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Nkerebwe nkulu esima nga eggalira

Olukiiko lwa Buganda lwanjudde embalirira ya buwumbi 7



The Kabaka of Buganda launches a book on Ssekabaka Muteesa II struggles:

Posted Friday, 27 May, 2016


By the Monitor, Uganda


Kabaka Mutebi (centre) with Mr Patrick Makumbi (right) and Dr Colin Sentongo (left) at the book launch at Bulange in Mengo, Kampala.


Kampala in the State Kingdom of Buganda:
Kabaka Ronald Mutebi on Wednesday, 25th May 2016,  launched a book about the struggles of his late father and former Buganda king, Edward Muteesa II, touching on Uganda’s history before and after independence.

The book titled The Brave King, revisits the stories of Muteesa’s exiling, first between 1953 and 1955, and again from 1966 to 1969 when he died in London. The author, Mr Patrick Makumbi, drew from the documents preserved by his father, 99-year-old Thomas Makumbi, who was an official at Mengo, Buganda’s power capital.

“I was very happy to write the preface to this book,” Kabaka Mutebi said, adding: “It will help the readers understand what Kabaka Muteesa went through in those days.”

When Mutesa was exiled in 1953, the older Makumbi, the father of the author, led a team of six Buganda officials to negotiate with the British about the king’s return to Buganda, which was secured in 1955. The other members of the team were Mr Apollo Kironde, Mr Matayo Mugwanya, Mr Amos Sempa, Mr Eridadi Mulira and Mr Ernest Kalibbala.

Kabaka Mutebi, while officiating at the function, called on more people to document what they saw during those days, saying “it is a good thing” that some of those who witnessed or participated in the events are still alive. Muteesa himself wrote about the period in question in his autobiography, The Desecration of my Kingdom, and Kabaka Mutebi’s endorsement of Mr Makumbi’s new book will be seen as an extension of the kingdom’s bid to manage the narrative.

Mr Apollo Makubuya, Buganda’s third deputy Katikkiro, at the launch held at Bulange-Mengo said there have been attempts to misrepresent history by “those who do not like us”.

Accusations and counter accusations of betrayal between Buganda Kingdom and Obote are rooted in a rather happy start, when Buganda’s party Kabaka Yekka (KY) teamed up with Obote’s Uganda People’s Congress to defeat the Democratic Party and form government at independence in 1962.

But the two centres of power soon quarrelled violently and were involved in what many have regarded as a critical turning point in Uganda’s history. The army, on Obote’s orders, stormed Muteesa’s palace on May 24, 1966, killing multitudes and forcing the king-president into exile.

Mr Makubuya said his grandfather was among those killed during the attack, an occasion the kingdom commemorates yearly on May 24. He said in addition to explaining how Buganda and Muteesa suffered during that period, Mr Makumbi’s book will clarify a number of other issues, including how colonialism thwarted Buganda’s development efforts.

He said Buganda stiffly resisted colonialism and the demands of colonial governor Andrew Cohen in particular, to the extent of winning a court case in London against the exiling of Muteesa. In all its efforts, Mr Makubuya said, Buganda was consistently seeking autonomy, and that the kingdom can “never” lose sight of this objective.

Mr Makumbi, the author, said his father could not attend the launch due to old age.

The publication of the book was financed by Dr Colin Sentongo, who said at the launch that KY, which ceased to exist in the 1960s, is the only political party he has ever belonged to.

The fathers of Mr Makumbi and Dr Sentongo met with Muteesa as students at Kings College Budo, from where, Mr Sentongo said, the three men forged a life-long friendship. It is probably much for this reason that Kabaka Mutebi warmed up to Mr Sentongo and Mr Makumbi at the launch.



Fiscal Budget y'Ensi Buganda ebiro bino:

Posted 7th July, 2014


By Dickson Kulumba


Omuwanika wa Buganda, Eve Nagawa Mukasa


Omukyala Eve asomye embalirira y’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda eya 2014/2015 nga ya buwumbi 7 (7,411,638,600/-) . 

Embalirira eno eri wansi w’omulamwa 'Okwolesebwa n’Ebigendererwa' egendereddwamu okutumbula enkulaakulana okuli; okumaliriza Amasiro g’e Kasubi ne Wamala, Masengere, okulongoosa Ennyanja ya Kabaka, okussawo etterekero ly’ebyedda, okukulaakulanya ettaka ly’e Kigo ne Makindye 'State Lodge', okuzimba olubiri lw’omulangira Juma Katebe, okuzimba olubiri lwa Namasole, okuddaabiriza embuga z’Amasaza wamu n’okuzimba eddwaliro ly’abakyala.


Nagawa yagambye nti ensimbi zino zisuubirwa okuva mu Buganda Land Board, Amasomero, Minisitule ez’enjawulo, mu bupangisa, amakampuni g’Obwakabaka, ebitongole ebigaba obuyambi n’obuwumbi buna okuva mu Gavumenti eya wakati.


