Abavubuka mwenyigire mu bulimi - Kabaka awadde amagezi:
8th December, 2014
By Dickson Kulumba ne Paddy Bukenya
Kabaka ng’awuubira ku bantu be ku mbuga y’eggombolola y’e Buwama mu ssaza ly’e Mawokota e Mpigi ku Lwomukaaga ku mikolo gy’Abavubuka mu Buganda.
KABAKA Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II alagidde abavubuka okwongera okwegatta
beenyigire mu bulimi nga balima ebirime eby’ettunzi okusobola okwekulaakulanya.
Omutanda ng’ali ku mikolo gy’abavubuka mu Buganda ku mbuga y’eggombolola y’e Buwama mu ssaza lya Mawokota mu disitulikiti y’e Mpigi ku Lwomukaaga, yawadde abavubuka amagezi okukozesa ebifo ku masaza ne ku magombolola okukolerako emirimu egy’enjawulo egy’enkulaakulana
n’asiima abatandiseewo emirimu ne bayambako n’abalala okwebeezaawo.
Ente Omubaka Kenneth Kiyingi Bbosa (Mawokota South) gye yatonedde
“Omwaka guno tujjukiziddwa ensonga y’ebyobulamu. Abavubuka tusaanye okwekuuma nga tuli balamu, okwekebeza buli mwaka kubanga si kirungi okugenda mu ddwaaliro nga tumaze okugonda ate omuvubuka alina okulya obulungi.”
Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga yakunze abavubuka okukozesa emikisa Kabaka gy’abatee
reddewo; mu by’obulimi beekwate BUCADEF n’okuyingira Ssuubiryo Zambogo SACCO.
Omulamwa gwabadde; Omuvubuka omulamu ate nga mukozi ye nnamuziga w’enku
laakulana mu Buganda, era wano Minisita w’abavubuka e Mmengo, Henry Ssekabembe, we yategeerezza nga bammemba ba Ssuubiryo Zambogo SACCO bwe batuuse ku 1,500 nga kati balinawo n’obukadde 285.
Abamu ku Baamasaza ku mukolo gw’Abavubuka mu Buganda e Mawokota ku Lwomukaaga.
Omukolo gwetabyeko; ssentebe w’abavubuka mu Buganda, Richard Kabanda, Kayima David Ssekyeru, Katikkiro eyawummula Dan Mulika, sipiika wa Buganda Nelson Kawalya n’omumyuka we Ahmed Lwasa, Minisita Amelia Kyambadde, Omubaka Kenneth Kiyingi Bbosa (Mawokota South) ssaako baminisita b’e Mmengo, abakulu b’ebika n’Abaamasaza.
Abayimbi; Mathias Walukagga ne Fred Ssebbale be baasanyusiza abantu ba Kabaka.
The first bank in The Ganda Kingdom:
By Henry Lubega
Posted Sunday,1 st March, 2015
Before 1906, there was no banking institution in Uganda until November of the same year when the national Bank of India opened its first branch in Entebbe, and four years later it opened the first bank in Kampala, although it was later taken up to become Grindlys Bank.
The National Bank of India was followed by Standard Bank of South Africa Limited when on September 19, 1912, it opened its first branch in Kampala. And a few years later it opened another branch in Jinja.
Barclays followed in 1927 when it opened two branches in Kampala and Jinja. In 1954 three more banks; Bank of Baroda, Bank of India and The Nedelandsche Handel-Maatschappij M.V (Netherlands Trading Society) opened in Uganda.
According to Saben’s commercial directory and handbook of Uganda, as early as 1949 the banking system had been established in Uganda but did not control much of the financial liquidity that was in circulation across the board in the country.
“Much of the money was controlled in the bazaars and other channels which were predominantly controlled by people of the Asian origin. These people played a key role in the buying of cotton.
However, areas where banks were non-existent, merchants in those areas played the part of the banks. This was through taking drafts in exchange for cash or physical items in exchange for hard cash,” Saben wrote.
By 1950, it was realised that to bring more Africans into the business there was need to provide them with credit. Unfortunately, the commercial banks at the time would not extend credit to Africans because of the nature of their securities.
Under Ordinance number 20 of 1950 the Uganda Credit and Saving Bank was created purposely to extend credit facilities to Africans with the aim of furthering agriculture, commercial building and co-operative society purposes.
On October 2, 1950, the bank was opened and by 1961 it had spread to places like Arua, Fort Portal, Jinja, Soroti, Gulu, Masaka and Mbale, taking only African deposits.
Building Society
Two years later, the first Building Society in Uganda was opened as a subsidiary of a Kenyan owned firm Savings and Loans Society Limited.
More financial institutions continued to open up in Uganda with Lombard Bank from Kenya, in partnership with Uganda Development Corporation, opening the Lombank Uganda Limited in 1958. It was this bank which first introduced the hire purchase system of shopping in Uganda.
It was not until 1966 that through an act of Parliament that Bank of Uganda was created. Prior to this, issues to do with money were handled by the East African currency board which had its head offices in Kenya.
Mmengo erabudde abawandiisa abantu abali ku Ttaka ly’Obwa
Posted 5th May, 2015
By Bukedde reporter, Uganda
Kyewalabye (ku ddyo) ng’ayogerera mu musomo.
AKULIRA ekitongole ky’ebyettaka mu bwakabaka ekya Buganda Land Board (BLB):
Kyewalabye Male, alabudde abaami ba Kabaka abagenda okwenyigira mu kuwandiisa ebibanja by’abasenze ku ttaka ly’Obwakabaka beewale obukumpanya n’emivuyo kuba bayinza okusibwa.
Yagambye nti wadde ng’enteekateeka eno egenderedde kuyamba bantu ba Ssaabasajja kufuna biwandiiko ebituufu mu mateeka ku bibajnja byabwe, wandibaawo bannakigwanyizi abayinza okukozesa omukisa guno okwenoonyeza ebyabwe.
Bino Male, eyabadde n’abakozi ba BLB ne katikkiro w’ebyalo bya Kabaka, Lubega Mutunzi, yabyogedde mu kuggalawo omusomo ogwetabiddwaamu Abaamagombolola, Abeemiruka n’Abatongole mu ssaza ly’e Kyaggwe ku mbuga ya Ssekiboobo e Mukono ogwategekeddwa okubabangula ku nkola gye bagenda okugoberera nga basomesa n’okuwandiisa abasenze ku ttaka ly’Obwakabaka. Enteekateeka eno yatandika nga May 4, 2015.
Ssekiboobo Benjamin Kigongo yagambye nti ebibanja ebitalambuddwa si bya kuwandiikibwa olw’okwewala enkaayana. Nb
Ekizibu ky'abaami ba Ssabasajja kyelaga kyoka. Baddidde abobuyinza babiri babateese mu kalo ka Buganda akedda. Ebyawandiikibwa bitugamba ki? Toyinza kuwuliriza bakama bo babiri. Oleka ko omu okumuwulira nowulira omulala. Tugambe ki? Mufumbiro bwemufumbiramu abafumbiro abangi Mmere kiki eyo evayo?
Genda mukalo kafe wano e Buganda. Owe Gombolola atuuka okubuuza ettaka lye kitebe kye werikoma. Bamugamba kimu. LC 1 yaliteekako ba Investor abava e Buyindi. Ate ekubo elyaffe eryedda elyayita wano ku Saza lya Kangawo. Olwo Kangawo abuuza: Bamugamba kimu. Disi yasibawo Sengenge ensonga zino ziri mu National Land Board. Okunsiba Sebo Mwami tekulimu. Tonda bwatakuuma abakuuma bakumira bwerere Jjajja. Kugwa mubunya bwewesimira nga olaba. Kitalo nyo.
Bazudde obulyazama
nyi bwe ttaka lya Buganda mu ofiisi ze Wakiso:
By Rogers Kibirige
Added 30th September 2016
Ying. Sabiiti (owookubiri ku ddyo) ne babaka banne nga baliko bye babuuza omukozi mu minisitule y’ebyetta e Wakiso (ku ddyo).
EMIVUYO egiri mu ofiisi ya minisitule y’ebyettaka esangibwa e Wakiso ku kitebe kya disitulikiti giwuniikirizza ababaka.
Bakozesa bboggo eri abatuuze ate abalala empapula zaabwe teziwera. Ono ye kacica muyite cculugu ababaka ba palamenti abaalambudde ofiisi za minisitule y’ebyettaka zino ku Lwokusatu gwe baasanzeeyo.
Ababaka abaakulembeddwa ssentebe w’akakiiko akalondola enkola y’emirimu aka (Physical infrastructure Committee) Ying. Denis Sabiiti (Rubanda) baategeezezza nti kyannaku okulaba ng’abakozi ba Minisitule ab’e Wakiso babonyabonya abantu ne babatambuzanga okubakolera ku nsonga z’ettaka kyokka bwe bamala ne babamma ebyapa.
Sabiiti yayongeddeko nti baazudde nti abakozi ba Minisitule balina obutakkaanya n’abakola mu ofiisi y’ebyettaka eya disitulikiti y’e Wakiso ekireetedde entambuza y’emirimu okuzingama.
Kwe kusaba minisitule n’abakulembeze ba disitulikiti okugonjoola ensonga eno mu bwangu.
Yayongeddeko nti n’abakozi abasangibwa mu kifo abantu we batuukira, engeri gye bakwatamu bakasitoma n’abagenyi eraga nti si batendeke kimala era beetaaga okuddamu okubangulwa mu bwangu.
Yategeezezza nti byonna bye baasanze e Wakiso, bagenda kubikolamu lipooti bagitwale mu palamenti y’eggwanga ekubaganyizibweko ebirowoozo.
Baalabudde nti ssinga minisitule y’ebyettaka tetereeza bizibu biri Wakiso, eggyibwewo kuba ebeera tegasa Bannayuganda.
Ye ssentebe wa disitulikiti y’e Wakiso, Matia Lwanga Bwanika yategeezezza nti ebbanga lyonna abadde yeemulugunya ku ngeri abakozi ba minisitule gye bakolamu emirimu nga teri avaayo.
Yasabye nti ababaka bye bazudde bireme kukoma mu lipooti, wabula abavunaanyizibwa ku mivuyo egiri mu minisitule ne ofiisi y’e Wakiso, bakolweko.
Abakozi bano batukiriza mulimu gwa Bible ogwayogerwa ko Jjajja Isa Masiya 10/40 AD. E Buganda nakatono kolina nako kalikujjibwako nekaweebwa alina ekingi enyo.
In Uganda, the modern Social media over the internet is still a security threat after a violent national election:
Minister Odongo has ordered this international communication system to remain closed all over the country.
January 28, 2021
Written by URN
Social media will remain blocked in Uganda until when government confirms that it is no longer a threat to national security, Internal Affairs minister, Gen. Jeje Odongo has said.
Government switched off social media and later the internet ahead of the January 14 general elections. Whereas the internet was switched back on last week, social media still remains switched off and is only accessible through virtual private networks (VPN).
The Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda recently explained that the government decided to shut down social media after realising that it was a threat to national security.
Now, Odongo has advised Ugandans to stop asking when social media will be restored because the shutdown is for their own good, adding that government will restore when the narratives of Uganda going up in flames post-election stop.
"We’ll be able to say it is time now, we have assessed, it is no longer a threat, we can have it back so that you continue to enjoy your peace and security as an element not overall security situation," said Odongo.
Meanwhile, the inspector general of police, Martins Okoth Ochola warned that some candidates in the just concluded presidential elections are disgruntled and making reckless statements aimed at inciting violence.
“We are aware of alarming assertions by disgruntled former presidential candidates, that the election was marred with fraud and irregularities. They are spreading false information and disinformation to try to influence public perception and promote hatred,” Ochola said.
Odongo said it is such inflammatory statements being posted on social media that threaten the security of the country.
These clowns are so scared of the truth that they will take Uganda back to stone age just to cover their butts.
Good and safe social media can only be one that sings songs of praise to their NRM idol. Good luck with that
I do not know if these guys have grand children, they would be telling them that actually social media is functional and alive in UG.
So saying it is a threat does not apply because already it is functional.
These clowns are so scared of the truth that they will take Uganda back to stone age just to cover their butts.
Good and safe social media can only be one that sings songs of praise to their NRM idol. Good luck with that
Wapi!!! Let's have a look at the some of the biggest clowns in Uganda: Kabobi Swine, Ssebinyonyi, Ssegirinya, Hilderman etc.
Now Let's have a look at the clowns' boot lickers here: kabinda, kalibala, juwa kali, zaitun, wooden k, Wadada Madada, madam small legs Lakwena, Tumbo Tumbo Odongkara. Hmmm!!!!!
Typical Banana Republic mentality. The Military Dictatorship is now even terrified of its own shadow.
We were bound to get to this stage. It was only a matter of time. Now, we are at the point where there will be increasing clampdowns on communication and movement, greater surveillance, arbitrary mass arrests, disappearances of people.
Basically we will begin experiencing the sort of things that normally occur in a failed state, where the Dictatorship is desperate to hold on to power at all costs.
How those years of the so-called Peaceful Slumber, enjoyed by many Ugandans now seem so very far away...
One reckons this sort of social sanctioning is being done against the military personnel who might do mutiny as they read the truth that is coming out from this international modern medium.
One remembers well when Obote I was so proud of his military during 1966 and he forgot about the common sense of the Uganda military in Idi Amin and his Kakwa African tribesmen!
Stopping social interaction between communities is locking up the professional soldiers of Uganda who are all over the African continent trying to stop the incessant brutal wars of Africa.
These wars have damaged communities of African so much. One continues to watch young Africans dying in boats trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to go to Europe. So why do you come out and tell such people not to be informed by this modern every day communication?
Well then as Uganda professional soldiers of the army and police working in Uganda and abroad trying to secure peace, why do you not switch off social media in the Congo, Chad, Libya and Somalia?
And you switch off social media in a normal secure and democratic poor country like Uganda? The current government seems to fear that these civil servants if they have a smartphone to learn the truth, might try to topple a non mandated government of Uganda!
Dr. Abed Bwanika ne Mabikke beegase ku DP
By Hannington Nkalubo
Added 17th January 2019
ABA DP bakoze omukago n’ekibiina kya Dr. Abed Bwanika ekya PDP n’ekya Micheal Mabikke ekya SDP bakolere wamu ebyobufuzi bye bagambye nti tebigenda kuleka Pulezidenti Museveni mu ntebe.
Abed Bwanika ng’ayogera. Wano baabadde ku DP gye baalangiridde eggulo ku City House.
Ebibiina ebisatu byegatiddwaako ekisinde kya Truth and Justice (TJ) ekyatandikibwawo Loodi Meeya Erias Lukwago era eyali omumyuka we, Samuel Lubega Mukaaku eyali omumyuka wa Loodi Meeya yabaddewo ku lwa banne n’alangirira nti nabo bali mu mukago guno.
Eggulo, Dr. Abed Bwanika ne Micheal Mabikke baagenze ku DP ne bakuba olukiiko lwa bannamawulire ne balangirira ebigendererwa by’okwegatta kuno kwe bagambye nti kuvudde mu nteeseganya ezimaze ebbanga nga zikolebwa.
Dr. Bwanika ne Mabikke bategeezezza nti okukyusa Gavumenti terukyali lutalo lwa kibiina kimu nti lwetaaga okwegatta n’okukolera awamu.
Yagambye nti bakkiriziganyizza ne DP ekulembere ekisinde kino nga bakolera wansi w’obukulembeze bwa Nobert Mao awa DP.
Yagambye nti buli kimu bagenda kukikolera wamu nga batandikira mu kukuba enkiiko z’ebyobufuzi, okusaawo akakiiko akakola ku by’okulonda aka wamu era baagala ebibiina ebirala byegatte mu mukago guno gwe guba gukulembera enteekateeka yonna ey’okukyusa obukulembeze bw’eggwanga.
Nobert Mao yategeezezza nti omwaka 2019 gugenda kuba gwa bikolwa nga bakolera mu kakiiko ka PAC ke bakoze. Era nti bagenda kutandikira ku kuddamu kutuuza nkiiko eza DP -UYD RE - UNION ezibadde zaayimirira nga bakyali mu nteeseganya .
Yategeezezza nti basoose kusoma kiwandiiko kye bakkiriziganyizzaako kati bagenda kuzaako kussa mikono ku ndagaano erimu obuwaayiro bwonna mwe beegattidde.
Yagambye nti bamaze ebbanga nga batuula okukkiriziganya ku nkolagana yaabwe era ewedde.
Micheal Mabike yategeezezza nti yali mu DP naye n’akivaamu kyokka gy’abadde akitegedde nti, olutalo lw’ekibiina ekimu oba omuntu omu terusobola kukyusa Gavumenti.
‘Twagala tukolere wamu era ekisinde kino kigenda kuvaamu Gavumenti empya, ” Mabikke bwe yagambye.
Mubawulira bwebalaya nate eri omukubi wa kalulu ka Democracy? Mutuyiire obululu mudde eka mulyoke mulabe bwetunabafuga!
Ate okwegatta kwe kibiina kino ekyagala enyo Democracy mu Uganda ne munsi zonna kirina ebyafaayo byekyakola okulumya ensi ya Uganda. Wano mu 1960 DP yabugutana nyo okulaba nga ensi Buganda tetambula yokka okuggyako nga etambula ne Uganda. Ensonga zino Obote I bwazitekamu amawaggali aba DP nga bakulemberwa Bataringaya nebesogga UPC okujiyamba okuddukanya governmenti ya Republic ya Uganda. Aba KY abo bo nebasulibwa eri e Luzira paka last. Ebize bikolebwa okutuuka kakati tewali atabimanyi. Aba DP bakoze EMIKAGO (okwegatta mubyobufuzi) bokka nabokka ate nabuli ekintu kyonna ekiramu wano e Buganda ne Uganda. Still counting.
Akakiiko k’ebyokulonda kaweze mbagirawo okuyisa ebivvulu mu nguudo mu biseera bya kampeyini:
By Muwanga Kakooza
Added 3rd September 2018
AKAKIIKO k’ebyokulonda kaweze mbagirawo okuyisa ebivvulu mu nguudo ng’abantu bali mu kampeyini ne kalagira abakwasisa amateeka okussa ekiragiro kino mu nkola.
Ssentebe w’akakiiko k’ebyokulonda omulamuzi Simon Byabakama Mugenyi
Ssentebe w’akakiiko k’ebyokulonda omulamuzi Simon Byabakama Mugenyi ye yawadde ekiragiro kino era n’alabula bannabyabufuzi okukomya okukozesa olulimi olukuma omuliro mu bantu.
‘’Ebintu ebyali mu Arua tetwagala biddemu kubaawo mu ggwanga. Kitukakatako nga Bannayuganda ffena okulaba ng’embeera eno teddawo’’ bwe yagambye.
Bino Byabakama yabitegeezezza ng’ayogera eri bassentebe ba LC1 n’abantu abalala mu kitundu kye Sheema North ekitegeka okulonda kw’okujjuza omubaka wa palamenti okuva abaddewo minisita Elioda Tumwesigye okulekulira. Okulonda kwa October 8.
‘’Okuyisa ebivvulu okuva mu kifo awakubirwa enkung’ana kuwereddwa. Enkung’ana bwe ziba ziwedde abantu batambule ssekinomu badde eka era kampeyini zirina kukoma mu bifo we ziba zikubiddwa. Tetusobola kukkiriza muze guno kuddibwamu,’’ bwe yagambye.
Yagambye nti akakiiko kamaze okutegeeza poliisi okukwata bannabyabufuzi abagenda bakuma omuliro mu bantu nga bagenderera okutabula okulonda.
Yagambye nti abantu okuba nga bawagira abantu ab’enjawulo tekikisaanye kubaletera njawukana kulwana.
Yagambye nti akakiiko kagenda kulwanyisa okugulirira abalonzi.
Mpozzi omukungu ono awe amagezi governmenti eno eya NRM eyamuwa omulimu okulonda kusazibweemu(kubanga okuddukanya okulonda kumulemye) nga Presidenti Idi Amin bweyakola. Nagoba bamemba ba Parliamenti bonna. Naggalawo Parliamenti ya Uganda. Ensi nagifuga nakakiiko ka Maggye okutuusa naye ensi lweyamuwumuza nolutalo Ssematalo owa 1979/80.
Era emivuyo gino tejijja kukoma nebwanateeka amateeka 100 okufuga abalonzi ba Uganda nga bakuba obululu munsi yabwe.
Ate kakano ono omukozi wa Governmenti obuyinza abujewa obuteeka amateeka mubyokulonda? Abalamuzi mu 2016 basalawo Parliamenti ya Uganda eteeke amateeka amalala munsonga zokulonda munsi Uganda. Kilowozebwa nti Governmenti ya Uganda elemeddwa okugenda nekiragiro kino. Kwekulaba nga waliwo emivuyo mu by-elections omukulu ono zatekawo mubitundu bya Uganda.
As MP Bobi Wine and many more were beaten up in Arua, by the Uganda Army, some of the women who were badly tortured tell the public their stories:
August 29, 2018
Written by Rosebell Kagumire
Among the 33 other Ugandans accused of treason together with Bobi Wine and three other MPs are three women.
Their names are at the bottom of the charge sheet. For most of the last two weeks their fate was not known since they were last seen being helped to limp into court.
Now out on bail, they narrated their ordeals to lawyers:
One of the tortured suspects being helped prison and police officers unto a waiting vehicle earlier. Photo: courtesy
1. Night Asara, 38, district councilor for Arua Hill Division, and mother of three told of her violent arrest. A senior police officer kicked, stomped and used the gun butt of an assault rifle to repeatedly hit her multiple times in the torso.
Night was with a group that was bundled onto police vehicles, driven at break-neck speed to Gulu. In Gulu, she and other female detainees report that they were threatened with rape and death by police officers including a commander.
Night who had C-Section during delivery of one of her children has a delicate scar. She was in severe pain especially in the pelvic area and torso. For days she was passing blood in her urine as result of torture.
2. Caroline Nalubowa, 28, a resident of Arua. At 7pm Nalubowa had gone to buy a drink at Hotel Royal. She had just left the bar counter with her drink when a hail of bullets thundered outside.
Shortly after a soldier grabbed Nalubowa, threw her drink away and assaulted her viciously. She was dragged outside and told to lie down with the rest.
Soldiers stomped on her back and kicked her repeatedly. She was later transferred to Gulu Police Station.
3: Akira Maida, 23, works as a cashier. She’s a mother of a one year and three months old baby. She was a bystander who had left the baby at the hotel with someone. When the chaos ensued, Akira started running towards the hotel to get her baby but she didn’t make it. A group of armed men caught and roughed her up severely.
Consequently, she was injured in her abdomen and now passes blood whenever she urinates. The minder Akira had left with her baby also run for her life, leaving the baby behind. Akira was later told that her baby was picked up by a ‘good Samaritan’.
4. Jane Abola, 31, was a guest at Hotel Pacific when the Special Forces Command soldiers and police raided. She is a resident of Kampala. She was not part of the electoral campaign in Arua or any related activities. Abola is a mother of three.
Abola was woken up by loud gunfire. It wasn’t long before loud bangs on her door and demands that she opens the room door which she did immediately. Armed men in military uniform descended on her, slapping and kicking her.
Abola told lawyers that the men asked her to reveal the whereabouts of Bobi Wine. When Abola said she didn’t know, this further infuriated them. Led by a man she identified as the Regional Police Commander, they hit her multiple times with a gun butt and kicked her repeatedly all over the body.
Abola was taken to Arua Police Station, thrown into a packed room. At 2.00am she was bundled onto a vehicle driven to Gulu Police Station. Her children are aged 9 years, 5 years and three months whom she had left in Kampala.
Throughout these sad narrations, the name of Regional Police Commander Jonathan Musinguzi and Gulu District Police Commander Emmanuel Mafundo come up as having been central to the torture of those arrested.
Interviewed for a comment yesterday, Army spokesperson Richard Karemire said the army has launched an inquiry to ascertain what exactly happened in Arua and hold the errant security operatives to account.
The case for the rule of democracy against the rule of tyranny on the continent of Africa:
The military might of army discipline and rule
August 8, 2018
Written by Moses Khisa
This is an old debate, but it merits revisiting for at least two reasons.
First, the neoconservative and globalist African intelligentsia, whose leading figures today include the Zambian-born economist Dambisa Moyo, is at it again: Africa needs benevolent dictatorship that can focus on economic growth and growth, nothing but growth! The adnauseam in this assertion is as nauseating as it is simplistic.
Second, there is the reality of disappointing experience with practice of democracy on the African continent, especially over the past three decades starting in the early 1990s and the ‘third wave’ of democratisation. The problems of democracy, its failings and flaws, are seldom new and unique to Africa.
