who are living in 1900. That was why UPC members in Buganda were experiencing trouble. They wanted change, but other people did not.”
Uganda Argus, August 3, 1964
“Some KY leaders thought it possible to introduce Buganda imperialism into Uganda, but the UPC opposed this just as it opposed White imperialism.”
Uganda Argus, August 4, 1964
On kings
“They had power to rule, to kill, to do practically anything they liked. One of them even assumed the name of husbands of all men.”
Uganda Argus, April 19, 1968
On ousting King Mutesa
“Government must be based on the will of the people and nationalism and not on the whims of one man who happens to occupy a position because of what position or status of his ancestors occupied in society in the past.”
Address to Parliament on May 28, 1966
“There is nothing to regret about what we have done; what we have dealt with is clear. What we must have is determination in the government. We are determined.”
Uganda Argus, May 28, 1966
“We are prepared for anything. My information is that there will not be any resistance, unless foreigners try to put their noses in [the conflict] then we shall cut down their noses. I am here on behalf of the people of Uganda. We are not going to allow any province in Uganda to rebel irrespective of local opinion in that province.”
Uganda Argus, May 28, 1966
Kabaka ayimirizza Nnaalinnya ne Katikkiro wa Buganda okukyalanga e Kasubi olutatadde:
Kabaka ekiragiro kino yakiyisizza ku Lwokubiri nga March ,08, 2016 n'ekigendererwa okulaba nga abakugu abakwatibwako ensonga ezisigadde mu kuzimba Amasiro gano bagikola mu bwangu.
Ensonga enkulu ez'ennono n'obuwangwa ezaalina okukolebwa nga Amasiro gano gakwatiddwa omuliro gyakolebwa era n'okukansira gyaggwa bulungi.
Emirimu gy'okuzimba Amasiro gano gitambudde kasoobo era gitataaganyiziddwa nnyo kubanga abantu ssi bangi abamanyi ekibadde kirina okukolebwa era ddi?
Emirimu egisigadde gya bakugu era giggya kukolebwa abo abaakwasibwa emirimu egyo. Wabula akayole, n'Abagirinnya baggya kugikwanaganya era bakole ekyetaagisa.
Mu kiseera kino, Amasiro gajja kuba maggale olw'okusobozesa abakugu okukola ekyetaagisa.
Nnaalinnya nga ali ne Katikkiro wa Buganda
Mumasiro ge Kasubi.
Olw'ensonga eyo era ne Katikkiro tajja kuddamu kulambuza bantu omulimu gw'okuzimba Amasiro we gutuuse nga bwe gubadde ebbanga lyonna emabega era nga waakuddamu okubalambuza ng'okugazimba kuwedde.
Abaami b'oku Masiro, Nnaalinnya, Katikkiro, Kaggo ne Mugema nabo bayimiriziddwa okugenda mu kifo kino okutuusa ng'omulimu guwedde.
Abakyala ba Bassekabaka bajja kusigala mu mayumba gaabwe nga balabirirwa ekitongole ky'Obwakabaka ekivunanayizbwa ku Masiro.
Minisita w'eby'obuwangwa aweereddwa obuyinza obujjuvu ku by'okwerinda kw'Amasiro era nga yajjanga okuwa Katikkiro lipooti enzijuvu ku bigenda mu maaso mu Masiro".
Bwatyo Kabaka bwe yagambye mu kiwandiiko ekyabaddeko n'omukono gwe.
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