Ng’ayogera mu lukiiko luno, Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yasabye abantu okutambulira ku kiragiro kya Kabaka eky’abantu okujjumbiro ebifo by’obulambuzi era n'ategeza nti pulojekiti zonna Obwakabaka ze butandiseeko ssi zaakukoma mu kkubo, zirina okumalirizibwa n’olwekyo enkola y’okunoonya Ettoffaali ekyagenda mu maaso kubanga Kabaka ayitibwa mufumbya Gganda n'antabalirira batyabi- ensimbi zikyetaagisa.


Olukiiko luno lwetabiddwamu abakiise bangi ddala ne baminisita ba Kabaka nga lwakubiriziddwa, Sipiika Nelson Kawalya eyagambye nti embalirira eno abakiise basaanye okugenda n’ekiwandiiko kino, bwe banakomawo mu lukiiko luno basobole okugiyisa.

















Tatuula asuulumba busuuluumbi



Tewali nsonga eneetulemesa kumaliriza Masiro - Katikkiro:
Kakati 21st November, 2021 nga ne Ssabasajja naye agenyigiddemu okugazimba. Wangaal ayi Ssabasajja wa Buganda.
Posted 2nd February, 2015
By Dickson Kulumba
KATIKKIRO Charles Peter Mayiga agambye nti okusoomoozebwa kwayolekedde kwe kutaasa Bassekabaka abagalamidde mu Masiro e Kasubi omusana mu kiseera kino ogubookya ate n’okuteeka ekifo kino ku mutindo gw’ensi yonna.

Yazzeemu okuwera ng’Amasiro gano bwe galina okuggwa mu mbeera yonna n’agamba nti, “Nziramu okuwera nti tewali nsonga egenda kutulemesa kumaliriza mulimu guno. Enkuba ketonye, kibuyaga kaakunte, omusana ka gwake, tulina okumaliriza amasiro.”

Bino Katikkiro yabyogedde bwe yabadde alambuza Obuganda omulimu ogukolebwa ku Masiro e Kasubi eggulo ku Ssande n’asiima bonna abali ku mulimu era n’agamba nti omulimu guno gulina okutambuzibwa okusinziira mu mitendera.

Ssentebe w’olukiiko oluvunaanyizibwa ku kuzzaawo Amasiro, Al- Haji Kaddu Kiberu yategeezezza ng’okutusibwa kwa langi ebadde emaze ebbanga eddene ng’erindirirwa bwe kiguddewo essula empya mu kuzzaawo Amasiro gano.


Kaddu yagambye nti “ Essa kwe tutuuse, omulimu guno gusigadde mu mikono gy’abantu babiri ate bonna nga bataka; Kasujja ne Muteesasira era mubadde mugamba nti tubadde tutambudde mpola naye nange ngenda kubakanda ebyetaagisa ebirala okuli essubi, emmuli, amavuvume n’ebirala.

Omutaka Muteesasira Tendo Keeya yagambye nti ttiimu ye ey’Abagirinya yamaze dda okugitendeka era yeetegese okutandika omulimu gw’okulasa akasolya k’enju Muzibu Azala Mpanga ate n’oluvannyuma akwase Wabulakayole ( Omusige okuva ewa Kasujja), omulimu gw’okusereka.

“ Omulimu oguddako muzito era muzibu. Mu mbeera eno gugenda kutambula mpola kubanga eby’obuwangwa tebikubibwamu mavuunya n’olwekyo tulina okugendera mu mitendera,” Omumyuka owookubiri owa Katikkiro era Minisita w’obulambuzi, obuwangwa n’ennono Haji Muhamood Sekimpi bwe yagambye.

Langi ebadde erindiriddwa okuva e Girimani yatuusibwa wiiki ewedde nga kwajjirako omukugu era nga gulondoolwa aba kkampuni ya langi Peacock ng’olunaku lw’eggulo ( Ssande) baalaze abantu abaabadde e Kasubi engeri langi eno eyatereddwaako gy’egenda okutaasaamu Amasiro.

Allan Kibirige ku lwa Peacock yannyonnyodde nti, “ Langi eno eyamba okutaasa omuliro ne gutasanyawo Masiro okumala essaawa bbiri ng’abazinyamwoto bwe bajja. Mu ngeri

y’emu egenda kuyamba okuwangaaza enju eno.


Omuwanika w’olukiiko lw’Amasiro, Gaster Lule Ntakke yalangiridde ensimbi 5,019,700/- nga ku zino Pius Mugalaasi n’omutuba gwa Katulami e Kisunku mu ssiga lya Jjumba mu kika ky’enkima gwakulembera yaleeseeko obukadde buna. Ntakke yagambye nti ensimbi zino zigenda kusigala Kasubi okukola ku nsonga ez’enjawulo okuli amasannyalaze n’amazzi agatawaanya abagasulamu.







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