The argument for so-called benevolent dictatorship rests on invariably shaky ground. First, it is woefully ahistorical. Africa has been down this road for long and to devastating effects.
In the 1970s and 1980s much of Africa was under dictatorships of different stripes, some venal and vicious as Jean-Bedel Bokassa in the Central African Republic and Idi Amin in Uganda, others less brutal and more modernising as Felix Houphouet-Boigny in the Ivory Coast and the Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia.
Easily the most successful and pronounced case of what has been referred to as ‘developmental patrimonialism’ was Houphouet-Boigny’s Ivory Coast. But the country went up in flames not too long after Houphouet-Boigny left the political stage. It is yet to recover from years of civil war.
There is the presumptuous claim that dictators know what the people want and can best deliver on the people’s needs when unencumbered by the motions of democracy and the rigidities of rule-based conduct.
But if rulers needed to be shielded against the democratic checks and constraints to be able to do good and bring about transformation, Africa would be paradise because this is precisely the story of post-independent Africa – rulers and small coteries of the ruling class have often conducted business in a personalised manner with little regard for rules and laws. A large part of the ills of Africa turn on personalist rule and unaccountable leadership.
Also, the idea that rulers or the ruling classes more generally should be shielded from public pressures and influence harkens to old-fashioned paternalism.
This was in fact at the heart of colonial rule: the colonists claimed to know what the ‘backward and savage’ colonised subjects needed; so, there was no need for representation or any kind of democratic voice.
Contrary to what revisionist (and racist) commentators have attempted in recent years, colonialism in its absolute authoritarian strand delivered plunder and despoliation, and not growth and development of the African continent.
The very modus operandi and systems of rule, justified on account of bringing about ‘civilisation,’ that were set in motion by colonialism remained in place or were reproduced by post-independence rulers. There was but only a slight modification of the justification, from civilisation to development.
Today, there is an intriguing sleight of hand that sees the scapegoat in democracy. And this is where Dambisa Moyo and others have rallied to engage in an extreme form of intellectual dishonesty. Scapegoating democracy might at face value appear easier to do. But laying out exactly how democracy is a problem turns out rather difficult to persuasively argue.
We may well call it another name, but the idea and value of democratic government is to have public accountability and the mechanisms of ensuring that individuals and organisations entrusted with public office answer to those on whose behalf they manage.
To realise accountability, transparency and adherence to the set rules, there has to be citizen participation, free expression and the right to decide who should hold what office. How on earth then does being held accountable and securing from citizens the right to govern run counter to the quest for economic growth?
What is often used to scapegoat democracy is nothing more than parodies of genuine democratic practice, like populist policies and actions that play to the gallery, opportunistically used by political entrepreneurs to hoodwink the public to retain power and privilege. The instrumental use of such democratic principles as popular participation and the people’s will is a travesty, and not the essence of democracy.
There is no doubt that any democratic system has deeply ingrained flaws. It is prone to slow decision-making and can lead to undesirable outcomes. It has inherent instabilities and occasional uncertainties. But there is little historical evidence to suggest that Africa can do better under nondemocratic systems.
The tendency to jump to citing Asian countries, the so-called Tigers and now China, fails to appreciate the distinct histories and societal circumstances of those countries. Then the reference to Europe and North America which ostensibly attained socioeconomic transformation before becoming liberal, democratic societies. The claim here is either ignorantly wrong or simply disingenuous.
The early path to European (and by extension North American) transformation was built on the principles of rule of law and public accountability. England was the frontrunner in this. The form and degree of democracy was not what it eventually became, but that rulers and governments were subjected to public accountability is undeniable.
The author is an assistant professor of political science at North Carolina State University.
26 July, 2018
By Wachira Maina
Constitutions get amendments as new ones are made all over the Continent of Africa:
Term-limits, like other constitutional restraints in Africa, are not safe from repeal.
The constitutions made in the 1990s were meant to support the new still fragile democracies.
Robust bills of rights, rule of law, checks and balances and term-limits for presidents would secure freedoms and institutions from attack by rapacious autocrats. It has not worked, especially on term limits.
In Namibia and Burundi incumbents exploited ambiguities in law to extend their terms. Elsewhere, they have just repealed the term limits.
In Namibia in 1999, president Sam Nujoma finagled an extra term by arguing that his first term, from 1989, did not qualify because he wasn’t directly elected. Parliament made changes in response but applied these only to him and the 1999 election alone. Nujoma tried but failed to remove term limits again in 2004.
Burundi’s President Pierre Nkurunziza argued much the same when he sought a third term in 2015. Since he, too, was not directly elected for his first term, 2005 to 2010, he said that term did not count.
In Guinea in 2001, President Lansana Conte scrapped a 1993 clause that limited his tenure to two five-year terms. Conte also extended the length of a term from five to seven years. The opposition rejected the results but Conte contested and won a third term in 2003, claiming 95.6 per cent of the votes. He died in office in 2008.
In Chad, Idriss Déby promised, in 2001, that he would leave office in 2006 when his second term ended. He pledged never to “change the Constitution” to stretch his term. His only interest, in this his “last mandate” was, he said, to “prepare Chad” for a change of government.
In 2005, he scrapped term limits. He contested and won elections in 2006, 2011 and again in 2016. On his victory in 2016, he promised a return to term limits implausibly decrying a “system in which a change in power becomes difficult.” Deby said that he had deleted term limits in 2005 because the “life of the nation was in danger.”
Like Deby in Chad, Mamadou Tandja of Niger, told Le Monde, a French newspaper, in 2007, that he would retire in 2009 when his term ended. He repeated the promise to Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, in March 2009.
In 2010, the ruling party did a volte-face, drafting changes to extend by three years both Tandja’s and the National Assembly’s terms. The changes ran foul of the constitution, which barred government from amending term-limits.
Tandja said he “could not ignore the people’s call” for a third term and tried to skirt the legal obstacle by making a new constitution without term-limits. Beaten back by the constitutional court, he dissolved the National Assembly, called fresh legislative elections and scheduled a referendum ahead of a presidential election in 2010.
The constitutional court frustrated this plan too and Tandja now dissolved the government. In February 2010, he was ousted in a coup and detained as Niger prepared for fresh elections in 2011.
Death in office
In Togo in 2002, Étienne Gnassingbé Eyadéma, president for 35 years, hurriedly removed the term limits under which he was due to retire in 2003. At the same time, he lowered the minimum age for president from 45 to 35 years which made it possible for his son, Faure Gnassingbé, then 36, to qualify to be president if Eyadéma were to die.
He contested and won the 2003 election but died in office two years later. The Speaker of the National Assembly, Fambare Ouattara Natchaba, should have taken over in acting capacity for 60 days. However, Mr Natchaba had travelled abroad.
The army put the younger Gnassingbé, now 38, in power to give Togo stability, they said. The next day the National Assembly elected Fauré its president, clearing his path to the presidency in a move the African Union termed a coup.
In Cameroon, Paul Biya, Africa’s second longest serving president, removed term limits in April 2008. Anti-government protests followed, especially in the western, English-speaking part of Cameroon, but Biya survived to win another seven-year mandate in 2011.
In Burkina Faso in 2005, Blaisé Campaore announced that he would be seeking a third term. Though Mr Campaore came to power in the 1989 coup in which Thomas Sankara was killed, he was first elected in 1991. His 1998 term should have been his last if a 2000 amendment limiting the president’s tenure to two five-year terms was applied.
Compaoré argued — and the constitutional court agreed — that the 2000 term-limits were not retrospective. He ran and won comfortable majorities in 2005 and 2010. But a 2014 attempt by the ruling party to force a referendum to remove term-limits altogether provoked violent protests.
Like Mamadou Tandja four years earlier, Compaoré dissolved the government and imposed emergency rule. On the very day that he abandoned plans to remove term-limits, he was ousted by military.
Outwitted by opposition
In 2012 in Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, a two-term president much praised for his progressive rule, also tried to extend his rule. He made his first move in 2008, when his party changed the constitution to return Senegal to a seven-year presidential term that had been scrapped in 2001. Though this would not have extended Mr Wade’s 2007–2012 term, it applied to any new term that Wade sought in 2012 and beyond.
In 2009, Wade now announced that he would run for a third term in 2012. Though violent protests broke out in Dakar, Mr Wade ran in 2012. He did not win in the first round. In the run-off, the opposition united against him and voted for Macky Sall, the current president.
It was a similar story in Djibouti. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, the president, is a nephew of the previous president, Hassan Guelleh Aptidon, who retired in 1999 after 22 years in power. Mr Guelleh was the sole candidate in the 2004 elections.
On assuming office, he promised that he wouldn’t seek a new term when his six years ended in 2010. In 2010, he reneged on that pledge, amended the law and on winning a third term promised yet again, that this would be his final term. It was not. Mr Guelleh ran again in 2016 and won, this time with 87 per cent of the vote.
In Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni has twice battled and twice won against constitutional limits on his tenure. Last year, the NRM-dominated parliament scrapped a 75 years age limit that the constitution placed on the president, allowing Museveni, 74 this year and already in office for 32 years, to seek a sixth term in the elections due in 2021. Mr Museveni had already scrapped the two-term limit in 2005.
And so goes the story of term-limits. Term-limits, like other constitutional restraints in Africa, are not safe from repeal. In countries where these limits are still respected, it is probably because presidents have no power to repeal them not because they lack the desire to stay in office longer.
Constitutional Court upholds lifting of presidential age limit.
Aba DP bawakanyizza eky'abakozi ba Gavumenti okuvuganya ku bwa LC
By Muwanga Kakooza
Added 12th June 2018
Aba DP bawakanyizza eky'abakozi ba Gavumenti okuvuganya ku bwa LC
Mao ng'annyonnyola abamawulire wano mu kibuga Kampala, Uganda
DP erangiridde nti egenda kweyambisa amateeka okutangira abakozi ba gavumenti okwesimbawo ku bukiiko bwa LC mu kulonda okugenda okubaawo July 10, 2018.
DP era erangiridde nti enkung’ana zaayo ez’okwezza obuggya ezigenda okuzingiramu n’okutema empenda z’okwezza obukiiko bwa LC n’okusisinkana abaaliko mu kibiina kino n’okubaperereza okudda egenda kuzitambuza mu ggwanga lyonna.
Bino Pulezidenti w’ekibiina Nobert Mao eyabadde n’omulung’amya w’akakiiko akategeka enkiiko z’okwezza obuggya era eyavuganyaako ku bwa Pulezidenti Sam Lubega be baabitegeezezza bannamawulire mu Kampala.
Mao yagambye nti DP tewagira bakozi ba gavumenti kwesimbawo ku bukiiko bwa LC kuba kugenda kubaamu okwawulayawula kw’abantu ku layini z’ebibiina by’obufuzi ng’ate abakozi bano tebalina kulaga ludda. N’agamba nti bagenda kutuula ne bannamateeka baabwe balabe engeri y’okukiremesa. N’agamba nti etteeka ly’ebyokulonda eririwo ligamba omukozi wa gavumenti ayagala okwesimbawo ku kifo ky’obufuzi okusooka okulekulira
Ye Sam Lubega yategeezezza nti ensisinkano z’aba DP n’abantu abalala abaaliko mu kibiina ezigenderera okuyamba ekibiina okweyubula zigenda kutalaaga eggwanga nga zitandikira Mukono ku Festino nga June 27,zigende e Gulu mu July 25 , e Masaka nga August 22 n’ebitundu ebirala byonna eby’eggwanga bajja kutuukayo. E Mukono egenda kubaayo nsisinkano y’abakadde ba DP era wakubaayo okujjukira abazira ba DP nga Ben Kiwanuka, Ssebaana Kizito n’abalala abaliko kye baakikolera. Era eno egenda kusinziirwa okulangirira entegeka DP z’erina okwezza obukiiko bwa LC, n’okutema empenda z’okubayamba okuwangula obubaka bwa palamenti mu munisipaali gye kugenda okubeera.
E Gulu ensisinkano egenda kuyamba okuperereza abavubuka okwegatta .Mu lukung’ana Mao yategeezezza nga ba’wgenda okusisinkana loodi meeya Erias Lukwago n’omubaka w’ekibuga Mukono Betty Nambooze.
Ku by’okwerinda Mao yasoomozezza gavumenti okussaawo embeera eyamba Bannayuganda bonna okweyagalira mu nsi yabwe n’agamba nti kye kijja okuyamba okukendeeza ettemu n’effujjo eddala erikolebwa.
Tugoba binyomo mu sukali ate zo enswera zongera manyi kugwa kusukali!
Ekibiina kya DP kibuuzibwa kyo governmenti ya NRM mu Ssemmatteka ekiwade sente zomuwi womusolo meka okwetaba mukulonda. Kimanyiddwa bulungi nti abakozi ba governmenti bebalina sente ezaabwe okukozesa mubyobufuzi ate nga basasula nomusolo buterevu mu nsawo ye ggwanga. Ebifo ebilwanirwa mu kalulu ka LC abanayitamu tebajja kufuna musaala nomusolo tebajja kusasula butereevu. Olwo DP eyagala kuzzawo etya ebuggya ekibiina nga terina sente ziva mu banakibiina! Eyagala kuzitujjamu ffe abawi bomusolo abakowa ekibiina kya DP nobuyaye bwakyo?
30 May, 2018
Anthony Middlemass Owana,
Amy men of Uganda, do you need more tips about cut-throat activity or do you need more throats to cut instead?
The military hardware of Uganda is out again in top condition ready for a civil war
Scenes like these represent elections in Uganda. Its not a general election but just a by election for a local constituency somewhere in a mountainous district of Rukungiri Western Uganda.
For those international followers, the scene is not new to us Ugandans that when we see a heavy war equipments deployment on our streets, it comes into our minds 'oh its elections time' and we are used.
Rukungiri district is so significant to both our ruling and opposition parties that its home to two of our leading opposition leaders rtd col. Dr kiiza Besigye of FDC and former prime minister Amama Mbabazi a once Museven's red eyed man turned opponent so, the ruling party top brass and the president have to send prior warning to the district inhabitants prior to local elections.
Un explained War time machinery has been stationed on hills overlooking the constituency as if to send a message to the public that sense must be returned into their heads as they vote for a local representative to parliament.
Dogs, cats, rats and insects have all noticed a tense atmosphere in the region as people lined onto streets of Mbarara city witnessing columns of war equipments being ferried by the army heading to Rukungiri just over 100km from Mbarara city.
Both the president and opposition leaders have been to the area campaigning for their respective candidates in a politically sensitive region.
National democratic Elections were always a sham on the continent of Africa but in the age of Facebook all over the world, they have been proved criminal, illegitimate, or dishonest:
28 March, 2018
By Jenerali Ulimweng
At the same time as Nicolas Sarkozy was being interrogated by the French police on suspicion of having received campaign contributions from Muammar Gaddafi, we were getting suggestions that US President Donald Trump was almost certainly put in office by Facebook, aided by the Russians and some smart-aleck technology outfit calling itself Cambridge Analytica.
Is this the end of elections as we know them; as mechanisms that populations could trust to help them throw to the fore “honourable” and well-intentioned individuals who would run the ship of state for them for the good of the commonwealth?
Has the institution of elections run its course, having been so totally subverted by rogue elements who have corrupted it and turned it into a marketplace conspiracy of pimps and prostitutes?
Of course, it would be dangerous to trust any politician with your life, even if she was your mama. There are very few human categories whose very survival and advancement rely on duplicity as politicians’ do. Lying is second nature to them, and sometimes I have a feeling they will lie even when telling the truth would have given them an advantage.
They lie even about whether they are politicians or not. Trump likes to set himself apart from the typical politician, mainly because he is not a Republican insider and he has never held elective office.
But the man is nothing if not a dyed-in-the wool politician who has held very strong bigoted views about anything you care to think about, and has lied about things that he must know everyone is thinking he has lied about.
But my concern here is not about politicians lying, because that is to be expected of them. What worries me is what we are going to do with elections after we now know that there is practically no election worth holding because of all the interferences that render them a charade.
Don’t get me wrong, I know almost all African elections are a sham, so much so that even those who “win” them are none too loud in proclaiming their “victory;” rather, they quietly proceed with the business of administering, via command, the territory they have usurped. They can do this because they dispose of the most persuasive argument in any arsenal: The power of the barrel of the gun.
There was a time when we thought it was necessary to peg Africa’s governance excellence somewhat lower than the governance of Western countries. After all, they were the ones who had had the 1215, 1642, 1774 and 1789, and such illustrious figures as Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Jefferson and Voltaire.
Our prophets, on the contrary, had been lost in the mist of the unrecorded word that died with the ear of the last hearer.
There was still time, as long as the most advanced column held good, for us to trace those steps and eventually “get there.” But you cannot follow anyone where they are no longer going.
To our rulers, elections represent all that is evil, which was imposed by the white man who cannot begin to comprehend the first thing about Africa and the Africans.
Our rulers never accepted the utterly hopeless idea that you can wield the gun while elections are being run, and the man without the gun wins, and you let him take the gun away from you, so that he can organise the next election… are you mad, or something?
And, now that we know that our most revered Westerners are with us in all sorts of lying and electoral machinations, and that powerful forces like the social media giant Facebook are being manipulated to make, say, Americans “elect” a Trump, who can tell me that we should continue going to the ballot box to cast votes that at the end of the day do not mean a thing?
When I quit Facebook I did it because I felt there was too much invasiveness of my privacy, which included people making me say things I hadn’t said. And that is the point: Mark Zuckerberger has created a Big Brother far stronger and more nefarious than George Orwell imagined.
Sarkozy may still come out of this just bruised, but the idea that a Bedouin can still pull strings at l’Elysees still leaves me cold, not because I am such a Francophile, but because of what it means for us, we who never bought into the whole European imposed electoral façade.
Jenerali Ulimwengu is chairman of the board of the Raia Mwema newspaper and an advocate of the High Court in Dar es Salaam. E-mail: ulimwengu@jenerali.com
An Updated letter to President Museveni of Uganda on electoral reforms in the country he has ruled for 32 years:
22 February, 2018
Written by Crispin Kaheru
Mr Crispin Kaheru
Your Excellency,
We write this letter with a profound appreciation that this year government plans to conduct elections in the six newly created districts of: Nabilatuk, Bugweri, Kwani, Kapelebyong, Kasanda, and Kikuube; elections will also be conducted to fill vacancies in about 264 of the 1,403 sub counties in Uganda.
Other elections envisaged include: parliamentary and Local Government by-elections, as well as possible Local Council I and II elections alongside the possibility of a national referendum.
In order to deliver a cost-effective and democratic electoral process that will enlist the confidence of the wananchi to participate unimpeded in the different electoral processes, electoral reforms are a must.
Your Excellency, we want to believe that it is because you clearly understand the importance of progressive political reforms that you rightly campaigned on the platform of instituting a constitutional review process.
Under chapter II of your 2016 – 2021 manifesto, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) commits to uphold the principle of democracy where citizens directly participate in regular, free and fair elections.
Correspondingly, NRM has situated itself as the trustee and principal guarantor of vision 2040 in which the need for democracy is recognized as the anchor to transform Uganda.
Vision 2040 states that, government will inter alia, enhance the legal and regulatory framework covering the electoral process. In line with these commitments, the second National Development Plan (NDP II) recognises that without free and fair political and electoral processes, key development objectives cannot be achieved. To this end, the NDP II proposes to “enact laws to strengthen credibility of electoral processes in Uganda and citizen participation in the electoral process”
Your Excellency, we recognise that following the enactment of the 1995 Constitution, Uganda has held regular elections during the set constitutional time frames – every five years. Yet, since 2001, general elections in Uganda have ended in controversy.
The 2001, 2006 and 2016 presidential elections culminated in court disputes while in 2011, elections ended in violent public demonstrations. Despite your policy direction, concerns about your government’s commitment towards a transparent and accountable electoral framework persist.
Since 2001, election observers, political organisations, civil society organisations and private individuals have proposed electoral and constitutional reforms that would guarantee credible, free and fairer elections in Uganda.
Despite their significance, many of the substantive and popular electoral reforms have not made it to the legislative agenda, close to two decades later, with significant implications for our growth as a nation.
Your Excellency, your government’s reluctance to consider popular progressive electoral reforms, in order to address electoral deficits that have afflicted previous elections, has dented the credibility of electoral processes.
These persisting challenges undermine commitments in the NRM manifesto, Vision 2040 and the NDP II and continue to paint elections as mere rituals that are incapable of translating the will of the citizenry into genuine democratic choice.
It is not surprising that according to a recent survey conducted by a renowned research firm, Afrobarometer, only 22% of Ugandans believe that their country is either a full democracy or a democracy with minor problems.
Your Excellency, the work of CCEDU has since 2009 affirmed the crucial need to address legal and political reforms. Through the Free and Fair Elections 2013/14 public consultations conducted countrywide, over 1,200,000 Ugandans directly endorsed the Citizens’ Compact and the Citizens’ Electoral Reform Agenda (CERA). In addition, a research conducted by Afrobarometer in 2015, indicated that 89% of Ugandans wanted electoral reforms before the 2016 elections.
Your Excellency, after the 2016 general elections, the Judiciary received approximately 118 parliamentary election petitions, accounting for about 30% of the composition of the tenth Parliament.
Contestations were as a result of widespread perceptions that elections are marred with irregularities and electoral malpractices, therefore falling short of constitutional and internationally accepted standards of free, fair and credible elections.
Violence, bribery and vote-rigging have been a constant feature of Uganda’s elections at different scales across the country.
It is important to recognise that the recent 2016 electoral process was marred by avoidable legislative, administrative and logistical failures, the impact of lack of trust in the independence and impartiality of the EC, questions about the impartiality of security agencies and the use of money in electioneering.
The Supreme court ruling on the Presidential Election Petition No.1 of 2016 (Amama Mbabazi v Museveni & Ors) acknowledged electoral reforms as a prerequisite for free and fair elections in Uganda.
Your Excellency, in the recent ruling, the Supreme court recommended that the time for filing and determination of a presidential election petition be increased from 30 to at least 60 days; the use of oral evidence in addition to affidavit evidence be accepted in court; time for holding a fresh election where the previous elections has been nullified be increased from the currently prescribed 20 days;
the use of technology in elections be backed by law; sanctions against any state organ or officer who violates provisions of the law with regard to access to state-owned media be provided; election related law reform be undertaken within two years of the establishment of the new parliament; laws be enacted to prohibit the giving of donations (during campaign periods) by all candidates including a president, who is also a candidate; laws prohibiting public servants from getting involved in political campaigns be made more explicit; laws be amended to make it permissible for the attorney general to be made respondent in a presidential election petition where necessary; and that the attorney general be the authority to follow-up with the Supreme court’s recommendations.
Your Excellency, the recent recommendations of the Supreme court came against the backdrop of numerous calls for substantive electoral reforms by both state and non-state actors including: Cabinet (2005, 2009 and 2015), 7th, 8th and 9th parliaments, Electoral Commission (EC), Uganda Law Reform Commission (ULRC), National Consultative Forum (NCF), Uganda Law Society (ULS), Inter-Party Organisation for Dialogue (IPOD), Inter Party Cooperation (IPC), Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU) among others.
Some of the prominent recommendations include: calls to review the appointment procedure of the EC to make it competitive and participatory; proposals on implementing a sustainable mechanism for continuous civic and voter education; proposals on mainstreaming the role of security in electoral processes; call to manage the illicit use of money and government resources especially during electoral seasons; proposals to enact and implement a code of conduct for political parties; proposals to review the mode of election of special interest groups in Parliament and other local government councils; calls to institute a comprehensive framework to manage the political transfer of power from an outgoing democratically elected president to an incoming President; provisions to counter gerrymandering; calls to trim the size of cabinet and parliament, among others.
These reforms mainly target seven pieces of legislation: the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995; the Presidential Elections Act 2005; the Parliamentary Elections Act 2001; the Electoral Commission Act 2005; the Local Governments Act 1997; the National Youth Council Act 1993; and the Public Order Management Act 2013.
Your Excellency, we acknowledge the reforms on voter registration, security of tenure of the EC as well as other administrative and technological changes that have positively, albeit minimally, had impact on improving the integrity and outcome of elections.
However, there remains a lot to be done in order to improve the credibility of the electoral process. The key to achieving the latter is a sound legal and institutional framework.
Low voter turn-out, high cost of elections, unprecedented numbers of spoilt ballot papers in elections, voter apathy, incidents of electoral violence, voter disenfranchisement, vote rigging, vote buying and misuse of money during campaigns; all point to the urgent need of a solid legal, institutional and administrative framework for election management in Uganda.
The 2016 general election cost over Shs 400 billion; however, had Uganda for instance aptly reformed its electoral process and deployed necessary technology, the cost would have essentially been lowered by over 60%.
Technology is an example of a tool which, when implemented properly, will broaden franchise, modernise elections, but most importantly cut the alarming election costs and increase transparency of the electoral process for the wananchi.
Needless to mention, the continuous reform and adaptation of the legal framework governing electoral management informed by experiences, reviews and assessments is necessary in every democratic society.
Your Excellency, we hold the view that electoral reforms should be undertaken within the context of a constitutional review process which facilitates a national conversation on our role as citizens, towards maintaining peace and ensuring the development of our country.
A constitutional review process will allow for the re-examination and reform of other sectors such as security, public service, and judiciary that seem to have historically gratuitous influence over the conduct and verdict of elections in Uganda.
Your Excellency, beyond the legislative and administrative tiers of reform, Uganda ought to invest robustly and strategically in civic education as a support measure to sustainable good electoral practices.
Civic education must integrate cognitive moral information which speaks to the prominence of the value of democracy, justice, peace alongside social values such as integrity, trust, honesty, patriotism and confidence which have over the years had a far-reaching impact on the nature of elections in Uganda. It must also be informed by our traditional values linked to social cohesion, productivity as well as law and order.
Your Excellency, it is therefore our desire and that of many Ugandans, that you urgently:
Establish an independent constitution review process whose findings and recommendations will be implemented before any subsequent national electoral exercise; and
Launch a national dialogue process that will genuinely provide Ugandans an opportunity to adaptively address root causes of conflict and issues caused by failures of the previous constitutions to provide a basis for an inclusive social contract, which aims at satisfying the needs of the citizens.
Your Excellency, we look forward to your timely and positive response and action on the issues that we have brought to your attention.
Crispin Kaheru
Coordinator, CCEDU
"Nja kuvuganya ku bwapulezidenti bwa Republic ya Uganda" Mayor we kibuga Kampala, asuubiza:
By Hannington Nkalubo
Added 21st May 2016
LOODI Meeya Erias Lukwago alayidde nti tagenda kukkiriza ntegeka za Pulezidenti Museveni okusimbawo mutabani we Maj. Gen. Muhoozi ku ntebe ya Pulezidenti amuddire.
Lukwago ng’ayogera ku kabaga ka Ssewanyana (ku ddyo). Wakati ye Hussein Kyanjo.
LOODI Meeya Erias Lukwago alayidde nti tagenda kukkiriza ntegeka za Pulezidenti Museveni okusimbawo mutabani we Maj. Gen. Muhoozi ku ntebe ya Pulezidenti amuddire.
“Pulezidenti Museveni atukankabudde emyaka 30 ate aleete ne mutabani we naye atukankabule emyaka 30 giwere 60 mu famire emu! Ekyo kikafuuwe. Mbalayirira nti oyo tugenda kuttunka kubanga tuli mu myaka gye gimu ate mmanyi tansobola,” Lukwago bwe yagambye.
Yabadde ku kabaga ka Allan Ssewanyana (Makindye West) ke yakoledde abalonzi be okubasiima okumuyiira obululu.
Yakakoledde mu kibangirizi ekiri ku kkooti e Makindye ku Lwokusatu.
Ebigambo ku Maj. Gen. Muhoozi byasaanudde abawagizi ku kabaga ne bamukubira emizira nga bwe bawoggana nti, “omuloodi todda mabega...” Yabadde ne Ssaabawandiisi wa DP, Mathias Nsubuga, Hussein Kyanjo, omubaka Kato Lubwama ne bameeya ba munisipaali okuli eya Kawempe Emmanuel Sserunjogi, Ronald Balimwezo ow’e Nakawa ne Nganda Mulyannyama ow’e Makindye.
Yagambye nti engeri Muhoozi gy’akuzibwamu eraga nti pulezidenti Museveni gw’ayagala amuddire mu bigere.
Yalabudde omubaka Allan Ssewanyana nti ekifo ky’awangudde kikulu naye kirimu okusoomoozebwa kunene.
“Gy’ogenze mu palamenti wali wo bingi aba NRM bye bagenda okukulimba ove ku mulamwa nga baagala otuukirize entegeka zaabwe. Ggwe oyise mu mikono gyange era mmanya nti abalonzi bakuwadde obululu nga bakwagala. Togeza okulimbibwa n’ova ku bantu kye bakulondedde,” Lukwago bwe yagambye.
Yategeezezza nti okwetaba ku kabaga ka Ssewanyana, Katonda ye yakimukoledde kubanga abadde yaggalirwa waka naye yabadde n’omusango mu kkooti e Makindye.
Omusango olwawedde yatudde ku mukolo teyavuddewo wadde baabadde bamugaanye.
Omubaka Allan Ssewanyana yagambye nti tasobola kuva ku bigambo bya Lukwago wadde abalonzi be.”Mwenna mulindirire olunaku palamenti lw’eneetuula n’eyagala okuyisa ekiteeso ekigya ekkomo ku myaka gya pulezidenti,” bwe yagambye.
Abantu kye boogera
l Munnamateeka Yusuf Nsibambi owa FDC yagambye nti Muhoozi okumuleeta avuganye ku bwapulezidenti tekirina mutawaana kubanga naye Munnayuganda kyokka kino kirina okugoberera emitendera emituufu.
l Wabula Haji Abdul Nadduli yawabudde Lukwago nti okuvuganya kwe mu byobufuzi aleme kukwesigamya ku Museveni. “Bw’aba ayagala okuvuganya akole bibye tawalampa balala.”
l Moses Kasibante yagambye nti pulezidenti Museveni tateekeddwa kukozesa nsimbi za ggwanga kuteekateeka muntu wa famire ye.
Ssemmatteeka owa Sir Edward Muteesa, Owa Obote 1, Owa Amin, oba owa Ssabalwanyi nga mumujeeko kifuba ne mutabaniwe?
Aba DP bwemutyo. Muli mperekeze nyo. Emperekeze eza Bangereza wano e Buganda nga Omugenzi Beni munamattteeka, naye ayambala kikufiira nga munaffe ono. Ku Amin nemubulawo. Nemudda ne Obote 2 nemumuwerekera nababba obululu. Temukomye awo kakano myaka asatu ono nga bwemugambye abakankanula ne Ssemateeka we nga amukyuusa nga bwayagala. Ekibiina kya DP kisinga byonna okwekutulamu nenkwe. Kakati Sebo Lukwago nga olayira ku bwa Presidenti bwewesunga, Ssemmatteeka ki gwonalayira okukuuma?
Batabukidde Vice President wa Uganda, Mr Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi mu Klezia e Lubaga ng'awolereza abaakutte ku Ssematteeka mu Parliamenti ya Uganda:
By Muwanga Kakooza
Added 26th December 2017
OMUMYUKA wa Pulezidenti, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi abantu bamutabukidde mu kusaba e Lubaga bw’ababadde agezaako okunnyonyola ebyabaddewo mu kukyusa Konsityusoni okuggyamu akawaayiro k’ekkomo mu myaka gya Pulezidenti akabadde katangira Pulezidenti Museveni okuddamu okwesimbawo mu 2021.
Okuva ku kkono: Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga ng'alina by'anyumya n'omumyuka wa Pulezidenti, Edward Ssekandi (wakati) ne minisita omubeezi ow'ebyenjigiriza, J.C Muyingo. Ekif. Muwanga Kakooza.
Ssekandi yabadde mu kusaba kwa Ssekukkulu e Lubaga okwakulembeddwa Ssabasumba w’esaza ekkulu ery’e Kampala Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga nga kwetabiddwamu katikkiro wa Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga n’abanene abalala.
Mu kusaba kuno, Ssabakiristu w’esaza, Anthony Mateega yasoose kucomera babaka ba Palamenti ng’abakuutira okuwulirizanga eddoboozi ly’abantu wamu n’okuvumirira ebigambibwa nti abajaasi bayingira Klezia y’oku Palamenti mu biseera by’okukyusa Konsityusoni.
Katikkiro wa Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga yagambye nti abantu ba Buganda balina okutwala Kabaka ng’ekikubagizo kyabwe bwe baba mu mbeera ebanyigiriza ng’eno.
Bwebatyo bwebaze bajolonga abantu ba Uganda nga baleeta buli kika kyantalo. Bogera kino ate bakola kirala. Obulimba nobulyake bibajudde! Setani yenyini.
Omusajja ono muzibu nyo ate yekazakaza nyo nga omwaana eyesibidde mu kinaabiro nga anaaba afuka. Yeyali Speaker wa Parliamenti ya Uganda naddumira term limits nti mbi nyo mukufuga ensi era zivewo. Nebakwata omusolo nebagugabira Parliamenti ebijewo. Alemeddwa okunyonyola lwaki ate term limits amangu gano bazikomezawo. Takomye awo ayambalidde myaka bwegiri emibi enyo okujipimira abafuzi era nenfuga ekyusibwe eve ku myaka 5 egende ku myaka 7. Bazemu bakute sente empitirivu ozomuwi womusolo, bazigabye ebibi bino byebateka bo benyini mu Ssemateeka bivewo. Obwami bwebalimu, bwebaganiddemu bufuuse bwamumaka gabwe oba bwabamaama baabwe ne ba Kitabwe?
Ababaka ba 'Togikwatako' batuula bufoofoto
By Kizito Musoke
Added 16th December 2017
Ababaka ba 'Togikwatako' n’abakkiriza okukyusa Konsitityusoni bonna beebugira lwa Mmande nga 18 December, 2017 n’okuwera nti kiggwa kw’olwo.
Ababaka ba 'Togikwatako' nga beesibye obuwero obumyuufu ku mitwe mu Palamenti gye buvuddeko
Sipiika yalangiridde nti ku Mmande lwe bagenda okufuna lipooti ebbiri ezaavudde mu kakiiko k'amateeka.
Emu esemba okuggya ekkomo ku myaka endala ekiwakanya.
Robinah Nabbanja (Kakumiro) yagambye nti olwa Mmande alwesunga nga mbaga, kuba waliwo abantu abaludde nga beewera nga bwe bayinza okubalemesa okugikwatako.
Yategeezezza nti wadde awulira abagamba nti mulimu ababaka abaafunye ssente, kyokka tebayinza kuwera kuba mulimu abaazifunye kyokka ne balemerako nti balina okukola abalonzi kye baabagamba.
Ruth Nankabirwa, nampala wa Gavumenti yasambazze ehhambo ezibungeesebwa nti waliwo ababaka abaaweereddwa ssente okuyisaawo eky’okuggya ekkomo ku myaka.
Yagambye nti ssente zokka z’amanyi ezaaweebwa ababaka zaali obukadde 29 ezaabaweebwa okwebuuza ku balonzi.
Ekibatwala mu Parliamenti ku Monday nga 18 December, 2017 tokilaba okujjako oku signing mukitabo kyabwe nti bakoze. Ekyo kyongere okukakasa nti Parliamenti yonna yatuula nesalawo bulungi kyenasalawo. Ate batya nti bwebatagendeyo M7 nga Obote mu 1966/67, agya kubatwala e Luzira.
Ono omw'Africa munabwe ate nga ne mu University batukayo, abalemedde wa?
"Ffumbe" nkubulire, bajjajja baffe ne ba kitaffe tebagenda ko mu University naye omungereza bamusobola. Kubanga yali amaliridde okubafuga okutuusa okufa.
Bano nabo kati BALIWO KOLA U SAW ME,silaba bintu bikulu bili AWO NTI BYEBATESAKO,babulile kujja mu paliyamenti NGA BAMBADE OVERLOO NGA abagenda okuzimba, IN FACT OMUSAJJA WA BBC NEWS kyamutwalide edakika namba NGA AKYESEKA NEYABADE MU STUDIO mu uk nga balaga MP EYAZE OKUTESEZA ABANTU,engeri jeyaze ayambade nga NGA AVA OKUSIIMA EKYOLONI,nebyo byemwesiiba kumutwe BYONA KUMALA BUDE mukilize kimu nti omusajja aja tufuga PAAKA LWANAKOWA.
Kitalo nyo. Era Setani ali wano e Buganda mungi ddala. Abavubuka, Okugenda mu Ggulu lyegezi lyokka.
Kattikiro wa Buganda ayongedde okuduumira Abaganda okuwa omusolo gwo kugula satifikeeti:
By Dickson Kulumba
Added 13th December 2017
Katikkiro wa Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga
ENSIMBI obukadde 203 ze zikung'aanyiziddwa amaggombolola mu Buganda mu nkola ya ‘Luwalo lwaffe 2017’ ng’abatuuze b’eggombolola y’e Makindye mu Kampala be basinze n’ensimbi 17,465,000/-. Ate essaza ly’e Kyadondo lye lisinze amalala n’ensimbi 54,806,000/-.
Katikkiro wa Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga yasinzidde ku mukolo gw’okuggalawo ‘Luwalo Lwaffe 2017’ e Bulange- Mmengo ku Lwokubiri n’ategeeza nti kikakata ku buli muntu wa Buganda okugula satifikeeti n’okuwaayo kyonna kyalina okutambuza emirimu gy’Obwakabaka.
Minisita omubeezi owa Gavumenti ezeebitundu, Joseph Kawuki yategeezezza nti omwaka ogujja minisitule eno, essira egenda kulissa ku kulambula abantu ba Kabaka nga Minisita waakulambula amasaza gonna ng’atandikira Buweekula nga January 9, 2018.
“Eggombolola y’e Makindye yaddiriddwa Ssabawaali Gombe- Kyaddondo n’ensimbi 10,571,000/-, Mutuba I Nangabo- Kyaddondo 8,240,000/- ate mu masaza Kyaddondo eddiriddwa Buddu ne 33,728,000/- ne Busiro 21,673,000/- nga tulabyewo okulinnya okuva ku nsimbi 137,934,400/- okutuuka ku bukadde 203.
Bukya nkola eno etandikibwa mu 2015, yaakavaamu ensimbi 692,562,000/- noolwekyo twebaza nnyo abakulembeze n’abantu ba Kabaka bonna,” Kawuki bwe yagambye.
Sebo Kattikiro mbadde Mengo nga ekitebe ekifuzi ekya Buganda kyekyateeka ensi eyefuga eya Buganda mumukago gwa Uganda. Oyagala kwegaana ate ebyafaayo bya Buganda? Ate kivude ku kiki okwagala okubikyuusa amangu gano? Ye nga obifuula fuula mubuyinza obuvudde wani?
In Uganda, a political Statement by the courts of law has been issued against determining the democratic Local Council elections nation- wide
13 November, 2017
Written by Observer Media Ltd
A Ugandan voter voting with a voter's card by secret ballot box which is against the law in this country.
The Statement from the Uganda Electoral Commission after High courts in Kampala and Jinja issued interim orders restraining the electoral body from conducting Local Council and Women Council elections that were scheduled to start tomorrow, Tuesday.
The Electoral Commission, in compliance with two court orders issued by the High court at Kampala, this 13th day of November 2017, and another one issued by the High court at Jinja, this 13th day of November 2017, which are binding on the Electoral Commission, hereby informs the general public that the elections for village Women Councils and Committees and Elections for Administrative Units (LC I & LC II) shall not be held as earlier scheduled.
Accordingly, the elections of village Women Councils and Committees scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday 14th November 2017 shall not take place.
Similarly, the electoral programme for election of Administrative Units (LC I & LC II) is suspended.
Any further steps by the commission on the above electoral activities will be determined by the outcome of the court process, of which the public will be informed.
The commission appeals to political parties and organisations, candidates, agents and supporters, and all other stakeholders in these elections to remain calm as the matters are being handled by the High court.
The Electoral Commission remains determined to execute its mandate to organize and conduct elections in accordance with the law.
Justice Byabakama Mugenyi Simon chairperson, Electoral Commission
In Uganda, the Member of Parliament that introduced his private bill to drop the Presidential age limit is doing it against the advice of the citizens in his political constituency:
October 25, 2017
Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi yesterday responded angrily to constituency demands for him to withdraw his hugely controversial private member’s bill, which seeks to scrap presidential age limits.
With firmness, he said he cannot under any circumstances; withdraw the draft legislation, which is being processed by the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs committee.
He becomes the latest frontline leader in the push to remove age limits to come under fire right in his backyard. A few days ago, Government Chief Whip Ruth Nankabirwa was shocked when her constituents directed her to oppose the bill.
Similar scenes have played out elsewhere.
But Magyezi told The Observer in an interview yesterday that whoever feels aggrieved should consult the people of Igara West whom he says allowed him to table the bill, which seeks to amend Article 102(b) of the constitution.
The MP of the Parliament of Uganda, Mr Magyezi, who is in the good books of the President of Uganda, is in trouble with his constintuents for introducing the dodgy bill.
“I am not withdrawing that bill simply because some 10 or 20 youths have come to Kampala. Things don’t happen like that,” Magyezi said by telephone.
If it passes, the amendment backed by State House could see President Museveni extend his 31-year rule into a presidency for life – a possibility many feel will hurt Uganda even more.
In the public appeal, the NRM youth leader for Magyezi’s constituency, Bukuri Kakooza Kajambiya, noted that Uganda is headed for more trouble if their MP persists.
Already, one Ugandan (Edison Nasasira, October 18) has been killed and several others injured in shootings during the current police clampdown on countrywide resistance to the Magyezi proposal.
Kakooza told journalists during a briefing at the Kampala Serena hotel that Magyezi must realise that the project he is spearheading has been roundly rejected by majority of Ugandans.
“The bill is going to cause problems for Ugandans; you see what is already happening in Kampala and other areas; live bullets, teargas, people dying, others being arrested because of this bill,” Kakooza said.
“We, the youth of Igara West are sorry. Our MP betrayed us. Fellow Ugandans, we are sorry for what is happening in the country caused by the idea of amending the constitution brought to parliament by our MP…” Kakooza said.
“A young man died in Rukungiri last week because of that amendment brought by our MP who never consulted us. The youth in the constituency told him to go and lobby for services and development. We never sent him to bring the presidential age limit bill,” he added.
According to the youth, Magyezi’s views on the constitutional amendment are personal to him and his family. Kakooza said the country’s biggest problem today is not the presidential age limit but unemployment among youths, poverty and high taxes.
But the MP was unmoved by the appeal.
“Igara West is not in Kampala. If you or the youth want to know the views of the people of Igara, they should go to Igara. I will find them there next week after my meeting with the legal committee. And if they want to be consulted, they should go to Igara,” he said.
Magyezi also claimed that the youth of Igara West may not have been consulted because they are not within the structures of leadership in the constituency.
Mr Bukuru Kakooza wants Magyezi to withdraw the age limit amendment bill
Kakooza, who graduated from Islamic University In Uganda last year with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication but remains unemployed, said he failed to speak to Magyezi directly hence yesterday’s press conference.
“I called him last week to seek an appointment but he told me he was from abroad and needed time to rest; he promised to call me on Monday but he didn’t,” Kakooza said. “We are requesting him to withdraw the bill and let it, if at all, be brought by another MP. Most of our people don’t want our constitution to be touched,” the young man said.
Magyezi‘s Constitution Amendment (N0 2) Bill 2017 was tabled on September 27, following chaotic scenes in parliament.
With the police surrounding the compound, troops from the presidential guard stormed the main chamber and unleashed violence on MPs opposed to the bill.
It is now before the legal and parliamentary affairs committee for scrutiny. Wilfred Niwagaba, the shadow attorney general, said the bill can be withdrawn if the main sponsor decides so.
He said although he was not sure of the provisions in the parliamentary rules of procedure, government already set a precedent of withdrawing a bill when it withdrew the Marriage and Divorce Bill a few years ago.
“The rules may be silent but a precedent was set. Government tabled the marriage and divorce bill, facilitated the MPs to go for consultations but along the way it withdrew that bill. Therefore, when it comes for the second reading it can be withdrawn,” Niwagaba said.
“It can also be withdrawn while in the committee if the mover of the bill indicates that he wants it withdrawn and the committee can then report to the House,” he added.
Earlier, Bukooli North MP Gaster Mugoya said it was not possible to have the bill withdrawn after government released money to facilitate MPs to go to their constituencies for consultations.
In Uganda's history again now, Eight unusual things are happening ahead of age limit debate in the national Parliament:
21 September, 2017
By the Monitor newpaper, Uganda
Security officers on a police truck patrol Kampala streets ahead of the presidential age limit debate in Parliament on Thursday afternoon. PHOTO BY STEPHEN OTAGE
• Lawmakers, known for skipping House sittings, flood Parliament hours before Thursday afternoon proceeding. • Low-flying police helicopter circles Parliament, something unseen in recent times. • Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and her deputy Jacob Oulanyah access House through improvised back entrance instead of the main gate.
Police block DP president Norbert Mao (in car) from heading to Parliament where lifting of presidential age limit debate is expected to take place on Thursday afternoon. Mao used vehicle to parliament instead of walking. PHOTO BY SHABIBAH NAKIRIGYA
• Police turn some MPs away from accessing Parliament, block all from parking in the official car park. • 20 junior ministers in an unprecedented move join two Cabinet ministers for a press conference announcing the Executive’s endorsement of the plan to scrap age limit. • Arrests, unrests as army, police place city under security lockdown
• Anti-terrorism police and army, carrying military-grade weapons, mass around Parliament • Gun snatched from a policeman at Gazaland shopping mall on William Street in the city centre.
Akulira ebyokulonda mu Uganda, Mr Badru Kiggundu, yeewuunyizza ab’e Kenya abalamuzi okwekubira oludda nebasazamu okulonda:
By Kizito Musoke
Added 3rd September 2017
YING. Dr. Badru Kigundu eyali akulira akakiiko ke by’okulonda mu Uganda yeewunyizza nnyo ekya kkooti ensukkulumu mu Kenya okusazaamu obuwanguzi bwa Uhuru Kenyatta n’ategeeza nti abalamuzi eggwanga balitadde mu ddubi.
Mr Badru Kiggundu
YING. Dr. Badru Kigundu eyali akulira akakiiko ke by’okulonda mu Uganda yeewunyizza nnyo ekya kkooti ensukkulumu mu Kenya okusazaamu obuwanguzi bwa Uhuru Kenyatta n’ategeeza nti abalamuzi eggwanga balitadde mu ddubi.
Yagambye nti buli nsi ebeera n’amateeka gaayo g’egoberera, era asuubira nti ge baasinziddeko okusazaamu obuwanguzi bwa Uhuru.
Okutegeka okulonda kwa Pulezidenti mu nnaku 60 zokka kubeera kugezesa kwa maanyi era bannansi beetaaga ssaala.
“Simanyi oba ng’abalamuzi baatunuulidde ensonga zonna , era bamanyi eddubi lye baasudde mu nsi zaabwe. Ensobi ze baazudde sinazitegeera olwo nsooke ntegeerere ddala kwe baasinzidde okusazaamu okulonda.” Kigundu bwe yategeezezza.
Bwe yabuuziddwa eky’okuyiga Uganda kyefuna mu kulonda kwe Kenya, yagaanye okukyanukula n’ategeeza nti kino kisobola okufunika nga bamaze okwetereza ensala yonna mu bujjuvu eyabadde tennaba kufunika.
Vincent Mugabo, omwogezi w’ekitongole ekiramuzi yagambye nti amateeka ga Kenya ku misango gy’okulonda ga njawulo nnyo ku ga Uganda, wadde nga fenna tusangibwa mu Buvanjuba bwa Africa.
Yategeezezza nti Ssemateeka wa Uganda agamba nti akalulu okusazibwamu, emivuyo egyali mu kalulu girina okuba nga gyali gisobola okukyusisa ebyava mu kulonda.
Abalamuzi balina okuba nga bamativu nti osanga ssinga emivuyo egyo tegyalimu , obuwanguzi bwandibadde bwa muntu mulala.
Kyokka e Kenya amateeka googera ku mivuyo egiba gibadde mu kulonda. Abalamuzi basobola okusinziira ku bujulizi obuba buleeteddwa nga bukakasa nti mwalimu emivuyo ne basazaamu okulonda.
Yabuuziddwa ku nkola egambibwa obutaba na bwerufu etakkiriza Bannayuganda kumanya ngeri abalamuzi gye basunsulwamu.
Abalamuzi ba Uganda akakiiko ka Palamenti bwe kabeera kabasunsula tewakkirizibwayo wadde bannamawulire.
Kino yagambye nti ne mu Kenya kiri ku bifo bimu, nga nayo balina ebifo bingi gye basunsula abantu nga tebali mu lujjudde.
Michael Osinde Orachi, omwogezi wa UPC era omu ku batunuulizi abaalabirira okulonda kwe Kenya, yagambye nti wadde baabakkiriza okutuuka mu bifo we balondera, kyokka abasinga tebaatuuka mu kifo we baagattiranga obululu.
Yagambye nti mu kibinja kye yalimu, Muky. Angelina Wapakhabulo naye be bokka abaatuuka e Bomas we baali bagattira obululu bwonna.
Wadde okulonda okutwaliza awamu kwali kwa mirembe, kyokka talina bukakafu nti obululu bwagattibwa bulungi kuba teyafuna mukisa gutunula ku bululu nga bugattibwa.
“Twabuuza engeri obululu gye bwatuukanga mu kifo we bagattira, kyokka Dr. Ezra Chiloba, eyali akulira akakiiko ke by’okulonda n’atutegeeza nti bye tulaba ku ntimbe tuleme kubitwala ng’ekikulu kuba byali bya kiseera.
Baatugamba nti empapula zennyini kwe baali balondedde zaali zijja era nga ze zijja okuba ezenkomeredde.”
Yagambye nti wadde ng’oluvannyuma empapula entono zajja ne tuzirabako, kyokka nga tetusobola kukakasa oba nga ddala ze ntuufu ze baali baggye mu bitundu ebyenjawulo.
Ezisinga baatugamba nti baali baziweererezza ku kompyuta ate ng’ezo tetusobola kuzifuna butereevu.
Abange abalamuzi ba movementi ya Uganda bwebata omubbi wobululu tonenya mubbi oba amubbiddeko. Onenya mulamuzi asonyiwa omubbi wobululu nga bano abalamuzi abatuula ne Supreme Judge Kavuma okukola emirimu gyabwe.
Banange gguno OMUGUNJU ani yagguwadde olukusa okwogera ku politics wa KENYA? You only diserve to clean your own back yard kitchen. Anbantu bakuukoowa! Ye Onowumula ddi nga Obote?
Kinyiza nyo okubbibwa ate omubbi nakwatibwa naye omulamuzi ate namugyako omusango. Noyo aba yamuyamba okubba naye omusango naguwona. Katusuubire nti mu 2021 Omusawo Besigye bwogenda nate okwesimbawo abalamuzi kuluno tebajja kusaliriza musango nga bwogamba bwegubadde kakano emirundi 4. Abalamuzi be Kenya banaba bayigiriza mu Africa yonna kiki ekisanidde okukolebwa okulonda bwekubeeramu ebikyamu.
Gwe ate Besigye kiki ekikutwaala otte abantu abetabye mukulonda ate nga omanyi ani eyabbye obululu bwo obanga omanyi noyo eyamuyambye okubba obululu! Omanyi nensula yabwe. Nemuleeta entalo nemutta abakadde, abakazi, nabaana nti kubanga bakubbye obululu bwokufuna omulimu gwekipakasi!
Tewali muganda yenna ayagala okuddamu entalo enfu. Mbu simanyi kununula omunaku nakaluluke! Era singa ne M7 mu 1980 yakola nga Odinga bwakoze oba Besigye bwakola kugenda mu kkooti nga bakubbye obululu, Buganda singa nsi yamulembe nyo mu democraciya n'okukulakulana.
Kibi nyo ekyentalo okubba obululu nga bwetwalaba wano ewaffe e Luwero 1980/86. Kubanga basalumanya bafiira bwerere songa ababbye obululu nabo abababbideko bo nga betereza.
Bano no nga bwebalabudde abalonzi nabalamuzi be Kenya baweyo amagezi nga Uganda emanyi okukuuma eddembe lyobuntu ebisanja bya President nabyo biveewo. Uhuru mukwesimbawo okuddako akakase nti abe Kenya bakyamwetaaga nyo ddala.
Uhuru Mutabani wa Kenyatta lwe yalabikako mu kkooti y'ensi yonna
UGANDA etegeezezza nti tennasalawo kuva mu kkooti y’ensi yonna era ejja kusigala ng’ekolagana nayo kyokka ewakanya ebintu ebimu ebikolebwa kkooti eno naddala ku bakulembeze ba Africa.
Ssabalung’amya wa gavumenti ku by’amateeka, William Byaruhanga ategeezezza Palamenti nti Uganda tennasalawo kuva mu kkooti y’ensi yonna kyokka kkooti eno esaanidde okutunula mu nsonga za Africa n’obwegendereza.
Ategeezeza nti wadde Uganda egenda kusigala ng’ekolagana ne kkooti eno ejja kugenda maaso n’okussa mu nkola byonna ebinaasalibwa ekibiina ky’amawanga g’omukago gwa Africa.
Kino kiddiridde amawanga ga Africa agatali gamu okwemulugunya ku nkola ya kkooti eno naddala mu kutulugunya abakulembeze.
Uhuru Kenyatta owa Kenya ne Omar El Bashir owa Sudan be bamu ku bakulembeze ba Africa abalozezza ku bukambwe bwa kkooti eno ne kireka agamu ku mawanga ga Africa nga geemulugunya.
Byaruhanga agambye nti mu 2003 , Uganda y’ensi eyasooka okukkiriza okwegatta ku kkooti y’ensi olw’abajambula ba Kony era ensonga ne zikolebwako bulungi.
Kyokka yagambye nti okuva mu 2009 , kkooti egenze ekyuka engeri gy’eyisaamu amawanga ga Africa era kino Uganda ekitunuulizza eriiso ejjogi.
Ayongeddeko nti Uganda eyogeddwaako enfunda nnyingi olw’okukkiriza Pulezidenti wa Sudan , Bashir eyetaagibwa kkooti eno okukyala wano mu 2016 n’etamukwata.
Kyokka Uganda ennyonnyola nti Bashir yajja wano ng’omukulembeze w’eggwanga ery’omulirwano yenna era nga waliwo n’okusaba okwakolebwa nti talina kuvunaanibwa kiyambe okuwa omukisa emirembe okudda mu ggwanga lye.
Africa Union nayo yasaba kkooti eno obutavunaana Bashir mu 2010 kyokka ne beefuula nnampulira zzibi era teri kyakolebwa.
Bakutte abasajja nga bayoola omusaayi we battidde Omukungu wa Police Mr Andrew Felix Kaweesi
By Musasi wa Bukedde
Added 20th March 2017
Ekifo omukungu webamukubidde ebyasi byemundu abyaweze 60 n'abakuumi be babiri nga 17 March, 2017
BAMBEGA abaayiiriddwa mu Kulambiro we battidde abadde omwogezi wa poliisi mu ggwanga era abadde akulira okutendeka n'enkulaakulana kw'abaserikale ba poliisi, Andrew Felix Kaweesi ku Lwokutaano, bakutte abasajja babiri nga bayoola omusaayi mu kifo we baamuttidde.
Ensonda eza waggulu okuva mu beebyokwerinda zaatutegeezezza nti ku baakwatiddwa kuliko omuserikale ali ku ddaala lya PC, Yudas Tadeo era nga mukuumi w’omuyambi w’omunene omu mu ggwanga.
Ono abadde wa ku lusegere lw’omugenzi Kaweesi. Okusinziira ku bambega, Tadeo ne munne atannategeerekeka mannya, baabadde batambulira ku kapikipiki akakadde ne bagenda mu kifo we battidde Kaweesi n'omukuumi we, Kenneth Erau ne ddereeva we Godfrey Wambeyo.
Bano baagenze mu kifo kino ku ssaawa 10:00 ez'akawungeezi. Baagambye nti, baabadde n'akaveera era Tadeo n'agenda mu kifo omusaayi we gwayiise n’atandika okukokota ettaka omusaayi kwe gwabadde gubembedde nga bw’ateeka mu kaveera era bambega we baamusangidde ne bamukwata.
Baamubuuzizza ebimukwatako ne gy’abadde agutwala, n'abategeeza nti ye PC Yudas Tadeo era mukuumi w'omu ku bayambi b’omunene mu ggwanga (amannya gasirikiddwa) era nti ye yabadde agumutumye nga baagala kuguweereza bweru bakole okunoonyereza.
Kino tekyamatizza bambega abaabadde baalabye edda abakugu mu kunoonyereza nga kuliko n'abeekitongole kya Amerika ekya Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) abaasiibye mu kifo ku Lwokutaano nga bakuhhaanya obujulizi bwonna obwabadde bwetaagisa.
Baamubuuzizza ani ddala eyabadde amutumye omusaayi n'abategeeza nti alina (eyamutumye) w’atudde era bambega ne batuukawo nga ddala w’ali kyokka ne basooka batya okumukwata basooke bamale okukamula mu Tadeo amawulire amalala.
Nga poliisi n'aba FBI bamaze okufuna bye baabadde beetaaga mu kifo, mmotoka ya Kaweesi mwe baamuttidde ekika kya Toyota VX UP 4778 eyabadde ejjudde ebituli by’amasasi, nayo yaggyiddwaawo n'oluguudo ne luggulwawo, abantu basobole okutambula era ku Lwokutaano ku ssaawa 4:00 ez'ekiro, ab'ekitongole ekizikiriza omuliro baatutte ebimotoka ne bayoza omusaayi mu luguudo.
Ku Lwokutaano nga Kaweesi yaakattibwa, Tadeo yayambadde ng’omu ku bakung'aanya obujulizi n'ebizibiti n'okubyekenneenya (Forensics) n'agenda we battidde Kaweesi n'ayingiza mmotoka mu kifo ekintu ekyabadde kitaataaganya emirimu.
Abaserikale b’amayinja abaabaddewo bwe baalabye mmotoka obwedda eteri mu kifo ne babuuza eyabadde agitaddewo kwe kunoonya Tadeo nga yamaze dda okwesabika naye yeegasse ku bakuhhaanya n'okwekenneenya obujulizi n'ebizibiti ne bamulagira aggyewo mmotoka ye, olwo misoni ye mu budde obwo n'egwa butaka. "Kye yabadde anonye ne kimulema okufuna.
Oba no musango ki ogugenda okutekebwa kubantu nga bano? Kiyamba nyo munsi eno okuwumula emirimu gya public nabalala bajikole. Gwe ate nokufuna omulimu gwa President wa Uganda kuyita muttannulu! Okuguddako kukubagana bigala bya mundu namasasi nga bwoluma omumwa ogwengulu.
Police officers surround former presidential candidate Kizza Besigye as he tried to leave his home in Kasangati, Wakiso District early this year:
Photo by Abubaker Lubowa.
One of the 2016 national election candidate, Dr Besigye under NRM Police custody.
The police yesterday revealed yet another tactic in its dogged attempts to get to grips with Opposition leader, Dr Kizza Besigye.
The police said it is now going to try what it called “containment approach” in combination with the “preventive arrest” method it has repeatedly used over the last five years.
Fresh from a tour of Europe, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) strongman was prevented from leaving his Kasangati home yesterday morning. It was only hours later that Dr Besigye was let out by the police in the evening.
A day before he had faced off with the police in a series of clashes across town, a build-up from the grab-and-snatch the police pulled off when they spirited him off the Kenya Airways flight on Monday. An Assistant Superintendent of Police only identified as Asiimwe told Dr Besigye that he was under instructions not to allow him to leave his house.
Same old story Confirming the new direction, police spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi, repeated the common police claim that Dr Besigye was stopped from leaving home purportedly because he planned to mobilise the masses to disrupt business in the city.
Mr Kaweesi did not provide any evidence to support this claim. “Once we get to know that he has mobilised groups to cause chaos, we shall subject him to preventive arrest laws. We shall also use containment approach depending on case by case basis,” Mr Kaweesi said.
Yesterday’s events begin yet another phase in Dr Besigye’s long-running bid to exercise his rights to freedom of movement in the face of the police’s determination not to allow him freely enjoy these constitutional freedoms and other universally recognised civil liberties.
Soon after the presidential elections, the police placed Dr Besigye under house arrest for 43 days on the same allegations that they had information that he had plans to disrupt the peace. In the containment approach, Mr Kaweesi said Dr Besigye will be under security surveillance.
On Monday, Dr Besigye hinted at what lay ahead for him, observing that the new government strategy was to ensure that he doesn’t talk to the people because “they know that they are illegally in power.” Lord Mayor Mr Erias Lukwago, who had gone to Kasangati to pick Dr Besigye yesterday, said: “I had gone there for a meeting but when he stepped out, they blocked him. The police officer who commanded the operation ordered Dr Besigye to return to the house or face arrest, saying his life was in danger once he gets out of the home. We tried to reason out with them in vain.”
But in the evening, Dr Besigye insisted on moving out of his house, saying he will not be party to restricting his rights. When Dr Besigye’s supporters also joined, police put a condition that he shouldn’t move on foot before allowing him to leave his home.
“They continued trailing us as if we are criminals. Of course it is usual persecution and clamping down on civil liberties. What police are doing is illegal. Dr Besigye is not a security threat,” Mr Lukwago said.
The latest police action follow its banning of all parallel Independence Day events that have been organised by the FDC party, saying they will not have enough manpower to provide them security. Justice Steven Kavuma, while sitting as a single judge of the Constitutional Court, on April 29, issued orders banning all FDC defiance campaign activities such as holding the Tuesday weekly prayers, stopping the then planned countrywide protests against President Museveni’s disputed February 18 election, among other party activities.
“An interim order both issued against the 1st [FDC] and 2nd [Dr Kizza Besigye]respondents, their agents officials, supporters or any other person acting under their authority from engaging in demonstrations, processions, other public meetings, media campaigns or pronouncements, including but not limited to the planned demonstration or procession scheduled for 5th of May 2016 or any other day in furtherance of the defiance campaigning pending hearing and determination of the main application for temporary injunction,” Justice Kavuma’s orders read in part.
The orders of Justice Kavuma also affected and stopped two ongoing cases before the High Court in Kampala and Kasangati Court that were filed by Dr Besigye contesting the continued camping of police at his Kasangati home.
In Uganda, A former NRM Minister, Mrs Matembe, is fed up with the hypocrisy of democracy(democraciya) of the ruling political party(NRM):
Written by URN
Created: 28 June 2016
The chairman of the ruling party, National Resistance Movement (NRM) Electoral Commission Dr Tanga Odoi, and former ethics minister Miria Matembe bitterly clashed over the state of human rights in the country.
Matembe, while speaking at the launch of a report on human rights violations during the 2016 elections in Kampala today accused the NRM government of continuous violation of human rights, especially against the opposition.
She said the elections were marred by constant suppression of the opposition and those who spoke against the violations. Accusing Tanga as part of the establishment that needlessly defends the ills of government, the former minister tasked citizens not to feel intimidated and stand up against any actions that violate their rights.
“"You failed to organize your own NRM elections and therefore you are part of the mess”, Matembe charged in reference to the NRM primaries last year that were marred by electoral malpractices.
“We need action, we need to mobolise ourselves and defend ourselves against all this harassment, intimidation and subduing. We have been subdued to become complacent, to become nothing when things are not going well. And I tell people…no! Lets us resist. Didn’t they bring the word resistance? Is resistance a monopoly of President Museveni and his people only? Resistance is a word, which we can all use. Everybody should resist all this intimidation, all this harassment, all this subduing of us and denying of our rights. What is wrong with that? This Dr Tanga Odoi because he is ‘eating’ in the NRM camp, now he want s to talk like that so that they increase his salary, hopeless!
Kampala mayor Erias Lukwago (L) looks on as Miria Matembe makes her submission. Photo: @cceduuganda
In response, Tanga defended the clampdown on opposition groups, citing that while they have the right to demonstrate, government has the duty to protect the rights of those affected by the protests. He says the opposition should stop inciting the public.
“Even when you condemn NRM for highhandedness, we must also condemn the method in which we disturb society. You cannot disturb society today; tomorrow then a sitting government looks the other side. You cant! Your valued human rights is not indispensable, you must also value other people’s human rights. You can’t say we are going to demonstrate in Kiseka market or in Owino market, people die and government survives, government will then be booted out of confidence. And government has the machinery, you cannot say [IGP Kale] Kayihura, yes he may have used excessive force but that is within the mandate of the state”, Tanga said.
But Matembe wasn’t done.
“Tanga Odoi joined those who are ‘eating’. He used to make reasonable statements but ever since he was called to head the NRM Electoral Commission he is now only concerned about his paycheck. Am not like that, I always speak out against injustice. I spoke out against injustice and got sacked out of cabinet. Am not calling for people to go and fight away from the bush. We are fighting from here [city], defy and resist harassment and intimidation from here…Even when they arrest you and take you to Luzira [prison] rise up”, she said.
Matembe also took a swipe at Museveni's new cabinet wondering how a 'cabinet full of jajja's' (old) who are always just sleeping can deliver Uganda to a middle income status by 2020.
The report titled, "Human Rights and Elections in Uganda; A call for Action," is an eight-month study by the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) into the human rights situation during the 2016 election period.
The study cited disenfranchisement of voters in areas like Wakiso and Kampala on polling day, denial of access to information through shutdown of social media and some media houses, arrest of opposition members, denial of the right to freedom of assembly and cases of electoral violence as key violations that characterized the election period.
Dr Livingstone Ssewanyana, the executive director of Foundation for Human Rights Initiative tasked government to renew its commitment to uphold the constitution.
"Buganda will not back any politician". Mayiga has said just after the just concluded sham Democratic Elections in Uganda:
By New Vision Reporter
19th May 2016
The Kattikiro of Buganda addressing the Ganda citizens resident in the United Kingdom.
The Katikkiro (prime minister) of Buganda Kingdom Charles Peter Mayiga has said the kingdom’s strength is not in throwing its weight behind politicians or political parties of the day, but rather uniting all kingdom subjects and guiding them to discover their own strength first.
He made the remarks while speaking to the Ugandan community and friends of Buganda who gathered at Parrs Wood High School in Manchester Tuesday evening, to welcome him and the princess royal on their maiden visit to Manchester, UK.
The function, attended by approximately 300 people mainly from Manchester and surrounding areas, was organised by the office of Kabaka’s deputy representative in UK (Manchester area) headed by Omukungu Enock Mayanja Kiyaga.
Mayiga said that modern Buganda should always aim at greater horizons.
“Our strength is not supporting particular individual politicians but rather coming together in unity to empower and develop the ordinary people first,” he said. Buganda as a kingdom must always focus on the bigger picture in order to redeem the kingdom and the country Uganda at large, he reasoned, adding that the only way this can be achieved is first by getting to understand the vision of Buganda. “If we are to get back the kingdom to the top, we must always focus on the bigger picture,” said the kingdom’s prime minister. Mayiga said the main reason that led to the downfall of Buganda Kingdom was its failure to know its strength as a kingdom, which we must learn from.
The daughter of the King of Buganda, Princess Tebattagwabwe Nassolo, standing and addressing the audience.
The function was crowned by a message from Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, read by his daughter, Princess Tebattagwabwe Nassolo.
The Kabaka appealed to his subjects in the diaspora to always work together in unity in order not to lose connection with their roots and preserve their culture.
Earlier on, the Kabaka’s representative in UK and republic of Ireland, Ronald Lutaaya, appealed to Ugandans to put their political differences aside and work together for development. Other guests included Charles Bwenvu, state minister for Buganda’s affairs abroad, the chairman of Buganda Twezimbe John Fred Kiyimba Freeman, Buganda Land Board CEO Kyewalabye Male who sensitised the audience about the newly established land protection elections system, among others. Katikkiro Mayiga had a guided tour of Old Trafford, the home for Manchester United football club before leaving for Copenhagen, Denmark on a continuation of his working tour which will end in The Netherlands before returning to Kampala.
One reckons the citizens of this State of Buganda willingly participated in these sham elections.
Yes the fight is between the two NRMs but It is surprising as well that FDC followers are treating the recently concluded election which they keep referring to as rigged as if this is the first time they have heard about the word "Rigging". The word rigging was widely used in 1980 when an election was held. DP cried as if every DP member had lost a grandmother. Museveni took it further asking Baganda to give him a piece of land in Bulemezi District where he could squat without his buttocks touching the grass like his fellow "Balalo". Baganda were very happy to welcome another mulalo with a new idea, this time not taking care of cows but laying ambush to kill his fellow liberators from Tanzania claiming the election was rigged. DP which was spreading the words " Obote abye obululu" joined in. Kabaka Mutebi extended his support first and foremost to revenge against Obote for having expelled his father who became a destitute in London. Obote initially did not take Museveni seriously telling his UPC members let him go he will find us here. Obote was so confident about this statement that he spent his evenings getting drunk thinking his Acholi and Langi soldiers had his back. Which was not true, they had their own idea especially after the death of Oyite Ojok. They wondered why they are dying on behalf of Obote who is enjoying himself on Kololo Hill. Instead of Museveni finding him in Kampala as he claimed, unfortunately, it were his own cousins from Gulu and Kitgum he came to meet him not to shake his hands but literally to kill him had he not fled.
Okello and Okello gave Museveni a new clean bill of health. He had given up. With the Okellos not knowing what a government really meant, they turned to Museveni for help by organizing a bogus peace meeting to ask Museveni to join their government. Museveni very quickly said thank you my fellow liberators from Tanzania, I did not think that we would ever meet and work together again for a common cause. But here we are, the old boys of Dar Hill. Carelessly they went back to Kampala only to realize that they had negotiated with "mtoto ya nyoka". Museveni took charge sending the Okellos packing for the second time this time not to return to Uganda alive but in caskets.
Since 1986 Museveni has been in charge and agreed to re-introduce multi-party in Uganda and started holding elections and he has done so five times and always emerged the winner. And those who participate in these staged elections always cry "Museveni abye obululu". This is not the first time you claim Museveni has rigged elections the same crime he accused Obote of doing in 1980. If you claim rigging elections in Uganda is a cultural thing and you know very well that the sitting president is not going away, why do you participate in them? There are two things:
(1) Museveni does not rig elections because he tells you yes, we can hold elections, but I am not leaving power and yet you go ahead and participate in these elections.
(2) Uganda has no opposition, if it does it has no leadership, otherwise if there was leadership, they would not be participating in elections whose outcome is already decided. They say if you keep doing the same thing and expecting a different results, you must be mad. This is the conclusion I draw as far as opposition such as FDC is concerned.
Doing the same thing five times is truly a form of madness!
Besigye yeenyodde ne Poliisi ku nkulungo y'e Mulago: Bamugalidde e Naggalama,
by Hannington Nkalubo
Added 5th April 2016
Besigye akwatiddwa n’aggalirwa ku Poliisi y’e Naggalama. Abadde agenda kwetaba mu kusaba kwa FDC ku kitebe e Najjanankumbi.
Ono ye Democraciya ali e Buganda ebiro bino nga banamawanga balwanira Obwami okufuga wano e Buganda.
Ate nawano e Masaka, Buddu nayo tebiri bulungi nakamu ebya
Democraciya wa NRM mu Buganda.
Wano e Luwero entebbe zokusaba kwa FDC police ezeddizza.
Omukyala omwamerica avuddeyo nyo ebiro bino nga naye yemulugunya ku kulonda okukyamu okuli wano mu Buganda
(Electoral reform crucial for democracy, USA aid boss says)
Mukyala Leslie Reed omutuuze wa United States of America.
By Stephen Wandera
Posted Tuesday, May 3 2016
Five Recurring trend of court challenges questioning Uganda’s results after every election undermines the credibility of the electoral system.
Speaking at the opening of a symposium on the 2016 presidential election petition and the future of Uganda last Friday in Kampala, Ms Leslie Reed, the Uganda Mission director of United States Agency for International Development (Usaid), said electoral reforms are crucial for long term democratic health.
“Credible elections are the linchpin of a strong democracy and crucial to long-term stability. Now we all know that despite recommendations made by civil society and political parties for reform after the 2011 elections, no substantial reforms were implemented for 2016,” she said.
“The Constitutional Amendment Act 2015, which was expected to embrace the reforms recommended in 2011, did little more than change the name of the Electoral Commission to the “Independent Electoral Commission,” she said, adding that this resulted in a petition against the results that was later dismissed by the Supreme Court for lack of evidence.
The Supreme Court had, while dismissing Dr Kizza Besigye’s 2011 presidential election petition, recommended a raft of changes, which have never been implemented.
In their amicus curiae brief, Makerere University law lecturers asked court to pronounce itself on some of the unimplemented recommendations but not much was mentioned in that regard. Similar reform recommendations from the European Union have also been ignored with hardly any improvement in the manner in which elections are conducted in Uganda.
Ms Reed said government should support reforms and stop conducting elections in an environment that is inconsistent with international standards and people’s expectations.
At the same meeting seasoned lawyer Fredrick Sempebwa said it has become a trend that an election cannot be overturned by court, arguing that the continued reasoning that the “irregularities were not substantial to affect the results of an election makes it impossible for any petition to succeed”.
How the National General Election of 2016 in Uganda have been rigged:
Written by Sadab Kitatta Kaaya
Created: 29 February 2016
Besigye-Museveni 2016 showdown marred by cases of pre-ticked ballots, acute delay of voting materials, ballot stuffing, betrayal by agents
COINCIDENCE: Turnout very high where Museveni won overwhelmingly and low in Besigye strongholds
Sembabule Woman MP candidate Joy
Kabatsi with some of the booklets containing
pre-ticked ballots
Opposition stalwart Kizza Besigye has said that the February 18 general election was the worst in Uganda's history. But how was the election rigged? Collating anecdotal evidence,
SADAB KITATTA KAAYA attempts to explain how the alleged rigging happened.
When the presidential and parliamentary elections ended on February 18, a fierce public debate over alleged vote rigging began and hasn’t relented since.
The opposition set the tone and the European Union Election Observer Mission (EU EOM) offered the much-needed supporting arguments in its preliminary assessment of the entire electoral process.
In the aftermath of the election, EU EOM sharply criticized what it called the Electoral Commission’s “lack of independence, transparency and the trust of stakeholders.”
The EU EOM statement also listed several incidents of widespread electoral malpractices which, according to the mission, compromised the credibility of the February 18 elections.
“In one out of five polling stations observed, ballot boxes were unsealed or not properly sealed, in 12 percent of polling stations EU EOM observers witnessed proxy voting and in 11 percent of observed polling stations, the layout compromised secrecy…The EU EOM observers reported isolated cases of electoral malpractices, including vote buying, ballot stuffing and influencing of polling staff and voters by party agents.”
ADVANCE VOTING As polling stations opened on February 18, Robert Muhwezi (not real name), a resident of Lwebitakuli in the central Sembabule district, set out to accomplish an assignment.
The assignment was to stuff pre-ticked ballots at selected polling stations in Lwebitakuli sub-County. The ballots, according to Muhwezi, were pre-ticked in favour of two NRM candidates; the presidential candidate and Anifa Kawooya (Woman MP).
Muhwezi, however, was intercepted by agents of Joy Kafura Kabatsi, President Museveni’s former legal aide, who was also a candidate for the Sembabule Woman MP seat. She confiscated all the pre-ticked ballots found with Muhwezi.
When Muhwezi reported back to his party leaders that the mission had failed, he was instead beaten up by his NRM colleagues who accused him of betrayal. Angered by the beating, Muhwezi volunteered more information to journalists and Kabatsi, leading to the interception of two other NRM functionaries who were found with pre-ticked ballots.
Armed with enough evidence, Kabatsi called a press conference on February 20 at Maria Flo hotel in Masaka. At the hotel, she displayed more than 30 booklets of ballot papers she claimed had been used to rig the February 18 elections.
The booklets had also been pre-ticked in favour of the NRM presidential candidate and the party woman parliamentary candidate. In a separate interview with The Observer on February 24, Kabatsi claimed she had more ballots, also pre-ticked in favour of the two NRM candidates, which she handed to police.
“The bundles [of pre-ticked ballots] were handed to various police posts especially in Lwebitakuli and Lugusuulu sub -counties but one of them had 284 ballots that had been stuffed for the president and another had 84 ballots stuffed for Anifah Kawooya,” Kabatsi said.
However, there is no suggestion that the candidates who would have benefitted from this fraud were aware of what was going on. It is likely that overzealous agents were acting without the knowledge of the candidates.
Another set of 10 pre-ticked ballot booklets was confiscated by Lwemiyaga MP Theodore Ssekikubo and handed to Kabatsi who is planning to challenge the outcome of the Woman MP vote in the district. She also claimed that a one Benon, an NRM official in the district, moved around in a car filled with pre-ticked ballots.
“[The NRM official] was travelling with four armed men in a UPDF uniform and whenever they got to a polling station, two soldiers stood on either side of the ballot box, removed the lid, did the stuffing before driving away,” Kabatsi said.
It was this very group, she claimed, that beat up people at Nsambya-Kidandali polling station in Lugusuulu sub-county. (See: Where votes outnumbered voters, The Observer February 22-24).
Each booklet had 50 ballot papers. And for each booklet successfully stuffed, the assignee got paid about Shs 30,000, according to one man caught by Kabatsi’s group. This particular man had 400 pre-ticked ballot papers in total, 150 of which were in favour of Kawooya and the rest in favour of the president.
“Our instructions were that if we got to a polling station and the people resisted, we would tell them that it is the president’s assignment that we were executing,” the man who declined to be named told a group of journalists.
Interviewed on Saturday for this story, Rogers Mulindwa, the NRM secretariat communications specialist, said losers are trying to win public sympathy.
“Any dissatisfaction should be addressed in the right forum – they should go to court because what is being said now are just rumours; they are trying to win sympathy by creating these stories,” Mulindwa said.
On Friday, one polling official in Sembabule told Al Jazeera, an international broadcaster, that election results were altered in full view of security forces.
“We got them changing the declaration form in the presence of the [district police commander]. The police were there, soldiers were there. In fact, they were protecting those ones who were changing the declaration [of results forms]. So, we entered there by force; they decided to cock the gun on us,” a polling official told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.
Charles Ssebyala, the LC III chairman for Luweero town council, told The Observer on Saturday that he witnessed soldiers participating in electoral malpractices at various polling stations in Nakaseke district where he was deployed as a supervisor.
“At all polling stations inside Kaweweta army barracks, there was literally no voting. The soldiers stood in a line and picked an already-ticked ballot from an officer dressed in plain clothes,” Ssebyala said.
In the nearby Kinyogoga trading centre, Ssebyala said, gun-wielding soldiers threatened voters at four polling stations.
In some areas like at Kyamusisi polling station in Mityana district, pre-ticked ballots in favour of the NRM candidate for the Mityana Woman parliamentary seat were retrieved from a ballot box for presidential candidates while at another station in Ssekanyonyi, a bundle of ballots pre-ticked in favour of the NRM presidential candidate was stuffed in the box for Parliamentary candidates.
“Such cases were widespread but I wouldn’t want to expose everything in the media because it is part of the evidence I intend to use in court to challenge Nabakooba’s election,” Joyce Bagala, a losing DP parliamentary candidate, told us on Thursday.
Bagala also said policemen and soldiers beat up locals at Buwalula and Nakibanga as a presiding officer at one of the polling stations in Kakindu voted multiple times. In Lwengo, outgoing Bukoto South MP Mathias Nsubuga told The Observer that the rigging was superintended by a government minister.
“She hired about 10 cars from Nyendo [in Masaka municipality] in which she transported the pre-ticked ballots to various polling stations. But this is evidence I intend to use in court to challenge the outcome of the Bukoto South Parliamentary elections,” Nsubuga said.
Nsubuga alleges that the minister connived with the Electoral Commission staff to smuggle out the ballots that were used in the rigging.
“The returning officer invited all of us to witness the arrival and storage of the voting materials on the eve of election day; that would mean that when dispatching them, we had to be present but [EC staff] stealthily opened the store and gave the materials to the minister,” Nsubuga said.
In Rakai district, the returning officer, Daniel Baguma, cancelled results from several polling stations that reported discrepancies in the number of ballots cast against the number of registered voters.
He, in fact, said that one of his presiding officers had reported a case of armed men who stormed a polling station in Lwamaggwa sub-County, fired in the air before they stuffed the ballot boxes at Kibuuka polling station.
In some places, opposition candidates were betrayed by their own agents. Though the opposition claimed it deployed agents at all polling stations across the country, a significant number of polling stations had no such agents.
For instance, at 2pm when this writer visited Kyotera Central polling station, only Museveni’s agents were present. The case was not any different in Butambala and Gomba districts, where opposition presidential candidates relied on agents of opposition parliamentary candidates.
For most of the time at the Masaka district tally centre, only Museveni agents and security agents followed the tallying of presidential results. The district FDC chairman, Masaka municipality mayor Godfrey Kayemba, showed up the following day to receive the final declaration of results.
In Mukono, opposition leaders claim that some of the polling agents allegedly received bribes to surrender declaration of results (DR) forms to operatives of NRM candidates.
Betty Nambooze has pointed an accusing finger at police.
“The police arrested 154 of my agents, impounded seven of my cars and 45 motorcycles that I had assembled to monitor the elections. Two of the cars were vandalized and the police have since put machetes [in the cars] to claim that I was planning violence,” Nambooze told The Observer on Thursday.
She claims that by arresting her agents, the police weakened her capacity to guard against rigging in her municipality because the police were working for NRM candidates.
Nambooze said the DP leadership in Mukono is planning to challenge the results because there were no tallies for both the Woman MP and Mukono North where DP’s Abdallah Kiwanuka lost to the state minister for Water, Ronald Kibuule.
Most elections in Africa and other parts of the developing world are routinely characterized by delayed arrival of voting materials. But what happened in the Greater Kampala areas of Kampala Wakiso as well as some municipalities like Jinja has left many urban voters feeling suspecting foul play.
In some polling stations in areas like Namuwongo, Kyengera, Kamwokya, Nsambya, voting started as late as 2pm. Interestingly, while at some polling stations voters groaned and cursed, other nearby stations had already started voting. For instance, a polling station at Kololo was voting by 9am, while at Kamwokya there was no voting by 11am. At one end of Namugongo people were voting by 8am, but at the other end they started after 1pm.
The Electoral Commission has blamed “logistical challenges” for the delay but it has not unpacked these “challenges”.
The widespread suspicion – strongly denied – is that the NRM conspired with sections of the Electoral Commission to ensure that in these opposition strongholds, materials did not arrive until a good number of voters had lost patience and left.
Kampala and Wakiso have at least 13 per cent of the registered voters. Opinion polls – which were vindicated by the actual voting figures – had showed that Museveni was performing worst in Kampala, while Besigye was leading in Kampala. By ensuring a low turnout in the affected districts, the “logistical challenges” worked to the opposition’s disadvantage – and to Museveni’s advantage.
As elections of 2016 approach, the people of Buganda have started asking candidate Mbabazi to give them federal rule in exchange for votes:
Written by Sadab Kitatta Kaaya
Last Updated: 16 October 2015
Buganda politicians who support Amama Mbabazi’s presidential bid have demanded that the aspirant makes federo a top priority if he is elected president next year.
The group, comprising mainly Democratic Party supporters, has told The Observer in separate interviews that their support is conditional on Mbabazi showing commitment to a federal system of government by including it in his manifesto.
The former prime minister and NRM secretary general, who fell out with the ruling party and President Museveni after his presidential ambitions came to light, awaits his nomination on November 3 to challenge his former comrade in the early 2016 elections.
Despite failing to emerge as the joint candidate of The Democratic Alliance, Mbabazi has secured the support of DP, including high-profile political figures in Buganda such as Betty Nambooze Bakireke, Medard Sseggona, Mathias Mpuuga and Mathias Nsubuga Birekeraawo.
However, The Observer has learnt that their support is not without conditions. Nambooze, the DP vice president for Buganda, said during the party’s meeting at Sharing hall, Nsambya last week that Mbabazi must show commitment to their demands in return for their support.
“It is clear that there is a pending regime change in Uganda but of recent the Buganda question has been ignored or forgotten because President Museveni was very smart to pull off a successful lie that he had handed back to the Kabaka all that he was demanding,” Nambooze said.
Betty Nambooze (in green) addressing delegates atSharing Hall in Nsambya
Nambooze, the Mukono municipality MP, wants Mbabazi to guarantee that in the event that he is victorious, he should deliver a federal system of government within the first year of his administration.
Nambooze also wants to see a revision of land laws and the return of the controversial 9,000 square miles of land that the central government reportedly took away from Buganda kingdom.
The group also wants assurances from Mbabazi that the institution of the Kabaka will be protected, with protective measures entrenched in the constitution for that purpose, as well as a clear definition of the kingdom’s boundaries.
“Whatever we are asking for as Baganda, we are also asking for the other areas that have kingdoms,” Nambooze added.
We have learnt that Sseggona, the Busiro East MP, is helping Mbabazi to come up with a memorandum of understanding (MoU) covering Buganda issues. Sseggona told us on Thursday that whatever he is engaged in is “in Buganda’s and the national interest.”
Mpuuga, on the other hand, declined to discuss the issues with us but, nevertheless, maintained that his support is conditional on Mbabazi’s commitment to Buganda’s demands.
“I will not mobilize for Mbabazi until he has committed himself on paper on Buganda issues,” Mpuuga said on the sidelines of the DP meeting at Nsambya.
We have further learnt that Mbabazi’s manifesto is expected to address key governance issues such as the restoration of presidential term limits and commitment to the independence of state institutions such as the police and the electoral commission.
DP's Mathias Nsubuga and Hope Mwesigye at a DPmeeting at Nsambya
Mbabazi also promises total separation of powers among the three arms of government – executive, judiciary and parliament. DP president Norbert Mao was making reference to this when he told the Nsambya meeting on Wednesday that unlike today, cabinet ministers would not double as MPs in a Mbabazi government. Mao also hinted on a memorandum spelling out agreed positions between Mbabazi and his party.
“The decision has already been taken, what remains now are the details,” Mao said. “We are entering an MoU that will spell out the specifics of the coalition government.”
Mao urged DP leaders across the country to let Mbabazi and his agents use the party’s offices.
Reacting to demands advanced by the Buganda group, Hope Mwesigye, a former minister who is now chief mobilizer of Mbabazi’s Go Forward team, said that a framework for a federal system of government is being developed.
“We have a team that is working on the minimum agenda, which will include all those issues whether for Buganda, Ankole and other areas that have kingdoms,” said Mwesigye, who was also at Nsambya.
“We have a research team that has been compiling all the issues from the different regions, and they [issues] will be highlighted in the manifesto,” she added.
Talking about Mbabazi’s campaign strategy, Mwesigye told DP leaders that the Go Forward team had split NRM down the middle.
“Museveni no longer enjoys the massive support he had in western Uganda,” she said. “We will defeat Museveni in round one because our planning is not about a re-run,” she said.
The Nsambya meeting was called by DP leaders to brief their grassroots supporters on why the party has chosen to back Mbabazi’s candidature. Besides Mwesigye, the meeting was also attended by the Go Forward team’s chief of staff, Salome Nakaweesi. Mbabazi himself was not present as he is reported to be out of the country.
DP secretary general Nsubuga Birekeraawo told the grassroots leaders that it was not tenable for the party to field a presidential candidate. For the 2016 elections, he said, DP is focusing on winning more seats at parliamentary and local government levels.
Indeed typical of DP for the Ganda Catholic diehard, who want a new country of Uganda called: The Federal Democratic Repulic of Uganda.
Even when one advises them that in a Republic, Kings are not invited, they do not want to know. They would rather exchange their Ganda indentity, for something else better somewhere.
In the Parliament of Uganda the Members of Parliament do not understand the bills they pass in the national house of legislature:
Posted Thursday, September 24 2015
A human rights group official has cautioned civil society against piling pressure on Members of Parliament to pass several pending laws before understanding them.
Mr Paul Kirya, a legal officer at the African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, said most MPs pass bills they are not conversant with.
“Our MPs sometimes pass bills when they don’t understand them. When you go to Parliament, you will see many of them supporting a bill but when you ask them a few issues about it, they...don’t know anything and at times the public is more informed than MPs,” said Mr Kirya.
Mr Kirya was on Monday presenting a paper on how to implement the Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act, 2012, at Crown Suites Hotel to judicial officers, human rights defenders and civil society organisations at a workshop organised by Human rights Centre Uganda.
He said MPs need some legal training in order to pass bills they understand and be able to explain to voters.
Case in point “Even when the Anti-pornography Act 2014 was passed clearly defining pornography in Act 1 sub-section 2, many Parliamentarians think Pornography is about the mini-skirt, can you imagine? I think Parliament must be allowed enough time to legislate because MPs need time to go through proposed laws with a fine tooth comb, so that it comes up with laws acceptable for everybody. If we rush laws, we risk coming up with shoddy legislation,” said Mr Kirya, adding: “The process of passing laws in Parliament needs wide consultations among all the stakeholders, including the Constitution Implementation commission, government agencies, the public and government must allow for public participation.”
He said Uganda has a number of laws passed by the previous Parliament that can’t work because they have a lot of gaps.
The Human rights coordinator Eastern region, Mr Yusuf Makweta, said in Uganda, government wants parliament to pass laws even at night just because they are going to serve their interests.
The MP for Budadiri West, Mr Nathan Nandala Mafabi, who has been in parliament since 2001, agreed there are parliamentarians who don’t understand bills passed and even the laws governing parliament.
He told Daily Monitor on Tuesday, “It is true at times our friends just put up their hands to vote without understanding what they are voting for. We have seen some people crying about historical land injustices, yet they were in Parliament and you wonder why they did not bring the matter to the floor of parliament...”
National Resistance Movement, ekibiina ekyobufuzi mu Uganda batwala Mbabazi (omuwandiisi wekibiina kyabwe) mu kkooti:
Kampala, Uganda
Aug 21, 2015
Bya Kizito Musoke
Abavubuka ba NRM abaloopa
Secretary General waabwe
ABA NRM balagidde bannamateeka baabwe okwetegereza ekya Amama Mbabazi okulangirira okwesimbawo ku lulwe ng’omuntu ng’ate akyalina kaadi y’ekibiina.
Omuwanika wa NRM, Rosemary Namayanja Nsereko, yagambye nti mu mateeka, kikyamu omuntu nga Mbabazi okugenda mu kakiiko k’ebyokulonda n’aggyayo foomu avuganye ku bwapulezidenti ku lulwe ng’omuntu ate ng’akyalina kaadi y’ekibiina.
‘‘Kino tekisoboka era tulowooza nti n’akakiiko k’ebyokulonda tekayinza kukkiriza bino kuba bimenya mateeka era bya kubuzaabuza’,’ Namayanja bwe yategeezezza. Bukedde yabadde emutuukiridde okwogera ku NRM ky’etegese okukolera Mbabazi eyagyekutulako n’alangirira okuvuganya ku lulwe ng’omuntu.
Namayanja yagambye nti bannamateeka b’ekibiina ensonga eno bagiriko nnyo era amangu ddala nga bamaze okutaputa amateeka bajja kuwandiika lipoota bagiwe akakiiko akafuzi kasalewo eky’enkomerero.
Yayongeddeko nti waliwo akakiiko akassibwawo okusisinkana Mbabazi okwogerako naye ku nsonga nnyingi era kamusisinkanye emirundi egiwerako kyokka ng’alemedde ku ky’okutegeeza nti ye yeesimbyewo ku lulwe ng’omuntu era akakiiko kano nako kajja kukola alipoota yaako kagiwe olukiiko lwa NRM olufuzi eteesebweko.
Wabula omu ku bakungu mu NRM yategeezezza nti ekizibu kye basanze, kwe kuba nti munda mu kibiina balina amateeka agasobola okubonereza Mbabazi kyokka mu kakiiko k’ebyokulonda amateeka galabika nti gayinza obutamulemesa kukola by’ayagala.
Yawadde ekyokulabirako nti NRM eyinza okusalawo okumuggyako kaadi yaayo n’ava ku bubaka bwa palamenti naye era kino Mbabazi tekimukosa nnyo kubanga obubaka bwa palamenti mu kiseera kino si bw’asinga okwetaaga wabula ayagala bwapulezidenti bwa Uganda.
Wabula munnamateeka wa Mbabazi, Severino Twinobusingye bwe yatuukiriddwa yagambye nti buli awulira nti kimuluma Mbabazi okubeera ne ttikiti ya NRM, agende mu kkooti battunke. ‘Tuli beetegefu okwahhahha omuntu yenna anaatwala Mbabazi mu kkooti.
Twinobusingye yayongeddeko nti okusinziira ku mateeka ge bamanyi, Mbabazi talina tteeka lyonna ly’amenye kwesimbawo era abo abaagala okumutwala mu kkooti ddembe lyabwe kubanga bakkirizibwa Ssemateeka w’eggwanga.
NRM erangiridde okutimba enkalala
Mu kusooka, Muky. Namayanja yalangiridde nti ku Lwokutaano, mu ggwanga wonna, NRM yaakutimba enkalala ku byalo okusobozesa bammemba baayo okukebera amannya gaabwe oba kwe gali okusobola okwetaba mu kulonda kw’akamyufu k’ekibiina.
Yannyonnyodde nti ku lunaku lwe lumu Olwokutaano, ababaka ba palamenti abeesimbawo ku bwannamunigina, nga baali tebeewandiisizza kyokka nga bandyagadde okwegatta ku NRM, baweereddwa omukisa okwewandiisa.
Yayongeddeko nti abantu abalala abajja okukkirizibwa okwewandiisa be bayizi abaali mu masomero abataasobola kwewandiisa. Okukakasa nti tewali mivuyo mu nkalala zino, ssentebe wa NRM ku kyalo, ow’ebyamawulire ku kyalo, n’akulira eby’okuwandiika bajja kussa emikono gyabwe ku buli muko okuli amannya.
Yagambye nti okuwandiika abantu okwasooka kulaga nti NRM erina bammemba 10,200,000 mu ggwanga lyonna.
Ekibiina kino kitandise okutawana nebyokulonda ebisembedde ebya February 2016. Kirina endowooza egamba nti kyogerera abantu abasinga obungi munsi ya Uganda era nga kye kijja okuwangula nate mukulonda kuno.
Naye bwowulira Omukazi Omuganda ekibiina kye ekyattisa abantu baffe abe Luwero bwa tokota mu ddembe lyokulonda wano e Buganda, tolema kwelakikirira nga omutuuze we Buganda mu Bwakabaka bwa Buganda. Obote II nabakakiiko kebyokulonda ekiseera ekyo, bwebamenya amateeka gokulonda 1980, lwaki aba NRM oba aba UPM tebatwaala bamenyi ba mateeka gano mu kkooti za Uganda. Bagenda kuyikiriza nsiko ya Buganda nga batandika lutalo nakuttisa Batuuze ba Buganda ebitaliimu. Kwali kulwanira buyinza bwebafunye kakati emyaka 30.
Aba NRM kambawe amagezi. Oba Mbabazi abatawanya mu kalulu kamwe akabasemberedde mudeyo munsiko nate?
Essomo Lya Buganda - Demokulasiya
Enkola eyaffe eya Buganda egamba nti, “Bannansi nga bali wansi w’Omwaami wa Kabaka, be beekolera ne bagonjoola ebizibu byonna ebibakwaatirako awamu okugeza nga enguudo n’amakubo, enzizi, amasomero, amalwaaliro n’ebirala...
Omwaami wa Kabaka tabeerawo kubakolera ku buli kizibu na kyeetaago wabula abateekateeka buteesiteesi. Omwaami bwaamala okulaba ekizibu we kiri, akawungeezi alaalika abantu ne basula nga bamanyi eky’okukeererako. Ku makya ennyo omwaami akuba engoma ng’elaya Saagala Agalamidde ngaali awali eky’okukola, olwo buli muntu Omuganda n’ajja ng’abagalidde ebikola. Omulimu gukolebwa okumala ekiseera ekyeetaagisa guggwe nga tewali asasuddwa yadde ennusu emu.
Olunaku luno olwa 24th May kati tumaze emyaka kumpi 20 nga tuluteekako omukolo guno olw'okwejjukanya entikko y'obuddu Nyaffe Buganda kwe yatuusibwa kati etukaabya akayirigombe. Ku kwejjukanya obuddu bwe tulimu tugattako okusala entotto ku ngeri y'okutema Nyaffe Buganda mu njegere z'obuddu kati obugitadde ku Lugendo lw'okusaanawo, singa tunaasigala nga tudaalimbira mu Buddu bunoo!!! Wano twebaza nyo Owek. Katikkiro olw'okulangirira okuwummula n'okwejjukanya ebyatugwaako ku lunaku luno. Tumaze emyaaka mingi nga tukimusaba nga tannasobola, naye kati okuva lw'akikoze, tumwozaayoza nyo.
Enkola n’enzikiriza ya Buganda y’eyongera n’egamba nti, “Omusajja bw’atandika amaka asobola okusalawo okuzaala abaana abawera 100, n’asalawo omuwendo gw’abakazi b’anaabeera nabo mu maka wamu n’abantu abalala ab’oluganda n’abatali na luganda.
Nnanyini maka ono ateekwa okubeera era abeera n’obumalirivu obuyimirizaawo n’okulabirira amakaage n’abagalimu, n’okumala ebizibu bya buli omu nga taliiko gw’ajulirira kumuyamba wadde okumubeera. Emirundi gyonna buba buwanguzi bweereere.
Kyeeruppe bweyajja wano, yatuleetera olunnabe lwa sente! Sente ziwunguttudde Abaganda ne bazinoonya mu buli kimu kyebakola era tewali Muganda kyaakola n’atabuuza w’afunira sente! Abaganda tutuuse n’okunoonya sente mu bulamu bw’abaana betuzaala ne tubasalako emitwe tugitunde!!! Olaba kati ebifo byaffe eby’ensonga tubbinkana kubinoonyaamu sente, mbu tugaggawale!!! Olaba kati tuli mu kuyiikuula LUBIRI lwa Kabaka e Mmengo tuluzimbemu ziwooteeri, ebbaala, ebiwugiro, ebisaawe by’ennyonyi, ebya ttena, amaduuka n’ebirala... mbu tugaggawale!!!
Tuwunguttuse tuweddewo, tetukyaalaba njawulo eri wakati wa Kabaka na kapulezidenti kannaleero!! N’olweekyo, obuwunguttufu butulowoozesa nti, ‘nga kapulezidenti bwe keetikka obuvunaanyizibwa, mbu obw’okugaggawaza buli muntu, mbu ne Kabaka y’alina okugaggawaza Obuganda!!!
Kyoova owulira n’abamu bwe bawangaaza Ssabasajja ate bagattako nti agaggawaze oba akulaakulanye Obuganda!!! Kino kye kivuddemu okunoonya sente n’obugagga mu Mbiri, mu Masiro na mu buli kifo kya Buwangwa na Nnono yaffe!!! Ekituufu kiri nti, ‘nga bwe tulabye omwaami wa Kabaka ow’ekyaalo ng’akulembera n’ateekateeka abantu beekolere ku bizibu byaabwe awatali mpeera (kusasulwa) yonna, ne Ssabasajja Kabaka Obuganda abukulembera ngaali wamu n’abaamibe ne basobozesa buli muntu Omuganda okutuukiriza ebigendererwa bye, okusookera mu makaage, ebweeru w’amakaage ne Buganda.
Naye kyeeruppe yatuleetera demokulasiya ng’agamba nti, ‘Abantu abali mu kitundu oba mu ggwanga bateekerwaawo okukuba obululu olw’okulonda anaabakulembera mbu n’okubajuna mu buli kizibu!! Abantu abasukka mu omu beesimbawo ne basuubiza abanaalonda okubakolerera n’okubamalira buli kizibu, nga mbu okubagaggawaza, eby’obulamu, enguudo, okusomesa abaana n’ebirala... Ekigendererwa kiba mbu abalonzi kubawa mukisa ku bangi balondeko “asinga” okuba “n’obuwagizi” bw’okweetikka eggugu ly’okubakolera n’okubawonya ebizibu!!! Abalonzi bano bayinza okubeera eyo mu busiriivu gamba 300,000 oba mu bukadde gamba 50,000,000...!!!
Okukuba obululu kugenda okukkakkana nga waliwo “asobola” alondeddwa. Olw’okuba waliwo “asobola” alondeddwa, abalonzi baddayo ewaabwe ne beeyozaayoza ne bazingira emikono nga balinda “omusobozi” ajje abamalire buli kizibu!!! Enguudo mwaasa njala ez’omubyaalo wadde n’obukubo obukyaama mu maka, zonna zizika ne ziwomoggoka, obusomero n’amasomero, obulwaaliro n’amalwaaliro n’ebirala... byonna bigwa kuttaka, enzizi ne ziziba nga balinda “asobola” gwe baalonda abajune mu byonna!!!
Gwe baalonda (mbu ow’Obusobi) bw’abeera mukiise wa paliyamenti yannaleero , eno gyetuli ‘ewali abaamulonda’ tajjaayo lwa nsonga nti,
2. ‘Obusobozi’ bwonna bweyasuubiza bwaali bulimba bugenderere kubanga yamanya nti abalonzi baali tebayinza kumulonda nga tasuubizza bitaliiyo!
3. Bwe yali agenda okwesimbawo, yamala kutunda makaage na buli kyeyalina afune sente ez’okukozesa, gamba ng’okugulira abalonzi obutole bwa sabbuuni, bussukaali n’ebirala nga ogwo gwe muwendo gwe yagula buli kalulu. N’olweekyo, omuntu ono abeera yakola bya busuubuzi ateekemu byonna bye yalina nga bya kuggyayo ng’atuuse mu paliyamenti. N’olweekyo, bw’atuukayo abeera atawaana nyo okukomyawo sente zeyateekamu gattako n’okwegaggawaza. Ono abeera musiga nsimbi so si mukulembeze.
4. Olundi, bw’abeera ali eyo ng’afuna ensonga emuwaliriza okuddayooko mu balonzi.
Olumulabako, abalonzi ne tumwetooloola nga bwe tumuwaanawaana, nga tumusaba atujune mu buyinike obwaava mu butakola; nga tuva ku makubo gaffe amalu%u014Bamu ag’obuwangwa ne tutuuka ne mumaka olwo ne tudda ku bulimba (okuyiiyayiiya) obutupakirwaamu mu lukujjukujju. Enkola yaffe yalina amakubo agatuusa obukulembeze ku kukola ku by’omumaka okugeza nga kade y’omukazi, ebisale by’okusomesa abaana, sente z’obujjanjabi n’omunnyo n’ebirala!!!
Omuzzukulu wa Buganda.
Olunaku May 24 nate lutuuse omwaka guno.
Okulamaga ku lunaku lwa 24 may okuva mu lubiri okutuuka mu masiro e kasubi.
Olunaku 24th may 1966 lwe lunaku Uganda lwe yawamba Buganda n'etufuula abafuge era abaddu baayo kati ekitukaabya akagiigiiri. N'olwekyo obuganda bwonna buyitibwa okubeerawo ku mukolo gw'okukungubaga n'okusala entotto ku ngeri y'okweyambula obuddu bwa uganda nga 24th may mu masiro e kasubi. Tulisimbula ku wankaaki wolubiri e mmengo nga tukulembeddwa band twolekere mu masiro e kasubi awalibeera okwogera kwolunaku.
E Buganda teliiyo demokulasiya yadde federo oba okugabana obuyinza okw'engeri yonna.
Buli mukulu mu kiti ky'alimu tagabana bukulu obwo na mukulu mulala wabula bakolagana bukolaganyi, era mu bukulembeze bwa Buganda teliiyo bamyuuka bakulu. Omukulu bw'abeera nga taliiwo tewali akkirizibwa kumuyambako, naddala nga tafudde; tumulinda okutuusa nga waali okukola akalombolombo akamufuula omukulu.
Katubeere nga tuli bangi kw'enkanawa tetusobola kukuba kalulu, mbu tulonde omuntu omulala akole akalombolombo ako akamufuula omukulu.
OBUTUUKIRIVU bukolebwa bulombolombo, obuwangwa n'ennono, olwo obutuukirivu ne bukkiriza oMuganda okutambula n'obutonde nga teyeesittala... si kyangu Omuganda okw'esittala oba okubeera ku mbiranye ne Muganda munne. Okunyiiga bwe kubeerawo, kyangu okukumalawo mu buwangwa kubanga obulombolombo babukolera wamu. Olwo obumu ne bukwajja buto nga tewali alina kko ku munne.
Ekyo abagwiira kyebaaviirako okugamba nti Abaganda basanyufu era basembeza buli muntu, naye basembeza buli muntu ng'akkirizza okutambula n'obuwangwa bwaabwe. Ow'emize emibi bamugoba oba okumutta.
Obutuukirivu y'embeera y'obutebenkevu mu bwesimbu obutaliiko kibuuzo mu bujjuvu obutajulirira, era awo ekigambo bumativu lwe kibeerawo.
Abaganda baabeeranga bantu bamativu mu buli kintu kye beetaaga ng'era kizibu okusanga Omuganda awankawanka. Obutuukirivu butuukibwaako ekigambo bumu era obumu buleetebwa nkola ya Bulombolombo, Obuwangwa ne Nnono. Ebisatu ebyo okubigoberera oba okubitambuliramu kye tuyita OBUKULEMBEZE e Buganda. Buli mukulembeze e Buganda kimukakatako okukuuma obuwangwa n'eNnono kubanga ekyo kye kisinga okw'etaagisa mu Buganda.
Abakulembeze e Buganda tebalinaayo mulimu mulala gwonna gusinga kugoberera Buwangwa na Nnono nga bayitira mu kukola obulombolombo. Obuvunanyizibwa bwaabwe obusooka buli mu kukuuma buwangwa na nnono. Kino kye kileeta okugamba nti e Buganda teriiyo Muganda wa bulijjo kubanga buli Muganda avunaanyizibwa okukuuma obuwangwa n'ennono. N'olweekyo Abaganda bonna bakulembeze. Tosobola kuva eri n'ogamba nti ofuga Omuganda kubanga beefuga bokka; e Buganda eriyo bulamuzi bwokka.
Tewali buyinza oba kitiibwa Muganda kyaayinza kunoonya okusinga ku Kabaka oba bajjajjaabe, wabula baagala kutuula nabo, awo we wali okumatira kw'omuntu Omuganda, Kabakawe ne Bajjajjaabe (bakaddebe) nga bamw'enyumirizaamu.
Bannayuganda ababeera e Germany basembye Museveni
Munich, Germany | Aug 18, 2014
Moses Kimuli, akulira NRM Radio e Bungereza ng’ali ne Aloysius
Bbaale, akulira Uganda Community Radio e Bugirimaani.
Wano baabadde mu situdiyo za Uganda Community Radio
mu kibuga Munich ekya Bugirimaani ku nkomerero ya wiiki ewedde.
BANNAYUGANDA ababeera e Girimaani beegasse ku bannaabwe abalala okusemba Pulezienti Yoweri Museveni asimbwewo NRM nga tavuganyiziddwa mu kulonda kwa bonna okwa 2016.
Bino bye bibala ebivudde mu lukiiko olumaze ennaku ssatu mu kibuga Munich ekya Bugirimaani olwategekeddwa Mw. Alosyius Bbaale, omu ku Bannayuganda abagundiivu ababeera mu ggwanga lino era nga ye nnannyini leediyo ya Uganda Community Radio In Germany, emalako Bannayuganda e Bugirimaani ne Bulaaya ekiwuubaalo.
Olukung'aana luno lwetabiddwaamu n’omwogezi w’amatabi ga NRM mu Bungereza ne Ireland era nga y’akulira leediyo ya NRM, Moses Kimuli.
Kimuli yayitiddeyitidde mu Bannayuganda ebituukiddwaako naddala mu byenjigiriza omuli; bonna basome okuva ku pulayimale okutuuka ku ssiniya ne yunivasite, ebyobulamu omuli bonna bagemwe, ate nga kati mu byenfuna mulimu bonna bagaggawale nabo kwekusemba nti okusinziira ku mirembe n’obutebenkevu ebiri mu ggwanga, ebyongedde obusuubuzi n’enkulakulana, ddala Museveni asaanidde okwongerwa ekisanja mu NRM n’oluvannyuma Uganda yonna.
Bannayuganda bangi baalaze obwennyamivu nti tebamanyisibwa bifa waka olumu ne bamala gagenda na mawulire agawawaaza kyokka ne basiima nti ekyo leediyo ya NRM eri ku mutimbagano gw'ensi yonna egenze ekimalawo.
Bbaale yasuubizza nti enkiiko ez’engeri eno eza NRM n’eza Bannayuganda bonna zijja kwongera okukubwa mu Bugirimaani n’olukalu lwa Bulaaya lwonna, ekibiina kyongere okukwata abantu omubabiro gwe yagambye nti gubadde ku bizinga bya Bungereza ne Ireland, awamu ne mu Bwakabaka bw’e Sweden, Denmark ne Norway.
Ministers and Members of the UGANDA PARLIAMENT are constantly being cautioned against absenteeism in this British colonial made Legislature
An aerial view of the parliamentary Chambers yesterday showing an
empty front bench.
Photo by Geoffrey Sseruyange
Posted Friday, March 13 2015
Parliament. The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, on Thursday cautioned ministers against consistently abandoning their duties of representing government in Parliament.
The absence of ministers continues to hurt critical House business. In the absence of ministers, Parliament cannot conduct business effectively as most Bills are moved by the government.
Mr Oulanyah, known for his strict time-keeping, echoed concerns about the recurring malaise of poor time-keeping and absenteeism of ministers following a warning by the Opposition Chief Whip, Ms Cecilia Ogwal, that the absence of ministers contravenes House rules.
For instance, the Indigenous and Complementary Medicines Bill (2015) that had been scheduled for First Reading weeks ago was deferred as the sector minister was not available to present it.
“It is becoming a problem that this House starts at 2pm and the front bench is empty. We begin handling business and there is nobody on the front bench. It is a matter of great concern and I was preparing to make a proper complaint when the Prime Minister is sitting at Prime Minister’s Question time,” Mr Oulanyah said.
Since the House resumed last month, business has been crippled by poor attendance by both MPs and ministers as they seem to be engrossed in electioneering ahead of next year’s general election.
To stem the growing trend of absenteeism, Speaker Rebecca Kadaga about two weeks ago announced the introduction of electronic voting and electronic attendance registration to curb absenteeism but that is yet to register any success. Incoming government Chief Whip Ruth Nankabirwa said she would take the initiative of whipping MPs with particular priority being placed on Cabinet.
The 9th Parliament has already expelled two MPs for missing 15 plenary sittings without the Speaker’s permission while two others are being investigated by the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline.
Ababaka ba Buganda bakwasizza Katikkiro ensonga 6 ze basaba akoleko
Kampala | Oct 16, 2014
ABABAKA ba Palamenti abava mu Buganda baasisinkanye Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga ku Bulange e Mmengo eggulo ne bamwanjulira ensonga mukaaga ze baamusabye okubaanukula ku lw’obulungi n’enkulaakulana y’obwakabaka.
Genda ku bya Kattikiroagobwa link waggulu:
Kibi nyo ddala:
Bano no Ababaka ba Buganda bataamye! Baasi za Pioneer 100 ezaletebwa okutambuza abanaku ba Buganda zivunda mu Go Down. Omusolo gwa buwumbi nga 2 Buganda esobola okusasula nejjayo bbaasi ezo abanaku ba Buganda nebatambula.
Bo ekibata kusonda sente kugula bbaasi kapyaata eya Ssabasajja mbu talina kimutambuza! Bagambeye nti akawumbi akamu kajja kusondebwa abasajja nabakazi bano. Era bbaasi bagigule. Emabega twawulira nti amabanja gababadde bubi nyo President wa Uganda na ba China nebabaddukirira.
Bagala kulaba ku Ssabasajja Kabaka abawandeko eddusu era abawe omukisa batweyongere okutufuga come 2016. Naye wabula campaign yabwe bo bagala kugikola Nga tebakozesa linya lya Kabaka wabula erya Movement, FDC,DP, nebilala bingi ddala.
Banno ensonyi zabaggwa dda kumaso eri Obuganda.
Aba NRM mu Buganda babuulidde Museveni ebinaamulemya akalulu keyesunga mu 2016.
Governor wa Uganda, Museveni ng’ayogera eri abekibiina kyobufuzi
ekikye ekya National Resistance Movement ku Lwokusatu nga 26/11/2014
mu nyumba eyali eya Governor wa Bungereza mu nsi ya Buganda.
Pulezidenti Museveni bwe yasisinkanye Bassentebe ba NRM ne Bakansalamu Buganda ku Lwokusatu, baamubuulidde ebiruma abantu ebigenda okukaluubiriza NRM akalulu ka 2016.
Baamulaze n’okutya kwe balimu okusasuzibwa ssente n’okusindiikirizibwa okuva mu bizimbe gavumenti bye yaddizza Mengo mu ndagaano gye yakola n’Obwakabaka omwaka oguwedde; era n’alabula ku bigenze bimenyebwa mu ndagaano eno gye yakwasa Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga mu August 2013.
Olukiiko luno olwetabyemu bakansala ba disitulikiti za Buganda nga bali wamu ne ba ssentebe ba NRM ku magombolola ne ku distulikiti, lwatandise ku ssaawa 8:00 ne luggwa ku ssaawa 2:00 ez’ekiro, mu maka g’Obwapulezidenti Entebbe.
Awatali kwesalamu basembye ekiteeso ekya ssentebe w’ekibiina okwerondera omuwandiisi w’ekibiina, ekisuubirwa okukubaganyizibwako ebirowoozo mu ttabamiruka w’ekibiina agenda okutuula nga December 15, omwaka guno e Namboole.
Baagambye nti baagala omuntu nga ssentebe amugoba, era ng’akola emirimu gy’ekibiina egya buli lunaku awatali kugigattikako buvunaanyizibwa bulala.
Ab’e Mukono: Ewaffe Betty Nambooze alabika nga y’asinga Gavumenti amaanyi. Omuntu omu yagula ambyulensi ya Mukono Health Centre eyamba abantu, kyokka Gavumenti tegulangayo wadde pikipiki.
Ekirala, tukooye okutusindikira abantu abava e Kampala n’ebisawo bya ssente mu biseera by’okulonda kyokka nga tebamanyi mbeera eri wansi mu bantu. Okuyiwa ssente nga n’ezisinga abazireeta be bazirya.
Kino kitulabisa bubi kubanga abantu balowooza ffe bakakuyege ffe tulidde ssente, kyokka nga naffe abakulembeze tetulina kye tumanyi tulaba bulabi bisawo bya ssente awo we tukoma.
Ne bagattako nti: Ssebo Pulezidenti affe tetukkiriziganya na kya kuggyawo ssente Gavumenti z’ewa amasomero ga siniya ag’obwannannyini mu nkola ya Bonnabasome(USE), kuba kigenda kutukosa nnyo” ab’e Mukono bwe baabuuzizza.
Ekisembayo, oluguudo lwa Kyetume-Katosi lutudaazizza okuva mu 1996. Oba ssente baazirya, tuyambe ofune endala olukole.
Ab’e Luweero: Ffe ekizibu kye tuzudde ekirina okukolwako okutereeza ekibiina, olina kusookera ku nnyumba yo yennyini kuba mulimu obuzibu.
Ekisooka tokyakozesa bakulembeze ba kibiina, nga mu kiseera kino okozesa ba RDC ne ba GISO abatali mu ssemateeka wa kibiina.
Masaka: Ekizibu kye tuludde nakyo kibadde ku kitebe, kuba tubadde n’omuwandiisi, kyokka emyaka gyonna takubangako lukiiko mu kitundu kyaffe.
Ekirala era tetukkiriziganya na kya mubaka wa palamenti kubeera ssentebe wa NRM mu ssaza ly’aba akiikirira mu Palamenti kubanga enkiiko z’essaza tezikyaliwo era abeerawo yekka nga talina lukiiko lw’akola nalwo.
Abakulembeze mu disitulikiti eziwerako baalaze obweraliikirivu n’okutya olwa Mengo okubawandiikira amabaluwa nga baagala ssente za Busuulu, mu bintu gavumenti bye yagiddiza, era nga mu bitundu ebimu batandise n’okulaalika okubibagobamu, eby’ensasula bwe baba tebabikozeeko mangu.
Mu kubaanukula, Pulezidenti yategeezezza ng’embeera za Bakansala badisitulikiti ne ku magombolola bw’agenda okugikolamu mu mwaka gw’ebyensimbi ogujja. Kuno era agenda kugattako okulinnyisa ssente eri abasomesa mu yunivaasite za gavumenti, kuba akizudde nga kibadde kifiiriza eggwanga, abasomesa nga baddukira mu mawanga amalala.
Kuno era agenda kugattako okwongera ku nsimbi ze bawa abakulembeze b’ennono.
Ku kya Mengo okusaba ssente z’Obusuulu okuva mu bintu gavumenti bye yagiddiza mu kiseera kino ebyeyambisibwa gavumenti ez’ebitundu, Museveni yasuubizza nga bw’agenda okuyita Bassentebe ba disitulikiti za Buganda abasomere ekiwandiiko kye bakkaanyaako ne Mengo.
Yagambye nti eby’okusengula abantu ku ttaka tebyalimu n’alabula nti biyinza okuvaamu obuzibu. Yasuubizza nti agenda kwogera n’ab’e Mengo ku nsonga eno okwewala okusika omuguwa.
Museveni yalaze nga bwagenda okuyingira mu nsonga za bantu abava e Kampala ne ssente mu kiseera ky’okunoonya akalulu.
Ku ky’okujjawo enkola ya Bonnabasome mu masomero g’obwanannyini aga siniya, yagambye
nti kino tagenda kukikyusaamu, kuba akizudde nga kitwala ssente nnyingi, era kati gavumenti egenda kwezimbira amaaso gaayo.
Museveni yagambye nti: Ekizibu kye tubadde nakyo kwe kubeera nga tubadde n’ennimiro, kyokka nga tewali agikoola.
Eyo y‘ensonga lwaki tubadde tufiirwa obululu mu bitundu nga Lwengo, Luweero, Amuru,
Mu kiseera kino twagala ennimiro yaffe ebeereko omuntu agikoola buli lunaku, kuba ffe ab’obululu tubadde tujjayo mu kiseera ekisembayo.
Ennimiro ennene teyinza kubeera bwetyo, era bubadde bunafu. Mu bibiina ebirala ng,e Tanzania, omuwandiisi w’ekibiina abeera akola emirimu gya buli lunaku era ng’awa alipoota, kyokka ffe buno bubadde bunafu, era tulina okukitereeza”.
Museveni yalabudde abali mu byobufuzi okwewala okuteeka ssente mu kunoonya obululu kuba kigenda kubateeka mu buzibu. Yeewuunyizza engeri omuntu gy’otunda obugagga bw’obusika nti oyingire ebyobufuzi kye yayogeddeko nga ekitali kya magezi era ekiteetaagisa.
Era omwaka ogwaddako nali ntabuse era mwali mugenda kulaba omuyeekera bw’afaanana. Bwe mundaba nga nnyambadde ettaayi mulowooza siri muyeekera!
Yategeezezza nga bw’agenda okwongera ebyuma ebikola enguudo ku disitulikiti, kibasobozesa okwekolera enguudo nga tebalina kye beekwasa. Yagambye nti buli disitulikiti egenda kufuna tulakita ya
weetiiye, ‘roller’ ne ‘browser’. Ebyuma bino bijja kweyambisibwa mu byobulimi, ebyenguudo awamu n’okusima amazzi.
Museveni era yagambye nti akizudde ng’ekitongole Ky’ byenguudo ekya UNRA kibadde kitwala ssente nnyingi nnyo, nga disitulikiti zifuna kitono ate ng’amakubo gaazo gali yaddeko.
Yagambye nti ssente ezimu gavumenti egenda kuzongera gavumenti ez’ebitundu.
Pulezidenti era yasabye abantu okumuwa bye baagala okukyusa mu nkola ya Bonnabasome wa pulayimale, kuba mu kiseera kino alabika atabuddwa, ng’abamu bamugamba agiggyewo ate abalala, nga bamugamba ebeewo.
Yagambye nga bwe balindirira Pulezidenti ne gavumenti okukola enguudo, balina okuwaliriza abatuuze okukola bulungibwansi mu bulungi ne mu bubi nga tebafuddeeyo ku kya kufiirwa bululu.
Abakulembeze ba disitulikiti y’e Buvuma, kata bibabugume nga beerumiriza okulemesa enkola y’okulima ebinazi ku kizinga. Omubaka wa Pulezidenti ye yasoose okulumiriza omubaka omukyala owa
disitulikiti, Nantume Ebunyu, okwediimisa abantu okuwaayo ettaka, kyokka omubaka naye n’azza omuliro ng’agamba nti tayinza kukkiriza kusengula bantu nga tebaliyiriddwa; era ekyaddiridde luyombo. Wabula Pulezidenti yasuubizza okuyingira mu nsonga eno.
MP Kyambadde prepares for crowded showdown in Mawokota North in 2016 election:
Mawokota North MP Amelia Kyambadde
By Henry Lubulwa
Posted Saturday, March 14 2015
Mpigi, Buganda State, Uganda.
In June 2000, former Member of Parliament for Mawokota North, the late Zimula Mugwanya, told an audience in Mpigi Agali awamu Hall (formerly Mpigi Junior School) that he would introduce his daughter, Susan Mugwanya, as a candidate to replace him as MP.
Zimula Mugwanya had already constructed his grave on grounds that he was aging. And also, did not want any person to struggle looking for materials to construct his grave after he has passed on.
During the meeting, many people, including the former head teacher of Lujumba Preparatory School, Charles Kiryowa Mayanja, immediately disagreed and promised not to vote Mugwanya even though he was her teacher in primary school.
A few months later, a former bursar general at the Catholic Brothers in Kampala Archdiocese, Peter Claver Mutuluza, resigned his job and announced he was vying for the Mawokota North seat. Kiryowa immediately joined Mutuluza. His campaign support helped Mutuluza win his way to Parliament to succeed Zimula Mugwanya.
Mugwanya was extremely disappointed at the way events turned out and retired from active politics after 2001.
Where is Mawokota?
Mawokota North is a constituency rich in culture and many members of the Islamic faith. Located 18 kilometres away from Kampala, the constituency lies in the northern part of Mpigi District.
Its boundaries are from Maya, bordering Busiro North on Kampala-Masaka road to Kamengo, touching Mawokota South on the southern end.
It meets Busiro South in the east, borders Gomba in the west and runs through Mityana District, making it one of the few constituencies which lies across more than one district.
It is a place where people have consistently returned candidates running on the NRM ticket, right from the local councils through to MP regardless of the criticism that their support has not translated into growth. Mpigi town council remains one of the poorest urban centres.
Former Mayor Lumu Mazuuku, a member of the Democratic Party, who died before completing his tenure, was the only opposition member to hold office in Mawokota North in recent times.
The constituency has only been represented by three MPs since the 1995 Constitution came into play. Mugwanya led the constituency between 1996 and 2001. Mutuluza went on to occupy the seat for two terms until 2011 when he was ousted by Amelia Kyambadde, the Trade and Industry minister, in a hotly contested election.
About four contestants are so far expected to line up against Kyambadde in the next election. Among them is Mutuluza who has been preparing for another bruising fight with Kyambadde.
Also in the probable mix is former FUFA president Lawrence Mulindwa; Democratic Party’s, Mayinja Tebuseeke; Grace Kansiime and Stella Nadunga, a youth organiser.
Tebuseeke, who has contested before in the previous elections, feels Mawokota North needs a better member of parliament; someone who can debate better than Kyambadde, who he says has paid more attention to her government work rather than the constituency.
“Mawokota needs another brand of vocal Member of Parliament. Just like Mutuluza who was seen as a good debater in the house before Kyambadde was sent in. We were highly uplifted by the good skills in independent debating that Mutuluza showed while in Parliament. So, we need a new Mutuluza rather than an NRM employee,” he said.
Mayinja is a fixture in the local politics here, having run in all parliamentary races right from 2001, 2006 to 2011, contests he consecutively lost first to Mutuluza and later to Kyambadde in 2011.
He harbours no hard feelings for his old nemesis, noting that although he lost to Mutuluza, he thinks the man did a good job, especially on the land law amendments which are said to have brought him into conflict with the President.
Kansiime, the selfless leader
Kansiime, a land consultant for the Church of Uganda, is a probable new entrant but one who already enjoys substantially name recognition.
As a specialist in conflict resolution, she is said to have settled land wrangles that had taken more than 10 years between residents in Galatia, Kamengo Sub-County and the church.
Enoch Damba, a resident of Galatia village, speaks highly of Kansiime.
“People started asking opinion leaders, including former Member of Parliament Peter Peter Mutuluza to endorse Kansiime for the MP slot. What still waits is whether she will accept the will of the people and stand,” he said
Kansiime’s development programmes within the district upset certain leaders who are said to have sought the cooperation of police to stop her from visiting the area.
Musisi Bbosa, a political mobiliser in the ruling party, agrees that in spite of these machinations, Kansiime is seen as the new force for development.
“In my view, if any person who isn’t an elected leader manages to engage society in development initiatives more than the political leaders, he or she deserves to enter elective politics to manage society with constructive development ideas,” said Bbosa.
But Kansiime is holding out for now. “Many people feel politics is the better way to govern society,” she told Saturday Monitor, “but when you act in the interest of the people, some leaders will want to use force against you thinking that you might take away their positions.
“This is a poor man’s mindset so I will stick with development and call upon all leaders to join me in this effort.”
Despite facing numerous arrests and distractions at the hands of Mpigi police boss Julius Ahimbisibwe and District Internal Security Officer Geoffrey Ssentongo, Kansiime continues to do community work, helping with the construction of churches and water stations for people in Buiga, Kamengo and Muduuma.
Kyambadde’s contribution
The incumbent MP, however, also enjoys endorsements. Simon Seruyaga, a youthful businessman in Mpigi town, one of the areas with the largest population in Mawokota North, says Kyambadde will leave the Mawokota North seat only when she wants since many people admire her style of work.
Seruyaga talks about Kyambadde’s work with the youth wealth creation projects with some pride.
“You never find a group without her support which marks a difference between her and other district leaders,” he says.
Residents say for now, the biggest threat to her hold onto the seat lies in the person of Mulindwa. Although he has not confirmed whether he will contest, Mulindwa has on many occasions been seen giving gifts and helping communities in Mawokota North.
“That is my home area and I am supposed to help all my people since it is my duty to develop where I come from,” he said when approached for comment. “If we forget where we come from, then we are not supposed to go back to our roots as descendants”
Mulindwa says he is a busy man but will make his decision on whether he is running public in due course.
If he decides to wade into the murky waters of elective politics, he will find that Kyambadde is a force to reckon with. In 2015, for instance, she mobilised a bevy of wealthy friends from Kampala’s business elite to join her on the campaign trail in a show of support and financial muscle.
People like Louis Kimera, a vendor in Bujuuko town must have been impressed. Kimera tells Saturday Monitor that as far as he is concerned, Kyambadde is a good bet for mobilising funding.
Her closeness to the President, who she worked for as principal private secretary, is considered to be an asset. Kyambadde’s long service in State House helped her build a network of connections that helped her win in 2011.
Today, she runs Twezimbe Development Foundation, an NGO which supports income generating activities in the areas of Kalangala-Mpigi, Butooro, Bukabi and Bujuuko.
“My input is visibly known to all members of the constituency. It is better to ask people living in the area to inform you about what I have done,” the 60-year-old said, adding: “I have played my role as member of Parliament and the member of the Buganda Caucus.
It would be unfair for people to come from nowhere and decide to stand as a Member of Parliament yet they haven’t done anything. I have done it all.”
Kyambadde says there is more work to be done for the development of her home area and this is partly why she is running for re-election.
Given the likely characters on this stage, her bid will not be without incident.
BAANA BATTU, mulekere awo okukuba jjejjerebu ku bintu bye mutannafuna kubanga muyinza okwesera obwesezi ate ne mutabifunira ddala.
Kati emyaka gyekulungudde mingi ng’abantu b’e Masajja n’e Gangu bakuba jjejjerebu, nga basuubira nti oluguudo lwabwe olulaga ku mwalo gw’e Busaabala lugenda kukolebwa luyiibwemu koolaasi, bawone okulya enfuufu.
Buli kulonda kwonna okubaddewo ku mulembe guno ogw’obufuzi bwa Muvumenti ya Museveni, ababadde banoonya obululu okulondebwa okugenda okukiika mu nkiiko ezitali zimu, obululu babadde babusabira ku kukola luguudo lw’e Busaabala, kyokka tewali kikoleddwa ab’e Masajja ne Gangu basigadde balya nfuufu ng’obwedda.
Abantu bano baakambuwalako nga basuubira nti bwe banaawalampa abafuzi ne babatulugunya ky’ekinaayamba kyokka nakyo tekyayamba. Baatulugunya Ying. Ian Kyeyune eyali Ssentebe w’e Wakiso ne bamuyiira ettaka ne bamuliisa enfuufu, kyokka nakyo tekyayamba.
Ying. Kyeyune eyali Ssentebe w’e Wakiso kati ye RDC w’e Wakiso, kyokka bo ab’e Masajja n’e Gangu bakyalya nfuufu. Abanoonya obululu bwe bajja ne babasuubiza empewo ne bakuba jjejjerebu kyokka oluguudo lw’e Busaabala ne lusigala nga lulemaganye.
Sso nno ye Kabaka Mwanga bino byonna yali abirengedde nga yasalawo oluguudo luno alufuule lwa mwalo gwa nnyanja oguva e Busaabala ne gutuuka ku Lubiri lw’e Mengo, abantu basaabalirenga mu maato bawone okulya
Abantu kye babeeredde, Kabaka eyali alengerera ewala nga Mwanga, baamulyamu olukwe Abazungu abafuzi b’amatwale ne bamugoba ku Bwakabaka, n’ebirooto bye ne babikotoggera, ogwalibadde omwalo gw’e Busaabala ogutambuza abantu okujja mu Kampala ne gulemera mu Ndeeba, olwo ab’e Masajja n’e Gangu ne basigala nga balya nfuufu, bwe babasuubiriza empewo bambi ne bakuba jjejjerebu!
Naye nga Mzee Zedde alabye ennaku! Mpozzi era okulonda kutuuse era ab’e Masajja babakubise jjejjerebu nga babasuubiza empewo babaggyemu obululu?
Bagundi ne ku luno bwe munaasuubiza empewo ne mwefunira obululu kyokka bo abantu ne basigala nga balya nfuufu ebibaluma tebikoleddwaako, mbalagudde temugenda kuzuukira.
Ssaabawolereza wa Gavuumenti Peter Nnyombi yategeezezza nti Mmengo ebakaluubirizzaamu mu nteseganya ze baliko okuzza ebintu bya Buganda byonna kubanga ebbaluwa ze bagiwandikira teziddibwamu ne mu nteseganya mwe bayitibwa tebalinnyayo.
Ng’oggyeeko okwesamba enteseganya, Ssaabawolereza Nnyombi yagasseeko nti Mmengo yava ne ku bimu ku byakkaanyizibwako mu ndagaano ya Kabaka Mutebi ne Pulezidenti Museveni, n’awa ekyokulabilako nti baali bakkaanya (gavumenti ne Mmengo) obutasengula abantu ku ttaka eryabaddizibwa kyokka ab’e Mmengo kino baakiziimuula.
Tufunye okwemulugunya okuva mu disitulikiti nga Mubende, Mukono ne Mityana ng’abantu beemulugunya nti Mmengo etandise okubasengula n’abamu babinikibwa obusuulu bwe batasobola kusasula”, Nnyombi bwe yategeezezza.
Yagasseeko nti waakyaliwo n’enkalu ku nsonga ez’obukulembeze obw’ennono e Kayunga, Buruuli ne Kooki ze yagambye nti nazo tezinnagonjoolwa wakati waabwe ne Mmengo.
Tewali agobwa ku ttaka
Omwogezi w’Obwakabaka bwa Buganda, Dennis Walusimbi Ssengendo bwe yatuukiriddwa yawakanyizza ekya Mmengo okugobaganya abantu ku ttaka.
Okuggyako nga bannaffe ebyafaayo bya Buganda babyerabidde naye kuva dda nga mu Buganda musengwamu abantu era tewali mu kiseera agobebwa ku ttaka bonna bakolagana bulungi n’ekitongole ky’ettaka mu Bwakabaka,” bwatyo bweyagambye.
Walusimbi yategeezezza Mmengo teyinza kuva ku ndagaano nga bwe yakkaanyizibwako n’annyonnyola nti n’ettaka erisinga Gavumenti tennalizza Buganda n’olwekyo si kituufu nti okugobaganya abantu ku ttaka eryo kugenda mu maaso.
Yagambye nti Gavumenti erina byekwaso birala era nti kubanga waliwo ebintu bya Buganda gavumenti byekyagaanyi okuzza so nga tebiriko nkaayana yonna n’awa ekyokulabirako eky’e nnyumba ya Muteesa House esangibwa mu kibuga London- Bungereza, Poloti 52 awali ekizimbe King Fahd mu Kampala, emmotoka ekika kya Rolls Royce ezaali eza Ssekabaka Muteesa II nga zino zibalirirwamu obuwumbi mwenda n’ebirala.
Gavumenti yeeyama okusasula Obwakabaka ensimbi obuwumbi 20 era amangu ddala nga yakakolebwa, Museveni yakwasa Mmengo obuwumbi bubbiri kyokka ezisigaddeyo Nyombi agamba gavumenti tesobola kuzisasula mulundi gumu era ayagala ye n’akakiiko ka Mmengo bafune entegeeragana ku kino.
Walusimbi yagambye nti ‘Ekirungi ekiriwo, ebintu byonna ebyakanyizibwako mu ndagaano bimanyiddwa bya Bwakabaka bwa Buganda era tusaba babiteeke mu nkola awatali bukwakkulizo bwonna era ffe tulinze ebbanga lyonna ebintu bino we binaddizibwa Obwakabaka.”
Embeera eno erowoozebwa nti ye yavuddeko Mmengo obutakwasibwa byapa 82, akakiiko ka gavumenti bye kamala edda okwekkeneenya, kuba gavumenti yali etegese September 2, 2014 okubiwaayo kyokka omukolo ne gwongezebwayo olwa Pulezidenti okubeera nga yali afunye olugendo olwamangu e Kenya era Nyombi agamba nti okukola kino, ensonga ezo waggulu zirina okusooka okuteesebwako.
Bino biddiridde endagaano ya Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II ne Museveni gye bassaako omukono a August 1, 2013, Gavumenti eyawakati mweyakkiririza okuzza ebintu by’Obwakabaka ebyawambibwa eyaliko Pulezidenti wa Uganda, Milton Obote mu 1966 oluvannyuma lw’okuwangangusa Ssekabaka Muteesa II.
Mu June 2014, Nyombi yawandikira Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga ebbaluwa ku nsonga y’ebyapa 13 ebyakwasibwa Mmengo oluvannyuma lw’essaza ly’e Kooki okuyita mu Kamuswaaga Sansa Kabumbuli II ne babikaayanira nti byalina kukwasibwa bo.
Endagano eno erimu akatundu akagamba nti Kabaka akkiriza okuleekera obufuzi bw’ennono mu masaza; Bugerere ne Buluuli ebifo by’obukulembeze mu bitundu bino we bisangibwa, Nyombi kyagamba nti akakiiko ke kalina okwongera okukinoganya. “ Endagano bw’egamba okulekera kitegeeza ki kubanga buli luuyi lulina entaputa yaalwo.”
Bwe yali asisinkanye ababaka ba Palamenti abava mu Buganda nga October 15,2014, Mayiga yabasaba okugenda mu maaso n’okubanja gavumenti eyongere okuteeka mu nkola endagano eno ng’ezza ebintu by’Obwakabaka.
Mayor Munyagwa absconds from council meetings
for three years
Kampala mayor, Mr Erias Lukwago (L) and Kawempe division mayor,
Mr Mubarak Munyagwa (R) at a press conference recently.
File photo
Posted Wednesday, January 7 2015
According to KCCA political salary structure, a division mayor earns about Shs11million, with everything consolidated in that salary, except fuel for the official vehicles allotted by KCCA for official duties
KAMPALA. Kawempe mayor, Mr Mubarak Munyagwa has reportedly abandoned his mandatory duties of presiding over division council meetings for three consecutive years causing outburst among a section of the division councillors.
Recorded minutes from the division, copies of which Daily Monitor has seen, show that Mr Munyagwa last chaired a division council meeting in July 2011, where he endorsed and gave instruments of power to his deputy Mr Ibrahim Kamihanda.
He has since, according to councillors relegated his mandatory duties to Mr Kamihanda as his deputy and since then, he has never chaired any other council meeting.
Mr Kamihanda on Tuesday said he has been chairing the division council meetings because they could not postpone them due to the absence of one person.
“Division council rules of procedures provide that the urban council meetings shall be chaired by the speaker to the council, who in this case is the mayor assisted by his deputy. So, I have been playing my part as the mayor’s deputy,” he said.
He added that, although Mr Munyagwa has not been attending council meetings, he has “at least been signing invitation letters to councillors to come for the council meetings.”
Mr Kezekia Ddamba, the councillor Kikaya parish, Kawempe division said it’s unfortunate that Mr Munyagwa continues to enjoy public privileges and resources without returns.
“He is actually abusing public resources, because every month he is given a salary for performing the duties of a mayor, a privilege he has continuously abused,” he said.
However, Mr Munyagwa said in an interview that the urban council meetings “lost substance” for him to attend.
“What can we debate in such council meetings when there is no budget coupled with the fact that we lost our oversight role as politicians? I have no time to waste in meetings that lost meaning,” he said.
“I want someone to tell me, which resolutions that have been passed by any urban council that KCCA ever implemented. Are we there to act like stools for top officials to eat big? I can’t be party to that syndicate,” he retorted.
The KCC Act 2010 stipulates that a division mayor shall, “preside over the meetings of a division urban council and head it in developing strategies and programmes for the development of the division urban council.”
And in November 2013, Kampala Capital City Authority councillors at City Hall impeached the Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago accusing him of abuse of office, incompetence, misconduct or misbehaviour and failure to convene meetings of the Authority without reasonable cause.
The report by an instituted KCCA Tribunal later showed that Mr Lukwago was guilty of all the charges.
According to KCCA political salary structure, a division mayor earns about Shs11million, with everything consolidated in that salary, except fuel for the official vehicles allotted by KCCA for official duties.
Mao ne 'DP Buganda' banaaziba enjatika mu kibiina kyabwe nga 2016 tannatuuka? Omuganda agamba...kyotanalya tokyesuunga.
kampala | Mar 23, 2015
Abakungu be kibiina kya Baganda aba Catholic Church ekya
Democraciya e Masaka wiiki ewedde. Asooka ku ddyo ye
Samuel Lubega Mukaaku
EKIBIINA kya DP kiwanzeemu ggiya ennene, abakulembeze baakyo gye bagamba nti egenda kubatuusa ku buwanguzi mu kalulu ka 2016.
Ggiya eno, aba DP baagiwangiddemu Masaka mu Buddu, abakulembeze ab'akakiiko akafuzi (NEC) gye baatudde mu lusirika olw'ennaku bbiri mu Garden Courts Hotel.
Olusirika luno olwasitudde ne Ssenkaggale wa DP, Nobert Mao okuva mu kuwummulako abasawo be kwe baamusindikamu, lwetabiddwaamu n'abatali bammemba ba NEC omuli n'ab'ebiwayi ebitakkaanya na bukulembeze bwa Mao gwe balumiriza 'okwebasa DP otulo!'
Wabula enjawukana ezifung'amye mu DP zeeyolekedde mu lusirika luno, abamu ku bakulembeze olusirika baaluzize.
Abaayitiddwa kyokka ne bazira mulimu Loodi Meeya Erias Lukwago, ababaka ba Palamenti, Betty Nambooze(Mukono Municipality) ne Dr. Lulume Bayiga (Buikwe South). Bonsatule bamanyiddwa nti balina entegeka z'okwesimbawo ku bwapulezidenti bwa DP mu ttabamiruka addako.
Kigambibwa nti Dr. Bayiga yaweerezza mu lusirika luno olukalala lw'ebintu ebirina okukolwako bw'anaaba waakutabagana n'obukulembeze bwa Mao
Omuntu yekka awakanya Mao eyeetabye mu lusirika luno, ye Samuel Lubega Mukaaku, mpozzi n'abamu ku bakulembeze ba 'DP Buganda' ekulirwa omubaka Sebuliba Mutumba (Kawempe South). Mao alumiriza DP Buganda okwagala okumuwamba olw'okuba si Muganda!
Ng'enjawukana ez'omunda zizze ku bbali, abeetabye mu lusirika bakkaanyizza ku pulogulaamu gye bagenda okugoberera okutuuka ku kulonda kwa 2016.
Pulogulaamu eno eraga nti mu mwezi ogujja (April), DP egenda kutegeka okulonda kw'oku byalo byonna mu Uganda, bammemba ba DP basalewo ku bakulembeze baabwe. Kuno bwe kuggwa, wajja kubaawo okw'oku miruka, amagombolola n'oluvannyuma abanaaba bayiseemu beetabe mu ttabamiruka ow'oku disitulikiti ez'omu bitundu byabwe.
Okulonda kw'oku disitulikiti kujja kubaawo mu May 2015, ku lunaku olujja okulangirirwa akakiiko ak'ebyokulonda akagenda okussibwawo okuteekateeka okulonda ku mitendera gyonna.
Kyakkaanyiziddwaako nti ttabamiruka wa DP ajja kubaawo wakati wa June 18 ne 21, abakiise balonde abakulembeze abapya omuli ne Ssenkaggale wa DP.
Ttabamiruka wa DP asuubirwa okubeera ow'ebbugumu olw'abantu abawerako abeesunga okusiguukulula Mao mu ntebe nga bagamba nti emyaka etaano gy'amaze mu bukulembeze bukya alondebwa mu February wa 2010 e Mbale talina ky'agasizza DP.
Abaagala entebe ya Mao kuliko Loodi Meeya Lukwago, Dr. Lulume, Mukasa Mbidde, Nambooze, Lubega Mukaaku n'abalala.
Mu lukung'aana lwa bannamawulire lwe yatuuzizza e Masaka ng'olusirika lugenda okutandika, Mao yagaanyi okukkiriza oba okugaana nti ajja kuddamu okwesimbawo ku bwapulezidenti bwa DP. "Nze nkyali Pulezidenti wa DP ate era konsitityusoni ekyanzikiriza okuddamu okuvuganya ku kifo kino", Mao bwe yagambye.
Mao agamba nti singa alangirira kati nti ajja kwesimbawo oba obuteesimbawo, kijja kutaataaganya enteekateeka z'okutabana ezigenda mu maaso Obukulembeze bwe, Mao yagambye nti DP erina w'etuuse era yeeyongeddeko kinene kubanga yasobodde okufunira DP bassentebe ba Disitulikiti basatu n'ababaka ba Palamenti abasukka mu 10 ekibadde tekinnabaawo
Waabaddewo okuteesa ku nkyukakyuka ezirina okukolebwa mu Konsitityusoni ya DP ng'olunaku lwa ttabamiruka terunnatuuka.
Waalondeddwaawo akakiiko ka bantu mwenda akagenda okutaganjula konsityusoni ya DP okugikolamu enkyukakyuka bazanjulire akakiiko akafuzi.
Akakiiko kano akakulirwa omuwabuzi omukulu mu byamateeka, Fred Mukasa Mbidde kaliko: Sulaiman Kidandala, Brenda Nabukenya, Jude Mbabali, Vincent Mayanja n'abalala.
Ebimu ku bigenda okutunuulirwa akakiiko kano, kuliko ani mu DP ateekeddwa okwesimbawo ku bwapulezidenti bwa Uganda.
Mu kiseera kino, konsitityusoni ya DP eragira nti Ssenkaggale yekka y'alina okwesimbawo, ekintu abamu ku bammemba kye baagala kikyusibwe wabeerengawo okuvuganya okuva mu bammemba abalina ebisaanyizo.
Ennongoosereza endala aba DP gye baagala okukola ekwata ku kisanja kya Ssenkaggale w'ekibiina.
Konsitityusoni nga bw'eyimiridde, obukulembeze bwa Mao tebuliiwo mu mateeka kubanga eragira nti buli mwaka
okubangawo ttabamiruka, abakiise balonde abakulembeze abapya wabula akawaayiro kano tekassibwamu kitiibwa okuviira ddala ku bukulembeze bwa Dr. Paul Kawanga Semogerere, John Sebaana Kizito ne Mao.
Bammemba ba DP abasinga balowooza nti akawaayiro kano kasaana okulongoosebwamu waakiri ttabamiruka abeerengawo buli luvannyuma lwa myaka etaano (5) oba emyaka esatu (3).
Ensonga endala esinze okuvaako entabukatabuka mu DP ya UYD ng'abavubuka abagirimu n'okutuuka kati bagamba nti ekibiina kya DP tekibalinaako buyinza kubanga ne mu konsitityusoni ya DP tebaliimu.
Ennongoosereza ab'akakiiko ka Mbidde gye baagala okukola mu Konsitityusoni ya DP, kwe kuyingiza UYD mu Ssemateeka, nti UYD ttabi ly'abavubuka aba DP era bajja kukwatibwangako amateeka gonna agafuga DP okwewala embeera eriwo kati aba UYD mwe baafukira ba mawale.
Okumanya ensonga za 'DP Buganda' zituuza Mao obufoofofo, olusirika olwagguddwaawo kwe yatandikidde n'alabula Ssebuliba Mutumba nti ky'akola okugenda ng'asonga mu bantu mu bifo eby'enjawulo kimenya mateeka ga DP! Guno mulundi gwakubiri nga Mao agugumbula Ssebuliba Mutumba gw'alumiriza okukolera ebweru w'amateeka ga DP.
Ssebuliba Mutumba nga ye mumyuka wa Pulezidenti wa DP, atwala Buganda, amaze omwaka mulamba ng'atalaaga ebitundu bya Buganda ng'akunga abawagizi ba DP okujjumbira emirimu gy'ekibiina era abadde agenda atabaganya ebiwayi ebiwalaggana.
Mu kukunga kuno, Mutumba n'abaakakiiko ke omuli ne Kato Lubwama babadde bagenda basonga mu bantu abagenda okwesimbawo ku bubaka bwa Palamenti, ba ssentebe ba Disitulikiti, ba ssentebe b'amagombolola ne bakansala mu kulonda olujja.
Kino Mao yagambye nti kikyamu, era yawagiddwa omubaka Brenda Nabukenya (mukazi- Luweero) n'ab'ekiwayi ekiyitibwa 'eky'oku Johnstone' abagambibwa nti Mutumba n'abaakakiiko ke babasosola.
Dr Besigye and M/s Alaso in the FDC political party in Uganda disagree over the coming 2011 National Election boycott: Date: Apr 27, 2015
Dr. Kizza Besigye talks to New Vision in an interview.
PHOTO/Wilfred Sanya
By Alfred Wandera
The opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) secretary general, Alice Alaso and former president Dr. Kizza Besigye have disagreed on the latter’s proposal to boycott next year's polls if government does not implement electoral and constitutional reforms in time.
Speaking with New Vision at his Kasangati home in Wakiso district, Besigye said he cannot participate in a sham election again, calling on Ugandans to demand for expeditious implementation of electoral reforms ahead of 2016 polls.
"We either have free and fair elections or no elections at all. My actions will be directed towards rallying support of citizens to take action to stop another sham election. We must take action to defy what the junta regime is trying to do," said Besigye.
However, Alaso, who is also Serere Woman MP, said Besigye's call for poll boycott does not represent FDC official position, adding that such a stand can only be reached by party's national delegates' conference.
"Boycotting the election makes the matters even worse. In Sudan, opposition boycotted elections but that did not stop President Omar Bashir from being the President. We are still operating young parties in Uganda and opposition does not have capacity to field candidates in all regions of the country, which is equivalent to boycott of polls in such areas, but that has not stopped those areas from having representatives. I don't buy Dr. Besigye's call for boycott of elections," said Alaso.
Indeed these differances are due to these dodgy Ugandan Political parties that have signed their political alliance with the NRM political system of governance in a self-styled Republic of Uganda. Some of these individuals seem to be regretting their actions.
Ani asinga okufunamu mu nkyukakyuka ezikoleddwa mu Ssemmateeka aliwo afuga Uganda ne Buganda? Anti nate okulonda kwa 2016 kumaze okusembera.
Kampala | May 11, 2015
ENKYUKAKYUKLA mu Konsitityusoni, Gavumenti ze yayanjudde mu Palamenti wiiki ewedde zisiikudde emmeeme ababaka ab'oludda oluvuganya Gavumenti abeerayiridde okuzisimbira ekkuuli kubanga Gavumenti yazireese mu mwoyo mubi.
Ababaka ba Palamenti bangi tebaasanyukidde nnongoosereza zino ezaakoleddwa mu Konsitityusoni ne mu mateeka g'eby'okulonda ezaayanjuddwa nga bagamba nti tezimala.
Ababaka omwabadde aba NRM n'ab'oludda oluvuganya, baategeezezza nti ennongoosereza abantu ze babadde beesunga nga zonna baaziwaayo mu kakiiko akalongoosa amateeka, mu Minisitule y'ebyamateeka n'ewa Sipiikla yennyini, tezaaleeteddwa.
Omukulembeze w'oludda oluvuganya, Wafula Oguttu yasabye omumyuka wa Sipiika amukkirize nabo banjule ezaabwe mu butongole ziteesebweko wamu.
Kino kyaddiridde Minisita w'ebyamateeka era avunaanyizibwa ku nsonga za Ssemateeka, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire okwanjula mu butongole ennongoosereza zino n'asembebwa Ssaabawabuzi wa Gavumenti mu byamateeka, Fred Ruhindi n'omumyuka we, Mwesigwa Rukutana.
Mu nnongoosereza zino mulimu, okukyusa erinnya ly'akakiiko k'ebyokulonda (Electoral Commission) lifuuke akakiiko k'ebyokulonda akeetengeredde (Independent Eelectoral Commission); okukkiriza ababaka abeesimbawo ku bwabwe okusala eddiiro okwesoggga ekibiina ky'ebyobufuzi kye beesiimidde mu mwaka ogwokutaano ogw'ekisanja, n'okutondawo akakiiko akanaagerekanga emisaala gy'abakungu n'abakozi ba Gavumenti.
Newankubadde ebbago liwa omukisa ababaka abeesimbawo ku bwabwe okusala eddiiiro ne beegatta ku bibiina ebirala nga tebafiiriddwa bifo byabwe nga bwe kibadde okuva mu Ssemateeka wa 1995, kyokka ate libassaako akakwakkulizo nti okwesimbawo ku bwabwe bajja kumalanga kufuna mikono egitakka wansi wa 1,000 egy'abalonzi mu ssaza mu kifo ky'emikono 10 nga bwe kiri ku babaka bonna.
Ababaka omwabadde Wafula Oguttu, Muhammad Nsereko (Kampala Central) ne Ibrahim Ssemujju Ng'anda (FDC/Kyaddondo East) baagambye nti okukyusa obukyusa erinnya ly'akakiiko k'ebyokulonda ne kwongerwako erinnya ery'akeetengeredde nga kasigadde kalondebwa Pulezidenti era nga kasigaddeko abakatuulako be bamu tekirina makulu.
Omumyuka wa Sipiika, Jacob Oulanyah yategeezezza nti ebintu ab'oludda oluvuganya bye baabadde basabye byabadde bimuyinze obuzito n'agamba nti okubakkiriza okuleeta mu butongole ebbago ery'ennongoosereza ezaabwe, ajja kumala kwebuuza ku mukama we, Sipiika Rebecca Kadaga.
Dr. Kizza Besigye ne Al Haji Ssaalongo Erias Lukwago, baabadde basinzidde ku Katonga Road, ne batiisa okuttukiza obwegugungo bwa 4GC okutuusa ng'ennoongereza eza nnamaddala zikoleddwa.
Mu zino mulimu okussaawo akakiiko k'ebyokulonda akeetengeredde nga tekalondebwa Pulezidenti nga bwe guli kati, wabula nga kalondebwa akakiiko ak'enjawulo akalonda abalamuzi, abaagala ebifo ne bassaayo okusaba kwabwe, era ne bavuganya mu lujjudde ng'okuvuganya okwo kulagibwa butereevu ku mikutu gy'amawulire nga bwe gwali ku muliraano e Kenya.
Ababaka era baanenyezza akakiiko k'ebyokulonda okudibya olukalala lw'abalonzi olukadde ne kagenda n'olupya olw'abeewandiisa okufuna endagamuntu, omubaka Ssemujju n'agamba nti mulimu n'abataweza myaka 18.
Kino ab'akakiiko k'ebyokulonda bakiwakanya, ate n'abaawandiikwa nga ba myaka 16 omwaka oguwedde, okulonda we kunaatuukira mu 2016, bajja kuba bawezezza emyaka 18 egikkirizibwa okulonderwako.
Mu kuzza obuggya enkalala z'abalonzi okugenda mu maaso, abaana abatannaweza myaka 18 tebawandiikibwa.
Oulanyah ennoogoosereza yazisindise mu kakiiko k'ebyamateeka akakubirizibwa Stephen Tashobya (NRM/Kajara) era n'asaba be kikwatako bagendeyo nga kabayise.
Gen. David Sejusa nga bali ne Al Haji Nasser Ntege Sebaggala nabo bali mu gwa kutawuka ku bitebe bya bibiina byabufuzi nga babikumamu omuliro bizire okulonda okuggyako ng'ennoongoosereza eza nnamaddala zikoleddwa.
Omumyuka wa Pulezidenti, Edward Ssekandi yabadde amaze okubagumya nti buli alina ennongoosereza agireete nga Palamenti eteesa ku zaayanjuddwa Gavumenti.
Palamenti ey'awamu yazzeemu okutuula ku Lwokuna oluvannyuma lw'okumala omwezi mulamba ng'eteeseza mu bukiiko obubadde bwetegereza bajeti z'ebitonglole ebitali bimu era wiiki eno lipoota zaabwo zisuubirwa okutandika okuteesebwako ziyisibwe ng'omwezi guno tegunnaggwaako.
Okukkiriza ababaka abalondebwa ku bwannamunigina okusala eddiiro okwegatta ku kibiina kye baagala mu mwaka ogwokusatu ogw'ekisanja, nga tebafiiriddwa bifo byabwe.
Okwongeza omuwendo gw'abalonzi abassa omukono ku mubaka eyeesimbyewo ku bwannamunigina okuva ku 10 okutuuka ku 1,000.
Okwongerayo emyaka abalamuzi kwe bawummulira; Aba kkooti ey'oku ntikko okuva ku 70 okudda ku 75 n'aba kkooti enkulu okuva ku 65 okudda ku 70.
Ensonga zobufuzi zino zongera okulaga Obusibe ensi Buganda mu Bwa Kabaka gyesibiddwamu baddugavu banaffe bo babeere nga bawangula akalulu kebyobufuzi buli lwekabeerawo. Olwo bamatize ensi zonna eza Democraciya nti NRM kye kibiina kyobufuzi abantu ba Uganda abasinga obungi kye bettanira okulonda okubafuga mu Republic. Ensi ya Republic okuva Aba France aba Katoliki lwe batemako Kabaka wabwe omutwe ekigambo kino kibunye amawanga mangi nga kikozesebwa okulamba nti Public so si Obusika bwakabaka bwe bufuga ensi ezeyita Republic. Uganda State and Kingdoms 1960, nayo Obote 1 yeyetoloza amagye Parliament ya Uganda, nagyawo obwakabaka nayuzayuza Ssemmateeka wa State of Uganda and Kingdoms, 1966/7 nateekawo omuze ogwokukola Semmateeka omupya eyesigamiziddwa ku nfuga ya Republic. Omuganda yenna atategeera nsonga eno tagenda kutegeera byabufuzi munsi ye. Alina kubilekera abantu abalala bo bebaba bamufugira ensi ye nga bweyekulisa ekitiibwa kye ekyokwagalibwa enyo ekuva edda nedda.
Buli Muganda alumirwa ensi ye kunsonga eno tasanye kwetaba mu kulonda okujja okwa 2016. Atuule eka, afumbe emmere ye, agirye yebake mirembe. Obudde bwebunaakya tuzuukuke fenna tutandike okwaniriza enfuga yaffe ba jjajja baffe ne bazadde baffe gyebatulekera munsi nyaffe eno nga bangi bano aba NRM tebanalowoozebwa nakuzaalibwa.
US criticises govt on rights abuses
An FDC supporter runs away from a police officer recently. The US accuses Uganda of committing human rights violations against its people.
Posted Monday, June 29 2015
Torture, violation of civil liberties and unlawful killings top the list of the gross human rights abuses the US accuses the Uganda government of having committed on its people, according to a new human rights report.
The 2014 Country Report on Human Rights Practices released on Friday by US Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington indicates that government agents committed arbitrary killings.
The abuses included firing of live ammunition during security operations to disperse demonstrators, and armed robbers in various districts, including Kampala, Wakiso, Jinja, Sembabule, Entebbe, Tororo, Gulu, Mbale, Arua, Lira, Luweero, and Jinja.
“Although government occasionally took steps to punish officials who committed abuses, whether in the security services or elsewhere, impunity was a problem,” the report reads in part.
Mr Kerry remarked that some governments with whom the US works closely may object to the report. “The discomfort that these reports sometimes cause does more to reinforce than to undermine the value and credibility of these reports. Truth cannot successfully be evaded or dented or defeated, not over time. It can be changed. The truth wins out,” he said.
The deputy head of the Uganda Media Centre, Col Shaban Bantariza, said government is pleased when ‘external eyes’ point out what is not being done right.
However, he said, the trouble with the US government’s reports is they are products of “hearsay and not necessarily investigations which renders them raw.”
“For us we think a report like that on human rights should not be done like an opinion poll. It needs to be factual enough and investigative to compel us to re-investigate further and take action,” Col Bantariza told Daily Monitor. “Other than that, it (the report) becomes basic,” he added.
The report also condemned government for the continued arbitrary arrests and limiting of freedoms of assembly of senior Opposition leaders such as Col Kizza Besigye, Maj Gen Mugisha Muntu, and the continued suppression of Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and locking him out of office despite several court rulings in his favour.
US Ambassador Scott DeLisi said: “Freedoms of speech and assembly, an active and vibrant press, a dynamic civil society, and a robust public discourse in which diverse voices are heard are all components of a democratic society and are all central to our discussion of human rights globally.”
More abuses cited
On the prisons conditions, the report observed that in a system with an approved capacity of 15,000, the Uganda Prisons Service has a population of 42,193 prisoners, including 1,907 women.
On the police, the report indicated the force is constrained by limited resources, including low pay and lack of vehicles, equipment, and training.
The report also cites politically motivated arrests or lengthy pretrial detention and restrictions on the right to a fair trial. Other abuses cited include official corruption, mob violence, trafficking in persons, child labour and harsh prison conditions.
The Democratic Party of Uganda is ripped by many crisis:
Written by Edris Kiggundu
Last Updated: 24 July 2015
Erias Lukwago vowed to fight Nobert Mao's leadership
For decades, the term “crisis” has become the default operating mode for the Democratic Party (DP), Uganda’s oldest political party.
As thousands of party delegates meet today at Katomi Kingdom Resort hotel, Entebbe, to renew the party leadership and amend the constitution, another group led by Kampala Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago, will hold a meeting in Luweero, ostensibly to expose the injustices in a party whose motto is: truth and justice.
Whatever the outcome of the two meetings, there is a strong likelihood that DP will emerge more fragmented and divided, unable to mount a credible political challenge to President Museveni in the 2016 general election.
Norbert Mao, the president general, swept into office in Mbale in 2010, told The Observer yesterday that the Luweero meeting was inconsequential.
“Their group is not an organ of the party, so, we cannot be bothered by what they do,” Mao said.
Lukwago told The Observer on Wednesday that discussing his disagreements with Mao in the media would inflame the situation further. But later that evening, he vowed to continue fighting to bring democracy to DP.
“Some people have said I have personal issues with Mao. That is not true. My grievances are about fairness and truth,” he said during the radio’s talk show, Kkiriza oba gaana (Take it or leave it).
At the heart of Lukwago’s disagreement with Mao is the manner in which grassroots elections to elect delegates to today’s conference were conducted. In parts of Buganda, for instance, they were marred by allegations of rigging, while in some areas, they did not take place at all, bringing into question the eligibility of some delegates.
Lukwago also wanted an independent committee to organise today’s delegates’ conference, not the Mao-led national executive committee, which he says is biased. Lukwago’s grievances are shared by some party legislators, who too have said they would boycott the Entebbe meeting.
These include Latif Ssebaggala (Kawempe North), Muwanga Kivumbi (Butambala), Sebuliba Mutumba (Kawempe South), Medard Sseggona (Busiro East), Betty Nambooze (Mukono municipality) and Brenda Nabukenya (Luweero woman). Mathias Mpuuga (Masaka municipality) and Moses Kasibante (Lubaga North). Two independent but DP-leaning MPs are also with Lukwago.
On the other hand, Mao has the support of MPs Joseph Ssewungu (Kalungu West), Susan Namaganda (Bukomansimbi Woman), Joseph Mutebi Balikuddembe (Busiro South), Mathias Nsubuga (Bukoto South) and Deogratius Kiyingi (Bukomansimbi). Mao also enjoys the support of senior party executive members such as chairman Mohammed Kezaala, legal advisor Fred Mukasa Mbidde, and spokesman Kenneth Paul Kakande.
In the middle is Michael Lulume Bayigga, the Buikwe South MP, who though critical of Mao’s leadership style, has said that he will participate in today’s conference and contest for the position of party president.
“DP members should know that Hon Lukwago’s struggle is not different from mine but we differ in tactics. You can fight a war in several ways,” Bayigga told us yesterday.
Bayigga said if elected, he wants to establish a leadership that listens to all sides, which can take the party forward and one which will foster reconciliation. Frantic efforts to reconcile the warring factions all failed.
From the days of Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere versus Francis Bwengye in the early 2000s, to the rift between John Ssebaana Kizito and Nasser Ntege Sebaggala in the mid-2000s, the party has navigated conflict after conflict, each leaving it more weakened.
Similarly, Mao’s five-year reign has been characterized by internal bickering, but the standoff with Lukwago arguably represents the biggest test of his leadership credentials.
Some within the party that argue that Mao has not delivered his promise of revitalizing DP. However, others say Mao inherited a slew of problems (such as internal bickering and weak grassroots structures) and, therefore, could not do much in the five years.
And with only six months left to the 2016 general election, there is a lot at stake for DP, such as its participation in The Democratic Alliance (TDA), a loose opposition coalition for the 2016 elections.
“If you cannot put your house in order, how can you be trusted with a much bigger community?” said Dr Sabiti Makara, a political science lecturer at Makerere University.
“They need to work on their internal organisation even before they join the bigger opposition alliance.”
Secondly, like it happened after the Mbale delegates’ conference in 2010, more splinter groups could emerge out of DP. After Mbale, some members like Nasser Sebaggala and Micheal Mabikke formed the Liberal Democratic Party (which later joined hands with NRM) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) respectively. Others like Lukwago and Mpuuga joined Ssuubi 2011, a pressure group which became an influential election platform in Buganda.
The current crisis in DP has already taken the focus away from the agenda of today’s delegates’ conference, where Mao faces Bayigga, for the party’s top position.
This duel, together with the contest for the position of secretary general (which pits the incumbent Mathias Nsubuga against his deputy, Vincent Mayanja), is likely to be the major highlight of the conference expected to be attended by 1,723 delegates.
Mukasa Mbidde, the legal advisor and a member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), looks set to become the party vice president while Mohammed Kezaala looks set to remain national chairman.
A senior party member from Buganda, who requested anonymity, told The Observer yesterday that it would be risky for a young aspiring politician in Uganda today to seek leadership on DP platform.
“What we have are leaders who are looking out for their own selfish interests. They are not interested in taking over power,” the member said, adding that he was not sure whether he would attend today’s conference.
But Mao said predictions of the party’s demise in the past have never come to pass, insisting that the party is still strong. “That is the same thing some people said after I was elected in Mbale,” Mao said. “But hasn’t the party held on and moved ahead?”
This is a political party that has so much influence from abroad. It does not seem to listen to its core electorate in the Country of Uganda.
Why U.S. Ambassador to Uganda M/s Malac is Wrong on Uganda Supreme Court decision:
2 April 2016
M/s Malac of the USA government
U.S. Abolished Slavery By Rejecting its Supreme Court; Uganda Must Do Same
After Uganda's Supreme Court whose judges are appointed by dictator Yoweri Museveni on March 31 threw out a petition calling for the sham February elections to be annulled the U.S. embassy in Kampala issued a statement that, while noting that it awaits the full ruling, in part read:
“We encourage all Ugandans to respect the court’s decision, and express their views in a peaceful manner...”
The statement also added:
“We hope the government will now address the grievances voiced by its own people in the wake of these elections and take the necessary steps to enact reforms that will guarantee political inclusivity, transparency, accountability and free and fair elections. Uganda’s future prosperity and democratic progress will depend on such actions.."
No, Uganda's present is at hand.
There is also contradiction and hypocrisy in the statement which, as of today, is not on the State Department's, or embassy's website but on its Facebook page for mostly Ugandan consumption. While acknowledging there was no "transparency, accountability and free and fair elections" the U.S. is saying the court's ruling be "respected"?
In the past the U.S. has not hesitated to take a strong position and action when Uganda’s institutions conducted themselves in a henious and egregious manner.
When Parliament passed the anti-LGBT bill calling for death by hanging President Obama denounced it as "odious" and when dictator Museveni called Gay people "disgusting" and signed the law in 2014 the U.S. imposed some sanctions.
So on this occasion, when Ugandans are engaged in an epic struggle against a brutal tyrant why would the U.S side with dictatorship or even imply tacit endorsement of the election theft and violent repression?
Unless the position represents only the views of ambassador Deborah Malac?
The U.S. embassy statement is flawed in many other respects.
The ruling of the court itself was effectively a nullity. The petitioner Amama Mbabazi was denied proper presentation and due process; the very evidence he was to present to prove his case was stolen by the state.
Beyond the farcical Supreme Court proceedings the statement by the U.S. embassy asks Ugandans to "respect" a decision by a court whose members are all appointed by an interested party, Gen. Museveni, to decide on whether he had stolen an election or not; an election "awarded" to the interested party by an Electoral Commission (EC) whose members and Chairman Badru Kiggundu were also all appointed by the interested party.
How does this make sense to any sane person?
In any event Dr. Kizza Besigye, who could be the actual president-elect, ironically because he was under house arrest, did not petition the court and is not bound by its pre-determined decision.
One could try to make the argument that even in the United States in 2000 Democratic candidate Al Gore had to accept the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court halting the Florida vote recount and awarding the election to George W. Bush.
The comparisons between the American and Ugandan cases are utterly false. To begin with, even though U.S. presidents also appoint judges to the Supreme Court, they are thoroughly veted and subjected to rigorous confirmation hearing by Congress -- not a Parliament loaded by legislators allied to the president.
Also importantly, the 2000 United States election did not involve an incumbent president who abused state resources to finance his candidacy as the Commonwealth and EU found that Museveni had done; moreover, neither George W. Bush nor Al Gore had appointed any of the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Additionally, Bush and Gore did not appoint a partisan "electoral commision" that stamped its approval on an election even after it was rejected by domestic and international observers as not free, fair or credible as was the case with Gen. Museveni.
What's more, neither Bush nor Gore deployed militias to harass, beat, kidnap and even kill the opponent's supporters; or have the opponent himself arrested before, during, and after the vote as Uganda's security forces did under the command of Kale Kayihura.
Even the U.S. State Department concluded the election was not free or fair.
There are additional even stronger considerations.
The U.S. Supreme Court throughout its history has made egregious rulings that Americans were not obliged to respect and which, thankfully, they did not. It was because Americans rejected odious Supreme Court decisions that the many of the laws that had legalized slavery, racism and segregation came tumbling down.
Let's examine one decision, deep from U.S. history that was rejected and a contemporary one Americans are working to undo.
In the infamous 1857 Dred Scott case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the petitioner, Scott, who had been an enslaved African but moved with his "master" who later died to states where there was no slavery was, nonetheless, not entitled to sue for his permanent freedom.
According to the Supreme Court, a Black man in the United States was not only private property but also an "alien" non-citizen with no rights.
Therefore, the court, in denying Scott, also observed, the Black man "had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit."
The shameful ruling was not respected by many Americans, including White abolitionists.
It inspired Abraham Lincoln's famous 1858 speech in which he said "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free..."
The ruling and its implications -- legalizing slavery in all states-- was a factor in the civil war between the pro-slavery South and the anti-slavery North.
After defeat of the South, later the 14th Amendment to the Constitution's Section 1 affirmed all "persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside..."
The Supreme Court ruling of March 31 is Uganda's version of Dred Scott; that Uganda's citizens --the majority of whom voted for Dr. Besigye -- "have no rights" which dictator Museveni is bound to respect.
(Gen. Museveni may in fact view Ugandan citizens as his slaves -- in an interview published in The Atlantic Monthly Magazine, September 1994, Vol. 274, Issue 3, page 22, he said: “I have never blamed the whites for colonizing Africa: I have never blamed these whites for taking slaves. If you are stupid, you should be taken a slave.”)
Surely an American ambassador or the U.S. cannot find this acceptable?
Another Supreme Court ruling which is not respected by most Americans, including President Obama is referred to as "Citizens United."
It's a 2010 decision that removed limits on financial contributions to political campaigns. Most Americans, including Obama condemned the ruling and are working to undo it because people don't want only the rich to determine who gets elected in U.S. political elections.
These are just two of the many instances throughout U.S. history when Americans did not respect or abide by the decision of its Supreme Court; and because of it the United States is a far better and greater country today.
Surely ambassador Malac does not suggest that Ugandans are less deserving and are therefore not entitled to reject an egregious decision; just as President Obama and millions of Americans reject Citizens United?
The U.S. can't be selective by supporting the struggle for LGBT rights in Uganda, while standing on the sidelines or even seeming to condone Museveni's tyranny.
Ugandans have the right to reject and undo egregious Supreme Court decisions.
They have the right to accomplish this goal by any and all legitimate means necessary -- just as the U.S. did.
Good and safe social media can only be one that sings songs of praise to their NRM idol. Good luck with
So saying it is a threat does not apply because already it is functional.
Wapi!!! Let's have a look at the some of the biggest clowns in Uganda: Kabobi Swine, Ssebinyonyi, Ssegirinya, Hilderman etc.
Now Let's have a look at the clowns' boot lickers here: kabinda, kalibala, juwa kali, zaitun, wooden k, Wadada Madada, madam small legs Lakwena, Tumbo Tumbo Odongkara. Hmmm!!!!!
We were bound to get to this stage. It was only a matter of time. Now, we are at the point where there will be increasing clampdowns on communication and movement, greater surveillance, arbitrary mass arrests, disappearances of people.
Basically we will begin experiencing the sort of things that normally occur in a failed state, where the Dictatorship is desperate to hold on to power at all costs.
How those years of the so-called Peaceful Slumber, enjoyed by many Ugandans now seem so very far away...
One remembers well when Obote I was so proud of his military during 1966 and he forgot about the common sense of the Uganda military in Idi Amin and his Kakwa African tribesmen!
These wars have damaged communities of African so much. One continues to watch young Africans dying in boats trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to go to Europe. So why do you come out and tell such people not to be informed by this modern every day communication?
And you switch off social media in a normal secure and democratic poor country like Uganda? The current government seems to fear that these civil servants if they have a smartphone to learn the truth, might try to topple a non mandated government of Uganda!